Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
New Cornell study suggests that mental processing is continuous, not like a computer by Susan S. Lang. As long as the computer is not as nuts as I am, this is true.
The Valve Developer Community now has a wiki.
WalterCon 2005 is just around the corner! If you are into Haiku, an open BeOS implementation, you might want to go there.
Zurück ins Dunkle Mittelalter? fragt Florian Rötzer, denn eine Analyse der technischen Innovationsrate kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass wir uns dem Mittelalter wieder annähern, während die kreativste Periode Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts gewesen sein soll.
Drawing life to a close with a transcendentally orgasmic bang, and not a pathetic and god-forsaken whimper, can turn dying into the culmination of one’s existence rather than its present messy and protracted anti-climax. — cocaine.org
Crack Cocaine: In Search Of The Big Bang, “As a rule of thumb, it is profoundly unwise to take crack-cocaine.”
Padded Downloads by John E. Simpson. I never heard of PAD, but underscores in XML tags make me puke.
XML-Deviant: Life After Ajax? by Micah Dubinko. Unbelievable :-P
Soviet Space Image Catalog, the history of Soviet planetary and Lunar probes has been neglected in the West, and the pictures returned from these missions are difficult to find.
The Least Surprised #5: The Metadependant, Part Two on RedHanded.
Develop Your Own Location-Based Services Using Google Maps, or just hack your way around.
Being Barefoot makes me feel free. Liberated from shoes and also liberated from caring about approval or disapproval of society. — stzu
Barefoot Being by stzu. “3 days barefoot and my feet felt alive and energised.” Sounds fun to try.
Summertime, the taste of saint secretes and perfume mist
console the mind, I take it in with lips of pink I kiss
Lonely sky, the more you take the more that I give in
Holy eyes, I never knew, I know, I know…
— The Distillers, The Hunger
Against Artificial Intelligence by whazat. “However this research path has been going on for over 58 years without reaching its goal or even having an agreed upon methodology for achieving it. It is time to put it to sleep and focus our energies elsewhere.”
Yahoo! Local to offer free Yahoo! Maps API, Glenn Letham says.
Fluxus, a 3d-art environment for Scheme.
Dyna is a small, very-high-level programming language that makes it easy to specify dynamic programs and train their weights. Now that looks very powerful.
GCC Summit 2005 notes by Dan Kegel.
Thirty-Two Seconds, The giant airship Hindenburg hovered virtually motionless less than 250 feet above the Naval Air Station at Lakehurst, NJ, having all but completed her first American flight of the 1937 season. At keepgoing.org.
Software serves a human function or fails to. There is no Plato’s heaven where mathematical cleanliness sits supreme, where the correctness of an abstraction is alive. — Richard P. Gabriel, Patterns Of Software
When Your SysAdmin Goes To The Media by Chris Josephes. Shit happens.
GPUSort: High Performance Sorting using Graphics Processors, if you got nothing better to do…
Adieu l’Emile je vais mourir
C’est dur de mourir au printemps tu sais
Mais je pars aux fleurs la paix dans l’âme
Car vu que tu es bon comme du pain blanc
Je sais que prendras soin de ma femme
— Jaques Brel, Le Moribond
IMC Bristol’s Server beschlagnahmt, wann muss Indymedia nach Sealand umziehen?
Die Schnapsidee des Tages: Arbeitslose zu Kanonenfutter, “Manchmal frage ich mich, welches Kraut unsere Politiker eigentlich rauchen, denn soviel Alkohol kann man gar nicht trinken, um auf so blöde Ideen zu kommen.”
Command-line Growl Notifications, Nitesh Dhanjani uses a small script to growl success and failure of programs.
Rodney Brooks: Innovation at the Interface, lemonodor comments. I don’t think we need roboters now as we needed computers in 1978, though.
Ruby-Lisp Hybrid Pix, Daniel Brockman’s Emacs screenshots.
Poles Race to Claim Nonce Words, what? MSNBETTER THANGOOGLE? No way.
Tokyo Art Beat is probably the most comprehensive art event site for Tokyo in both English and Japanese; via Joi Ito.
Welcome to podTunes, Giles Turnbull recaps comments about iTunes 4.9.
Back to the Future—Morse Code and Cellular Phones by Brian McConnell. Not a new idea, I had it before, among a lot of others. But for some new thoughts and good comments, read it nevertheless.
We are kids
We think life is a scam
We come from a wasted land
We are kids we play punk rock and roll
If we didn’t we got no soul
— The Distillers, Sick Of It All
Council of empty seats by ruderod. “Among the 20 empty chairs there where about 40 seats of warm bodies.”
Grokster is Dead, Long Live Grokster! by Alex Krupp.
Part 5: Naked Lunch and Sex and Relationships by Egil Skallagrimson.
The 2005 GHC survey has results.
TagCloud is an automated Folksonomy tool. Essentially, TagCloud searches any number of RSS feeds you specify, extracts keywords from the content and lists them according to prevalence within the RSS feeds.
QT4 is released under the GPL. See the new stuff. It’s finally free on win32.
Something ain’t quite right
You got the devil on your side,
standing to your right come on
— The Libertines, I Get Along
Gothische Allgemeine, das schwarzbunte Tageblatt.
Cutest chocolate wrapper on earth, sweet!
RubyVM Just Months Away, sounds promising.
Block Terminator, Matz experimentally implemented
as replacement for end
in Ruby, I’m not
really in favor of it.
If Physics Really Was The Game… by The Fat Man.
Off the pillow and into the air
I’m ready cuz it’s my day
Situation: it’s all possible
Everything is going my way
— Le Tigre, My My Metrocard
Art Of Science Competition at Princeton, great stuff.
CC Summit, Joi Ito attended and did pictures too.
“Hi, I like your view, so I’m taking your house” by circletimessquare. Ugh.
Maxwell’s thermodynamic daemon realized? by chro57.
Generics Considered Harmful, Ken Arnold thinks. Of course, just having dynamic typing makes stuff a lot easier. ;-)
ILC 2005 recap by Will Fitzgerald, including a nice list of types of attendees.
Turn, turn, turn, rotate your Mac display by 270°.
Why is yawning contagious?, brain study deepens mystery.
The Penguin Classics Library Complete Collection for only $7,989.99 bucks. Would make a good fit in my room.
Marc Espie talks about OpenBSD ports internals. Good view from an insider.
Unmoralische Medikamente, In den USA verweigern gläubige Apotheker immer häufiger die Ausgabe von verschriebenen Verhütungsmitteln.
Come in tower
All our data’s wrong
Research inconsistent
We misread it all
— Le Tigre, Phanta
More powerful approach brings appliances in line, James Coates tests Insteon, a home automation system.
The Fully Upturned Bin, managing memory and efficient disposal of waste in Ruby. Read this.
Being Batman, or: how to become a superhero… for a few million bucks.
Mit dem Hacktrain zu WTH, Die wohl schickste Art der Anfahrt zu What the Hack ist wohl der Hacktrain—ein Sonderzug mit Strom, LAN und vermutlich auch Internet—der quer durch Deutschland fahren wird. Stimmt.
Supreme Court Decides Unanimously Against Grokster, Richard Koman says. Good bye, cruel world.
Ich warte nur auf den Regen,
der die Flüsse überlaufen lässt
und den Müll aus dieser Stadt endlich wegspült.
Der die Falschheit und Intrigen
und die Heuchelei mitnimmt,
die uns jeden Tag nach unten zieht.
— Die Toten Hosen, Regen
Floppyhedron, RedHanded links to this wonderful recycling of floppies. Check out the site of the sculptor, damn nice.
Subversiv, mit dem Online-Spiel Powerscout sollen Gamer zum Energiesparen animiert werden.
Functions as Classes: Where did I steal it from? by Christopher Diggins on “Heron-Centric: Ruminations of a Language Designer”.
Surveying the Landscape: Technorati, Harold Davis gives a nice introduction.
A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks by E. F. Codd.
I don’t know that atheists should be considered citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God. — George Bush Sr. (GFY, man!)
OLAP by example. Cubes and hypercubes are interesting ways to think about RDBMS.
Schützen 2005 Countdown, five days to go! Great pic, too.

Sculpting the Land at Design Indaba.
Déjà vu, Danny Ayers found out that Winer’s new outliner is more or less Gopher! I can see clearly now.
How many engineers does it take to open a DVD package?, doesn’t Marc Hedlund have fingernails?
Do you need to carry a keychain so intense that a ninja assassin might enjoy using it on a mission? — Robert Daeley
Zen Pockets Empty Thoughts, or Do Zen Monk Robes Have Pockets?
USB Floppy Disk Striped Raid Under OS X, that’s exactly what I needed!
Interesting Google Satellite Maps, think of it as armchair sightseeing, now with 836 destinations.
Eisfair, the easy internet server.
Iota and Jot: the simplest languages? I’d express the binary number of the Jot program as unary, so you’d need only one symbol. :-)
Built-in Type Safety? by Thomas Guest for the C++ Source.
Gnomedex morning highlights, RSS, Atom, yada-yada.
Picking out the hardware for my MythTV box by Matthew Gast.
heisse news, guckt euch nur mal das Logo an! Geil.
I walk this road, with a hammer and a fiery lantern
With this hand I’ve built, and with this I’ve burned
I wanna live in the same house, beneath the same roof
Sleep in the same bed, search for the same proof
As Leah
— Bruce Springsteen, Leah
The Paumanok Review is a quarterly Internet literary magazine dedicated to promoting and publishing the best in contemporary art, music, and literature. Damn fine done.
Nine for Lisp, yeah that many Lisp project got accepted for SoC. And Florian Groß will help doing a Ruby.NET, by the way.
Rojo, an online RSS reader.
Islamic banking on Wikipedia, they have some very interesting ideas.
Refactoring the Publishing Process by Steve Loughran and Erik Hatcher.
Word processing is something Rich Bowen can’t stand at all. Me neither.
At one point, I did, very discreetly mind you, give John Wiseman a sniff. No detectable lemon smell from where I was standing. That’s one theory disproven. — Dave Roberts
A product idea by Adrian Sutton. Owners of Apple notebooks wont need it.
Creme Brulee is tasty and fun to make.
Links to essays in Best Software Writing I, there is the content, but you won’t get the typesetting quality of the dead-tree version.
SoloBSD has an interview with Matt Dillon about BSD and Linux.
Poem by Sappho discovered, it’s about aging.
Im Visier von braunen Brigaden, Eigentlich wollte die WASG frustrierte SPD-Wähler ins Boot holen. Doch durch die populistischen Töne ihres Spitzenkandidaten Lafontaine ist sie auch für eine andere Klientel interessant geworden: Rechtsextreme.
“Musikantenstadl”-Erfinder Karl Moik im Gespräch über das am Dienstag verkündete Ende seines Vertrages als Moderator. Egal wer kommt, es kann nur schlimmer werden.
Gnomedex morning by Elisabeth Freeman. Chris Pirillo invents lots of nice words.
Untangle URIs, URLs, and URNs, naming and the problem of persistence. By Dan Connolly.
Freedom to Asterisk, Joi Ito uses the open PBX too.
Even more ILC2005 photos by Brian Mastenbrook.
Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth,
None of them along the line know what any of it is worth.
— Bob Dylan, All Along The Watchtower
Would Yahoo! Have Bought Flickr if the Code was Open Source?, Steve Mallett asks. Why shouldn’t they?
Gnomedex: Longhorn loves RSS by Eric Freeman. Don’t they know Atom is the way to go?
Who Reviews the Reviewers? by DocJohn. Good question.
Yet if we look at the art we love and the music, the buildings, towns, and houses, the ones we like have the quality without a name, not the deathlike morphology of clean design. — Richard P. Gabriel, Money Through Innovation Reconsidered
The Eighth Annual ICFP Programming Contest goes live!
A rumpsteak with Razi’s face was for sale on eBay.
MIT physicists create new form of matter, stuff that matters.
Looking at FreeBSD 6 and Beyond, an interview on OSNews.com.
She sheds a tear and then begins to pray
As the fire burns on and the smoke drifts away
From Black Diamond Bay.
— Bob Dylan, Black Diamond Bay
Software piracy ‘seen as normal’, “Campaigns to persuade people to stop downloading pirated games or software from the internet are not working, a report suggests.” Copy on!
airlinemeals.net, the largest site about airline catering and nothing but that…
Digitale Schwarzarbeit, eine Marktlücke von den Amish Geeks.
The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Smalltalk Compiler by Vassili Bykov.
Etiquette is a framework for rapid design of network communication code. Yay, CL.
Ragex is a Ruby library for generating valid XHTML.
Otium et reges prius et beatas perdidit urbes. — Catullus, Carmen 51
Kwaff is a friendly format for human to read and write than XML. Kwaff makes XML as easy as YAML to read and write.
What Developers Want by Murugan Pal. And I even agree mostly with him!
Data Munging with Sprog by Grant McLean. Seems a bit like Automator in Perl.
Professor: What is the integral of dcabin over cabin?
Student: Log cabin …. ha ha
Professor: No, its a house boat! You forgot to add the C
— Joke on /.
The Future of National Mapping Agencies by Schuyler Erle. Really good question.
Seven security mistakes companies make by Anton Chuvakin.
Tonal Gravity by cribcage on the American composer George Russell and his 82nd birthday.
A first look at Apple’s Intel Mac (with photos) on Think Secret.
Uncommon Photographers, metaphotography, woohoo.
Gates and Ozzie: How to Escape E-Mail Hell, the real solution is to not use it, but I know that’s hard…
365 days of stuffed animals, that rules! Via BoingBoing.
Von der Eiche gibt es zahlreiche Varianten, beispielsweise die Stieleiche, Traubeneiche, Roteiche, Steineiche, Korkeiche, Sumpfeiche, Libanoneiche, Wasserleiche, Chlorbleiche, Durchreiche, Radspeiche, Tagundnachtgleiche, Ölscheiche—um nur einige zu nennen. — Nils Uwe Kammenhuber und Sebastian Marius Kirsch, Rautavistische Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
Die Tagebücher Franz Kafkas als Blog. In english too.
Das Web sind wir von Mario Sixtus. Artikel im TR über Social Software.
Broccoli by mfeltman. A short story, dialog between a man and broccoli. I hate broccoli.
How To Read a Paper, on LtU. Good discussion and hints.
Technorati Live 8 launches, Joi Ito says.
microformats.org, a blog about and featuring microformats.
Interview with Damian Conway on The Perl Review about his new book Perl Best Practices. I recommend: Don’t!
Introducing SKOS by Peter Mikhalenko. SKOS, recently introduced by the W3C, is a model for expressing knowledge organization systems in a machine-understandable way, within the framework of the Semantic Web. Or: trying to raise dead-born children. }:-)
Kazem Comics, geeky jokes on bugs.
Shifting Distribution and Coordination Costs by Ben Hyde, you gotta love hand-drawn diagrams!
Well, I make love to you,
And lord knows you’ll feel no pain.
Say, I make love to you in your sleep,
And lord knows you felt no pain.
— Jimi Hendrix, Voodo Chile
Passion by Ron Jeffries, recently republished in “The Best Software Writing”. Read this, you won’t regret it.
Dave Roberts has good ILC 2005 writeups.
Capricorn PetaBox, nice to see they ship them now.
…and whenever he was again threatened by the sad thought that so many people in the world were so rich and he so poor, he merely thought of Herr Kannitverstan in Amsterdam, of his great house, his rich ship and his narrow grave. — Johann Peter Hebel, Kannitverstan
Google Maps now has world-wide satellite photos, but of varying quality. See where I live.
No one knows where she comes from
Maybe she’s a devil in disguise
I can tell by looking in her eyes.
— Jimi Hendrix, Little Miss Strange
Over the Hump for Open Source Geospatial Software, “From an arriviste’s perspective, it seems as if the reluctance of traditional GIS software vendors to open their specifications, their data formats and protocols, has driven innovation in geospatial software, of the open source flavour particularly.”
Without Jack Kilby, Computers would have been Much Heavier, a post-mortem.
And I still want you,
Love in the altitudes, no one but me and you.
— Dead Moon, In The Altitudes
Chunky Bacon Warrants Deletion, too bad.
Innovation Happens Elsewhere on lemonodor. Click on all links on that post, they are worth it. I didn’t know RPG was writing a book on Open Source.
Microsoft Plays Footsie with Dictators, Preston Gralla comments on China and MSN.
Bayosphere Citizen Journalism Pledge by Dan Gilmor commented by Joi Ito. I think it’s a very good idea.
Removing a pattern can simplify a system and a simple solution should almost always win. — Erich Gamma, Patterns and Practice
Backtracking, Interleaving, and Terminating Monad Transformers by Oleg Kiselyov, Chung-chieh Shan, Daniel P. Friedman and Amr Sabry.
Extracting Video from Cat Brains by mindpixel, truly impressive.
Crystal Scheme: A Language for Massively Parallel Machines via LtU.
Patent absurdity, RMS wrote for The Guardian. Very good.
Life has no meaning a priori…It is up to you to give it a meaning, and value is nothing but the meaning that you choose. — Jean-Paul Sartre, Being and Nothingness
The new Technorati goes live… and down. Oh the irony. Their weblog is still up, though.
Der Jugendverderber, heute wäre Jean-Paul Sartre 100 geworden.
unwetter.de blog, tolle Sache.
I’ve kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I’ve been addicted to you.
— James Blunt, Goodbye My Lover
Concerning Naked Lunch Part 4: Drugs and Addicts by Egil Skallagrimson.
Swords into Orbiting Plowshares by Wise Cracker on the Cosmos 1 solar sail experiment.
WCB: Notifications, Dan Sugalski thinks Parrot should have a syslog for the VM. :-)
The Gaping Maws, Rodent’s Yawning Animals page. *yawn*
Opa lebt, das “Großvater-Paradox” ist quantenmechanisch unmöglich.
TypeCase: A Design Pattern for Type-Indexed Functions on LtU. This has very nifty uses.
ILC2005, day 2 photos. Lisp hacker’s mugshots.
Make Your Own “Phantom Edit” with Mplayer, your kids could get angry if they figure it out. Don’t they deserve the whole truth? But there are more useful uses of EDLs.
“Intellectual Property” is not a Rivalrous Resource, “Comparing ideas to physical property is usually a mistake, but Jaya Kumar goes one better and asks why the Chestertonian fence of legal protection of physical property is important.”
Apple iPod on simpl(e)y done. See also the post on the iMac.
What’s funny is that it’s really hard for me to make friends on Warcraft. — Joi Ito
Creative Commons Deed for Developing Nations, I don’t think that is a good idea.
Alcoholix, Welcome to the new way to get drunker, quicker, by leveraging the powers of your social network.
Skandal: Amerikaner beim Onanieren in Peepshow-Kabinen erwischt! Ungluablich!
The Polaroid-o-nizer sounds like a fun script.
Puffier Popcorn at ScienCentral. I think that’s faking…
What Art Is by CheeseburgerBrown
Why Should I Care What Color the Bikeshed Is? The really, really short answer is that you should not.
m23 is a software distribution and management system for Debian Linux.
Kodak to Stop Making Black-and-White Paper, the end of an era is near.
SchlechtBedient.de, Geschichten aus der Servicewüste.
Sunshine Sunshine Reggae
don’t worry
don’t hurry
take it easy
— Laid Back, Sunshine Reggae
Massively parallel culture and the Long Tail in the context of the net by Chris Anderson.
Nukamiso redux, Joi Ito on a mash that is made from rice husks and a number of other ingredients.
Those Little Voices the Fat Man heard said insightful things.
Well if I had one wish for you in this god forsaken world, kid
It’d be that your mistakes will be your own
That your sins will be your own
— Bruce Springsteen, Long time comin’
Guns, Germs, and Open Source: Yali’s Question for the Software Business, good read.
FlexMock is a simple mock object for unit testing. The interface is simple, but still provides a good bit of flexibility.
Fear’s a dangerous thing
It can turn your heart black you can trust
It’ll take your God filled soul
Fill it with devils and dust
— Bruce Springsteen, Devils and Dust
The Rise of Open Source Java by Tim O’Reilly featuring a chart with programming language book sales. Seeing VB declining somehow feels good.
Schiebt den Wal(dorf) zurück ins Mehr, David über Lars’ Post von gestern und seinen Kommentar dazu.
iRock, a black-dressed guy in the Apple Store.
You have two cows, another comparision of Linux distros.
Beginner’s guide to Linux distros at TipMonkeys.
Aphorismen von Karl Kraus auf Gutenberg-DE.
Der Fortschritt macht Portemonnaies aus Menschenhaut. — Karl Kraus
JavaScript 2.0: Evolving a Language for Evolving Systems by Waldemar Horwat. IMO it got worse, not better.
WWIT: Calling conventions of Parrot by Dan Sugalski.
Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing. — Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali Quotes, a collection of famous art quotes by the Surrealist artist Salvador Dali.
Language Workbenches: The Killer-App for Domain Specific Languages? by Martin Fowler.
Wow, Do We All Get a Language? on RedHanded. DSL rock.
Deshalb frei!, Argumente pro freie Software.
In meinem Blut werfen
die Endorphine Blasen
Wenn hinter deinen stillen
Hasenaugen die Gedanken rasen
— Wir sind Helden, Nur ein Wort
Driving Software Projects with Examples by Brian Marick.
Unwahrscheinlich wahrscheinlich, “Wie groß ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, als Radfahrer auf dieser Strecke von einem Zug überrollt zu werden? “Bild”-Reporter Rainer Mittelstaedt kam zu dem Ergebnis 1:43.000, “das aber auch nur, wenn man 24 Stunden auf den Gleisen steht”.”
Nun sind sie also vorbei, die dreizehn Jahre, in denen ich eine Schule besuchte, deren geistigen Vater ich verachte, seit ich das Denken lernte und deren politische und weltanschauliche Implikationen ich seit diesem Zeitpunkt kritisiere. — Lars Strojny, Dreizehn Jahre Waldorfschule
Dreizehn Jahre Waldorfschule — Ein Resumee von Lars Strojny.
colr.org, a site for playing with colors.
Wiesu war letzten Freitag in der Innenstadt, wie immer super Bilder.
Been so long since a strange woman has slept in my bed.
Look how sweet she sleeps, how free must be her dreams.
In another lifetime she must have owned the world, or been faithfully wed
To some righteous king who wrote psalms beside moonlit streams.
— Bob Dylan, I and I
GPL Programming: A Lucrative Hobby by smegmatic.
The Teenager’s Guide to the Real World.
xFolk Entry 0.4, a microformat for decentralized tagging.
Folksonomic Discovery by Harold Davis.
And now they know there’s no way out,
And they’re really sorry now for what they’ve done,
They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun.
— James Blunt, Wise Men
SmokePing is a delux latency measurement tool. It can measure, store and display latency, latency distribution and packet loss.
The Web Alphabet according to Google, updated.
Geeks at all floors, Sylvain Wallez calls the kids to dinner using Instant Messaging. I, OTOH know several people that phone their kids for dinner.
Houses burnt beyond repair.
The smell of death is in the air.
A woman weeping in despair says,
He has been here.
— James Blunt, No Bravery
Loadable opcode libraries for Parrot, Dan recaps.
Lifestreams by Steve G.Steinberg. “According to David Gelernter, the desktop metaphor is obsolete. He wants to move beyond space—to time.”
Introduction to WebObjects 5 by Jonathan Rentzsch.
YubNub, a (social) commandline for the web.
Exorzismus: Nonne stirbt qualvollen Tod am Kreuz, mir fehlen die Worte.
Mob Software: The Erotic Life of Code by Richard P. Gabriel.
[G]iven any rule, however ‘fundamental’ or ‘necessary’ for science, there are always circumstances when it is advisable not only to ignore the rule, but to adopt its opposite. — Paul Feyerabend, Against Method
Almost Integers at MathWorld. An almost integer is a number that is very close to an integer.
Inferno Programmer’s Notebook, a lab notebook describing experiments conducted in the Inferno programming environment.
What The Hack Public Wiki, with a list of villages.
I’m the rainbow in your jail cell
All the memories of
Everything you’ve ever smelled
Not alone, I’ll be there
Tell me when you want to go
— Red Hot Chili Peppers, Don’t Forget Me
Der Sinn des Laberns…, ernsthafte Gedanken von David.
pdftk, the PDF toolkit, is a simple tool for doing everyday things with PDF documents.
Understanding and Using Iterators in Perl. Better get the real thing: blocks.
Pychinko: A Native Python Rule Engine, presented at PyCon, March 24, 2005.
Drools is a Rules Engine implementation based on Charles Forgy’s Rete algorithm tailored for the Java language.

We are living in a VCS…, OTF-Comic.
A dreamer of pictures
I run in the night
You see us together,
chasing the moonlight,
My cinnamon girl.
— Neil Young, Cinamon Girl
aol — add one line, just a little game to try out.
XMLWiki is dedicated to the ongoing development and presentation of XML related documentation.
Reusing XML Processing Code in non-XML Applications by Oleg Paraschenko.
85% of XML Schema is thoroughly useless and without value; the few useful features are weak and without honour. — Robin Berjon
OSCON Early Registration Ends on 20 June, I can’t make it.
User Profiles and Exploratory Testing, Knowing the User and Their Unique Environment.
Rails Training, Mike Clark and Dave Thomas are planning on giving a two-day Rails Bootcamp.
Knots gallery, a page dedicated to the art of tying knots.
Overcoming addiction to Lisp by spurperl.
A keylogger in Dell 600m notebooks? Very interesting, if true.
Your time is limited so don’t let it be wasted living someone else’s life. — Steve Jobs
Opening Day for OpenSolaris, if you think you need it.
Are you passionate?
Do you love what you do?
Would you do it if they didn’t pay you?
— Neil Young, Are You Passionate?
Ibid’s Editor is an editor for xanalogical text, which is, so to speak, hypertext on steroids.
Freispruch in der zweiten Instanz für Alvar Freude, Betreiber von odem.org.
Slamd64 is an entirely unofficial port of Slackware Linux to the amd64/x86-64.
We got department stores and toilet paper
Got styrofoam boxes for the ozone layer
Got a man of the people says keep hope alive
Got fuel to burn got roads to drive
— Neil Young, Rocking In The Free World
SNAPPIX is the first Live Linux distribution with a fully open source implementation of the J2SE standard. The world needed that.
Web Ontologies on an Angel’s Eyelash on RedHanded.
Scripting Java: The BeanShell JSR, a conversation with Patrick Niemeyer.
Keep Working, Worker Bee!, a blog by PLT developer Jacob Matthews.
On Threads Tim Bray is writing. (Anarchaia word order considered harmful).
Is iTunes REALLY Beating P2P?, Spencer Critchley asks.
The Aurora Project aims process continuously produced large volumes of data.
It makes the wrong things easy, letting twittering idiots who should not be allowed within 100 meters of a keyboard do “Application Development” and end up with a shiny GUI, leaving the business logic all a-tatter. — Nikodemus Siivola
Nikodemus Siivola rants about Delphi, nice. And yes, the editor sucks badly.
Interpreting the Data: Parallel Analysis with Sawzall by Rob Pike, Sean Dorward, Robert Griesemer and Sean Quinlan. Read this now to know how Google program their clusters.
What The Hack, die internationale Open-Air-Hackerkonferenz, wird wie geplant vom 28. bis 31. Juli 2005 in Liempde in der Nähe von Den Bosch stattfinden.
Pieta wallpaper, or: how I spent the evening.
tinysofa enterprise server 2.0 is a next generation operating system which showcases the latest in open source technology in a fast, stable, securely configured and easily manageable form.
I know I dreamed you a sin and a lie,
I have my freedom but I don’t have much time,
Faith has been broken, tears must be cried,
Let’s do some living after we die.
— Rolling Stones, Wild Horses
Carl Nelson Memorial Balloon Project, “We want to send a helium filled unmanned free balloon up, in honour of our friend Carl Nelson, who passed away this year, far before his time, at 47.” Great idea!
A collection of Rails Betabook reviews by why.
Legal Guide for Bloggers by the EFF.
250 versions of “House of the Rising Sun” Gotta get ‘em all? Not me, thanks.
Wood pieta from 14th century, I love the face!
Transforming CoreScheme into A Normal Form on the Scheme Cookbook Wiki.
Who Will Google Buy Next? by Andrevan. Lots of speculation, but the list of what they bought already is interesting.
I wish I was an alien at home behind the sun
I wish I was the souvenir you kept your house key on
I wish I was the pedal brake that you depended on
I wish I was the verb ‘to trust’ and never let you down
— Pearl Jam, Wishlist
Passive Thermographie bei Fraunhofer.
WWIT: Fast interpretation, Dan Sugalski on Parrot. Also see WCB: Overridable opcodes.
A Minute with Dan: Don’t Mention Democracy, censorship in China.
Some Japan Internet stats, posted by Joi Ito.
What now?, John Wiseman is a freelance roboticist.
Incident No. 28: The Story Life Doesn’t Explain, yay, why!
U-Power announces Pentium upgrades for Mac Cubes, nifty idea but probably unsucessful.
Amtsgericht Stuttgart: Volksverhetzung durch Hyperlinks, kopfschüttel.
An Introduction to Open Source Geospatial Tools by Tyler Mitchell.
Ach, wo ist noch Platz für mich
oder ein Dach für dich?
Hörst du es flüstern im Land?
Old Shatterhand und Nietzsche tot,
im Kaufhof klaut Gott sein Brot.
Siehst du die Schrift an der Wand?
— Ton Steine Scherben, Der Turm stürzt
WebSudoku, a nice DHTML implementation.
Travel With Your Camera’s USB Cable, Even In Tibet by Tony Stubblebine.
Dan’s minutes, Dan Gillmor has started posting 1 minute sound clips. Joi comments. A good idea, I think.
Early Exits by adimovk5. On the 17-yo and the recruiters mentioned yesterday.

Java Generics, Arrays, and Comparables, Java must be complicated.
The World’s Longest Domain Name, if you’ve got nothing better to do…
This silliness is the result of me trying to move Ruby one additional tiny step in right direction (i.e., towards Lisp). — Daniel Brockman
Hyphen-Ruby, a-wonderful-idea-by-Daniel-Brockman. Read that program, wonderful identifiers.
Ministers were told of need for Gulf war ‘excuse’, if this wasn’t actually a war, one could laugh.
First-Round Voting in 2005 Readers’ Choice Awards, choose wisely!
Was I the bullet or the gun
Or just a target drawn upon
A wall that you decided
Wasn’t worth defending?
— Aimee Mann, I Can’t Help You Anymore
All those opcodes, Dan Sugalski seems to have reasons for them. I strongly disagree. Thrill, for example, has an convenient callback mechanism for interfacing with libraries; there is no need to have stuff like factorial in the VM, it just makes alternative implementations harder.
Der tanzende Affe und der schwimmende Pinguin, lesen!
A Short Ballad Dedicated To The Growth Of Programs by Ashwin Ram. Timeless classic.
planetplanet.de eröffnet, super Idee, Lars!
Matheklausur vorab im Internet, schön!
cwm, a lightweight, efficient and aesthetic window manager for X11. Sounds interesting, small and keyboard controllable.
The 2005 UCSB International Capture The Flag is a distributed, wide-area security exercise, whose goal is to test the security skills of the participants from both the attack and defense viewpoints.

Microsoft bans ‘democracy’ for China web users, MSN(!) says.
Hey baby, you better come here quick.
This old cocaine is making me sick.
Cocaine all around my brain.
— Bob Dylan, Cocaine Blues
The Underhanded C Contest, “The challenge for the first UCC is to write a simple program that performs some basic image-processing operation, for example smoothing or resampling, but manages to conceal a unique imperceptible fingerprint in each image it opens.”
Editor: Myself, a weblog on Iran, technology and pop culture, by Hossein Derakhshan.
Closing in on Unicode with Jcode, on (the lack of proper) Unicode support in Ruby.
Christian Schorn “stole” my layout. Nice. :-)
Floccinaucinihilipilification, the action or habit of judging something to be worthless.
Visiting the old capital, Joi Ito in Kyoto.
A Futurama Math Conversation with David X Cohen.
Tor Named One of the Year’s Best Products, the EFF press release.
Boards Get Brains, Chalk Vanishes, we have one such Smart Board in our school too, but I never saw it in action.
When Marine recruiters go way beyond the call, wow, I just say.
Coyotos is a secure, microkernel-based operating system that builds on the ideas and experiences of the EROS project.
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. — Tenzin Gyatso
Askemos is the name of a concept about an axiomatic way to deal with information – impervious even to intentional disruption.
CornerScreen Networks: RSS meets Pointcast, I once had a very similar idea, but never had time to code it up.
WWIT: Generating executables, Dan Sugalski on standalone-binaries for dynamic languages.
Dynamo, a prototype dynamic optimizer that is capable of optimizing a native program binary at runtime. On LtU.
Links Demos by Philip Wadler. Somehow, it doesn’t hit me as much as expected.
Whatever you wanted
Slipped out of my mind,
Would you remind me again
If you’d be so kind.
— Bob Dylan, What Was It You Wanted
T-shirt sloganeering by Matthew Gast. Nice shirt, actually. Everyone knows God wrote in Lisp code.
Want More F/OSS Games on Open Platforms? Help Them!, chromatic says.
Txt2tags Markup Demo, ASCII markup similar to Markdown.
The SciRuby Wiki, Ruby for scientific applications.
Small is the new big by Seth Godin.
My point is that whether you paint your face red or pass a conch around or take the fluorescent lights off the ceilings, it seems that programmers and their environment naturally exhibit an eccentric quality when it’s necessary to be very productive and management allows it. — Philip Eskelin
ExtremeHour is an hour-long presentation in which Extreme Programming is demonstrated using a sample project and involving the audience.
Mikael’s Tumblelog now has RSS! Subscribe, I tell you.
Swan, a Five-Minute Play for Twins Who Don’t Have Their Other Twin With Them and An Unlimited Supply of Animals.
Is this just another phase?
Earthquakes making waves,
Trying to shake the cancer off?
Stupid human beings,
Once you hold the hand of love,
it’s all surmountable.
— Pearl Jam, Love Boat Captain
The Least Suprised featuring dblack and the Principle of the Least Speech.
Xapian is designed to be a highly adaptable toolkit to allow developers to easily add advanced indexing and search facilities to their own applications.
Astronomers criticise plans to allow cellphone use on planes, I wonder how GSM looks on an oscilloscope.
If some Software Developers built houses? at UI Hall of Shame. Kills me.
New Technorati Public Beta — Go bang on it! Will do.
Independently Parsing Perl; BTW, all the languages I designed in my life (the first was when I was nine or something) were parsable using a recursive-descent parser at most.
Even better is that you can do this and not know squat about how continuations work. They just do, and it can all be magic. — Dan Sugalski
Continuing ever onward, Dan Sugalski on continuations.
Dual-purpose telephones on the Golden Gate Bridge by Matthew Gast.

Camp Discordia beginnt im Rahmen der Veranstaltung “Berlin 05 Festival für junge Politik” auf dem Gelände des FEZ Berlin in der Wuhlheide.
Connecting The Dots, Ehud Lamm relates Links, Ajax, and Ruby on Rails.
Running MacOS X Panther on a 25MHz Centris by danamania. Oh oh.
Casefancasefancasefancasefancase… Must be pretty loud, though.
Silver wings of mornin’
Shinin’ in the gray day
While the ice is formin’
On a lonely runway.
— Neil Young, Look Out For my Love
HackerRallye, “Quer durch Kiel werden wir Rechner mit WLANs aufstellen, die es zu knacken gilt. Auf den zu hackenden Rechnern gibts dann die GPS-Koordinaten für den nächsten Access Point.” Sehr geile Idee.
Computerspielen und Kochen, “Gamer finden ein Messer in der Küche auch nicht schneller als Nicht-Spieler, aber sie wären vielleicht die besseren Augenzeugen bei Unfällen.”
Top Ten Data Crunching Tips and Tricks by Greg Wilson. The book he wrote sounds interesting too.
Ajax on Rails by Curt Hibbs. Seems pretty easy to use…
Spaß mit dem Quartz Composer, klingt cool.
Mom, I think I’m a Cyborg, “Keyboards are good. Mouses are dumb.” The author likes Emacs.
The Z Machine, an accelerator built to simulate what happens during a nuclear explosion. “Nice casemod!”
The Rise of “Worse is Better” by Richard Gabriel. Happy birthday, PHP.
Tiger Tweaks Could Kill Folders, I think I really should write down my thoughts on file managers.
Almond Ilusion, a perfect wallpaper if you don’t get sick easily.
Scale-free geometry in OO programs by Alex Potanin, James Noble, Marcus Frean and Robert Biddle. “The only paper on OO that Philip Wadler really enjoyed reading in the last few years.”
Now we’re too far gone,
Hope is such a waste
Every breath you take you give
me the burdens bitter taste
— The All-American Rejects, Too Far Gone
sarah-marie’s K6 Mobius scarf, nifty!
the spread(of)CC, Africa and Russia are two big red blots.
EnterpriseDB :: PostgreSQL + Compatibility + Scalability, bringing open source to the enterprise database.
XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Formal Semantics, W3C Working Draft 3 June 2005. Last call.
CafeSpot is a guide to independent coffee shops and restuarants that relies on user-contributed content. It uses Lisp.
XML.com: Seeking Equality, comparing stuff in XSLT.
Beta2 of the Rails Book, they sold 1500 of the first Beta in ten days.
RDoc in an OS X Dashboard Widget, nice if you have Tiger.
You are like a hurricane
There’s calm in your eye.
And I’m gettin’ blown away
To somewhere safer where the feeling stays.
I want to love you but I’m getting blown away.
— Neil Young, Like A Hurricane
Nigritude Ultramarine, Seraphim Proudleduck, and Loquine Glupe, Harold Davis on search engine optimization.
Wooo yeah! That’s the shit! Sinfest.
Which girl would you hire?, first impression makes a difference. By Susan Young. And I’d still prefer the goth chick. :-)
Ruby Stuff, the Ruby Store for Ruby Programmers.
Libre software developers receive cease-and-desist letters by FreeNSK.
55 Optical Illusions & Visual Phenomena by Michael Bach. Visit!
She was born in spring, but I was born too late
Blame it on a simple twist of fate.
— Bob Dylan, Simple Twist of Fate
Mixed gender pornography boosts sperm production, fuck for future!
Don’t Stand By Me—Surviving a lightning strike by Joshua Foer.
I cought sight of…, “The Web is San Francisco circa 2001, writ large.”
Pictures of Tunisia, Tatooine, where Luke Skywalker is from.
Dogma 95: The Vow of Chastity, difficult.
Tim Berners-Lee, happy 50th birthday!
Who is Bruce Perens, and Why Did He Join SourceLabs? I think you already know the answer to the first question.

The “Star Wars” Worlds: More Science Than Fiction?
A Frank Lloyd Wright haven. Photography by Daniella Thompson. Simply rules.
Gibt es ein Land auf der Erde,
wo der Traum Wirklichkeit ist?
Ich weiß es wirklich nicht.
Ich weiß nur eins und da bin ich sicher,
dieses Land ist es nicht. Dieses Land ist es nicht.
Dieses Land ist es nicht. Dieses Land ist es nicht.
— Ton Steine Scherben, Der Traum ist aus
Yorck59 verteidigen! Seit mehr als einem Jahr kämpfen die BewohnerInnen und Initiativen der Yorck59 für den Erhalt ihres 17 Jahre alten Hausprojektes. Sieht schlecht für sie aus…
Hilfe — mein Palm verstaubt, ich hab zwar keinen, aber immer Papier und Stifte mit dabei.
The Centre for Political Song exists to promote and foster an awareness of all forms of political song.
Nothing But A Lie, a Lament for Our Fallen in Iraq. I prefer Dan Bern, actually.
Architecture is that great living creative spirit which from generation to generation, from age to age, proceeds, persists, creates, according to the nature of man, and his circumstances as they change. That is architecture. — Frank Lloyd Wright, 1937
Concerning Naked Lunch: Part 3 - Social Criticism by Egil Skallagrimson.
MPAA cam: The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) is paying the Los Angeles police department to install cameras to crack down on DVD bootleggers. With a link to the map.
A Decade of PHP by Andy Oram. In my not so humble opinion, having PHP around for 10 years now is not something that deserves “thank and honor”.
The Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA), with 128 bits. Even easier to implement than RC4…
Sasada-san’s blog about YARV, the future Ruby VM.
An Inordinate Fondness for Beetle Horns by Carl Zimmer. The diagrams rock.
A quick guide to the XML/object mismatch, but no real solutions.
Then again, i’ve probably had about 15 hours of sleep in 9 days, so I’ll probably sleep a week straight and let my brain unmelt before I do anything at all. — Greg Brown after the Gambit Codefest
Never Call Virtual Functions during Construction or Destruction, not using C++ at all may be a wise choice too…
Apple Shifting To Intel, For Hollywood’s Sake, DRM? Only over my dead body.
The WebKit Open Source Project, nice move, Apple.
Where the sad-eyed prophet says that no man comes,
My warehouse eyes, my Arabian drums,
Should I leave them by your gate,
Or, sad-eyed lady, should I wait?
— Bob Dylan, Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands
Goooood move, Physicist trades job at Bell Labs for a spot in a cool playground for twenty-somethings. The story of Rob Pike.
Info on 3.9M Citigroup customers lost, or: how to completely fuck it up.
TrimPath Junction is a clone or port of the Ruby on Rails web MVC framework into JavaScript.
Everyone seems to be talking about it, but its ruby, so how bad could it be? — Andrew Thompson on Rails
WWDC Keynote in chunks, linked to by Joi Ito.
From shift and reset to polarized linear logic by Chung-chieh Shan.
Hanna Wallach started writing a GNOME mindmapper, nice idea.
I used to be on an endless run.
Believe in miracles ‘cause I’m one.
A have been blessed with the power to survive.
After all these years I’m still alive.
— Ramones, I Believe in Miracles
Sarge is now out officially! Big kudos to the developers.
Design Principles from Design Patterns, a Conversation with Erich Gamma, Part III.
Control handling primitives on LtU.
Debian Sarge is released!!! Words fail me, again today.
Apple fällt vom Stamm, schreibt die c’t.
Am I losing my touch, does it matter so much?
Am I losing my grip, am I starting to slip?
— Dead Moon, Sorrow’s Forecast
Microsoft-Maus-Sparkassa by Jürgen Mangler.
Apple to Use Intel Microprocessors Beginning in 2006. Words fail me.
Parchment Bowls at UncommonGoods. Lovely.
19:00 CEST, I’m sitting here in front of lots of Mac news sites. And two special-purpose IRC channels.
Freßt doch soviel Daten bis ihr daran erstickt. — Jörg Kantel
Must be desperate people working there…Keine Angst um das gedruckte Buch, ein Interview mit Hubert Winkels.
So don’t be fooled, so don’t be lied to
Love was always cruel
And don’t act strange, don’t be a stranger
It happened to me, now it’s happening to you
But if you take that train underwater
Then we could talk it through
— Bright Eyes, Train Under Water
case/when optimization for YARV makes comparisions against special literals run O(1).
Joi Ito tests trackerless BitTorrent, it doesn’t work if he doesn’t seed, though. :-)
Ist Fleisch gesund? Das Deutsche Krebsforschungszentrum hat 20 Jahre lang 2000 Menschen untersucht, darunter mehr als 1000 Vegetarier.
Dave doodles in school, probably not the worst idea. More.
E-mail Addresses It Would Be Really Annoying to Give Out Over the Phone by Michael Ward. Kills me.
Grundrechte im Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit 23.Mai 1949 mehrfach verwässert und entkräftet.
Apple’s home pages along the years. A flickr photo set by Kernel Panic.
Apple will switch to X86 processors, talking to AMD too, The Inquirer says.
All this time I’ve loved you
And never known your face
All this time I’ve missed you
And searched this human race
— Lamb, Gorecki
The Beethoven Experience, download all nine of Beethoven’s symphonies here the day after they are broadcast. Who’s going to make a torrent?
The Theory of Evolution: Just a Theory? by William D. Rubinstein. I’m still curling because of laughing. A historian disgraces himself.
LIsp Computing Environment (LICE) The DREAM! After actually not all that much grinding, LICE works on Movitz. Finally, Emacs on the metal.
Star Wars TIE Fighter Case Mod, David Barry’s case mod is a scale model of a Star Wars TIE Fighter, with a computer built right into the cockpit, which doubles as a desk. Wow.
whitelister is a Postfix Policy Server, its aim is to accept every really clean mail (wrt rbls and such things) immediately, and to reserve the evil treatments (like greylisting) to suspicious mails.
object-methods (deprecate) Ruby #2 program at The Great Computer Language Shootout Benchmarks. Interesting Ruby they write…
Rails Day, the Aftermath by Jim Weirich.
Bidirectional fold and scan by John T. O’Donnell.
Baby, if I see boredom
in your eyes
I’ll know my river has run dry
But I won’t turn back
with that lonely tide
I bought that ticket
and I’ll take that ride.
— Neil Young, Will to Love
A Brief History of Atomic Clocks at NIST. Lots of cool photos.
The machine that can copy anything, “A revolutionary machine that can copy itself and manufacture everyday objects quickly and cheaply could transform industry in the developing world, according to its creator.” I’m skeptic, as usual.
An Open Letter to GIS/Geospatial Software Companies by Adena Schutzberg and Joe Francica.
IT and Open Source: Uncovering the Essential Processes by Dan Woods.
Help me seed TeX Live, Joi Ito asks you. A good idea, IMO.
Ten Most Harmful Books of the 19th and 20th Centuries, oh really? Read a reply and google for ”The Nazis loved Nietzsche” too…
Stanford CS Education Library: Pointer Fun With Binky, a fun 3 minute video that explains the basics features of pointers and memory.
Wall Street Survival 101 by Joel Spolsky. “Never, ever, ever buy bonds at retail from a full-service broker. Especially municipal bonds.”
Hello ruby in the dust
Has your band begun to rust
After all the sin we’ve had
I was hopin’ that we turn back
— Neil Young, Cowgirl in the Sand
The Krauts Live — Nigger in den Zoo! Lars Strojny über das “African Village”.
Wahlblog, Stimmen zur Bundestagswahl.
In-Souls, inspirational scripture shoe inserts. Stand on the words of god.
It’s a funny old world… Dan Sugalski gives up Parrot development. Sad, somehow.
Reasons not to use C, for example: to count farther than a long can hold.
The py.test tool and library, an unit testing library unlike xUnit.
Noontime, and I’m still pushin’ myself along the road, the darkest part,
Into the narrow lanes, I can’t stumble or stay put.
Someone else is speakin’ with my mouth, but I’m listening only to my heart.
I’ve made shoes for everyone, even you, while I still go barefoot.
— Bob Dylan, I and I
Who Cares about Semantics Anyway? Dave Shea asks.
Ndiyo’s mission is to promote the concept of ultra-thin-client computing and open source software as a more affordable and sustainable way of providing computer workstations.
Journey to the centre of Earth, japanese scientists are to explore the centre of the Earth. Beware of Kullers living in the centre of the Earth!
Google Sitemaps, help people discover more of your web pages.
Doppelseitiges OLED-Display vorgestellt, haben will.
More tools can be a better thing (until your toolbelt gets so heavy that it pulls your pants down and starts showing butt-crack). — Ben Giddings
Usenix Conference on Domain-Specific Languages (DSL), 1997, Technical Program.
Slideshow is a DrScheme-supported language for creating and running slide presentations. Very nifty DSL, it would be interesting to have this directly in PostScript…
Whatever happened in elementary school doesn’t matter much except to say it made me a wise guy—as people who bent the rules and made a lot of jokes were called—and by high school I was a first-class wise guy. — Richard P. Gabriel, A Personal Narrative: Journey to Stanford
Mikael’s Tumblelog must be the second tumblelog ever. A heartly welcome, Mikael!
Differences in meaning of finger chopping in Korea and Japan by Joi Ito. Read all the comments, please.
Incident No. 27: The Life Guy, finally a new incident from why!
Holy Red Snakes! (Cont’d.), still doesn’t convice me.
Multiagent Traffic Management: A Solution to Gridlock. Interesting.
He told me, red means run, son, numbers add up to nothin’
Raised my rifle to my eye
Never stopped to wonder why.
Then I saw black,
And my face splashed in the sky.
— Neil Young, Powderfinger
May the Type Be With You, Star Wars on Typographica.
BKchem is a free chemical drawing program.
Hacker Hunters, an elite force takes on the dark side of computing. Uuuhh.
It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom. — Aristotle
de.lirio.us 0.10 – Flickr & 37Signals Become Verbs, Steve Mallet announces.
Auch Muslime müssen mitmachen bei Schulfahrten, Sexualkunde und Schwimmunterricht. “Die religiösen Vorschriften, die der Teilnahme angeblich entgegenstehen, seien nicht nachvollziehbar. Es sei fragwürdig, ob das Schwimmen mit der Schulklasse überhaupt einen religiösen Gewissenskonflikt auslöse.”
Life just kind of empties out
Less a deluge than a drought
Less a giant mushroom cloud
Than an unexploded shell
Inside a cell
Of the Lennox Hotel
— Aimee Mann, Little Bombs
Ruby on Rails Starter Kit, Flo weiss, was man braucht.
Some notes on the .XXX Top Level Domain by Joi Ito. I don’t think we should have .XXX, but no one asked me.
There’s a battle outside
And it is ragin’.
It’ll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’.
— Bob Dylan, The Times They are A-Changin’
Behind the Algorithmic Facade at Google by Harold Davis.
Why Crank It Up? Music quality at large volumes.
Remembering Ken Iverson by Roger Hui.
J Incunabulum, read inside for the most beautiful code you have ever seen.
Ja, ich weiß, woher ich stamme,
Ungesättigt gleich der Flamme
Glühe und verzehr’ ich mich.
Licht wird alles, was ich fasse,
Kohle alles, was ich lasse,
Flamme bin ich sicherlich.
— Friedrich Nietzsche, Ecce Homo
The Librie Wiki has some tips and tricks for Sony Librie users.
Backpack and Quicksilver used together. Nifty, but I think it could be done even better…
The wonders of modern medicine, Ted Leung experienced them.
Yampa: Functional Reactive Programming with Arrows.
‘Cause I can’t even stand it
‘Cause I don’t want to end it
To be perfectly candid –
Baby, you’re beautiful
— Aimee Mann, Beautiful
GGobi is a data visualization system for viewing high-dimensional data and is the next edition of xgobi.
Ruby: HowToHelp is a page that aims to collect Ruby related ideas for Google’s summer of code project should Ruby Central be accepted as a mentoring organisation.
HelpDex on code-completion. I l… t….
Click Red! A small DHTML game.
Handyweitwurf, esten Sie Ihr Talent für diese ungewöhnliche und neue Sportart und werden Sie Deutscher Meister.
Nexuiz is a fast-paced, chaotic, and intense multiplayer first person shooter, focused on providing basic, old style deathmatch.
Method Mixins by Erik Ernst.
A Core Calculus of Metaclasses by Sam Tobin-Hochstadt and Eric Allen.
Digging Deep with Instance_eval, I rather think we need a Object#with, that does not provide access to private methods and instance variables.
Then why don’t you try making just a few games that don’t play off of a 14 year-old male’s idea of womanhood on the apparent hope that he’ll play the game one-handed? — A Gamers’ Manifesto
A Gamers’ Manifesto, very true.
Finally — Microsoft Will Kill “My” Folders, but /home
is still lots easier than /Dokumente und Einstellungen/
I hope they will stop translating those, too (At the file-system level,
at least, cf. OS X).
Korean Bloggers, Joi Ito talked to them.
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences by Eugene Wigner.
I get into the meanest, nastiest frame of mind that I can manage, and I write the nastiest code I can think of; then I turn around and embed that in even nastier constructions that are almost obscene. — Don Knuth
Inefficient Sort Algorithms, good for a laugh.
ScrumOverview at The Wiki.
T-Rex in: Programming Advice, a dinosaur comic.
Ugo Cei is a Modernist. I am a Materialist, what are you?
The vovel hunts for its prey by placing its long flat nose nose in into the ground and then flicking back strongly with its head. — Mark Probert
Google + Keyhole = Google Earth.
Rodi is a tiny P2P client/host (under 300K of binary code) implemented in pure Java. Not sure it will work.
Open Source CMS — eine Review, Gastbeitrag beim Schockwellenreiter.
The Linux Kernel Archives from a historical and technical point of view.
Concerning Naked Lunch: Part 2 - Nausea and Irony by Egil Skallagrimson.
Oh, them butterflies
Never felt like that before
It was the happiest moment of my life
— Dan Bern, Butterflies
Machen Jungkatholiken die Wiese “wüst und leer”? Unverantwortlich, diese Jugend! :-P
How to have Quicktime play full-screen video without buying Pro.
Like to Write Code? Want Money For It? Today, Google has announced the Summer of Code, a program to encourage students to produce open source software.
RAID, explained in terms of watercoolers. Yay!
Hackers Tap Into the Functionality and Simplicity of Google Maps, a nice compilation of sites that use Google Maps.
Reports of my death are almost true, Jacek Artymiak’s story scares me.
A busy weekend. The Pragmatic Programmers ship the 1000th copy of the Rails Beta Book. That’s truly awesome!