Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Speaking? Tips by Dave Shea. Yes, water is a good idea.
Using Ruby on Rails for Web Development on Mac OS X, by Apple(!). They even admit you better update to 1.8.4. ;-) (Written by Mike Clark.)
TYPO3-Magazin 01/2005 ist online verfügbar, vielleicht bietet es ja etwas Inspiration.
Gothic Nightmares explores the work of Henry Fuseli and William Blake in the context of the Gothic — the taste for fantastic and supernatural themes which dominated British culture from around 1770 to 1830. Very cool.
Battlefield 2 Screenshots at lemonodor. Damn are they realistic…
You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give.
You owe me nothing for caring the way that I have.
I give you thanks for receiving, it’s my privilege,
and you owe me nothing in return.
— Alanis Morissette, Nothing In Return
What Corporate Projects Should Learn from Open Source, by Andrew Stellman and Jennifer Greene. Main thing to learn IMO would be to, well, open the source. ;-)
Plotting the exact X/Y coordinates of clicks on a page, Dan Zambonini ran some experiments. Nifty use of AJAX, too.
What (will be) new in Rails 1.1, by Scott Raymond. Some nifty stuff, some icky stuff.
FasterCSV is intended as a replacement to Ruby’s standard CSV library.
Annotate Models Plugin, by Dave Thomas. Og provides that for free, of course. ;-)
Aizu does not forgive, providing a deep insight into eastern culture.
Joi TV, Joi Ito gets his own TV show. Wow.
When I’m busy doing nothing,
it’s a childhood dream come true.
Inside I’m busy thinking
of the good things that I’ll do.
— Curt Kirkwood, Here Comes Forever
Optimal renders valid OPML from any source in a tree-like view ideal for browsing. Links to external OPML files as well as RSS, RDF, and Atom feeds are expanded in place.
The evil of comments by Matt Mower. “Your comments should be in your own space where they can be properly attributed to you and you have to live with them.”
Test Driven Development And The Myth Of Better Code by Adrian Sutton.
edgeio dynamically organizes listings published from RSS enabled websites. Features all kind of things.
Freer cash flow: Moving money without banks, by Thomas Crampton. “My method was faster, cheaper and simpler than the traditional international money transfer between banks.”
I love you, I love you,
the rest is a lie
what a beautiful weapon
you’ve got in your eyes.
— Curt Kirkwood, Beautiful Weapon
Smile, a cute short story by fleece.
Mac OS X Fonts in pdfTeX, by Gerben C. Th. Wierda, Thomas A. Schmitz and Adam T. Lindsay. Useful, because XeTeX sucks.
ozimodo is a Ruby on Rails powered tumblelog engine. It’s like a blog, but different. Version 1.1 released.
OSDC.il Day 1, Audrey Tang reports and receives that fantastic comment stating, “Pugs seems to be the most successful social-hacker thing since Linux, so congrats to you for making it happens.”
Existential types in conjunction with type classes can be used to emulate the dynamic dispatch mechanism of object oriented programming languages.
Senor, senor, do you know where we’re headin’?
Lincoln County Road or Armageddon?
Seems like I been down this way before.
Is there any truth in that, senor?
— Bob Dylan, Senor
Moose at fork-art.com.
Artful Sentences and Beautiful Evidence, Terrie Miller reviews Virginia Tufte’s latest book.
Creators, Synthesizers, and Consumers, Bradley Horowitz relates them. Tumblelogs are very efficient means of synthesizing.
An Expressive Language of Signatures by Norman Ramsey, Kathleen Fisher and Paul Govereau. At LtU.
neologasm, the joy of new words. Do you know what an asscone is?
Isn’t what I said
World is sick in bed
Roses painted red
Pounding in my head
Silence is better than nothing
Than nothing
Silence is better than nothing
— Eyes Adrift, What I Said
Make the Apple patches harder to install, Ian Holsman says. Would be good if things worked that way.

The M4 Project is an effort to break 3 original Enigma messages with the help of distributed computing. The signals were intercepted in the North Atlantic in 1942 and are believed to be unbroken.
The Complete FreeBSD book now is available as CC-AT-NC-SA. (A pretty ironic choice for all the BSD license spirit…)
South African Muslims + Cartoon Protest = What the… ? by mt. “These cartoons and our anger have actually united Muslims the world over. We are joined together with millions who feel exactly the same way.” An eye wittness reports.
BLDGBLOG Goes To California…, have a look at every link of that post if you find the time.
UnitKit is a unit testing framework for Objective-C code that features tight Xcode integration and focuses on letting you get your job done.
Welcome to the ws-success PBwiki! This is a wiki for capturing and refining success stories about implementing distributed systems with technologies that follow ws-* standards (SOAP, WSDL, etc.). I bet it stays empty. }:-)
Dabbling Under The Radar, DabbleDB will be presented at “Under The Radar”. (Is there some site of active and soon conferences somehow? I more and more forget of them…)
Where do bad folks go when they die?
They don’t go to heaven where the angels fly
They go to the lake of fire and fry
Won’t see them again ‘till the fourth of July
— Meat Puppets, Lake Of Fire
witty tirade on ozmm.org, or a good description of tumblelogs?
Hack the Phishers, Spass für die ganze Familie.
rcov 0.2.0: speedy, prettier, more convenient code coverage, you want it too!
Storage: the Vlerq way, good introduction to how Vlerq works.
It’s just your mind, dirty you. ;-)
Osh is a kind-of object oriented shell, written in Python. Very interesting.
Now tears can’t stop the fire
They’re really more like candledrops
The wax is rolling down
In flames that char the paper walls
Of a cavernous heart
— Eyes Adrift, Telescope
Ruby on Rails experiencing some growing pains, Berin Loritsch notices.
3D Painted Rooms, this is just awesome.
Tux Bilder, oder was meine Schwester so in ihrer Freizeit macht.
Skyscraper Futures: Infected Design, oh if I just could find that “Web 2.0 HeadQuarter” drawing I made some time ago… it had rounded edges. ;-)
Alan Kay: Is Computer Science as Oxymoron?, “Almost nothing exciting about computing today has to do with data structures and algorithms”. I’ve been saying this for years; must read. (Bill Clementson found more to read from him.)
Hackathon #3: P6Doc is reborn!, Perl6 documentation is welcome, of course.
Up on the sun
where it never rains or snows
There’s an ocean
with a wind that never blows
— Meat Puppets, Up On The Sun
Wie versprochen: zerschredderte Penisse, PNSFW. “Charlotte Roche und Christoph Maria Herbst lesen eine Doktorarbeit über Verletzungen bei Masturbationsversuchen mit Staubsaugern.”
Why I passed up the chance to work at Apple, Cameron Moll explains. Best comment: “We’re not doctors. It’s just the Internet. Some things are more important.”
Waltzing Matilda is Australia’s best known and much loved national song. This song, however, has long been the subject of controversy; how and where did it originate, why are there different versions, what does it mean, and why has a song become an Australian icon?
Technomancy’s blog never has been mentioned here, I wonder why. ;-) Good stuff there, Lisp, Ruby, free software.
GST: the new time standard, ah yes, Gothic Standard Time. Nice.
SwarmSketch is an ongoing online canvas that explores the possibilities of distributed design by the masses.
Ruby is 13 years old as of today! Happy birthday!
MacBook Pro, Performing Complete Disassembly. I wish I had one to do that too…
Missles that know where they are or where they aren’t? Listen carefully.
Sudoku Solver using a 3D-metaphor, by Anton Vredegoor. This script views a sudoku problem as a 3-dimensional binary cube. It solves the sudoku problem by wiping away x,y,z points from this cube until the solution appears. Nice idea.
There’s nothing on the top but a bucket and a mop
and an illustrated book about birds
You see alot up there but don’t be scared
Who needs actions when you got words
— Meat Puppets, Plateau
On Books and Immoral Reading, Hanna says: “However, I can now be proud of having saved yet another €20 by buying over €100 worth of books!”
Using REST with Ajax, by Nic Ferrier. I want more apps like this.
Wonderfully Empty, Patrick Logan cites dailyzen.
I just want you to know that I
Don’t hate you anymore
There is nothing I could say
That I haven’t thought before
— Nirvana, Serve The Servants
Wonder of the When-Be-Splat, I didn’t know that Ruby idiom, but I know it will save me lots of include?-orgies.
The Magic Roundabout, words fail me. This is the most nuts roundabout I ever saw.
Ein Gedicht ist ein gefrorener Augenblick, den jeder Leser für sich wieder ins Fließen, in sein Hier und Jetzt bringt. — Hilde Domin
Hilde Domin ist vorgestern 96-jährig verstorben.
Syd Barret singing Bob Dylan Blues, yay. :-P “The song was taken from a demo tape that Dave Gilmour had taken home with him after an early 70s recording session and kept for 30 years.” Must see.
Weak References: Data Types and Implementation, by Bruno Haible. They allow for very nice data structures, I think I should play with them more.
Bride of Climate Change, great storm cloud shots at BLDG BLOG.
Rails on YARV, for now, it more looks like it’s only Webrick shipping the front page; a full Rails port will need a lot of hacking—in Rails code, not in YARV. ;-)
Google Page Creator is a free online tool that makes it easy for anyone to create and publish useful, attractive web pages in just minutes. “Signup was painless, editing was painless, publishing was painless. The resultant markup? Painful.”
Quantum computer works best switched off, ah, the joys of quantum programming.
It’s so warm and calm inside
I no longer have to hide
There’s talk about someone else
Steaming, soop begins to melt
Nothin’ really bothers her
She just wants to love herself
— Nirvana, You Know You’re Right
Killer Interviewing Tips for Podcasters, Part 2, by Jack Herrington. He uses Audacity, a program I think I’m too dumb for to use.
no stinking loops has lots of information about array based languages, that is APL and derivatives (mostly K stuff).
Bad Idea, Patrick, please don’t advocate XML-RPC! What the hell do we need webservices for if we need to transport XML as strings?
I like it – I’m not gonna crack
I miss you – I’m not gonna crack
I love you – I’m not gonna crack
I killed you – I’m not gonna crack
— Nirvana, Lithium
ListMixer is an easy way to track web pages that momentarily hold your interest. It’s handy for tracking blog comments or for pooling timely web pages among friends. Good idea.
Hackathon.il #1/2: Larry on IRC!, he really is on #perl6!
Ruby at School?, Pat Eyler wonders. If you ask me: Yes, but Scheme first.
The Return of Sneakernet, never underestimate the bandwidth of a train full of harddisks…
The Misp Chronicles X: Environmental Functions, William Taysom explains lexical scope in his small Lisp language.
Circlemakers is a site from and for people that make corn circles.
Stateless in Somalia, and Loving It, by Yumi Kim. Exciting story.
The #1 Song on this Date in History…, on my birthday it was “Who’s That Girl” by Madonna. Could have been worse. ;-)
Here’s the ticket, what’s the problem
Too many tickets is the problem, man
Here’s the ticket, what’s the problem
Too many problems is the ticket, man
— The Kills, Ticket Man
Knoppix on the Intel-based Macintosh, yay.
heisetreff, Kontakte, Anzeigen, Events. Erinnert stark an craigslist, könnte aber allein wegen Heise eine solide deutsche Alternative bilden.
Unusual Period Table, featuring wood, marzipan and fools gold, among others.
Influenza-Pandemie-Planungs-Simulator InfluSim, wer’s braucht. *hust*
Cheney Shooting in Google Earth, lovely hack.
Ruby on Rails in a Race, Pat Eyler. Sounds unbeatable compared to Java solutions.
New web app penetration testing tool, Justin Clarke points to Oediupus.
Hear here! Hosted Captcha service now offers audio version, Doug Addison says. I hate them, though.
YARV 0.4.0 (Yet Another Ruby VM) is released, and making great
progress. (ruby --version
now says ruby 2.0.0
(Base: Ruby 1.9.0 2006-02-14)
More on exotic input methods on “programming musings”, with lots of links.
The crashing waves roll over me
As I stand upon the sand
Wait for you to come
And grab hold of my hand.
— Bob Dylan, Never Say Goodbye
A Unifying Approach to Goal-Directed Evaluation, by Olivier Danvy, Bernd Grobauer, and Morten Rhiger. Very cool.
Introduction to the Java EE 5 Platform, at least they try to make it simpler.
ozimodo 1.0 (rails tumbleloggin’) is out, and “ones zeroes majors and minors” alive again! Great.
Architectural Druidry, tree houses rock. (But you need trees, of course…)
Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe. — H. G. Wells, via Patrick Logan
Divine Proportions, Rational Trigonometry to Universal Geometry, by N. J. Wildberger, provides a complete and powerful alternative to classical trigonometry and Euclidean geometry. Sounds very interesting, and lovely it all works without sine, cosine and tangent.
Gondolas of New York, sorry, but that’s a really nuts idea.
People Piling in the Very Last Car, I guess I should read the Caboo.se blog more often.
Is Yahoo Banning Allah?, Yahoo, grow up.
Joyeur is the Joyent blog. And they talk about beer and nachos.
Pirates: A Constructible Card Game, by jolly st nick. Certainly sounds interesting.
Just like stars burning bright
Making holes in the night
We are building bridges
— KT Tunstall, Universe and U
Dear Muslim World, by circletimessquare. Starts off with a nice 13th century quote.
Gri is a language for scientific graphics programming. Gri can make x-y graphs, contour graphs, and image graphs, in PostScript and (someday) SVG formats. Control is provided over all aspects of drawing, e.g. line widths, colors, and fonts.
Ancient cave art full of teenage graffiti, was their dad mad about them for painting the cave walls?
Spousal Abuse: guns, fists and words, by moondancer. Tough stuff.
I(E7) coulda been a contender…, Kurt Cagle is not impressed by IE7.
Back from Reality, the Pugs Blog gets updated again.
Logging Changes when Saving ActiveRecord Objects, thinking about it, a database with time axis would rock.
Don’t Make Me Think, Patrick Logan says: “Maybe an architecture isn’t required if all you need to do is point and click within a single IDE and toolkit.”
Apple Safari Browser Automatically Executes Shell Scripts, looks like “Open safe files” also opens unsafe files. :P

Redfoot can be best described as a webized Operating System. An operating system built around the notion of hypercode and where the persistence is built around the notion of an RDF Graph rather than a File Tree (see the namesys Graph vs. Tree). Python code, but inspiring.
The Schematron differs in basic concept from other schema languages in that it not based on grammars but on finding tree patterns in the parsed document. This approach allows many kinds of structures to be represented which are inconvenient and difficult in grammar-based schema languages. Nifty and very useful.
How do i show all the love
Inside my heart
— KT Tunstall, Through the Dark
Mr Safe, Q: Meanwhile, it finally is safe to put out feeds… based on Atom 1.0? A: Yes.
Leaftag is a library and set of utilities for tagging files on the Linux desktop. It’s a convenient way of organizing files in a non-hierarchical manner.
First Niagara/Linux SMP boot…, nice job, Dave.
OliveBSD is a LiveCD based on OpenBSD 3.8 with graphical environment and various softwares.
If I’m so evil
Then why are you satisfied
If I’m so evil
Why are you satisfied?
— The Kills, Rodeo Town
The power of Ruby Brigades, by pat eyler. So, where are the rubyists in southern Germany?
Prototype Dissected, featuring big diagrams of everyone’s favourite JavaScript library.
Internet Helpdesk Training Film, hilarious.
Famous Unsolved Codes and Ciphers, of course, most lack enough cyphertext to be cracked.
Bearly Gods: A Review of Grizzly Man, by localroger. “For thirteen seasons Timothy Treadwell lived among the brown grizzly bears of Alaska’s Katmai National Park. And at the end of his thirteenth season, one of the bears ate him.”
On Opera and Alternative History, “Half-way through second act I almost fell asleep.”, Hanna says.
You’re standing on your head, while you’re standing on your feet
A body split in two doesn’t know how to sleep
— The Kills, Murdermile
perlnow.el, Emacs extensions to speed perl development.
LISP Ecosystems, by Phil Windley. Chicken-egg problems, in the end.
Mars Rover: A New Film by BLDGBLOG, very dramatic.
Standard ML and Objective Caml, Side by Side, good comparision. Hard to choose one side.
NESL is a parallel language developed at Carnegie Mellon by the SCandAL project. It integrates various ideas from the theory community (parallel algorithms), the languages community (functional languages) and the system’s community (many of the implementation techniques).
Easy on the Adverbs, Exclamation Points and Especially Hooptedoodle, Elmore Leonard’s Ten Rules of Writing. (And don’t center large pieces of text.)
Ma.gnolia went out of private beta, and I forgot to announce it sooner, despite having tested it. Sorry, guys.
The Perils of Metadata, this is great. Finally a use for EXIF: find script kiddies!
Ein Workshop für Ruby on Rails auf Deutsch in München, 12.-14. April, by the usual suspects. ;-)
Il est mnuit à Tokyo
Il est cinq heures au Mali
Quelle heure est-il au paradis?
— Amadou & Mariam, Sénégal Fast-Food
Erik’s Linkblog could be considered a Java-flavoured tumblelog.
Ceiling Cat is…, well, better look at your own.
Quantuum Physics Made Relatively Simple, Three Lectures by Hans Bethe.
Camera unlost, but not quite found, WJW. There are people outtathere, I tell you.
Ten Reasons to Buy Windows Vista, by Michael Desmond. I’d call that a lousy joke, rather.
mod_fcgid is a binary compatibility alternative to the Apache module mod_fastcgi. And GPLed.
Everybody’s shifty
Some secret s in the air
Half of me wants to crack the code
The other half don’t care
— Dan Bern, Fly Away
SwitchTower 1.0.0 released. Congrats, minam!
Planetarium Among the Dunes, light pollution is such a beautiful word.
Jaskell is a functional scripting programming language that runs in JVM. Dynamically scoped and impure, though.
I find from personal experience that the stupidest writers are the ones whose writing is positively baroque in form. — John Scalzi
Presentation documents and writing for non-writers, do writers do it differently? Anyway, good read.
How to Shoot Yourself In the Foot, in several programming languages.
REST and SOAP, Patrick Logan comments on Don Box.
In World War Thirteen
Borders were done away with
And all the world was ruled
By some little brat from Mars
— Dan Bern, World War
Dasher, is an information-efficient text-entry interface, driven by natural continuous pointing gestures. Not for people with bad stomach.
Evil C, a collection of strange C constructs. Nifty. ;-)
Accidental Features of Perl, found by Mark Dominus.
Gilad Is Right, Confessions From A Recovering Typoholic. It’s pragmatic, but somehow it doesn’t feel right.
I’m as cranky as a bitch
All I wanna do is spit
Ain’t nothing to eat after that feast
Been gettin’ laid regular at least
And I don’t wanna hurt you
So stay out of my way today
— Dan Bern, Beautiful Trees
Trojan or Worm?, Chris Josephes on Oompa-A. I claim trojan.
Dessert Landscapes, yum yum. Don’t look if you are hungry.
First release of Rubyfront, a Ruby parser powered by ANTLR.
How Groovy Lost its Groove Thang, lession learned: abvoid comitees.
Beutiful art made with kintting [sic], very creative. PNSFW. (Thanks to Rosemary Renton.)
Kittenwar, may the cutest kitten win.
Electric Larryland, by Dan Moniz. I’m still waiting to be taken over by Oracle.
Alanis Morisette Lyrics Generator, highly nifty.
Sour Grapes humorously comments on the universal emotions of envy and jealousy.
God said time
Time belongs to me
Time’s my secret weapon
My final advantage
God turned away
From the edge of town
I knew I was beaten
And that now was all I had
God said no
— Dan Bern, God Said No
Campfire is 37signals’s new web-based chat platform. Very nifty.
The invention of cookyright, by Georg Greve. “German cook asking to introduce copyright-like right for recipes.”
An Analysis of Democratically Ordered Link Sites, with a fantastic conclusion: “[I]f you want your web site to be the top link on Digg or Reddit, write better content.”
Managing Rich Data Structures in Perl, by Dave Baker. Of course, with “proper” references, noone would need a complete article on that.
Cobertura is a free Java tool that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests. It can be used to identify which parts of your Java program are lacking test coverage.
Introducing Lua, by Keith Fieldhouse.
On Meditation, by LilDebbie. “Of course, you don’t have to get the hippy new-age albums featuring Ocean Sounds, Birds Chirping, and Wind Chimes, but they’re less boring than straight tonal white noise.”
Three Dimensional Images in the Air, visualization of “real 3D images” using laser plasma. WJW.
Rails’ Ridiculous Restrictions, a Rant, on Joel Spolski’s forum. He actually got a point, though.
Sometimes I’d just like to take on the world
and decree that they all go away
Everyone’s stupid
and no one has anything very insightful to say
Its the price you have to pay.
I’m tired of it today.
I’d like another way.
— Dan Bern, Fascist In Me
Yikes, BLDGBLOG is Yahoo’s Pick of the Day today… that’s a good thing.
How do we tell truths that might hurt? by Edsger W. Dijkstra. The most scientific flame ever?
Incident No. 32: A Smart Curtsy, Why at his best. “Where did the socks let go?”
The First Mac OS X Virus? , it’s actually a trojan based on a fact that long has been known (making an application look like a non-executable file).
Der Balken im Auge, von Peter Mühlbauer: ” Die Zensur durch die Religion vom “Geistigen Eigentum” ist weniger sichtbar, aber umfassender als die Zensur durch traditionelle Religionen.”
Unimperative is a very small functional language, defined using a strict subset of ISO C++ syntax, making it compilable on any standards compliant C++ compiler. Cute.
Haskell video lectures online, yay!
Fission for Program Comprehension, by Jeremy Gibbons. Interesting.
It’s a day off, it’s an off day
It’s a Budweiser, Budgetel, Bukowski kind of night
I only got what’s on my back, guitar and a back pack
My soul is intact
— Dan Bern, Black Tornado
The Variance Trap, “Let’s create a simple model of a project, and run a simulation of how variance affects development speed.”
Over two orders of magnitude faster with YARV, yay for algorithmical optimization, check it out!
Where is the Cost of Complexity in Program Design?, chromatic asks. (Also features a nice Python stab.)
Hacking the XML in Your TiVo, by Bob DuCharme. Makes nice stuff possible.
We have to reinvent the wheel every once in a while, not because we need a lot of wheels; but because we need a lot of inventors. — Bruce Joyce
Functions and subs in a threaded world, Dan Sugalski discovers microthreads.
Develop Your Lateral Thinking, by Jim Stallard. Now if that approach worked in school. ;-)
Circles Are Awesome, nothing new to the geometrically sound one, but nice for teaching.
Zuckerwattenhürden, Lydia, heiratet man nicht sowieso aus steuerlichen Gründen?
Manners for IRB implement Why’s ideas of a better #inspect.
Oscars and Felixes, by Jim Bumgardner. Nice analogy.
Pandora is a simple web document and application platform written in Ruby. Sounds like a Wiki with executable sites?
Maybe I should get into politics
Maybe I should get into smuggling or porn flicks
Maybe make a list what I love and hate
Maybe start wearing a suit just like Tom Waits
— Dan Bern, I Don’t Know Who I Am
Israeli group announces anti-Semitic cartoons contest!, “We’ll show the world we can do the best, sharpest, most offensive Jew hating cartoons ever published!” Actually, a fantastic idea.
LED Throwies are an inexpensive way to add color to any ferromagnetic surface in your neighborhood. Awesome idea and be sure to see the video.
The History of Cardiac Catherization, you won’t believe what Werner Forssmann did…
OpenSPARC T1 is the open source version of the UltraSPARC T1 processor, its specification is online now.
State of the Blogosphere, February 2006 Part 2: Beyond Search, by David Sifry. “The Magic Middle is the 155,000 or so weblogs that have garnered between 20 and 1,000 inbound links.”
This stat backs me up, Doug Addison on the back button. I mainly navigate by clicking links or directly changing the URL.
Hitlers Bombe hat also offensichtlicht nicht abgestrahlt.
And if you’re willing to look truthfully
I think you’ll see
That babe I’m not the guy who hurt you
Many years ago
— Dan Bern, I’m Not The Guy
Tricking that old, picky interpreter: prototype-based OOP, Mauricio hacks with singleton classes and evil.rb.
Oracle Buys Open Source Software Company Sleepycat, I wonder how that turns out.
Woodstox is a fast fully-validating StAX-compliant (JSR-173) Open Source XML-processor written in Java.
Workshop on Generic Programming 2006, takes place in Portland, Oregon, 16th September 2006.
Call for Perl Lightning Articles, by chromatic. A Ruby Lightning Article set would be cool to have too.
As you sit there in the shade
And reflect on the choices that I have made
Just remember what I ve done
Has been done in the glare of a blinding sun
— Dan Bern, Suzanne
Ideas for Ruby 2 Manners, Why swags a bit. ;-) (And no, please no inspect-in-parens.)
Auntie Em, Auntie Em!, a comparision of Dan Sugalski’s Tornado and vlerq would be interesting.
Eliminating the Non-Essentials, by Berin Loritsch. “So, after all this effort putting in a feature to let the user control their coffee pot from their word processor, the feature goes unused.”
Powerbookless, I just pity Ted Leung.
Support Denmark, No tolerance for intolerance. No apology for being free. (I’d add the graphic here too, but it’s too wide.)
Saxon diaries by Michael Kay. Blogging on XSLT.
Writing Meaningful Link Text, it still needs to be said in 2006.
And I stare at the stone cold floor
I guess that’s what you do in the pen
Then I get to thinking what I’d really like to do
Is to come back here and fight this to the end
— Dan Bern, Jail
Are Blogs the new CV?, Paul Browne wonders. And what will the headhunters think when they read Anarchaia?
Another 150 RailsConf Seats, that’s pretty awesome, no?
Fuck on Google Earth.
Valentine’s Day Massacre on ALA. And what do you hate about the web? And what do you like?
Apple Store is back up with slightly faster Mac Book Pros, I wonder how fast they’ll be when they actually ship. }:-)
A Wheel of Perpetual Enginery, really looks nice.
My grandfather was a duck trapper,
He could do it with just dragnets and ropes
My grandmother could sew new dresses out of old cloth,
I don’t know if they had any dreams or hopes
— Bob Dylan, Floater (Too Much To Ask)
YARV Merged Matz, now this is really great news. (Updating YARV right now.)
TeXdown 0.2, guess I gotta port that.
New Adventures in HiFi Text, using Markdown with LaTeX. I had that idea too, but never got around to implement it.
Churches celebrate Darwin’s birthday, “Nearly 450 Christian churches in the United States are celebrating the 197th birthday of Charles Darwin Sunday.” I, Leah Neukirchen, celebrate too. ;-)
The ‘Self’-Shunt Unit Testing Pattern (PDF), by Michael Feathers. Nice one.
Basic tutorial for women to pee standing at All About My Vagina. PNSFW.
What do you write in that journal
Some kind of infernal poetry
So that I’ll offer my help
But don’t you worry, don’t you worry
— The Donnas, Have You No Pride
Need a girlfriend?, go ahead, pick out an Imaginary Girlfriend today. We won’t tell anyone that it’s not real!
Ropes are a scalable string implementation: they are designed for efficient operation that involve the string as a whole. Came up with that on my own tonight.
Wie geprügelte Hunde, Sie wurden geschlagen, erniedrigt und eingesperrt. Unter oft unvorstellbaren Bedingungen wuchsen in den fünfziger und sechziger Jahre Hunderttausende Kinder und Jugendliche in kirchlichen Heimen auf. “Wir waren Zwangsarbeiter”, sagen sie heute.
The Song Tapper, this site lets you search for a song, by tapping the rhythm of its words (lyrics). Doesn’t work for me, but maybe I just can’t tap.
trapexit.org, Your Last Stop for Erlang Information.
Interval Computations on LtU. I don’t see why a good, inlined, library wouldn’t just do it?
Free Kurt Cagle, (and save me from his wrath while you’re at it)! *grin*
cl-openpoker, I’m really excited how it will scale.
Continuation kata, can you write AMB from the top of your mind?
While The Light’s Still Green, by Geoff Manaugh. About global warming, but also features art by Hieronymus Bosch.
How “Christ, What an Asshole!” is the Answer to the New Yorker Magazine Caption Contest, by Charles Lavoie.
I remember the time you drove all night
Just to meet me in the morning
And I thought it was strange, you said everything changed
You felt as if you’d just woke up
— Bright Eyes, First Day Of My Life
Ruby on Rails: The importance of being 1.0, Matthew Broersma interviewed DHH.
Top 10 List: Ways to Simplify Programming, by Mike Elola. Has a strong Forth focus, but the concepts as usually apply in general.
An Assembly Programer’s Approach to Object-oriented Forth, by András Zsótér.
Out of Eden: possible implementation architecture, can we have a completely Java-free, easy to install implementation of that “stack”, please?
The Misp Chronicles IX: fn, William Taysom on lambdas in his minimal Lisp.
Localhost is a program that lets you access a shared, world-wide file system through your web browser. This file system is maintained in a fully decentralized way by all of the computers running Localhost. The program uses BitTorrent technology, and P2P Distributed Hashtable technology called Kademlia.
I find it very, very easy to be true
I find myself alone when each day is through
Yes, I’ll admit that I’m a fool for you
Because you’re mine, I walk the line
— Johnny Cash, I Walk The Line
Top X List of Mac OS X Annoyances, or at least of what Chris Shiflett thinks sucks. (I disagree with just about everything, except VI, VIII and IX.)
Enron Email Dataset, for all your data-mining needs.
Ghosts In The Hall, by free2delude. “Tuberculosis, also called the “white plague” or “consumption” affected thousands of Canadians every year until 1944.”
Microsoft Anti-Spyware Deleting Norton Anti-Virus, lovely.
I was 0wn3d on a Mac, this made me ROTFL, seriously.
Coders Bare Invasion Death Count, “The citizens of East Timor who perished during Indonesia’s brutal 24-year occupation of their tiny island nation might have died unaccounted for – as many civilians do in military conflicts around the world. But a group of determined programmers and statisticians refused to let that happen.”
The Mysteries of X-GOOGLE-TOKEN and why it matters, interesting uses.
Selenium IDE is an integrated development environment for Selenium tests. It is implemented as a Firefox extension, and allows you to record, edit, and debug tests.
Zooko’s Triangle: An Introduction to Petname Systems, at Lispmeister’s.
Little Languages is a blog in which the authors cook up disposable little languages for the amusement of all. So far mostly contains Python hacks.

The future urban-modular, more cool houses at BLDG BLOG.
Gravestmor is a very good, tumbly-style, weblog about design and other beautiful things.
All and all can only fall
With a crashing but meaningless blow
No sound ever comes from the Gates of Eden
— Bob Dylan, Gates Of Eden
Functional MetaPost is a Haskell frontend to the MetaPost language by John Hobby. Nice stuff to hack on.
Constructing Red-Black Trees by Ralf Hinze. “This paper explores the structure of red-black trees by solving an apparently simple problem: given an ascending sequence of elements, construct, in linear time, a red-black tree that contains the elements in symmetric order.” (Note this was written in 1999.)
Gmres And Integral Operators by C. T. Kelley And Z. Q. Xue. “In this paper we show how the properties of integral operators and their approximations are reflected in the performance of the GMRES iteration and how these properties can be used to smooth the GMRES iterates, thereby strengthening the norm in which convergence takes place.”
Current Style in Web Design, “I’m glad to say that web design in 2006 is better than ever.” True.
Guido: Language Design Is Not Just Solving Puzzles, I don’t buy that.
Jaws is a Framework and Content Management System for building dynamic web sites.
Anagram Map of the Tube. Nifty.
First time I shot her
I shot her in the side
Hard to watch her suffer
But with the second shot she died
Delia’s gone, one more round
Delia’s gone
— Johnny Cash, Delia’s Gone
Gmail for your domain can easily be done with MX fudding, no?
A Slice of Life, Charles Miller rocks.
Mehr zu den GoYellow-Karten beim Schockwellenreiter. Da kann man ja ganz nett linken, schön.
FC++ is a library for functional programming in C++. For the sick.
Where are the Missing Masses? Sociology of a Door, by Bruno Latour.
Call-Out To AppleMAC-Safari Community: Support for DOM L3 XPath , by M. David Peterson. Sounds like a fun thing to play with.
A Brief Django/TurboGears Comparison by Jeremy Jones.
Ode to Switchtower, I guess I’ll have a deeper look at it too.
Tropolism Contest: Your Hidden City, there will be great shots, I’m sure.
Rolling with Ruby on [Instant]Rails, for our poor Windows users.
House for a river ecologist, fantastic design found at BLDG BLOG.
Well, I woke up Sunday morning
With no way to hold my head that didn’t hurt.
And the beer I had for breakfast wasn’t bad,
So I had one more for dessert.
— Johnny Cash, Sunday Morning Coming Down
Me & the Thirsty Cups at SXSW in March, Then RailsConf in June, ah, I’d love to see Why The Lucky Stiff live someday.
Thank You from Apple!, it says, “we are giving MacBook Pro computers to twelve of our top contributors [to WebKit].”
Texas Hold’em ist eine Variante des Kartenspiels Poker. Mal auf Deutsch erklärt.
Vim 7, Diwaker Gupta tried it and has some screenshots.
Building Decision Trees in Python, by Christopher Roach. The ideas work for every language, of course.
New Species Found in New Guinea (MLP), t1ber writes: “The animals are docile and unafraid of humans, which implies they have no contact with civilization or people at all.” (What kind of reasoning is that?)
Why Ruby?, Andy Hunt doesn’t need to convince me anymore, but what about you?
Lisp is Joy, Joel Reymont language-hops again.
I ain’t braggin but that girl can really roll
she’s never left me busted flat or
standing in the cold
— Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash, 1970 Monte Carlo
Virgin Atlantic Global Flyer, where is Steve Fossett right now?
Stenography, Suw Charman wonders: “Why don’t computers do stenography?” Good question, I’d like that.
World of Warcraft — “The New Golf”, Joi Ito says. And I try to recall why I dislike golf.
eWeek: LISP Deserves a Fresh Look, John Wiseman cites. (And how can people still be complaining about car and cdr. Sheesh.)
European Common Lisp Meeting 2006, registration for the conference in Hamburg now is open.
Trendy AllegroCache, using AllegroCache is incredibly easy; any CLOS object can be made persistent by simply setting its metaclass to ‘persistent-class’ and specifying which slots are indexed. Can we have that for Ruby too, please?
Whoever is unjust, let him be unjust still.
Whoever is righteous, let him be righteous still.
Whoever is filthy, let him be filthy still.
Listen to the words long written down,
When the man comes around.
— Johnny Cash, The Man Comes Around
Egg timers for OS X. I guess I’ll try minuteur.
On Lisp by Paul Graham as HTML version, seems to originate from Texinfo.
Merging Experience and Knowledge, “An incredibly hard day, in which stress broke demeanours, and behaviour. However, it has been a more than valuable lesson.”
Hau den Mond, interessante Theorie zur Mondentstehung.
Frost-safe DSL’ing with instance_exec, IMO, making instance_eval just pass the damn parameters too would have been easier, but YMMV.
TracOnDarcs, sounds like a good team.

Views of the elephantine phenomenon, very weird diagrams by Ken Coar.
Behind Bézier, by Robin Blair. “The maths is really quite simple, I promise.”
I’m sick of love; I hear the clock tick
This kind of love; I’m love sick
— Bob Dylan, Love Sick
WINE Arrives for Intel Macs, good news. (Even if I don’t miss a thing.)
Blogging and the Future of (the?) Media, by Kurt Cagle. Don’t we blog about this for two years now?
GovTrack.us, Public Data, and the Semantic Web by Joshua Tauberer. Data mine the congress.
On Unix security mistakes, Anton Chuvakin found a paper covering the “four worst security strategies affecting Unix deployment in business and government.”
The Desktop as a Grid Service, Test-Driving Sun’s Prototype Display By Frank Sommers. I wonder if this can be dynamic enough.
haXe is an open source programming language for the web. Can compile to SWF, Javascript and neko bytecode.
I was a sailor. I was born upon the tide
And with the sea I did abide.
I sailed a schooner round the Horn to Mexico
I went aloft and furled the mainsail in a blow
And when the yards broke off they said that I got killed
But I am living still.
— Johnny Cash, Highwayman
Book Ecosystems, by Dave Thomas. The Rails bookstack is seriously growing.
Was steckt in den Chips? Und ich dachte es geht um Silizium.
Re: Masturbation in Showers, jerk off at home! SFW.
Disemvoweling is a technique used by forum moderators to suppress trolling, vandalism, and other rude behavior in online discourse by removing all the vowels from the offending material. Nifty idea.
Essential vs. Non-Essential, what to include and what to leave out in your 1.0.
LEGO Difference Engine, by Andrew Carol. Building A Calculating Machine Using LEGO is just awesome.
Chris Coulter’s Demo 2006 report, “The Only Honest Report on the Web”.
The Art of DeTouch explores the manipulation of images related to the human form. Drawing photographs from existing online portfolio sites of professional re-touch artists, this application allows a user to explore precisely how the images were altered. Using Processing, […] before and after images are compared algorithmically pixel by pixel to generate visualizations of the alterations.
I’ve known you’re a maid I love dearly
And you’ve been in my heart all the while
For me there is no other damsel
Than my bloomin’ bright star of Belle Isle.
— Bob Dylan, Belle Isle
Bob the Angry Flower on Soy Milk, don’t try this at home.
Novell Raises the Bar for the Linux Desktop, in other words: Xgl is released. Looks hot.
Schreck 2.0: Antisocial Javascript And XML, Folien von fukami und Lars Strojny.
I propose that we keep lambda, so as to stop wasting everybody’s talent and time on an impossible quest. — Guido van Rossum
Französisches Gericht erlaubt Privatkopien aus Tauschbörsen, klasse!
A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace is 10 years old as of today.
Everybody knows where you go when the sun goes down.
I think you only live to see the lights of town.
I wasted my time when I would try, try, try.
When the lights have lost their glow, you’re gonna cry, cry, cry.
— Johnny Cash, Cry! Cry! Cry!
rails.el provides an Emacs minor mode for editing RubyOnRails code.
K-19 Submariner ‘Saved the World’, Gorbachev Tells Nobel Committee, how about giving a nobel prize to the one that abolishes nuclear reactors in submarines?
You have two cows, the biggest collection of “two cow” jokes I ever saw, on Uncyclopedia.
Nine in Nine, William Taysom compares lambdas in various languages. (His own one looks very much like what I’m currently designing.)
Future build systems, Steve Loughran analyzes the existing ones. Conclusions are unclear, IMO “make” still pretty much is the way to go, but needs to be seperated from the shell and objectified in some ways (even further than rake goes).
Richard Stallman on P2P, where he says this: “I no longer endorse Creative Commons. I cannot endorse Creative Commons as a whole, because some of its licenses are unacceptable.” And I have to say, I think he’s right. Especially the “non-commerical” clauses disturb me a lot.
OpenZoep, the state-of-the-art GPL VoIP solution.
Low-level instrospection [sic] to save brain bits: Ruby object model, class hierarchy and method dispatching by Mauricio Fernandez.
Rails Guidebook is Full, and I still think the naming is confusing.
A Natural History of Mirrors on BLDG BLOG. Symmetry is the meaning of life!
Podcasting: The end of amateur hour?, I think more than 90% of all podcasts are just pointless. (Same may be true of blogs, but those at least can be searched and filtered.)
But the dealer says, “Attendez-vous, s’il vous plait,”
As the rain beats down and the cranes fly away
From Black Diamond Bay.
— Bob Dylan, Black Diamond Bay
Domain name contact information and the right to anonymity, Andy Oram says: “A long-standing debate over the use of WHOIS data is coming to a head.”
The Rails Application Visualizer produces nice diagrams from your Rails apps.
Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation by Shriram Krishnamurthi got a makeover. Already was excellent the first time I read it.
Gemeinsame Erkärung “Datenspeicherung ist inakzeptabel”, unterzeichnet von CCC, DVD, DJV, FIfF, NNM, naiin, STOP1984, FoeBuD und dem vzbv.
eWeek: ‘Exotic’ Programming Tools Go Mainstream, on LtU. Of course, once they are mainstream they aren’t exotic anymore. (more at lemonodor)
A possible fix for a slow Mail.app, Bob, Gnus runs fine where with 64k messages.
Urban Counter-Astronomy And The Return Of Night, features lovely shots.
Close your eyes, close the door,
You don’t have to worry any more.
I’ll be your baby tonight.
— Bob Dylan, I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight
Scheme code Kata, long time nothing heard of Katas, no?
Editor Index at texteditors.org. Among them classics that still need to be studied by me. (To improve Emacs, of course. ;))
Swoogle searches the semantic web.
SPonglet is a Java applet that lets you play Pong in real-time SIRDS (commonly known as ‘Magic-Eye’ images). Will make your eyes hurt.
Found Punk – a photoset on Flickr, kewl: “Circle of Shit”.
A Guide to PLT Scheme Contracts, an incomplete draft by Robert Bruce Findler and Matthias Felleisen.
Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New ‘Intelligent Falling’ Theory, I think it’s a spaghetti monster that drops the apples.
A self-ordained professor’s tongue
Too serious to fool
Spouted out that liberty
Is just equality in school
— Bob Dylan, My Back Pages
Falling off the wagon with DrScheme, can’t be bad, can it?
Sido auf WoW gesichtet, gaaanz toll.
Getting an Education, James Britt on Ruby for teaching.
Structured Speech, Patrick Logan makes a very good point: “I would probably pay more attention to podcasts if they were written down.”
State of the Blogosphere, February 2006, Part 1: On Blogosphere Growth. “[A]bout 9% of new blogs are spam or machine generated”.
Physikblogs beim zeitwissen:log. Und wo bleiben die Matheblogs? *habenwill*
Perfect hashing guarantees that you get no collisions at all. It is possible when you know exactly what set of keys you are going to be hashing when you design your hash function.
Idiot wind, blowing through the buttons of our coats,
Blowing through the letters that we wrote.
Idiot wind, blowing through the dust upon our shelves,
We’re idiots, babe.
It’s a wonder we can even feed ourselves.
— Bob Dylan, Idiot Wind
A game theoretic approach to the toilet seat problem, by Richard Harter. Regarding having the seat up and down, I wonder if there is a quantuum mechanic solution too…
YARV merged into 1.9? not that soon, Mauricio Fernandez clarifies.
Beyond mainstream object-oriented programming, a whirl-wind tour though just about every object system. (Read the rest of that site too, it’s just excellent.)
Stress, Societies and Shelving, by Hanna Jarvinen. “I do think that it is time to found a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Scholars.”

Rx Handbook, complete documentation of a Forth core language.
How to Consistently Win the High-low Game, by William Taysom. Reminds me of my totally safe way to make profit at the stock market. (And if it didn’t include the solution written in Ruby, it would make a great quiz.)
Let me drink from the waters where the mountain streams flood
Let me smell of wildflowers flow free through my blood
Let me sleep in your meadows with the green grassy leaves
Let me walk down the highway with my brother in peace.
Let me die in my footsteps
Before I go down under the ground.
— Bob Dylan, Let Me Die in My Footsteps
ChatFu, Cartoonify (And Save) Your IM Chats.
Thelema — A Modern Religion for Modern Times, by tannhaus. I prefer atheism, the only post-modern religion. ;-)
The Effective Emailer, by Guy Kawasaki.
How do songs get stuck in your head?, the reason may have to do with repetition.
insert “milkshake” joke here, awesome video. PNSFW.
Kissing cats, cute, no?
Keep an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls out. — Richard P. Feynman
Zoem is an interpretive macro/programming language made for building and translating micro-formats. Very TeXish syntax.
compilers.net is a news site for all things on compilers.
Red Necks, Red Dirt and Red Beer…, by terryfunk. “The huge changes that were coming, were yet to reach farmland America. Getting high, long hair and Zen philosophy were yet to arrive.”
The Hitchhiker Guide to Islam, Jihad, Jews, Sex with minors and the 70 virgins, Part I by KingRamsis. “Recently more and more FUD about Islam has been spreading mainly due to ignorance and partially on purpose by parties who stand to gain from trashing the image of Islam and Muslims.”
Inverse typechecker and theorem proving in intuitionistic and classical logics, for your daily mind bending.
Front door shut, back door too,
Blinds pulled down, what’ cha gonna do?
Gotta step it up and go-Yeah, go.
Can’t stand pat, swear you gotta step it up and go.
— Bob Dylan, Step It up and Go
Siaris.net – Simplicity via Complexity, Bob Hutchison comments. But yes, simplicity may only be a local minimum of complexity.
The Memory Project is the Dominion Institute’s flagship educational programme, designed to connect veterans and students online and in classrooms across the country. Also has a comprehensive digital archive.
RubySpaMeeting2006, featuring great news: “YARV will be merged into Ruby 1.9 at Feb 14, Saint Valentine’s Day.”
30th Anniversary of “An Open Letter To Hobbyists”, will we remind that in 30 years again?
The Satanic Cartoons, Ugo Cei gets rude: “For the time being, those ministers and their beloved prophet Mohammed can kiss my ass.”
Surviving Emacs – Part 4, Bill Clementson’s setup becomes really complex.
Fluttering Butterfly Lamp, isn’t it cute?
Johnny Cash is dead and big fonts are back. I wish it was the other way round, but let’s get ourselves updated to 2.0 and accept oversized fonts. — Roman Mittermayr, Web 2.0 Design …in a nutshell
Web 2.0 Design …in a nutshell, everything you need to know.
A taste of evil.rb: using DL to unfreeze objects, Mauricios Fernandez’s favourite hack rediscovered.
Google snack rooms, yum yum.
Dad, What Was Internet?, I hope it won’t end like that.
Python On Lisp: A project to call Python code from Lisp, but will it rescue reddit? *smirk*
Nightsticks and water cannons, tear gas, padlocks,
Molotov cocktails and rocks behind every curtain,
False-hearted judges dying in the webs that they spin,
Only a matter of time ‘til night comes steppin’ in.
— Bob Dylan, Jokerman
Rails Recipes in Beta, you too can help Chad Fowler with his book.
codefluency is Bruce Williams’s fresh blog. I always wondered where he did hide on the net. ;-)
Book Outline of XUnitPatterns.com, patterns in unit tests are interesting, they should be studied to abstract them away.
Cilk is a language for multithreaded parallel programming based on ANSI C. Cilk is designed for general-purpose parallel programming, but it is especially effective for exploiting dynamic, highly asynchronous parallelism, which can be difficult to write in data-parallel or message-passing style.
Counterfeit philosophies have polluted all of your thoughts.
Karl Marx has got ya by the throat, Henry Kissinger’s got you tied up in knots.
— Bob Dylan, When You Gonna Wake Up
Working your way out of the automated GUI testing tarpit (part 7) by Brian Marick. The “GUI” is the web, though.
The Pragmatic Architect is a blog on software design, with a Java focus.
The Semasiology of Open Source (Part 2) was Robert Lefkowitz’s OSCON 2005 talk. Excellent to listen to.
OneLook is a dictionary search engine that has 7,608,756 words in 1001 dictionaries indexed.
Don’t say “no”!, by Stefan Scholl. “Will someone else be able to work on your Common Lisp code?” Why not?
Interview with Samantha Kleinberg on CL-GODB, Common Lisp & Bioinformatics, that’s the first female Lisper I ever saw… and she does cool stuff.
Wenn ein Friedhof stirbt, heftig: “Dabei liegen menschliche Gebeine einfach so auf dem frei zugänglichen Gelände zwischen den streunenden Hunden herum.”
Trouble in the water, trouble in the air,
Go all the way to the other side of the world, you’ll find trouble there.
Revolution even ain’t no solution for trouble.
— Bob Dylan, Trouble
Torvalds versus GPLv3 DRM restrictions on NewsForge. I’m a bit sceptic of that section too, but more in favor.
NODE.London nodes (event hosts) are drawn from a geographically dispersed and diverse range of London-based arts groups/venues: alternative, independent, publicly funded and commercial.
FSM Erotica, pasta-sex. PNSFW.
Chaos Games on Lemonodor, interesting.
How to avoid losing $199m, Paul Browne claims to know. Easier way: Don’t own $199m.
Test-Driving X11 GUIs by George Nistorica. Uses Perl and X11::GUITest.
Theming Bash by Shlomi Fish. Been a long time since I hacked my prompt…
The Stars are Wonder by CheeseburgerBrown. “This story concerns arrogance, curiosity, and numerically-inclined lesbians.” Sounds like good reasons. ;-)
In the suburbs of self-similarity, fractal suburbs’s houses have imaginary addresses.
Heart of mine go back where you been,
It’ll only be trouble for you if you let her in.
Don’t let her hear
Don’t let her hear you want her.
Don’t let her know she’s so fine
Heart of mine.
— Bob Dylan, Heart of Mine
Type Theory and Functional Programming by Simon Thompson. PDFs available.
Zen and the Art of Ruby Programming is a nice Ruby and Rails blog by Antonio Cangian.
Die mit den viren spielt, Lydia, richtige Cocktails helfen. ;-)
Era Ends: Western Union Stops Sending Telegrams, STOP.
US-amerikanische Whois-Regeln erstmals vor Gericht, als ob da alle korrekte Daten angeben würden…
GREYCstoration is an image regularization algorithm which processes an image by locally removing small variations of pixel intensities while preserving significant global image features, such as sharp edges and corners. The most direct application of image regularization is denoising. By extension, it can also be used to inpaint or resize images. A GIMP filter is available.
Make me up a bed of roses
And hang them down from the vine
Of all my loves you’ve been the closest
That’s ever been on my mind.
— Bob Dylan, Coming From The Heart
Wir haben das Recht, uns über Gott lustig zu machen!, der Schockwellenreiter hat jede Menge Links, die die Islam-Karikaturen thematisieren.
Digitaler Personalausweis: Regierung will Daten an Wirtschaft verkaufen, ich glaub es hackt?
Dabblegänger, yeah, name clashes are fun. :-/
The Next Mainstream Programming Languages, slides for the talk by Tim Sweeney mentioned here last week.
Doing HTTP Caching Right: Introducing httplib2, by Joe Gregorio. Gonna take a long time to make everyone use that…
The Power of No by Micah Dubinko. YML and YAGNI and WAGDI (We aren’t gonna do it.)
Ruby VALUEs and object_ids, Caleb Tennis digs deeper.
RailsConf and the Rails Guidebook, a Rails crash-course a day before the conf sounds like a good idea.
Markaby 0.3 released, your favourite DSL for (X)HTML generation.
A novel method for the removal of ear cerumen, no more ear stuff this week, I promise.
But, sooner or later, one of us must know
You just did what you’re supposed to do
Sooner or later, one of us must know
That I really did try to get close to you
— Bob Dylan, One Of Us Must Know
Changes for Pugs 6.2.11, lots of new stuff, but Rosetta sounds especially cool. (But its name is pretty overloaded)
Exploit Cingular Voicemail Vulnerability via Caller ID Spoofing, this is Phreaking 2.0.
Ohrenschmalz-Unterschiede entschlüsselt, also meins ist klebrig. (Jaja, zuviele Details, ich weiß.)
Everything Your Professor Failed to Tell You About Functional Programming, by Shannon Behrens. Featuring monads in Python and JavaScript.
Pandora and Last.fm: Nature vs. Nurture in Music Recommenders, Steve Krause compares.
Radio Ga Ga, Thomas Crampton wonders whether MP3 killed the radio star? Don’t the stations in question have webcasts?
Slowing Down—Learning how to think by Heather Lang. Take your time. :-)
Although she swore my life away
Deprived me of my rest
Still I love my faithless Flora, the lily of the west.
— Bob Dylan, Lily Of The West
The self-organizing map (SOM) is a method for unsupervised learning, based on a grid of artificial neurons whose weights are adapted to match input vectors in a training set.
Early Retirement by Philip Greenspun. “Retirement forces you to stop thinking that it is your job that holds you back. For most people the depressing truth is that they aren’t that organized, disciplined, or motivated.”
Thou Shalt Not Draw, Denmark Threatened by Islamofascists over cartoons of the prophet. They clearly are not nice, but obviously satiric. (Do you think we could discuss that on Fugi?)
Nial Open Source Project, Nial is an offspring of APL. (But where is the source? :/)
Why are we so loyal to a particular Programming Language?, Dan Zambonini wonders. Why are most people monogamous? (And does being a language freak make me polyamourous?)
Desert Planet, se{a,e} the sand.
Banging on blocks of data, Dan Sugalski on vector operations. In the end, lots of open questions.
Champagne Prototyping, a Research Technique for Early Evaluation of Complex End-User Programming Systems. By Alan Blackwell, Margaret Burnett, Simon Peyton Jones. Highly nifty.
U: Definition, this document defines the U function and its data model. Dig it?
So now I’m goin’ back again,
I got to get to her somehow.
All the people we used to know
They’re an illusion to me now.
— Bob Dylan, Tangled Up In Blue
Trio, a System for Integrated Management of Data, Accuracy, and Lineage.
Ezra’s Where Plugin is Out, a DSL for SQL queries on RedHanded.
Obliq: A Language with Distributed Scope, I somehow like it. (But would prefer Erlang in real-life.)
MLB Using RSS for Product Placement, Joanna Hicks thinks it’s a bad idea, and so do I.