Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
The Theremin is a very nifty musical instrument.
If you know Lisp, then we can say that Ruby symbols are like Lisp atoms. If you don’t know Lisp, then learn it first, then we can say that Ruby symbols are like Lisp atoms. ;) — Jim Weirich
Dave Winer’s OPML Editor has been released to the general public, even if it’s the Windows version only so far. (I hope you forgive me that Winer link once in half a year.)
Japanese condom packages look like they were made for children.
Open source insecurity by Andy Oram. If you need to use Windows to do your presentation, be sure to hide it. ;-)
Windows, station wagons, and two-edged swords, Jonathan Gennick excuses for no reason.
War on Modders: Everyone gone nuts? by megid. And I tell you, you get p0rn easier than Hot Coffee.
I like to spend some time in Mozambique
The sunny sky is aqua blue
And all the couples dancing cheek to cheek.
It’s very nice to stay a week or two.
— Bob Dylan, Mozambique
Typhoon to welcome me home…, good luck, Joi.
Syndicating content by Bruno Pedro. And I tell you to please use Atom.

blumen schmecken gut (a.k.a. “der vegetarismus und ich”), sagt wiesu. “neulich kam mir sogar in den sinn, dass es mir wohl leichter fiele, ein tier/einen menschen zu töten, als es/ihn hinterher zu essen.” Ich sehe das total anders.
Is there anybody out there who
Is lost and hurt and lonely too
Are they bleeding all your colours into one?
— Coldplay, Square One
Wicket is a Java web application framework that takes simplicity, separation of concerns and ease of development to a whole new level. At least they say that.
Don’t kill fat people, they’re hard to carry. — LilDebbie, Corpse Disposal Made Simple
Corpse Disposal Made Simple by LilDebbie. This could turn out being good to know one day… }:-)