Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
The Creative Commons are back on flickr, yay!
How to pick up and carry your iMac G5, …carry it to wherever you wish!
Yes, I admit I did self-google:
By far one of the most “…uh… what?” blogs I’ve seen that I actually found by a trackback to one of my unit testing blog posts. Worth a look, if only for the seemingly random Bob Dylan and Latin phrases mixed in. It’s almost a link blog, only a little more “spiritual” :) — Roy Osherove on Anachaia
Consumating, meet hipsters, bloggers, freaks and geeks in your area by showing off your quirky personality with zany answers to our constantly rotating questions. Find cute nerds to hook up with in our people browser!
Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It…
6A [Six Apart] is like a black hole for creative people. Folks who, a year or two ago, were among the leading voices in the discussion of how weblogs were changing our culture, were coding all sorts of useful plug-ins for Movable Type, or were pushing the edges of web design are now focused on making software that generates revenue and aren’t saying a whole lot about it. — Jason Kottke, A whole new internet?
How Tags can be represented in database schemas.
Google Ads in RSS and Atom Syndication Feeds, no no NO NOOO!
I want to play, who threw my toys away
And gave me coffee, who wants some coffee?
I’m in business on the wrong side of your bay.
— Adam Green, Down on the Street
Feel, a molecular element seating system by Animi Causa.
Dynamic Languages Symposium 2005.
Möglicherweise sind Gefängnisse die einzigen sinnvollen Residenzen für Päpste. — Lars Strojny, Und es kam, wie es kommen musste
Near Perfect “Einstein Ring” Discovered.
I am an information glutton, and so are you.
Lambdascope, another optimal implementation of the lambda-calculus. Via LtU.
Ruby Backtraces, Peter Williams knows how to make them better.
Howto Install On OSXTiger, they Rails wiki explains.
Ruby Go Zoom Zoom; if that really works, holy lambda!
Mavens in Usenet, and how Microsoft Research’s wants to find them.
sdate, fix the date to the September that never ended.
glark, a replacement for (or supplement to) the grep family.
Trackback is dead. Are Comments dead too?, Plasticbag asks.
A Day in the Life of #Apache, Examples of RewriteMap in Action.
Rich Web Text Editing with Kupu, for the poor souls that can’t learn Markdown.
Ishii-san died, the coder of RubyUnit, the first unit-testing framework. He was only 37 years old.
Live Network Backup at BSDCon 2005: Want the robustness of disk mirroring in the face of dead disks, but you have lots of small disks and not enough duplicates? Have one big disk somewhere? Got a network? Mirror those small disks over the network onto the big one!
.NET VNC Viewer for Windows Mobile Pocket PCs and Smartphones, how could we live without that?
Yzis a brand new editor inspired by vim. Yzis aims to be a powerful, fast editor with all of Vim’s features and hopefully, at some point, more.
Sparklines for Minimalists generated in Ruby.
The Aspects Blog at aspectprogrammer.org.
Longer than the wall of china,
Longer than your hair in the 80s,
Longer than the long run,
Longer than the longest winter,
Longer than noone.
— Brazilian Girls, Long
Meditations on the Void: Implementing Unlambda’s “v” function in SKI.
Findings on the independent music scene in Japan by Derek Sivers.
Holy Red Snakes! Python gets Ruby-like blocks? How about adding proper closures first? :P
Not Quite Restful, GMaps and the Number Server.
Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings. — Heinrich Heine
Anne Marte Pensgaard’s Greenland Ski Expedition tracked by Google Maps.
A Tiger review by Walter S. Mossberg.
Auch eigenartig, auf einem gebraucht gekauften Handy Soundbits aus Hitler-Reden zu finden. — Sigrid Neudecker
The Pseudoscience of Intelligent Design.
Rake Tutorial—Another C Example.
Japanese punctuality. “In 2004, the 40th anniversary of the bullet train, it was announced that the average delay for the train was only 6 seconds.” Must be something like 60 minutes in Germany. :P
TestNG, a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit.
ECLM 2005 Presentations and Impressions from the European Common Lisp Meeting, Amsterdam, April 24, 2005.
knoda, Knorr’s Datenbank.
Bacon Strips Bandages. Words fail me.
The Fortress Language Spec v0.618 over at Lambda The Ultimate. I still think the language idea is horrible, but features like multiple dispatch, extensible syntax and proper tail calls rock.
Comments Are More Important Than Code, Jef Raskin said.
Microsoft aims “Metro” at Adobe. A “PDF replacement” based on XML? OMG. More at BusinessWire
Es ist gut, dass Sie in Sachen Harry Potter aufklären, denn dies sind subtile Verführungen, die unmerklich und gerade dadurch tief wirken und das Christentum in der Seele zersetzen, ehe es überhaupt recht wachsen konnte. — Joseph Ratzinger zu Gabriele Kuby
Ratzinger: “Harry Potter” zersetzt Christentum. Gabriele Kuby: “Es ist ein Vergehen an der jungen Generation, sie spielerisch zur Magie zu verführen”.
DataLibre, Own Your Data, Write Once – Read Everywhere.
Lisp is somewhat similar. It’s well regarded in the CS community, so if you don’t like it, then you’re not well informed’or maybe your little brain just can’t understand it. — Ben Giddings
Ruby is the “Most Loved” programming language. Very good. :-)
Don’t you know we’re riding with the king?
Don’t you know we’re riding with the king?
Riding, you’re riding with the king.
You’re riding, you’re riding with the king.
— Eric Clapton & B.B. King, Riding With the King
Gonzui is Epic Soaring Birdflight Through RAA. The RAA now supports caching and a source search engine with lots of features and syntax highlighting.
A Security Kernel Based on the Lambda-Calculus.
My favorite was Tom Love describing how he bought a lot for his house in wooded Connecticut. He climbed a tree to about where his second story window would be. Only he knew the view he would have—the realtors had not realized that they were on enough of a hill to get a clear view of the neighboring countryside. He bought the lot immediately. — The Wiki, Spike Described
Higher-Order Perl Professional Indexer Quiz. Fun, and amazing.
Charles Miller dislikes his cable modem. Why not get a bigger computer? *smirk*
Joi Ito reports about the International Herald Tribune. Good read.
The Submarine, yet another essay by Paul Graham.
Longhorn: A Long Road to Nowhere? The title says it all.
New GC branch in Ruby CVS and something about a thesis…
Tell me something, tell me stupid, will I die, will I die on a rope?
Tell me something, tell me stupid, will I die, will I die?
— The Distillers, Die On A Rope
Tao is an object-oriented scripting language with dynamic-typing variables supporting complex data structures. After skimming the manual, I’m not convinced.#
Donald-Duck-Übersetzerin Erika Fuchs gestorben. Seufz.
BitKeeper bon-voyage is a happy ending, RMS says. And he’s right.
All Property Is Intellectual: Real Estate & The 62 Cent Cracker.
Les Blogs over at flickr.
Joi Ito’s Plazes Tracking Map. The man comes around… :-)
The Aftermath of John Wiseman’s 24 Hour Comics Day.
PC-BSD, Personal Computing, served up BSD Style! I, for one, prefer Ubuntu on the Desktop.
Never ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for you
No man’s an island on his own, he’s part of you
— Simon Dupree & The Big Sound, For Whom The Bell Tolls
The Acme Distributed Testing Framework.
Show me your flowcharts and conceal your tables, and I shall continue to be mystified. Show me your tables, and I won’t usually need your flowcharts; they’ll be obvious. — Fred Brooks, The Mythical Man Month
NP: The Distillers—Distilla Truant
Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture, a millennium problem.
The Zoomquilt. Nifty!
Cool Exposé trick, press TAB when in Application Exposé.
Why spreadsheets suck, a /. comment.
Teacher’s resources for Sudoku, provided by Teacher Resources on Line.
I think that in the case of many amateurs such as many bloggers, Wikipedians and most open source developers, the amateurs are happy being amateurs and don’t feel that they are in any way inferior to their professional counterparts. […] There are very few people who prefer professional sex to amateur sex. — Joi Ito, Amateurs vs Professsionals
Can of Coke and a Chocolate Bar; Yes, you CAN make a fire from a can of coke and a chocolate bar! via boingboing.
Sophos virus analysis: Mac/Cowhand-A.
Funarg problem at Wikipedia.
Tomoe’s Sushi Robots, “In the sushi business industry, the excellent performance of Tomoe’s machines has been recognized by their current users. The systems are designed to meet high-volume production.”
I will walk…with my hands bound
I will walk…with my face blood
I will walk…with my shadow flag
Into your garden, garden of stone…yeah…
— Pearl Jam, Garden
Destruktiver Wurm löscht MP3-Sammlungen.
Berlin ist Hauptstadt des demokratischen Atheismus. “Zwei Drittel aller Berliner gehören keiner Religionsgemeinschaft an.”
Building Cocoa-Java Apps with Eclipse.
Across the country through the fields
You know I see it written ‘cross the sky
People rising from the highway
And war war is the battle cry
And it’s wild wild wild wild.
— The Distillers, Ask the Angels
What I Learned In Teaching Computer Security, Privacy, and Politics to a General Audience.
Setting Up an Internet Radio Station.
Aspect-oriented programming comes of age.
A Tale of Two Editors by Peter H. Salus.
Video Captures Police Handcuffing 5-Year-Old Girl.
Solving Sudoku, a very good reference.
The FORTRAN pilot project is an effort of the Museum’s Software Collection Committee to develop expertise in the collection, preservation, and presentation of historic software.
A joke The Fat Man just thought up. Uh oh.
Deploying Rails at RedHanded.
Borland open sources JBuilder.
Why do you program in C++?, Scott Meyers asks.
C++ creator upbeat on its future, I’m not.
Hard Drive Cooling for 10 Cents. Plus a fan…
I spend the rest of the day playing and coding Su Doku. :-P
Play Sudoko. Warning: Applet ahead.
The puzzling popularity of Su Doku; sounds like a fun puzzle. Update: This is a dang evil puzzle. Don’t start if you don’t really have free time.
Do you remember the rage?
I remember the hate
I remember that it rained for years
And the blood has left a stain
— The Distillers, I Am A Revenant
The Kali Code for Dense Stellar Systems via Jim Weirich.
Statistically Improbable Phrases and their use by Amazon.com.
The spit fight that ended my career at MSNBC by David Weinberger. “So, fuck it. I quit.”
Rüby: For Heavy Metal Coding — James Britt
C++ Technical Report on Standard Library Extensions.
A Brief Tutorial on Reverse Engineering OS X.
Tridgell demos Bitkeeper interoperability.
Sachsenhausen, 22. April 1945, 11 Uhr.
bash Tricks From the Developers of the O’Reilly Network, the Escape-period trick in the comments is especially useful.
Hal’s if..each. Using Ruby as it’s meant to be.
Remixing how we use the Open Source desktop by Jono Bacon.
Geek Love Poem Babydoll, not exactly new.
And the cops just blew on in here
And we’re in some kind of raid
I just hope that they’ll release us
For the Thanksgiving Day Parade
— Dan Bern, Thanksgiving Day Parade
Amazon directory of free MP3 downloads.
Email destroys the mind faster than marijuana.
Thank goodness Class#superclass doesn’t return -1 on error, otherwise we’d all be shocked to find out Object inherited from an instance of Fixnum. ;-) — Jon A. Lambert
EinStein würfelt nicht! Ein schnelles Zweierspiel für Jung und Alt.
A Google Map of how the FSF is moving on May 1st.
Ratzinger chose Benedict XVI as his name in memory of St. Benedict, who kept alive Christianity in the Middle Age, against barbarians. The new barbarians, in Ratzinger’s view, are liberals and relativists, and a new St. Benedict is probably needed to fend them off. — Ugo Cei, Italian catholics don’t get the new pope
Picking the Pope’s Domain Name.
Translation From PR-Speak to English of Selected Portions of Adobe’s FAQ Regarding Their Acquisition of Macromedia, nicely done John.
I’ll sell you the moon, I’ll sell you the stars
And the forests with the lonesome wolfhound’s wail
But my love, my love is not for sale
My love, my love is not for sale
— Dan Bern, My Love Is Not For Sale
Join the Digital Television Liberation Front! Only 70 days to go!
SHTTPD is a simple, easy to use, embeddable web server with CGI, SSL, cookies support. It is written in C, as one single source file shttpd.c.
The Atom Syndication Format is in final call. Whee!
Features lost in iTunes upgrades.
Surplus Project Names Need Real Bones, I love it!.
Georges Gonthier, who did a fully checked formal proof of the famous Four Colour Theorem, using Coq. 60000 lines of Coq is still *heavy* lifting, though.
We don’t need namespaces and never did. Imagine how many person-hours would have been saved if we didn’t have them. ;-} — Bob Foster, on xml-dev.
Is Mobile Device Convergence Coming to an End or Just Starting?, Todd Ogasawara asks.
The End of Moore’s Law on k5.
Qi for the Lisp Programmer, an interesting functional programming language.
Ada 2006 Documents. Not reallly my kind of thing.
A beta version of Processing has been released. Too bad it’s Java…
Rails Clones: Bloodsuckers or Useful Drones?
NP: Dan Bern—Lightning Jazz
Ichthux is a Christian Linux Distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux.
ALICE Plays Turing’s Original Imitation Game.

Germany in a US point of view at Google Maps. :-)
Google Maps UK, now add a satellite view, and Germany. :-)
Schwingende Fenster: Neue Optik für Linux & Co. Golem on X11.
Mac Mini Eye for the Linux-Windows Guy.
Semantic Streams, a Framework for Declarative Queries and Automatic Data Interpretation.
jhc is a haskell compiler which aims to produce the most efficient programs possible via whole program analysis and other optimizations.
Violence of the electronic kind. Don’t use your username as password. And use a different password for mail. *triple-doh*
Contextual ads can be harmful, Harold Davis thinks. He’s right, IMO.
Mister Softee in His Big Blue Period, “Microsoft is the IBM of today - a fat, rich, and sluggish organization.”
Prex, an Embedded Realtime Operating System.
Operation Plowshare on wikipedia. Who’d have thought there were “Peaceful Nuclear Explosions”? :-)
On the telephone, I can have an important business conversation in my underwear (or worse). If I do this with video, I’m into a whole new business ;-) — Jim Van Meggelen,
Individual I, a symbol of individual rights.
For God wrote in Lisp code
When he filled the leaves with green.
The fractal flowers and recursive roots:
The most lovely hack I’ve seen.
— Bob Kanefsky, Eternal Flame
God wrote in Lisp, also as mp3.
Drupal 4.6.0 released, one of the better PHP CMS.
What is Software Design? by Jack W. Reeves.
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger on wikipedia.
Folgt George Ringo auf John Paul? Spiegel zu Papstnamen.
Linux-Notebooks von Hewlett-Packard, mit einem angepassten Ubuntu GNU/Linux. Jetzt sollten sie nur noch aufhören, die unverschämten “HP recommends Microsoft Windows XP Professional” Sprüche zu verwenden…
Dokumentationen mit DocBook-XML, nicht ohne mein nXML!
Der Schockwellenreiter is not amused about Safari 1.3. I have not updated yet.
Microsoft cops standards attack. “Microsoft Australia has come under fire from rival vendors and open-source advocates for keeping its Office document standards proprietary.”
Joe Christ worked on the weekends
And on the major holidays, you bet
You know he would have tended bar on Christmas
If Christmas had been invented yet
— Dan Bern, The Dispassion of Joe Christ
The official IORCC winners circle.
The sad thing about this year’s International Obfuscated Ruby Code Contest is that there were more sponsors than there were contestants. — Why The Lucky Stiff
Aaron Swartz as Summer Founder, via lemonodor.
FAQ: The Annotated “American Pie”.
You Know You’re A Dylan Fan If… your 5 year old son asks, “What will happen to me daddy, when you’re buried in the rocks?”.
Blue metal spaceship from an old charcoal grill
Curly orange something-or-other than blows where it will
500 years from now what stories will they tell
Of monuments to daughters on a green Wisconsin hill
— Dan Bern, Sculptures and Beautiful Girls
How to Have a Fight, or: Who found Moore’s Law?
Programming Language Comparison.
Sunrise Telehone Systems Ltd provide an Asterisk installation for OS X.
FROWNS, a chemioinformatics software in Python.
grml, a bootable CD (Live-CD) based on Knoppix and Debian that includes a collection of GNU/Linux software especially for users of texttools and system administrators.
… and on that note, here’s my answer to “How do I convert a string to a date”; Put pearls on the string. — Bill Guindon
Seeing Metaclasses Clearly, or drink Metaid
object-oriented-programming on the SchemeWiki.
Implementation, a novel about psychological warfare, American imperialism, sex, terror, identity, and the idea of place, a project that borrows from the traditions of net.art, mail art, sticker art, conceptual art, situationist theater, serial fiction, and guerilla viral marketing.
Hanna Wallach on Knights and Nooses. I can only shake my head at the US government. Read the comments too.
Kampf um Songtexte, die Interessengemeinschaft Songtexte.
CleverCS, a forum for clever Computer Science ideas.
Using Emacs, a nice introduction to the concepts.
What classic board game, created in 1979, is on the decline?
The Potential of a Chemical Graph Transformation System. Nifty.
Miss Acceptance Face, or: “She looks so surprised and happy that she looks completely horrified. Like a rat just jumped on her foot.”
Sometimes When I’m Alone I Google Myself Shirt.
Dead Music Access Technology, and a new logo.
Essential Fonts For Designers, 300 Free Truetype Fonts You Should Have.
Santiago Gala on Boxes and Glue, and why his blog is called like that.
200+ New Features in OS X Tiger, here the ones I’d like to have: Burnable Folders, Smart Folders, PDF 1.5 Document Compatibility, PDF Forms, Inline PDF Viewing, Jabber Support, Kerberos VPN Support, Firewall Log, RPN Calculator, Programmer Base 10 math Calculator, Save as HTML, Burn Disk Images for Other File Systems. GCC 4.0, Remappable Modifier Keys; well at least 7% of the new features. :-)
Vintage Computer Festival Europe.
Jon’s Jail Journal, The jail diary of an Orwellian Unperson.
I have been trying Font Lock mode, which I never used to use before. — Richard Stallman
Hacking unicode, awesome.
220 mx.gmail.com ESMTP d6sm628885wra HELP 214 2.0.0 http://www.google.com/search?btnI&q=RFC+2821
Graphics and Web Design Based on Edward Tufte’s Principles.
minimal, a photo blog.
‘Cool it, Linus’ — Bruce Perens
Valgrind for ppc. But not OS X. Hrmpf.
Sam Ruby explains Continuations for Curmudgeons.
…it just sort of feels happy. Like Ruby. — Chris Pine
What do you think about self published books?, Jason of 37signals asks.
Jatha, a Java library that implements a fairly large subset of Common LISP.
Lemonodor may not provide torrents for a video file publically available on the net anymore. Even against a different person merely linking at the video legal threats were made. Cherie Williams, you really understand the web. :-/
Bill Gosper’s Homepage. Truly impressive CV.
The Marvin Programming Language.
Interview with Hanna Wallach and the publicity team for the Women@CL project.
Glasgow Haskell Compiler usage survey.
If I could be king even for a day
I’d take you as my queen I’d have it no other way
And our love will rule in this kingdom we have made
Till then I’d be a fool wishin’ for the day
— Eric Clapton, Change the world
Now that ain’t workin’ that’s the way you do it
You play the guitar on the mtv
That ain’t workin’ that’s the way you do it
Money for nothin’ and your chicks for free
Money for nothin’ and chicks for free
— Dire Straits, Money For Nothing
Small but mighty: little Bricolage carries a huge newsfeed. Someone please found a book or good manual for it? :-)
Nomic, A Game of Self-Amendment.
MoviesTheRubyWay: An interesting discussion emerged in comp.lang.ruby that shows the real power of ruby as a movie-prototyping environment. Imagine how much time could be saved by authors if they switch from the very verbose natural languages to our beloved Ruby.
I honestly think that Dylan is as good as Shakespeare… — George Galloway
Try to avoid multiple asserts in a single unit test.
“No reason to get excited,” the thief, he kindly spoke, “There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.” —Bob Dylan, All Along the Watchtower
Reason to Rock: All Along The Watchtower. Nice Interpretation.
Context Free Design Grammar, a programming language to generate nice pictures. Mildly reminds me of L-systems.
A MetaFilter member passed away, this is the first known time this has happened. I think the reaction of a community to the death of one of it’s members is something that could significantly change the web in the next few years.
Binary Search Tree 2, fresh, enriched zero content for compulsive search engines.
The President’s iPod: Is He File-Sharing? Repent, dubya!
All Marketers Are Liars reviewed by Joi Ito.
Get me off your fucking mailinglist.
Crazy Things To Do With Coca Cola.
gopher://gopher.cs.tu-berlin.de/. Get nostalgic.
My favorite classic programming language is Pascal. — Guido van Rossum
On the Practical Unification of Thin Clients and RPCs, my paper finally got accepted!
Building web services that play nicely with other web services, or: 43things now interfaces with upcoming.org.
I ended up wasting an hour playing Minesweeper. I could play that game all night. — Brian D. Foy after getting his Dell.
ActionStep is an Actionscript 2.0 implementation of a subset of the OpenStep Application Kit. The intent is to create an open-source component framework for writing Rich Internet Applications for the Flash Player.
XML Namespaces Don’t Need URIs. I personally recommend TagURIs.
The thing I found quite dramatic was how fast you can code if you get rid of project managers, marketeers, junior programmers, and every other kind of colleague who has their own ideas on what to do next. — Michael Kay on xml-dev
AceDB, a GPLed database for genomes but attractive to other kinds of data too.
Google Video Upload Program, a nice idea. I wonder how it compares to Ourmedia.org…
Tracking Sales Rank on Amazon.com using ruby-amazon. lispmeister uses Ruby!
Open Workbench, a free alternative to Microsoft Project. However, Windows-only Java (eh?) and registration required. (Thanks, bugmenot!)
Also, please don’t call us pre-Rails Rubyists “elders”. It makes us self-conscious of our hairlines. — Francis Hwang
BallDroppings, addicting and noisy play-toy.
The Coin Sampler, a nice hack.
622 Music Videos from A Perfect Circle to Yeah, Yeah.
LinkBack is an open source framework for Mac OS X that helps developers integrate content from other applications into their own. Sounds very nifty.
17 Things You Might Not Know You Could Do with iWork, nothing really new though.
http://www.du-sollst-skinheads-nicht -mit-nazis-verwechseln.de/
Ruby Fox produces personalized underwear.
Links: The Next Thing in Functional Programming?
Intel looks for the very first mention of Moore’s Law.
Another thread on “Links” on LtU, but one with good discussion.
Reasons to be cheerful awaiting the OS X Tiger release. Well, I’m not; the only thing of that list I’d like to have are the “burn folders”, and those aren’t worth 99$…
In a soldier’s stance, I aimed my hand
At the mongrel dogs who teach
Fearing not that I’d become my enemy
In the instant that I preach
— Bob Dylan, My Back Pages
strings `which cvs` | grep -i hate
… we
all knew itStop, For Blogging’s Sake. Geez, I’m RedHanded! What pride and honor. *sniff*
Functional programming with bananas, lenses, envelopes and barbed wire.
Never could learn to drink that blood
And call it wine,
Never could learn to hold you, love,
And call you mine.
— Bob Dylan, Tight Connection to My Heart
Gegengift, “einige der schönsten und markigsten a- und antireligiösen Aussprüche aller Zeiten”
Die Absageagentur, tolle Idee. :-)
Wikik, a cygwin distro that users can install in Windows like other applications program.
Drive Slagging to kill your disks unrecoverably.
The Second Acid Test, or: All browsers suck, but some suck a lot less.
Fractal Food. How can one eat something that beautiful? ;-)
At the time I started writing, Python didn’t have closures at all and I heard Guido van Rossum say that they weren’t important. I think that’s wrong, and that in another thirty years people will laugh at anyone who tries to invent a language without closures, just as they’ll laugh now at anyone who tries to invent a language without recursion. — Interview with Mark Jason Dominus
Refering to typed lambda calculus as “plain ol’ code” may be a sign that I need to re-examine some of my prejudices about formalisms. :-) — Luke Gorrie
Monads for functional programming, yet another Wadler paper.
A Schemer’s Introduction to Monads.
one time, in middle school, some people let some pigs onto the campus. They painted on the pigs “1”, “2”, and “4”. The faculty spent weeks looking for the third one. — Moonpie
Writing FastCST Plugins, Unless I’m sadly mistaken, I
believe FastCST is the only version control tool that lets you
easily write your own commands and triggers.
Xamlon maps, a clone of Google Maps but in Flash. I fail to see what the advantage of that is, though.
Blurburger: the art of Pete Joison, thoughtfully packaged in desktop wallpapers, icons and other bits and pieces. Rocks.
Slides of the 1st European Lisp and Scheme Workshop.
I can come up with millions of ways to slow things down on my own. Please come up with ways to speed things up instead. — Linus Torvalds, Kernel SCM saga…
Linus’ own version control system, git
The NetBSD Foundation Quarterly Report: January – March 2005
Tags and their Implementation in SQL.
Well, we sure will miss you and your impotent insights! — Peter Suk, ruby-talk:137643
Yesterday a 10 year old girl wrote in the “penfriend” section of our local newspaper that her hobbies were horses, reading and math. Cute.
That’s not a mistake, just a happy little accident. — Bob Ross
The definition of Enterprise Software as by Kragen Sitaker.
The 90 minute Scheme to C compiler.
Links meeting at ETAPS, featuring many slides.
Sodenn, gestern Abend:
I still smell tobacco on my fingers
My breath reeks of pot and wine and sex
My eyes open up like they haven’t in years
So I don’t miss whatever happens next
— Dan Bern, Chelsea Hotel
Noch mehr bei flickr: Guten Morgen 123 (8. April 2005)
GridGame, truly nifty “game”. Our record is at 1300 moves, but far more has been reported.
Please note that GMail has changed their
canonical name from smtp.gmail.com
to gmail-smtp.l.google.com
This broke my postfix configuration as there was no password known for
that server. However, if I didn’t look into the logs, I still
wouldn’t have noticed this.
BaseCMP, or: How to make GPLed software non-free.
Go thru the labyrinth to make her strip.
God Hates Shrimp, We call upon all Christians to join the crusade against Long John Silver’s and Red Lobster.
Teachers leave grading up to the computer, as if.
Shakeskin, a gallery of shaken faces. Funny :-)
I am sometimes shocked by… the nuns who never take a bath without wearing a bathrobe all the time. When asked why, since no man can see them, they reply ‘Oh, but you forget the good God’. Apparently they conceive of the Deity as a Peeping Tom, whose omnipotence enables Him to see through bathroom walls, but who is foiled by bathrobes. — Bertrand Russell, 1943 (Found in the nethack source)
The World’s Funniest Mathematical or Scientific Joke colled by Simon Singh. Joke 8 simply rocks.
Gather moments while you may
Collect the dreams you dream today
Remember, will you remember
The times of your life?
— Paul Anka, Times Of Your Life
Gracenote Global Music Database Identifies 2 Billionth CD, freedb knows 1682639 CDs.
Beware: VideoLAN might disappear due to patent legislation. VideoLAN is seriously threatened by software patents due to the numerous patented techniques it implements and uses.
The Internet is for porn. Warning: Sound.
bitchchecker der “krasse Hacker”. Zum Kugeln.
I will stare the sun down until my eyes go blind.
I won’t change direction, and I won’t change my mind.
How much difference does it make?
— Pearl Jam, Indifference
Ihr Christen habt ein maßgebliches Interesse an ungerechten Strukturen, die Opfer produzieren, denen ihr dann euere Herzen in Wohltätigkeit ausschütten könnt. — Karl Marx
The Next Big Thing in Online Type, Microsoft to release six new fonts for the web.
Waldarbeiter… oder S-Klasse-Fahrer? Biometry considered harmful.
Deshalb plädiere ich aufgrund der Konfussion innerhalb der Führungselite des Vatikans für ein “Enduring Freedom”-Programm für selbigen. Möge auch hier die US-Armee Terror, Despotismus und Fundamentalismus beseitigen und den Bewohnern dieses Zwergenstaates demokratische Freiheits- und Grundrechte bringen. Free Vatican! — Lars Strojny, Nur ein toter Papst ist ein guter Papst
Knuth will publish the fascicles as books. How will TAOCP 4 ever get done?
“Lock picking is the new knitting” says Rich Gibson.
Warum liegt denn da Stroh? Sinnvolle Dialoge in Pornos.
For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong. — H. L. Mencken
No More Free BitKeeper at Kerneltrap.
A Type-Theoretic Foundation of Continuations and Prompts.
And lots of other “memorymaps”. Google: Add other countries than the US!
Yagoohoogle, mix it babe!
Otter, a Five-Minute Play for Twins Who Don’t Have Their Other Twin With Them and An Unlimited Supply of Animals.
Ugo Cei on Religion and applauding at funerals. Goes on even better.
One of them is the object-relational mapper that’s built into Ruby on Rails. I’ve only scratched the surface of this thing, but let’s assume for the sake of argument that it’s a brilliant framework. — Jon Udell,
Blinking Out Design, by Jeffrey Veen.
The FSF head quarter on Google Maps, now with satellite view!
Getting Real: Pick two — scope, timeframe, or budget.
Can you cook and sew, make flowers grow,
Do you understand my pain?
Are you willing to risk it all
Or is your love in vain?
— Bob Dylan, Is Your Love in Vain?
Cool Tools: Write-on Poly Sheets. (Very cool blog otherwise too.)
Ilias on how 20 = 1, explaining with apples!
Visual Fred in the Jargon file.
Microsoft Mac OS X, truly amazing.
Molecules with Silly or Unusual Names. Cummingtonite and Antipain rock.
picotux, the world’s smallest Linux computer.
Handy Latin Phrases, The Internet Original.
God not only plays dice in physics but also in pure mathematics. Mathematical truth is sometimes nothing more than a perfect coin toss. — Gregory Chaitin, A Random Walk in Arithmetic
We made love on the living room floor
With the noise in the background
From televised war
And a defeaning pleasure
I thought I heard someone say
“If we walk away, they’ll walk away.”
— Bright Eyes, Land Locked Blues
All About Screencasting by John Udell.
Wiesu trifft gut, was Anarchaia eigentlich ist. Die Photos rocken aber trotzdem.
JavaScript = C + Lisp, starring Haskell and an good introduction to Monads.
Anyone who can write an optimizing compiler can design a UI that doesn’t confuse users, once they choose to focus on that problem. — Paul Graham, Copper and Tin
Copper and Tin, yet another essay by Paul Graham (I wonder if he ever gets the time to eat).
And the road, the old men paved
The broken seams along the way
The rusted signs, they’re just for me
He was guiding me, love, his own way
— Pearl Jam, Man Of The Hour
iPose, get naked!
Papst Johannes Paul II. ist tot. Pro7 zeigt gerade “Stirb langsam 2”.
TRS-DOS uber alles! — Tom Copeland, trying to troll in a ruby-talk OS flamewar
GIMPshop, a clone of Photoshop’s menus for GIMP.
And the faders move
And the music dies
As we pass over
On the arc of time
— Bright Eyes, Arc Of Time
And I ain’t no communist,
and I ain’t no capitalist
And I ain’t no socialist
and I sure ain’t no imperialist
And I ain’t no democrat
And I ain’t no republican either
And I only know one party
and its name is freedom
I am a patriot
— Little Steven, I Am A Patriot
There was a “nazi demonstration” today in Munich, but I couldn’t find out lots about it. Using public transport, I saw (just by their look) about 35 “neonazis”, 50 “leftists” and about three times as much police.
Police report (posted here) states that there were 300 demonstrants and 2500 antidemonstrants. They (temporarily) arrested 92 people.
More on IndyMedia. (Other stuff too.)
NP: Bright Eyes—Old Soul Song (For The New Wor
We made it happen
You took off your clothes, left on the light
You stood there so brave
You used to be shy
— Bright Eyes, Take It Easy (Love Nothing)
Some notable April fools (for the rest, see Slashdot):
Head First Scheme. And I’d really have liked it.
The Fate Of LAMBDA in PLT Scheme v300 or Lambda the Ultimate Design Flaw. ROTFLMAOPIP.
RFC 4042, UTF-9 and UTF-18: Efficient Transformation Formats of Unicode
RFC 4041, Requirements for Morality Sections in Routing Area Drafts
So you do XP huh?, Introducing the PairOn: Welcome to Extreme XP
I started this as an hack since ruby is becoming less fun. — “matz”
Funny little story: We were locked for about five minutes into a subway because someone threw his crutches before the train. It’s unclear whether this was accidentally or on purpose. Since the train already drove some meters, they couldn’t open the doors anymore. And they would only tell you what happened upon request. When later the conductor spoke over the microphone, he would only tell half the truth. I really wonder what really happened.
So we can burn burn burn everything that we don’t like
And watch the ashes fly up to Heaven
Maybe all the way to India
I’d like that
— Dan Bern, Jerusalem