Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
The Reuleaux triangle and other curves of constant width on Wikipedia.
Macintosh anecdotes related to Alan Kay on folklore.org.
Marketing Translation Mistakes, featuring translations that (allegedly) embarassed their marketing departments.
Longhorn Gets a Name: Windows Vista, sounds 80’s-ish.
ich-gehe-nicht-hin.de, den Nichtwählern eine Stimme geben.
The Connection Machine CM-2 was a massive, 5 feet tall cube formed in turn of smaller cubes, representing the 12-dimensional hypercube structure of the network that connected the processors together. Gimme gimme!
Why I Hate The Apache by Rich Bowen.
Das Spektakel kostet rund 100 Millionen Euro. Von dieser Summe kännten 23 000 ALG-II-Empfänger ein Jahr lang leben. — Peter Wolter
Religionsfreie Zone: “Heidenspaß statt Höllenqual!” Dafür!
Wird ganz München zum WLAN-Hotspot? Würde ich begrüßen.
Die Verfassungsklage im Wortlaut: Die APPD vorm BVG. “Es war kein Mißtrauen da, folglich handelt es sich hier um einen vor der Regierung ohne Not herbeigeführte Situation, die keinefalls die Auflösung des Bundestages legitimieren kann.”
Preview Goodness, PragDave found some nifty features. Oh, if I didn’t have TeXShop, I’d probably update to Tiger just because of the “Revert” button…
I will generally tolerate abuse against myself or entities I’m involved in more than abuse against other people commenting or other companies and groups of people. — Joi Ito
My dear trolls, Joi Ito and censorship of offensive comments. BTW, should Anarchaia have comments too?
Linux and Audio Production: Simplicity Required, says Jono Bacon. Of course, that is true for every “end-user” application.
Calculating the True Price of Software by Robert Lefkowitz. Free Software saves licensing costs, who would have guessed?
Information Security with Colin Percival by Michael W. Lucas.
Alzabo is a Perl object-relational mapping and data modeling libary.