Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Traffic Cone Mating Season… kills me.
Is Anybody Making Movies We’ll Actually Watch In 50 Years?, the answer is blowing in the wind.
Yet another reason I’m single by froggerwood, and even a good one.
Origin of the word “Calculus”, you never stop learning.
Yer gonna have to leave me now, I know.
But I’ll see you in the sky above,
In the tall grass, in the ones I love,
Yer gonna make me lonesome when you go.
— Bob Dylan, You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go
General Purpose Cellular Automata Programming on LtU.
Manfred walks on, hands in pockets, brooding. He wonders what he’s going to patent next. — Charles Stross, Accelerando
Accelerando, a novel by Charles Stross. Licensed as Creative-Commons.
Weblog Preview, a weblog component for Workplace that enables self-service blog creation, archiving, perma-links, comments, blogrolls, search, and syndication. IBM goes blogging!
What The Hack: Lectures and workshops, I hope they’ll publish the slides.
Could blogging spread computer worms?, John Leyden asks. Not more than e-mail…
Progress on Factor’s GUI toolkit by Slava Pestov. I seriously want that for Ruby.
C++ is just so hard compared to Ruby. So fragile, so stiff, so error-prone with incredibly subtle gotchas on every corner. — John Carter
Maßanzug (übergr./ Einzelst.) US$ 40.000 min. “Ja ist denn die Idee so öde, mit diesem funktionstüchtigen, überdimensionalen Laufroboter die Weltherrschaft an sich zu reißen?” Eigentlich nicht.
photografieren, um halt zu photografieren. nichts anderes. “ich denke, ich werde mich künftig auf himmel-, pfützen-, graffiti- und was-auf-der-straße-rumliegt-photografie spezialisieren.” ;-)
Apple Watch by Micah Dubinko. About the XML and RSS things Apple comes up with.
In-browser XOXO Outliner Experiment on 0xDECAFBAD. Nice!
I could sense it in the air, feel it in my veins
Something was coming to take me away
I’d been lost for so long, maybe it’s the price we all pay.
— Dead Moon, Down The Road
relLicense is a simple, open, format for indicating content licenses which is embedable in (X)HTML, Atom, RSS, and arbitrary XML.
Secure RSS Syndication by Joe Gregorio. IMO, just using SSL would be easier than implementing Blowfish in JavaScript.
Funniest Slashdot comment ever, Derek Sivers thinks he found it. Oh well…
Ruby on Rails and J2EE: Is there room for both?, Aaron Rustad compared the two Web application frameworks. Of course there is, and for loads of other frameworks too.