Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
EuRuKo 2005 announced. I’ll be there, what about you?
Lisp-On-Lines is a very useful module that works on top of the UnCommon Web framework to do rapid developing of complex data-driven web appilcations (on Common Lisp, of course). Incompatible with PHP mindshare, and therefore doomed to fail.
A Prerelease Tour of GNOME 2.12, looks very good, but I need no desktop.
I find the key but I return to find an open door
Some fucking freak who claims I fathered by rape, her own son
I find my wife. I call the cops. This day’s work’s never done.
The last I heard the freak was purchasing a fucking gun.
— Pearl Jam, Lukin’
Ice lake found on the Red Planet, space will be our future fridge: Cheese on the Moon, ice on the Mars, what next?
Is Mac OS X Becoming Crufty? Dunno, I didn’t update since about 95 days… :-) I can’t complain, really.
Data Security 101, “root” is the perfect root password and shred(1) doesn’t exist.
A Hacker Games the Hotel, I love stories like those.
I need someone to love me
the whole day through
Ah, one look in my eyes
and you can tell that’s true.
— Neil Young, Old Man
wiesu sagt: “es ändert sich doch ständig was.”, schon, aber immer das falsche.
T42 with Ubuntu, hey Joi, Linux runs on PowerBooks too!
The 6 Indie Mistakes by Chris Canfield. “I’ve got my design in my head, and now I just have to make it.” Truths not only about game development.
An Interview with Chris Date by Tony Williams. I seem to be the only one that thinks the relational model sucks?
Solaris+NFS can be “fun”, Charles Schluting says. Gotta love the triple-sync.
yetzt bloggt wieder (und ich merk es zuspät). Willkommen zurück. Wunderbares Design, wie immer.
Only ad-hoc, ill-specified and bug-ridden implementations of lisp are successful.
Look up, I look up at night,
Planets are moving at the speed of light.
Climb up, up in the trees,
every chance that you get,
is a chance you seize.
— Coldplay, Speed Of Sound
MonetDB: Query Processing at Light-Speed, sounds very interesting. Joel Reymont wants to make a Common Lisp interface to it. Avalilable under a MPLish license. Oh, and it can do XQuery too!
swanksigns is dedicated to the art of mocking public works. Very nice stuff there.
Switching from MS Windows to Linspire does not bring you to freedom, it just gets you a different master. — Richard M. Stallman
A Case for Formal Specification by Coryoth. IMO, Unit testing is enough for all but the most serious applications.
Bash in my brain,
And make me scream with pain,
Then kick me once again,
And say we’ll never part.
— Tom Lehrer, The Masochism Tango
fs_usage Intro at rentzsch.com. Damn useful tool.
Complete Tom Lehrer Lyrics, very nifty and funny songs.
Best Short Stories on Project Gutemberg. Very nice and very short.
crazycovers sind magnetische Motivplatten, die man an Haushaltsgeräte anbringen kann. Wer hätte nicht gerne eine Waschmaschine mit Sonnenblume drauf?
BETA of FreeBSD’s new installer by Dru Lavigne. Sounds good and simple, it uses ncurses, yay.
Crashes, Drops and OSCON by Roger Weeks. Roger, you’re a jinx.
Data retention petition in European Union, Andy Oram quotes: “These cameras might help investigate and prosecute terror after it happens, but they won’t be effective at preventing terror, except for the deterrent effect.” Have your anonymous proxies ready…
Der digitale Lumpensammler, Halbwissen kompakt! Sehr schön. Denken vorm klicken.
How Libertarianism Infects the Net by Thrasymachus. “This ideological virus is endemic in the blogosphere. Libertarians swarm in every newsgroup on Usenet.” So what?
Similarity between contracts and open source code by Joi Ito.
Slides for ‘Programming in Haskell’, linked on LtU. Powerpoint, yuck.

Just as long as
You look me in the eye that way
I can handle anything
As long as
You look me in the eye that way
I can handle just about anything
I can handle anything at all
— Dan Bern, Look Me In The Eye That Way
rdfdata.org provides publicly available collections of RDF and web services that return RDF.
Tiger echoes in Windows Vista—first look, in the end, Vista does have no advantage. The train’s run by, MS.
The Library at Semantic Web has some megabytes of useful RDF data.
Data First vs. Structure First, Stefano Mazzocchi compares. In the end a kind of “Worse is Better”, though.
This is where I’m gonna be
For the forseeable time
If you wanna hang out too
I couldn’t wish for no more than that
— Dan Bern, South American Motel
At the Forge — Getting Started with Ruby by Reuven Lerner. There could be nicer code there.
My OPML blog, because everone has one now. But I at least use a self-compiled version of the editor.
Guidelines to development on the Hollywood Operating System, rules.
Porting Test::Builder to Perl 6 by chromatic. It sounds easier than I thought.
What I want from Windows, Jonathan Gennick has some nice points: “Ship Windows with some sort of built-in programming environment.”, “Throw in a really good text editor.”
RFID Hysteria by Bill Glover. But being paranoid is fun!
Web Programmers Pool fully Allocated by Steven Douglas Olson.
Queens and Knights solved in J. There is magic in this noise.
Debian Package Browser using tags. Great idea.
Firefox Downloads Top 75 million, congratz! Now make it work better on OS X.
Tina Tahir is a great London photographer. Too bad her portfolio is buried in Flash. Other resources exist too, see e.g. Time out of mind.
Die Stauffenberg Light Show: Ketzerisches zum 20. Juli von Tom Appleton. Kommt ein bisschen spät, ist aber lesenswert.
Die neue Wut von Peter Nowak. “Dokumentarfilm über die Montagsdemonstrationsbewegung zeigt, dass diese womöglich mehr bewirkte, als man gemeinhin glaubte”.
Danke, Dein Root kennt keine Schranken,
Danke, ich halt’ mich fest daran,
Danke, Admin, ich will Dir danken,
Dass ich danken kann.
— Dialerwatch, Danke
Today is System Administrator Appreciation Day, and I have to tell you that I really appreciate that I’m not a sysadmin. *smirk*
The methods and bias of the media by Michael Leza. “For one thing, stop watching corporate media.”
How to Schmooze at OSCON by Robert Bernier. “Conferences, like OSCON, provide a meeting environment for like-minded individuals.” Well, first, you should get there…
The Practicality of OO PHP by David Day. IMO, it’s not signficantly better than Perl’s.
Yak shaving my way to Ubuntu, Joi is on a good way.
Cisco tries to silence researcher, full disclosure rocks.
Generics “Considered Harmful” by Bruce Eckel. “As much as Java people like to dis C++ for just about everything, C++ templates are much more straightforward than Java generics, because they are consistent.”
Bios Urn, Bio is an urn for ashes, which transforms the ritual of death into an act of regeneration and life. Perfect for atheists.
[My DSL broke at that time. Have fun with a half-finished Anarchaia, the rest will come tomorrow.]
Someday you will understand
Someday you’ll be dealt my hand
Someday I will shout your name
And I know you’re deciding the same, Suzanne
— Dan Bern, Suzanne
Instant outlining revisited by Jon Udell. Now if they used XOXO instead of OPML…
Block and Lambda, matz’ thoughts in English on RedHanded.
EaseXML: A Python Data-Binding Tool, I know there is something comparable for Ruby too, but forgot its name.
Is IE 7 Really Firefox Lite?, Preston Gralla doesn’t seem to get that IE isn’t meant to be used by power-users.
Blackhat, Day 1: Keynote, Derek Vadala reports. See also Blackhat Day 1: Litchfield and Kaminsky.
Sodatalk, the creator of Sodaplay is giving a speech tomorrow, “Darwinism on a Desktop”, says John Wiseman. Very nifty thingy.
Pieter Hugo’s photos: Hyena people of Nigeria at Joi Ito’s. Have a deep look into their eyes…
Die Badestrand-Weltformel ist eine tolle Errungenschaft. “a, w, e, c, v, f, s, t und tc sind Koeffizienten zwischen 0.1 und 1, die man so wählt, dass das gewünschte Ergebnis herauskommt.”
I have donwloaded brain cells into my elisp macros so that I am only half functional when not using emacs. — Jim Weirich
Jack Thompson calls Sims 2 “Pedophile’s Paradise” by Duke Machesne. Actually, I’m still waiting for the US of A to forbid selling condoms to people under 21 years.
Happy Birthday, dear Lambda, greetings from me too!
Lambda is a $SAFEcracker, interesting thing.
The RDF Syntax: Its ugly only if you make it so, doesn’t convince me at all.
Doctor O, a notional comic of which I am the hero, Cory Doctorow got that for birthday. *wow*
Well we got no class
And we got no principles
And we got no innocence
We can’t even think of a word that rhymes
— Alice Cooper, School’s Out
Hot Spots by Ben Hyde. Bloom filters are nifty, I should make use of them somewhere.
Sifting for Metadata by Sam Ruby. Good points.
Code examples of Pike and its semantical web libraries. Too C-ish for my taste.
reddit.com is a user-driven news site developed in Common Lisp for Paul Graham’s Summer Startup.
Bosworth’s Web of Data, summarized by Daniel H. Steinberg.
About the Footnotes, John Gruber solved that quite nice.
Rubbish Drawings, “I walked the streets one day and as I looked around my mind started to change and an idea was created. From this day on I would see rubbish differently…” Great!
Die bewegten Blogs von Christa Tamara Kaul. “Nach den Podcasts kommen nun die Vlogs.” Au backe.
Now, he’s hell-bent for destruction, he’s afraid and confused,
And his brain has been mismanaged with great skill.
All he believes are his eyes
And his eyes, they just tell him lies.
— Bob Dylan, License To Kill
BodyBouncer, just in case you’re desperately searching for a way to fuck sitting on a stool.
YAML’s Merge Key, see a serialization format get Turing-complete. :P
Windows Ruby? And no, Ruby is even worse a name than Vista. Can’t they just call it Windows “SuckyAsAlways” 2005?
Novels and Short Stories by Peter Watts. All available under a Creative Commons license.
Robodynamik beim zeitwissen:log.
The Theremin is a very nifty musical instrument.
If you know Lisp, then we can say that Ruby symbols are like Lisp atoms. If you don’t know Lisp, then learn it first, then we can say that Ruby symbols are like Lisp atoms. ;) — Jim Weirich
Dave Winer’s OPML Editor has been released to the general public, even if it’s the Windows version only so far. (I hope you forgive me that Winer link once in half a year.)
Japanese condom packages look like they were made for children.
Open source insecurity by Andy Oram. If you need to use Windows to do your presentation, be sure to hide it. ;-)
Windows, station wagons, and two-edged swords, Jonathan Gennick excuses for no reason.
War on Modders: Everyone gone nuts? by megid. And I tell you, you get p0rn easier than Hot Coffee.
I like to spend some time in Mozambique
The sunny sky is aqua blue
And all the couples dancing cheek to cheek.
It’s very nice to stay a week or two.
— Bob Dylan, Mozambique
Typhoon to welcome me home…, good luck, Joi.
Syndicating content by Bruno Pedro. And I tell you to please use Atom.

blumen schmecken gut (a.k.a. “der vegetarismus und ich”), sagt wiesu. “neulich kam mir sogar in den sinn, dass es mir wohl leichter fiele, ein tier/einen menschen zu töten, als es/ihn hinterher zu essen.” Ich sehe das total anders.
Is there anybody out there who
Is lost and hurt and lonely too
Are they bleeding all your colours into one?
— Coldplay, Square One
Wicket is a Java web application framework that takes simplicity, separation of concerns and ease of development to a whole new level. At least they say that.
Don’t kill fat people, they’re hard to carry. — LilDebbie, Corpse Disposal Made Simple
Corpse Disposal Made Simple by LilDebbie. This could turn out being good to know one day… }:-)
Website des Navy-Stützpunkts Guantanamo geknackt, sehr schön.
Model, View, Controller, lyrics and music by James Dempsey.
vim! it’s slim and trim. here’s why it wins…, Derek Sivers uses it for railing.
Doused in mud
Cept in bleach
As I want you to be
As a trend
A a friend
— Nirvana, Come As You Are
Computer Programming Is Art, And How It Has Influenced Me, Ming Chow writes.
WEBrick+WebDAV Handler Safely Extracted From the Wild, wohoo. I can use that.
Soma Cube in Lego, a wonderful puzzle.
RailFrog is a user-friendly, open-source web site deployment and content management system built with Rails. Or at least trying to be.
oishii! — ephemeral pheromonal de.icio.us-ness, “Oishii is kind of a del.icio.us mini-zeitgeist.” And that nice clear design.
Tetrodotoxin is the stuff that makes fugu interesting.

FreeBSD Status Report Second Quarter 2005, also featuring a list of Summer of Code project.
Automated Backups on Tiger Using rsync by Richard Hough. I do it manually, but rsync is perfect for the purpose.
Don’t go and put a bullet in your head
Just turn your life around instead
Don’t go and put a bullet in your head
— Lenny Kravitz, Don’t Go And Put A Bullet In Your Head
Brasilianer “auf Verdacht erschossen”, sicher ist sicher. *seufz* Joi Ito nennt ihn einen False positive.
Shore, a High-Performance, Scalable, Persistent Object Repository
FOSCON on the PDX.rb wiki. “we decided to see if any of the Ruby speakers would like to ‘practice’ their OSCON talks on us local Rubyists — thus FOSCON was born.”
Vollrausch ist eine Straftat nach § 323a Strafgesetzbuch (StGB).
Scrutino.us, search independent music reviews. Beta, of course.
Your presentation sucks, your presentation rocks! Very good points by Gianugo Rabellino.
The gedit spell checker suggestion for the word “aphelshorle” was “asshole”. I needed a laugh like that. — John Palmieri
Kennwort *omosex*, Die Polizei in Bayern, Thüringen und Nordrhein-Westfalen verwendet eine Software mit einem speziellen Register für Schwule und Lesben. Wie finden die das eigentlich raus?
First Look at IncreduLISP by Tron3k. Utter bullshit. :P
Social Problems of Lisp by Tron3k.
Canstruction, A National Charity of the Design and Construction Industry created by the Society for Design Administration.
Taiwanese President: “China a Threat, Not an Opportunity” by nostalgiphile.
Well I know what’s right, I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin’ me around
But I’ll stand my ground and I won’t back down
— Tom Petty, I Won’t Back Down
Seaside might be the best web application framework for small scale web applications says Mark Watson. If it only was more RESTful…
New iBook, Mac mini part numbers appear, faster, better, cheaper.
The Complexity Zoo has 436 classes and counting. “Please do not feed oracles to the complexity classes! These classes require a specially balanced diet to ensure proper relativization.”
Sleep is an embeddable scripting solution for Java applications. Sleep is heavily inspired by Perl with bits of Objective-C thrown in. Sounds^WConsidered harmful :P
Ottawa Linux Symposium, 2005: wrap-up by Andy Oram.
The Judicial-Electoral Comedy Show by aphrael. “RPI’s argument that “copy” does not necessary mean “exact copy” is one example of mincing and then stretching the meaning of words beyond reason.” Postmodernists love that.

AdbmaL on LtU: “We make the notion of scope in the lambda-calculus explicit. To that end, the syntax of the lambda-calculus is extended with an end-of-scope operator [adbmal], matching the usual opening of a scope due to lambda.”
If World War II Was an RTS, it would look something like that.
Fefe’s Blog ist eine ganz nette Linksammlung. “Proudly made without PHP, Java, Perl, MySQL and Postgres.” Anarchaia auch, übrigens.
Google site ‘used by drug gang’, Ten people have been arrested in Brazil after authorities discovered them allegedly using Google’s online community site, Orkut, to sell drugs. Can you be dumber?
Was kann man tun, wenn das Herz brennt,
wenn die Flamme sich immer tiefer in die Seele frisst?
Was kann man tun, wenn das Herz brennt,
wenn außer Asche von der Liebe nicht viel übrig ist?
Was kann man tun?
— Die Toten Hosen, Herz brennt
Did you ever wonder what it would be like to pop a water balloon in space? No I didn’t, but it’s interesting to see anyway.
Mozilla2: Unified Storage provides a unified interface for storing and searching through data for all Mozilla components and extensions and uses Sqlite. No more Mork!
SPARQL is a query language for getting information from such RDF graphs.
Hierarchical Rollup, “Given a set of transactions and a method for assigning each transaction to the leaf of a tree, produce the sum, count, and average of transaction values at each node of the tree.” Nifty example of K programming.
Thinlet is a GUI toolkit, a single Java class, parses the hierarchy and properties of the GUI, handles user interaction, and calls business logic. Couldn’t someone do that in JavaScript?
Commentary on Women by segphault. “The other problem with women is the lack of standardization.”
Everybody Loves Eric Raymond, I prefer RMS, though.
The 4004, the world’s first microprocessor, is signed with the initials F.F., for Federico Faggin, its designer.
As I was walking,
That ribbon of highway,
I saw above me
That endless skyway,
I saw below me
That golden valley.
This land was made for you and me.
— Woody Guthrie, This Land Is Your Land
Easy Rider (1969) is the late 1960s “road film” tale of a search for freedom (or the illusion of freedom) in a conformist and corrupt America, in the midst of paranoia, bigotry and violence.
Nifty and beautiful Brainfuck interpreter written in Ruby by Jannis Harder.
Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. Classic, wget it if you don’t own it on paper.
Mary Poppins On Speed by stuaart. This is actually about flying kites.
Reading Between the Lines of Whitepapers by chromatic.
I don’t want the solution … I want the problem!, Derek Sivers is unusual. I don’t want the solution, because I don’t want the problem either.
Linking with OpenURLs by Bob DuCharme. Sounds useful, but possibly more complicated than required?
The Candy Man by Margaret Talbot. “Why children love Roald Dahl’s stories—and many adults don’t.” Best non-technical read this week.
Kick the jukebox, slam the floor
Drink, drink, drink, drink some more
I can’t think
Hey! What’s in this drink?
— Ramones, Somebody Put Something In My Drink
Vista, the station-wagon of operating systems, I still need to find someone that actually likes the name, but it could have been much worse. (And I still need to find someone that actually likes the thing).
The Reuleaux triangle and other curves of constant width on Wikipedia.
Macintosh anecdotes related to Alan Kay on folklore.org.
Marketing Translation Mistakes, featuring translations that (allegedly) embarassed their marketing departments.
Longhorn Gets a Name: Windows Vista, sounds 80’s-ish.
ich-gehe-nicht-hin.de, den Nichtwählern eine Stimme geben.
The Connection Machine CM-2 was a massive, 5 feet tall cube formed in turn of smaller cubes, representing the 12-dimensional hypercube structure of the network that connected the processors together. Gimme gimme!
Why I Hate The Apache by Rich Bowen.
Das Spektakel kostet rund 100 Millionen Euro. Von dieser Summe kännten 23 000 ALG-II-Empfänger ein Jahr lang leben. — Peter Wolter
Religionsfreie Zone: “Heidenspaß statt Höllenqual!” Dafür!
Wird ganz München zum WLAN-Hotspot? Würde ich begrüßen.
Die Verfassungsklage im Wortlaut: Die APPD vorm BVG. “Es war kein Mißtrauen da, folglich handelt es sich hier um einen vor der Regierung ohne Not herbeigeführte Situation, die keinefalls die Auflösung des Bundestages legitimieren kann.”
Preview Goodness, PragDave found some nifty features. Oh, if I didn’t have TeXShop, I’d probably update to Tiger just because of the “Revert” button…
I will generally tolerate abuse against myself or entities I’m involved in more than abuse against other people commenting or other companies and groups of people. — Joi Ito
My dear trolls, Joi Ito and censorship of offensive comments. BTW, should Anarchaia have comments too?
Linux and Audio Production: Simplicity Required, says Jono Bacon. Of course, that is true for every “end-user” application.
Calculating the True Price of Software by Robert Lefkowitz. Free Software saves licensing costs, who would have guessed?
Information Security with Colin Percival by Michael W. Lucas.
Alzabo is a Perl object-relational mapping and data modeling libary.
1st European Land-Robot Trial 2006, 15th to 18th of May 2006 in Hammelburg (Germany).
Time to celebrate the OpenPoker release.
Lisp To Dylan, John Wiseman rediscovers Peter Norvig’s code.
I’m the new king
I taste the queen
in here we are all anemic
in here anemic and sweet
— Deftones, Knife Party
Free Software for Busy People by Mohammad Al-Ubaydli. “Six characters from different backgrounds will help illustrate the uses of Free Software in different settings.” PDF available.
Matt’s Giant Gummy Bear, 13 pounds of gummy bears, sorted out, melted, and layered into an empty tub of animal crackers. Hack food!
OS2 World.Com Petition, “This signed petition will be send to IBM requesting to make OS/2 Open Source or at least part of its components.” Sounds unlikely to me.
Tagzania map of German nuclear reactors, a fair lot around me.
Der Schockwellenreiter’s photos on flickr. Lotsa dog pictures.
EzCrypto library for Ruby, an OpenSSL wrapper. Cool and convenient.
Daedalus is a pure-ruby script for monitoring processes and restarting them if needed.
Rails Podcast, an interview with PragDave.
What do you do when you’re not in the office/lab?
Login from home. — Rudi Cilibrasi
Ruby is Just Plain Evolution on RedHanded.
Guardian Unlimited: Newsblog has real-time news about whatever happens in London right now.
Me I set it light it burns so bright
Stab it out
Stab it out
— The Distillers, Beat Your Heart Out
Versa: Path-based RDF Query Language by Chimezie Ogbuji. Seems like a damn nifty query language.
The Hardware Costs For A Newbie Podcaster, sounds a bit like the revival of four-tracks.
The “impossible” Spidering Hack as performed by brian d foy.
Ottawa Linux Symposium, 2005: first day, Andy Oram was there.
Skypecast from the sky, proprietary VOIP over the clouds.
Objective CAML for Scientists, “Particular emphasis is placed upon programming paradigms rarely seen in current scientific computing, such as exceptions, polymorphism, higher-order functions, nested functions, pattern matching and modules.”
Why TCP Over TCP Is A Bad Idea, don’t repeat yourself.
Fractals 101, Part 1 by jd. Nice introduction.
IE 7 Will Be Good for Firefox — But There Are Bumps Ahead, says Preston Gralla.
The You’re In Control system uses computation to enhance the act of urination. “Play the new video game “You’re a Nation”, and drown the political opposition as they campaign in key swing states.”
Laß uns niemals in den Arm nehmen,
um uns nicht in die Augen zu schauen
Laß uns niemals in den Arm nehmen,
um uns nicht in die Augen zu schauen
— Früchte des Zorns, Liebeslied
Fold’n’Drop looks like a nifty and intuitive way for drag and drop.
jugendszenen.com, Portal für Szenenforschung.
Can a Bayesian spam filter play chess? by Laird A. Breyer. Gonna be a tough training.
Wir sind analoge Wesen, fuzzy logic und alles, und daran führt kein DSL vorbei. — Konstantin Klein, Was Gabriele H. alles online macht
Feed, another free feedreader for OS X. “I treat my RSS feeds more like email than anything else, and the current crop of RSS reader is more a hybrid between iTunes and a web browser.”
What Is Preview? (and Why You Should Use It) by Giles Turnbull. Ok, it has some nice feature. But wth can’t it just reload a damn .PDF when it changes?
On the Revival of Dynamic Languages on LtU.
Are the beating drums
celebration guns
the thunder and the laughter
the last thing they remember
— Stars, Celebration Guns
The Dreams of Miyuki Jane Pinckard are pretty interesting.
Google Moon, visit the moon! (And please swallow before you completely zoom in…)
Plotting with Lisp and Gnuplot.
Grady Booch: Software Engineering Grand Challenges, IMO the greatest challenge is to aknowledge that SE is a social problem, not a technical one.
PhoneGnome at Joi Ito’s. His list of requirements to VOIP solutions is very good.
The ServerSide Interview with Dave Thomas.
If you get careless or go romanticizing scientific information, giving it a flourish here and there, Nature will soon make a complete fool out of you. — Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Christmas Special, “photographic evidence of why Symbolics went down”.

Wir müssen zärtlich sein in dieser Zeit,
denn sonst machen sie uns ein
Mit Funkeln in den Augen auf der Straße,
in der Hand ein Pflasterstein
— Früchte des Zorns, In meinem Kopf ist eine Bombe
Wiki Syntax Considered Harmful, says Adrian Sutton. Am I the only one that likes Wiki syntax?
Plan 9 From User Space is a port of the bulk of the Plan 9 software build environment to Unix.
Why are men supposed to wash their hands after urination? Now you know.
World of Warcraft Duping Bug and Cheat, WoW is on the way to true communism… Stallman’s “chair copier” becomes reality.
The JavaScript Manifesto, “At the moment JavaScript suffers from outdated, uninformed, and inaccessible development methods which preclude it, and therefore web development in general, from attaining its full potential.”
Free Beer for Geeks is a good idea!
Zweitaktgestank des Trabis in Dosen, 3.98 Euro für Schall und Rauch.
For lots of first projects, I’d actually recommend PHP. — David Heinemeier Hansson
Changes in the Mapping market by Simon St. Laurent. Yet another evidence how GIS stuff is getting the next big thing.
Grocery Chain Adds Biometric Payment Systems by Bill Glover. Useful until they chop your fingers to buy some cigarettes.
Google Earth Real-estate apps… unlicensed access to licensed imagery?, Glenn Letham asks. Lots of “innovative” use will be found in future…
The first time, in your backyard
Underneath the plastic sheeting
Outside, it was pouring
And we were drunk as shit.
— Stars, The First Five Times
Khalid Jarrar: Iraqi blogger detained, Joi Ito says.
Hansacanyon at MoCo Loco. “Remove the top of a spigot, create a small-scale canyon, add backlighting and you’ve got ambient water fittings.”
Früchte des Zorns ist eine Band, ein linksradikales Kollektiv. Gefällt mir sehr gut, alle Lieder gibts auch als OGG.
An Introduction To F-Spot, with digital cameras getting less expensive, photo and image collections tend to grow faster then ever.
As I walk by the tree
You stand next to me
You are a ghost
I could almost touch
I forget the summer
I forget to breathe
— Dan Bern, Being Alone
Revealing Email Completion, I want that feature in Gnus too!
Tripods is an online, multiplayer Google Maps game. Your job is to battle invading Google Maps tripod markers that are invading Manhattan!
TypeNavigator is an excellent font search site.
blueflops is a two floppies Linux distribution with a graphical web browser (“links” using svgalib) and an IRC client (tirc). A survival kit. :-)
Not only do I make mistakes, but sometimes as I’m making them, I know I’m doing it. — Dave Winer
Making Windows 2000 run (rather well) on only 32MB RAM, ho hum.
List of films ordered by uses of the word fuck on Wikipedia. This page lists films that use the word fuck more than 100 times.
Transhumanism & The Modern Day Transcendentalists by mtrisk.
tag(1): del.icio.us-style file tagging, I had a similar idea before, but I’d have used hardlinks.
Stone Soup Scavenger Hunt sounds like a nice game.
Keyboard Shortcuts on simpl(e)y done.
MySpace: A Place for Dolts, XSS is possible (almost) everywhere.
Shirky: “50 Years Of Chaos” Ahead In Digital Media by Spencer Critchley. “Sounds about right, though I’d guess it could be 50 years worth of chaos crammed into as little as 10 years.”
design ne good, John Wiseman doesn’t like JSP and what they do with it. Neither do I.
Tycho: A PIM in Ruby for Linux by Hal Fulton.
One made beds to fit human beings, one did not chop off legs or hands to fit beds. — Lewis Mumford
Headmap examines the social implications and applications of location aware devices, augmented social networks, wearable computers, thinking tools and semantic network interfaces.
Dear Microsoft, I am Dumping You, been there, done that.
A Concurrent Lambda Calculus with Futures by Joachim Niehren, Jan Schwinghammer and Gert Smolka.
FreeBSD 6.0-BETA1 Available, for those on the very bleeding edge.
PHP: date – Format a local time/date, what a great API.
Safer Hex in public places and at home, sic!
Well blue is good, the color of the sky.
And stars are good for ideals, so high.
Seven stripes of red to meet all danger;
But them white stripes: they could use some changing.
— Pete Seeger, The Torn Flag
Remarkable, what people can forget at Debconf 5. Alexander Schmehl knows it.
Debian Videos from Debconf 5. Lots of nice speeches there.
[Very short issue today, but the weather is just too nice.]
Building a Home Power Monitoring System, Have you ever wondered how much power that microwave takes to pop that bag of popcorn? What about your toaster or coffee maker?
Gobby is a free collaborative editor based on libobby, a library which provides synced document buffers.
mplayer -vo jpeg mymovie.mpg
System Administrator Appreciation Day, celebrated annually on last Friday of July
ActiveRecord::Migration can manage the evolution of a schema used by several physical databases.
PluggedIn: White lies help stressed computer users, white lies always help.
Mason Developer’s Manual, version 1.28. Mason is a powerful Perl-based web site development and delivery engine.
Gotta love The Boondocks, very true, Ben.
Coping with Childhood Sexual Abuse by SocratesGhost. “90% of all prostitutes were molested as children.”
Skype from the plane works, says Joi. When do we get OpenSkype?
A new use for the “A” in LAMP, Jim Van Meggelen plays with acronyms.
Acetone peroxide seems to have been used for the London Bombings.
Dijjer is free P2P software that dramatically reduces the bandwidth needed to host large files.
And I won’t end my days, wishing that love would come along,
cause you are in my life where you belong
now that I’ve found you
I’ll call off the search
— Katie Melua, Call Off The Search
Termite: a Lisp for Distributed Computing, sounds very cool.
Plan 9 From Outer Space can be downloaded at archive.org. Worst movie ever, they say.
CSS generation in Ruby by Qerub.
Adobe Photoshop: Für deine Freundin das Beste! Fies.
Client-side ADO using Javascript by curien. Perverse, why not use a local webserver and a real language?
WGIG Report by Joi Ito. Don’t miss the link to the graphical visualizations.
Meet Django - A Pythonic Rails Killer, sandbox fights ahead. (Damn, this is really nice… why does it have to be Python?)
The Least Surprised #6: Rubeautiful, whee!
Let them all pass all their dirty remarks;
There is one question I’d really love to ask:
Is there a place for the hopeless sinner,
Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own beliefs?
— Bob Marley, One Love
The Social Software Weblog, it’s all about who you know.
Wiki hunting: Early steps by C.K. Sample, III. Lots of choice, no obvious answer.
Simpler Ways to do things in Ruby. Very nice and idiomatic.
WWIT: Making the destination exist, Chris says: Use a stack.
The Belmont Club, History and History in the Making.
It’s where I got my heart
But not where I left my heart
I take that with me
Now I’ve seen whats underneath
— The Donnas, The Gold Medal
Torero is a tool to assist the design of Attribute Grammars and supports the extension of Yacc Grammars to Ox Attribute Grammars.
40 Things That Only Happen In Movies, “18. If a microphone is turned on it will immediately feedback.”
RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0, Compared, notice the 1.0! A diff between 0.3 and 1.0 would be very useful too.
Jason Fried interview with Tom Peters for “Cool Friends”.
After 4 years, Ruby still hasn’t ruined itself. Did I become more forgiving, or is the language really easier to use? :P — Kero Vangelder
Everything I Know about Programming, by Christopher Diggins. Platitudes.
EnterpriseDB: A Relational Revolutionary, relab^Winnovating PostgreSQL.
Ten Essential Development Practices by Damian Conway. 1) Don’t do it in Perl. }:-) Good ideas, though.
Building an OpenBSD Live CD, Kenvin Lo knows how to.
The Virtual Referral: Mitigating Risk by Hiring Open Source Developers by Brian W. Fitzpatrick.
Spin me round roll me over fuckin’ circus
Stab it down one way needle pulled so slowly
Drains and spills soaks the pages fills their sponges
It’s my blood
— Pearl Jam, Blood
exobit.org, love your job.
Rails: Where are the Implications for “No Deploying”? by Patrick Peak. I don’t know why everyone goes crazy about it, but it seems to be a popular thing to do.
2nd European LISP and Scheme Workshop, featuring a Richard P. Gabriel keynote!
OSCON Blogging, I’m looking forward to Geoff Broadwell’s reporting.
Traffic Cone Mating Season… kills me.
Is Anybody Making Movies We’ll Actually Watch In 50 Years?, the answer is blowing in the wind.
Yet another reason I’m single by froggerwood, and even a good one.
Origin of the word “Calculus”, you never stop learning.
Yer gonna have to leave me now, I know.
But I’ll see you in the sky above,
In the tall grass, in the ones I love,
Yer gonna make me lonesome when you go.
— Bob Dylan, You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go
General Purpose Cellular Automata Programming on LtU.
Manfred walks on, hands in pockets, brooding. He wonders what he’s going to patent next. — Charles Stross, Accelerando
Accelerando, a novel by Charles Stross. Licensed as Creative-Commons.
Weblog Preview, a weblog component for Workplace that enables self-service blog creation, archiving, perma-links, comments, blogrolls, search, and syndication. IBM goes blogging!
What The Hack: Lectures and workshops, I hope they’ll publish the slides.
Could blogging spread computer worms?, John Leyden asks. Not more than e-mail…
Progress on Factor’s GUI toolkit by Slava Pestov. I seriously want that for Ruby.
C++ is just so hard compared to Ruby. So fragile, so stiff, so error-prone with incredibly subtle gotchas on every corner. — John Carter
Maßanzug (übergr./ Einzelst.) US$ 40.000 min. “Ja ist denn die Idee so öde, mit diesem funktionstüchtigen, überdimensionalen Laufroboter die Weltherrschaft an sich zu reißen?” Eigentlich nicht.
photografieren, um halt zu photografieren. nichts anderes. “ich denke, ich werde mich künftig auf himmel-, pfützen-, graffiti- und was-auf-der-straße-rumliegt-photografie spezialisieren.” ;-)
Apple Watch by Micah Dubinko. About the XML and RSS things Apple comes up with.
In-browser XOXO Outliner Experiment on 0xDECAFBAD. Nice!
I could sense it in the air, feel it in my veins
Something was coming to take me away
I’d been lost for so long, maybe it’s the price we all pay.
— Dead Moon, Down The Road
relLicense is a simple, open, format for indicating content licenses which is embedable in (X)HTML, Atom, RSS, and arbitrary XML.
Secure RSS Syndication by Joe Gregorio. IMO, just using SSL would be easier than implementing Blowfish in JavaScript.
Funniest Slashdot comment ever, Derek Sivers thinks he found it. Oh well…
Ruby on Rails and J2EE: Is there room for both?, Aaron Rustad compared the two Web application frameworks. Of course there is, and for loads of other frameworks too.
User-Defined Literals in Sydney, that is nifty!
We Reached the Station, PragDave says. Agile Web Development with Rails has been finalized. “To date the book has been bought by people in sixty five countries”, impressive.
Styled Form Controls, accessible, pretty forms developed by Philip Howard.
Free Music! Classical music at MIT.
Pascal Bourguignon recreates machine-readable source for LISP 1.5, very cool.
Q: How do you define “god”?
A: I don’t, you wanted that word. I merely took care of phonetic similarities. It’s a play on words, it’s similar to “good” and it’s similar to “odd” which would mean it’s an odd concept. — Bernhard Fastenrath, Interview
Pattern Matching In Python, Icon style regular expressions.
Vienna is a freeware, open source RSS/Atom reader for the Mac OSX operating system. Sounds good. Atom rendering is still horrible, but the interface is nice.
Der Tod ist verschlungen in den Sieg. Tod, wo ist dein Stachel? Hölle, wo ist dein Sieg? — 1. Kor. 15, 55
Can You Trust Windows AntiSpyware?, Preston Gralla asks. Why even use an OS that even remotely needs something like that?
Syndey, the New People’s Choice Ruby, RedHanded has a nice overview. I hope they can merge soon, though.
Global Voices Online got redesigned. Nice.
Wanna Watch My TiVo?, Erica Sadun asks. Thanks, but no thanks.
Desktop Developers’ Conference in Ottawa by Andy Oram. “The barriers to Linux adoption are probably more in the areas of conversion costs, corporate politics, and training issues than in the quality of the desktop.”
PMA430: The Swiss Army Knife of Portable Media Players, Kyle Rankin likes it. It can do IRC but no OGG?
The Evil Socrates by Timo Laine on k5.
Space Shuttle Launch, a Wired News Special Collection. See the backflip it will do!
ESP: Ethics search protocol, An ethics-enabled search engine can act as a complement to the well-known price search engines and turn ethical considerations into an easily advertisable advantage.
The mirror people one day shall be free
The mirror people laugh at you and laugh at me
The mirror people, know not how to cry
So they scream, the mirror people scream inside
— Love and Rockets, Mirror People
Patternalia: Plain Text, All my important (heh) stuff is stored in ASCII. (BTW, hiding the permalink under comments is not very clever.)
lesscode.org is a place to advocate, discuss, and practice the art of using less code to get more done. *clap* *clap*
I wonder how they are going to embargo the Internet… — Joi Ito, New Harry Potter embargoed in Canada
Real Life Tron powered by bikes and GPS, what a nice hack.
Linux From Scratch is a project that provides you with step-by-step instructions for building your own custom Linux system, entirely from source code. Should I ever have lots of free time.
Geheime Sexszenen in Computerspiel entdeckt, Poppen in GTA. Die meisten Spieler finden die Autos allerdings geiler.
Introduction to Cocoa-Java Integration Guide, featuring the statement that they won’t keep it recent anymore. Haha, Javaists! :P
NoRiders, Apparel Solutions for Shorts that Ride Up the Inner Thighs. Uh-oh.
Everything I know is wrong
Everything I do, it’s just comes undone
And everything is torn apart
— Coldplay, The Hardest Part
Treasure Chest was a monthly comic book published by the Catholic Guild from 1946 to 1972. Each issue featured several different stories intended to inspire citizenship, morality, and patriotism.
Brainix is a clean, microkernel-based, Unix-like operating system. Very early stage.
For example when they built the world trade center in New York the thing was so huge that the vendor suggested they could have custom light bulbs that screwed in counter clockwise rather than the usual clockwise. This would keep the construction workers from stealing light bulbs. — Ben Hyde, Nonstandard
Sydney Developer Preview Release 1 out, Sydney is an experimental fork of Ruby 1.8.2 with, among other things, support for native threads.
SISCweb is a framework to facilitate writing stateful Scheme web applications in a J2EE environment.
Ruby 1.8 XMLRPC Server Arbitrary Command Execution, now us too! What a shame!
Koo-Ki-Sushi, The Art of Sushi in Chocolate.
JavaScript Archive Network is a comprehensive resource for Open Source JavaScript libraries and software.
If all the world’s a stage, I want to operate the trap door. — Paul Beatty
Are we there yet? on Operation Elusive Concept.
The Assassination Goes Hollywood! What’s wrong in JFK, The Assassination Movie. Loooong list.
PHRACK FINAL (#63) scheduled for July 2005, everything has its end.
Don’t Click on the Blue E! — Switching to Firefox by Scott Granneman. If you think you need a book for that, by all means buy it!
And I tried to love you in my own way,
I think that you know I did.
But to have you here, to see you living,
Oh so near to me, yeah, yeah, yeah.
— Janis Joplin, Flower In The Sun
Achtung, kein Witz! Münchener Universität will einen Professor wegen einer Witzseite im Internet feuern. Mäßig lustig, aber nicht der Rede wert.
The internets by Joi Ito: “I don’t know how much deep thought was involved when George Bush called the Internet “the internets” but this reflects a real risk that we face today.”
African grey parrot is first bird to comprehend numerical concept akin to zero, previously, there were zero birds that understood zero.
Time Cube is Now a Cult by Coryoth. Fun what people’s minds can make up.
Classic LISP books online, get the LISP 1.5 manual and “The Programming Language LISP: Its Operation and Applications” online from the Computer History Museum. Nice.

Static Typing Where Possible, Dynamic Typing When Needed, way to pragmatic! They only want to take our flamewars away.
Oh please, let it rain today
This city is so filthy, like my mind in ways
Oh, was a time, like a clean, new taste
Smiling eyes before me, inches from my face
Wash my love
Wash my love
— Pearl Jam, Wash
Launching Attacks via Tor by Nitesh Dhanjani. You can abuse almost everything. “I hope it is helpful to administrators are effected by attacks that seem to originate from a source that is a onion router in reality.” Oh, they’ll love that.
Patternalia, a new Christopher Alexander-influenced column by Micah Dubinko.
By 1917, there were more vibrators than toasters in American homes. — Teresa Riordan
For Pleasure: A history of the vibrator by Teresa Riordan.
The Myth of Open-Source, JBoss founder Marc Fleury explains how his hot startup makes profits from its free application-server software.
ThriftDeluxe, DIY For the Hip. Horrible design, nice ideas.
Icarus, or: The Future of Science by Bertrand Russell.
RFC 4096: Policy-Mandated Labels Such as “Adv:” in Email Subject Headers Considered Ineffective At Best convinces me.
The complete regular expression for URLs should allow more schemes, no?
Wolfgang Puck self-heating can hacking… hot coffee is great.
irgendwann im april. oder mai. oder vielleicht juni. ich weiß es noch ganz genau. Wieder ganz tolle Bilder von wiesu.
Discussing new top-level domains by Joi Ito.
Solving Sudoku with Haskell is explained in The Monad Reader. Very nice code, I wish I could ever write something like that.
Letter from London by strain 1337. Clear thoughts and reasonable arguments. “Combine the Jihad culture and their anger at the west with aggressive tendencies and violent natures - and “al-qaeda” is what you get.”
Remodeling the political spectrum by David Bruhn. We need a political hypercube!
2005-07-04 was the darkest day in the history of space flight. It was the first time a weapon of mass destruction was tested on another celestial body. — Josef Schugt
Single Page Application and Development Environment” (Spade) is a Spa application with an integrated development environment, all fitting onto a single web page. I see parallels to Self.
WWIDD: MMD everywhere in Parrot. MMD on the assignment operator sounds nasty (IMO, assigment only copies a pointer, always)… I could understand you want something like CL’s setf, though.
Setzt Trackbacks!, sagt Lars. Trackbacks sind tot. (Aber danke, dass ich’s in die Blogroll geschafft habe.)
Odeo: Listen, Sync, Create opens its doors! Looks very nice.
Software Culture by Paul Querna on broken code and broken windows and broken languages. “The culture doesn’t mind if the code won’t build.”
ben fry is a great data visualist. Damn cool stuff.
A new drug for pain is great, but I’m looking for orgasm in a bottle. — Annalee Newitz
The Coming Boom or: “Hacking the female orgasm”, as kottke.org puts it. Big Pharma has made billions pumping up the male population. Now neuroscientists are reverse engineering the female orgasm.
Full Circle: A Brief History of NeXT at LowEndMac.com.
Steve, Don’t Eat It! Vol. 8: Prision Wine, wowzers.
Onload image fades without Flash, nice eye-candy.
I never got around to tell you that I wanted you,
and I cry about it now,
I never got around to tell you what you meant to me,
and I cry about it now.
— Juliette and the Licks, I Never Got to Tell You What I Wanted To
The New C Standard — An Economic and Cultural Commentary by Derek M. Jones (8 MB PDF).
We’re not afraid, show the world that we’re not afraid of what happened in London, and that the world is a better place without fear.
Semiintelligent title-casing for Ruby, nice code for complex rules.
Short short stories by HollyHopDrive. What a wonderful idea! One sentence and less than 50 words ought to be enough for everyone.
Later I learned about Imake, but after some pains, I concluded that using a C preprocessor on top of a Makefile may be as bad an idea as could ever be. — Vlado Keselj
GNU Arch 2.0 – first source, Tom Lord is on git steroids… where are my readable repos going?
Dynamic Languages Journal, this sounds like a very nice idea. I’d certainly enjoy to read it.
Chopped into timy peices: the “Fuck Natalee Holloway” hate mail, I’m really sorry, but if you don’t want that I say “Fuck Natalee Holloway”, why do you say “Fuck yourself”?
I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore and guts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, Kill, KILL, KILL. — Arlo Guthrie, Alice’s Restaurant
Do US visa requirements for journalists cover bloggers? Interesting question, but it’s easier just not to ask.
libnotify in GNOME Applets, a Growl-like thing for GNOME. I will need that should I switch back.
Apache’s eXtended Server Side Includes by Kostas Pentikousis. This is so 90’s…
WCB: Pluggable bytecode loaders, too much Parrot today?
ILC 2005 papers are up, directly linked from the descriptions. I could bet they weren’t there when I visited that page last time…
You could think of online source archives like sourceforge as a hall of shame. — Rainer Joswig, DSLs in Lisp…
DSLs in Lisp, an example for an advanced DSL development technique in Lisp. “I call this development style: ‘putting parentheses around the specification and make it run’”. Great!
Does my dog really love me? It just exploits you!
Jecology (James’ Game of Ecology) is a life simulator created in the spirit of Conway’s Game of Life.
For in those reckless moments
When doubt is creeping in your head
Feeling like you’ve lost your youth
And the dreams you had are cold and dead
— Dead Moon, It’s OK
“I’m ok” — Die neue Art, sich und andere zu informieren, Blogs als Lifeping.
www.dontclick.it, a user interface for zero-button mouses. Horrible for accessibility, though.
Stuffing Your Hand Down the Disposal, what a great title for a post on tracking the Ruby GC.
Is Perl relevant any longer? I’m not that sure on that, Tim.
Zip Considered Harmful? Truly idiotic mail filters exist…
How to Figure out Which U.S. Cell Phone Companies Exchange MMS , Todd Ogasawara shows an undirected graph.
My (personal) Top Ten of personal studio gear on the CreativeSynth blog.
Projectionist is the tumblelog of the folks over at Ionist. Beautiful design!
The mind is grey,… like the city
Packing in and overgrown
Love is deep,… dig it out
Standing in a hole alone
Working for something,.. that we can never hold
A place in the clouds.
Your place to hide oh my oh
— Pearl Jam, Ghost
Don’t let bombs become political ammo by Lucy Sherriff. Letters to The Register.
Connextion on LH711, Wifi on a plane rules.
One venture capitalist’s view on software patents by Joi Ito. Very good written.
Apocalypse Now — Perl 6 is here today, slides on Pugs by Autrijus Tang.
Parrot 0.2.2 Released, announce at LtU.
Google Earth Hacks and useful developer docs by Glenn Letham.
Qerub’s Array of Brainfarts, a nice blog.
Multiple bouncing balls in a box are a metaphor for community. Notice how the escaping balls explode. This is what happens to people who move from Perl to Ruby. — Larry Wall, State of the Onion, 2004
Wild Parrots of the Internet: What’s Up With Perl 6 Development? An interview with Dan Sugalski. (Use bugmenot.)

freewheelin-on-line, the first Bob Dylan magazine on the internet. Featuring fine interpretations of lyrics.
Yesterday’s just a memory
Tomorrow is never what it’s supposed to be.
— Bob Dylan, Don’t Fall Apart On Me Tonight
OpenBSD Hackathon 2005, Part III, especially on flaws of ICMP.
Life in a TEXTAREA by Jon Udell. I live in Emacs.
WWIT: Universal bytecode in Parrot by Dan Sugalski. Wow, an idea I like!
Push, Pull, Next!, Bob DuCharme about the different XSLT usage styles.
Rails 0.13 is out with Ajax and stuff.
XML-mapping is an easy to use, extensible library that allows you to semi-automatically map Ruby objects to XML trees and vice versa.
The only reasonable numbers are zero, one and infinity. — Bruce MacLennan, Principles of Programming Languages
Ruby/Event is a binding to libevent written by Zed A. Shaw.
Mine Your Own Data with the JDM API, exploring the Java Data Mining API. By Frank Sommers.
Oh, my generation
My generation
My generation
God, I hope I die before I get old
— Todd Snider, My Generation
Yaeyama Islands — Japan’ Final Frontier, Stephen Mansfield boldly takes us where few wayfarers have gone before.
Smalltalk for Lispers, Smalltalk shares a lot of other aspects, ideas and mechanisms with the Lisp programming language and systems.
Explosions, ‘serious incidents’ occuring across London at Wikinews.
London Explosions, Joi Ito links to lots of resources.
Long Bus Ride Tips on MetaFilter.
The Electric Unicycle, Trevor Blackwell did it again.
What I do with my time, William Taysom writes poetric code.
Insensitive iTunes, please spread this link. Actually, I don’t care much how iTunes parses or doesn’t, or what the hell Disney puts on the web, but I want to see how this propagates.
Writeboard: The “app-less” web-app, could this be the web, as envisioned by TBL?
Flickring Families, a nice idea, lots of these things will be ordinary in the future.
Interesting Questions on The Wiki.
Charles Darwin stickers, stick them all over.
Strike! Das EU-Parlament hat mit großer Mehrheit die “Richtlinie über die Patentierbarkeit computerimplementierter Erfindungen” abgelehnt. Lars hat nette Links dazu.
I just want to scream…hello…
My God it’s been so long, never dreamed you’d return
But now here you are, and here I am
Hearts and thoughts they fade…away…
— Pearl Jam, Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
The NJAPH awards recognize outstanding technical achivement in the Perl community in the past year. Personally, I prefer the Perl people switching to Ruby. ;-)
Malbolge figured out? That must have needed quite a lot of brain twisting.
The Design of C++0x by Bjarne Stroustrup. Or: How to polish a turd. :P
RubyConf 2005 Agenda, wanna go there…
Avian flu nightmare by Joi Ito. Electrify ze sick!
So happy just to see you smile
Underneath the sky of blue
On this new morning, new morning
On this new morning with you.
— Bob Dylan, New Morning
Plugging in the web by Jono Bacon. Making things speak to each other is always difficult.
Microsoft To Become a Big-Time Spyware Vendor?, asks Preston Gralla. Spyware seems to be an innovation not possible with free software.
I read “Oxford University” as “Hexadecimal ‘ford’ University”. That’s a new low for me… — Jonathan Rentzsch
Perhaps Time Away from the Computer Would be a Good Thing, but I always think such stuff…
The new Firefox tag line, “Ah yes! The one that blocks all the schmutz.”, hahaha.
Articles, Essays, and Presentations of the Pragmatic Programmers.
Thinking in Ruby by Jim Weirich. Also contrasting Java and Ruby.
We fade away, survive the day
Don’t get paid, full of hate
And frustrated
— Redrum, Same Shit, Different Day
Real Wood iPod, I want a Real Wood iBook!
First XMM-Newton images of impact, what a firework.
WIENUX-Tag: Wiener Lösung für Open Source.
Zack’s Farewell Message, Zack Weinberg left the GCC project.
Children’s Books of the Early Soviet Era, nice and beautiful.
Durus, a persistent object system for applications written in the Python programming language.
Tune in, turn on, boot up by Mathias Bröckers. Wie die Gegenkultur der 60er Jahre zum Personal Computer führte; ein Report aus der Frühgeschichte des Silicon Valley.
So just why is there no new Einstein? by gmol. I say it’s because of blogs.
How To Win At Life by blue car. “What follows is a definitive guide to how to win at life in the easiest possible way.”
Raindrops falling from heaven
Could never wash away my misery
But since we’re not together
I’ll look for stormy weather
To hide these tears I hope you’ll never see.
— Don Williams, Crying in the Rain
Wapipedia: Wikipedia reformatted for your phone or PDA. Nice. And useful for a sidebar too.
Hyperextended, RedHanded on how to copy class methods in Ruby.
Groceries Store Wars, wheee. Learn the ways of the farm!
A Brief Introduction to Horary Astrology by localroger. *yawn*
twenex.org is up again. Happy hacking.
Firefox makes it to Intel Macs, Firefox has been ported to the new Intel-based Mac OS X platform with the assistance of Apple.
The Eric J. Heller Gallery, where science inspires art and art informs science…
Windows Software: Ugly, Boring & Uninspired, Dialogue Box by Chris Pirillo. Tell me something new.
Pause für die Totengräber
jeder klitzekleinen Revolution.
Obwohl sie keine Zeichen sehen,
es ist die Ruhe vor dem Sturm.
Auch beim nächsten Mal könnt ihr Euch freun,
ihr werdet wieder Sieger sein.
Doch es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit
und Eure Ruhe ist vorbei.
— Die Toten Hosen, Vor dem Sturm
Video TECO User’s Guide V4, still one of the finest editor designs around.
Gravity is Normal Down to the 100-nm Level, good to know.
I think that without a debugger, you don’t get into that mindset where you know how it behaves, and then you fix it from there. Without a debugger, you tend to think about problems another way. You want to understand things on a different level. — Linus Torvalds
MGM v. Grokster at the EFF. Everything there is to know.
Intellectual Property Is Costing Me My Life by Rudi Cilibrasi. Sad.
Gazpacho is a fresh new GUI builder for the GTK+ toolkit designed to be ultra easy to use.
What do you write in that journal
Some kind of infernal poetry
So that I’ll offer my help
But don’t you worry, don’t you worry
— The Donnas, Have You No Pride
Mercurial is a fast, lightweight source control management system designed for efficient handling of very large distributed projects. This is extremely interesting, I think. Check it out.
How To GPS Tag Photos: Flickr, Mappr, Google Earth… on the Make: blog. This is nice.
Africans on Live 8, Joi Ito provides good starting points.
Implementing the Pi-Calculus in Java by Liwu Li. Java is a bitch of a language, oh my.
Ruby Flew Too! Father Duck worries that Ruby won’t catch up. But Mother Duck knows that Ruby will flourish … in her own time.
How to roll your own dbm/ndbm by Ozan S. Yigit.
Post-It Mosaic Howto, this is great.
The Art and Science of Web Design turns 5, the book by Jeff Veen is now available as a PDF.
Design Concepts in Programming Languages, loads of good stuff.
Introduction to Zinc, Zinc is a low level language between assembler, C and C++ with a syntax somewhat similar to Ruby. Could turn out useful. Also see the Reference Manual.
Code Browser is a folding and outlining editor for Linux and Windows. Reminds me of the Smalltalk browser.
Digg is a technology news website that gives editorial control back to the community. Rather interesting stuff there.
Gates Says Technology Will One Day Allow Computer Implants, but hardwiring’s not for him. I wouldn’t want to run Windows either.
Microsoft Internet Explorer “javaprxy.dll” Command Execution Exploit, yay!
Smalltalk: A Beginner’s Guide from Bitwise Magazine. Nice introduction.
Martial arts: How good are they for self defense? by guitartroll. In a street-fight, there are no rules.
My Nokia 6680, Joi Ito begged and got one. Maybe I should try that too.
A Theory of Distributed Objects by Denis Caromel and Ludovic Henrio is mentioned on LtU. Check it out.

Behaviour: Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript functionality , nifty!
Problems with Directories in Rake that Martin Fowler(!) discovered.
Getting Ready for OSCON 2005, Jim Weirich is prepared.
My theory is that if a blog sends the correct HTTP headers, the coders behind it might have a clue, and it might therefore be better overall software. — Paul Querna
Blog Software & HTTP Caching by Paul Querna.
How Ice Melts: Longstanding Mystery Solved by Robert Roy Britt.
In a soldier’s stance, I aimed my hand
At the mongrel dogs who teach
Fearing not that I’d become my enemy
In the instant that I preach
My pathway led by confusion boats
Mutiny from stern to bow.
Ah, but I was so much older then,
I’m younger than that now.
— Bob Dylan, My Back Pages
646-Pound Catfish Netted in Thailand, I hope it tastes good.
A Typed, Compositional Logic for a Stack-Based Abstract Machine by Nick Benton.
The Yarn Project is a Python/Twisted library for working with messages in many different formats and protocols.
This stuff is better than anything in our handhelds today. We could implement it from they papers they wrote then, but no one reads the papers that were written in the 60s. — Alan Kay, Daddy, Are We There Yet?
Logan Omnibus, a great post with lots of insightful quotes and links about Patrick Logan’s posts on Smallthought.
Municipal networks, the great equalizer by Joi Ito. “I believe that it is easy enough to run a basic Wifi, Internet and Voice over IP network that in many cases municipal governments can run them.”
Roundup: Africans on Live 8 by Global Voices Online.
HonorTags help readers find content they can trust, and help journalists, bloggers, podcasters and other creators build that trust within their communities.
Oh, the flowers of indulgence and the weeds of yesteryear,
Like criminals, they have choked the breath of conscience and good cheer.
The sun beat down upon the steps of time to light the way
To ease the pain of idleness and the memory of decay.
— Bob Dylan, Every Grain Of Sand
UAV Confusion: “Within 10 years, one-third of US … deep strike aircraft will be unmanned,” said Congress’ 2001 defense bill. This claim, while shocking at the time, seems much less so in retrospect.
Avoiding CMS Data Lock-in by Scot Hacker. Of course, the best CMS are the ones you wrote on your own…:-)
Highlights Thus Far (Jan-Jun 2005) on RedHanded. Great work, why!
Homeless Nerd, es gibt in New York einen 21jährigen der im Starbucks 40th Avenue New York lebt. Der Junge heisst Corvey und verbringt den ganzen Tag dort an seinem Ungetüm von PC, Röhrenmonitor und altem Dell Laptop.
Baaad Hack by matju.
WCB: Full bytecode metadata by Dan Sugalski.
One of the
things that was on the list ‘o things to be put into parrot was
fully annotatable bytecode.
We’re going to eat out of a WHAT? It may take a strong stomach to eat curry or chocolate ice cream out of a toilet bowl, but a commode-themed restaurant in Taiwan does booming business serving up just that. Crazy.
Gosling: A closer look at Java, “He looks like an aging hippie,” his daughter said in a tribute video Tuesday that had the 50-year-old Java patriarch blushing on stage. That’s probably the only senseful statement in that article. :-P
Net Pioneer Wants New Internet, David Clark is working with the National Science Foundation on a plan for a whole new infrastructure to replace today’s global network. And I’d be happy if everyone was at least using IPv6…
Altair BASIC storage layout, Bill’s notes.
Rails Day Winners are announced.
Kanzler ohne Mehrheit: Schröder gewinnt das Misstrauen, Werner Schulz: Mit dem von Schröder beschrittenen Weg sei ein “Tiefpunkt der demokratischen Kultur” erreicht.
Collaboa, a project tracker for developers that integrates nicely with Subversion; written in Ruby on Rails.
Aspects of AJAX, a blog about your favourite buzzword.
Forth is like Zen. It is simple, it is accessible, and it can be understood in its entirety without devoting your whole life to it. — Dr. C. H. Ting
eForth and Zen by Dr. C. H. Ting.
HOW-TO: Be A Great Programmer And Win At Life by Dont Fear The Reaper.
Cassini Photo Contest, vote for the best photo.
I saw a white ladder all covered with water,
I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken,
I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children,
And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard,
And it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall.
— Bob Dylan, A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall
The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race is
agriculture, says Jared Diamond. With agriculture came
the gross social and sexual inequality, the disease and despotism,
that curse our existence.
ESR: “We Don’t Need the GPL Anymore” by Federico Biancuzzi. Disproof: GPL Violations. Now STFU, Eric.
Art and Computer Programming by John Littler. Of course, a good program is artwork.