Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Qerub’s Array of Brainfarts, a nice blog.
Multiple bouncing balls in a box are a metaphor for community. Notice how the escaping balls explode. This is what happens to people who move from Perl to Ruby. — Larry Wall, State of the Onion, 2004
Wild Parrots of the Internet: What’s Up With Perl 6 Development? An interview with Dan Sugalski. (Use bugmenot.)

freewheelin-on-line, the first Bob Dylan magazine on the internet. Featuring fine interpretations of lyrics.
Yesterday’s just a memory
Tomorrow is never what it’s supposed to be.
— Bob Dylan, Don’t Fall Apart On Me Tonight
OpenBSD Hackathon 2005, Part III, especially on flaws of ICMP.
Life in a TEXTAREA by Jon Udell. I live in Emacs.
WWIT: Universal bytecode in Parrot by Dan Sugalski. Wow, an idea I like!
Push, Pull, Next!, Bob DuCharme about the different XSLT usage styles.
Rails 0.13 is out with Ajax and stuff.
XML-mapping is an easy to use, extensible library that allows you to semi-automatically map Ruby objects to XML trees and vice versa.
The only reasonable numbers are zero, one and infinity. — Bruce MacLennan, Principles of Programming Languages
Ruby/Event is a binding to libevent written by Zed A. Shaw.
Mine Your Own Data with the JDM API, exploring the Java Data Mining API. By Frank Sommers.
Oh, my generation
My generation
My generation
God, I hope I die before I get old
— Todd Snider, My Generation
Yaeyama Islands — Japan’ Final Frontier, Stephen Mansfield boldly takes us where few wayfarers have gone before.
Smalltalk for Lispers, Smalltalk shares a lot of other aspects, ideas and mechanisms with the Lisp programming language and systems.
Explosions, ‘serious incidents’ occuring across London at Wikinews.
London Explosions, Joi Ito links to lots of resources.
Long Bus Ride Tips on MetaFilter.
The Electric Unicycle, Trevor Blackwell did it again.