Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Der Tod und das Mädchen, klasse Comic.
Aubrey D.N.J. de Grey: biographical sketch, how long will his beard continue to grow?
Paul Graham is Wrong, Aaron Swartz says. Totally hilarious.
You say I let you down
You know it’s not like that
If you’re so hurt
Why then don’t you show it
— Bob Dylan, Positively 4th Street
Things I never knew, and neither did I. (Yeah, now click to see.)
Blowing in the Wind by Ben Hyde. “The curse of being a data addict is that random bits of knowledge bubble up and clutter your head so you can’t stay focused on task.”
Crikey! Scoble’s Almost Right!, Adrian Sutton says. And I may even agree with him.
What Is Free Software by Karl Fogel. Good overview about the definition and history of Free Software.
perlmeme.org is a collection of Frequently Asked Questions, “How To” documents, and tutorials about the very cool Perl programming language. Not sure if Perl is considered cool anymore. ;-)
More Beta Books on the Way, Pramatic Dave says.
5.gets NobuyoshiNakada, a quick interview with nobu.
Good composers don’t immitate, they steal. — Igor Stravinsky
The Great Thing About Intelligent Design by codejack.
Second Life by Joi Ito: “Someone described it to me as a home for retired Warcraft players.”
Everywhere I turn, the finger points at me.
You’ll never understand, I’m in misery.
‘Cause baby without you I have no one
Oh, my sweet darling what have I done
— Ramones, I Don’t Want To Live This Life (Anymore)
Propositional Satisfiability and Constraint Programming: A comparative Survey by Lucas Bordeaux, Youssef Hamadi and L. Zhang.
The devil’s guide to citing the literature by D. J. Bernstein.
Jam is a software build tool that makes building simple things simple and building complicated things manageable.
rush is an attempt to create an extremely flexible fully object-oriented shell in Ruby.
As if there weren’t already enough reasons to laugh at Nickelback, “Some internet genius took Nickelback’s first horrible “hit,” and mixed it with Nickelback’s newest awful “hit.” … What a surprise, they are almost EXACTLY THE SAME.”
KDE 4 promises radical changes to the free desktop, quite vague, actually.
What do they call @ in…?, this makes a nice antagonism to being lesbian.
7 Habits of Highly Successful People by Brendon Lloyd. WJW.
Oh, the tree of life is growing
Where the spirit never dies
And the bright light of salvation shines
In dark and empty skies
— Bob Dylan, Death Is Not The End
The new $10 note, which is the third denomination to be redesigned in the series, includes subtle shades of orange, yellow and red along with images of the Statue of Liberty’s torch and the words “We the People” from the United States Constitution. The new $10 note will enter circulation in early 2006.
Playing FLICKR v2.0 is a public space installation by Mediamatic on the 11th floor of the PostCS building in Amsterdam. Cool.
User triangulation: how to listen to customers by Ken Norton. Important things.
100-Dollar-Laptop soll zum WSIS vorgestellt werden, “Der stabil gebaute, wie eine Einkaufstasche tragbare und WLAN-fähige Laptop soll mit Linux betrieben werden, der Prozessor eine Taktrate von 500 MHz aufweisen.” Klingt doch brauchbar.
A cognitive analysis of tagging, or how the lower cognitive cost of tagging makes it popular. By Rashmi Sinha.
The Zeigerpointer (a German-English word-mix tautology that we feel free to give birth to) is the most penurious form of capitulation in the print media. The Zeigerpointer shall zeigerpoint it out!
Yes, Ruby has continuations and one can abuse them, but you have to be really smart. The average person won’t even use them, let alone abuse them. :) — Jim Freeze
Earley parser on Wikipedia: “Earley parsers are appealing because they can parse all context-free languages.”
Kennen Sie den schon?, wiesu gräbt NPD-Propaganda aus.
Does globalization exist? by Thomas Crampton. “Products (McDonalds burgers, Coke, etc) globalize more quickly than services?”
SQLObject 0.7rc1 released, Jeremy Jones says. I wish ActiveRecord was less SQLy, too.
Perl 6 Polyglot by Geoff Broadwell. Which languages influence Perl 6 and how. “Java teaches mostly by counterexample.”, lovely.
How eBay Uses Metadata to Enhance Its Web Services by Alan Lewis. Too complex.
X-wing en tickets de métro step by step, too bad I don’t have a ticket handy.
Er riss sich los und rannte weg—sie hinterher,
wir tranken aus und gingen, aber dieser Satz blieb hängen.
Jetzt denke ich fast immer bei Problemen im Zusammenhang
mit Liebe: “Geh weg mit Deiner Herzscheiße!”
— Funny Van Dannen, Herzscheiße
Sharing the RubyForge bandwidth load, how you can help and how it works.
“I am a lesbian” in many different languages.
Tuple Spaces by David Wallace Croft. General introduction and basic patterns.
When Should I Have Learned This?, IMO the important thing is, Garrett Rooney, that you can and do learn what you didn’t learn.
Screw AOP, get me some metaprogramming!, Leo Simons says.
‘Open Dylan’ 1.0 released, Chris Double reports. Open Dylan is an open source implementation of the Dylan programming language, plus a large number of assorted libraries.
Action Guide, Suggested Activities from Banned Books: 2001 Resource Book, edited by Robert P. Doyle. Great!
What Is Darwin (and How It Powers Mac OS X) by Matthew Russell.
Decisions and the Reasons For on RedHanded.
Each link of the chain is choking
But each link of chain can be broken
Each link takes my takes my love away from me
But only your love can set me free
From this chain around my neck
— Dan Bern, Chain Around My Neck
Book Review: Brute Force: Cracking the Data Encryption Standard , reviewed by Ben Rothke. Sounds like an exciting book.
Stephen Uhler’s HTML parser in 10 lines, it’s so wrong, but so lovely.
Regular Expressions: Two Easy Steps Better Than One Hard One by Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz. I think that can be done with gsub and a block too.
More Xampl Examples, This Time in Ruby by Bob Hutchison. “I expect to open source the Ruby version of xampl”, woot.
Well, I wanna be your lover, baby,
I don’t wanna be your boss.
Don’t say I never warned you
When your train gets lost.
— Bob Dylan, It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry
Identity2.0 OSCON keynote, by Dick Hardt.
The Eighth Annual ICFP Programming Contest is over: The judges’ prize goes to Dylan Hackers. The judges are happy to proclaim that the Dylan Hackers are an extremely cool bunch of re-hackers.
I am a newbie, I have a problem, so you must help me! by Sad Mephisto. Thankfully the Ruby community is very helpful.
LtU: Style and Focus, “Too many of the problems that plague other forums related to programming languages, such as religious wars about typing, Microsoft bashing, and possible trolls are becoming a real issue for LtU.” I’m sure they can fix it in a good way.
Scammers Using Internet Phone Service For The Deaf: Part 2 by Spencer Critchley. The story continues…
World of Warcraft update, I fear Joi now: “I wonder if I should start another blog to talk about WoW in case people here aren’t interested.”
We wanted something special for our birthday…, Happy Birthday, Google!
The Properties of Good Code by Christopher Diggins. Good Code doesn’t suck, easy.
Global Voices Live Chat on Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber-Dissidents, Joi reports and provides a transcript.
When you offer your data to the great Net God like the smoke of burnt offerings rising into the heavens—this is an upload. And when the riches of the Web rain upon you like manna—this is a download. — John Walker
PyLucid CMS is an OpenSource CMS written in pure Python. Front page doesn’t validate, no thanks.
Der Emacs und der Mac, Jörg, Emacs.app ist der beste Emacs den ich je hatte.
The Power of Defaults in Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox. Humans are creatures of habit.
So alles, was mir grad einfällt… schreibt Andi. “Oder sollte mir doch tatsächlich einmal in meinem Leben Gott begegnen, werde ich sagen, dass der doch mal zum Friseur gehen sollte.”
I am only human
But you are so divine.
When did you leave heaven
Angel mine?
— Bob Dylan, When Did You Leave Heaven?
Eagle, a Five-Minute Play for Twins Who Don’t Have Their Other Twin With Them and An Unlimited Supply of Anim also.
Introducing the CSS3 Multi-Column Module by Cédric Savarese at A List Apart. While I loved the idea of multi-column sites some time ago, I’m not too convinced of it anymore. Linear flow is almost always preferable.
Armed and dangerous — Flipper the firing dolphin let loose by Katrina by Mark Townsend Houston.
Yahoo! Image Search has given me far better results than Google Images in the last time.
RubyPeople at Martin Fowler’s bliki. “I have noticed that that ruby community is much nicer than most on-line communities I’ve seen.”
Pragmatic Fridays, Dave Thomas lunches a new eBook Pragmatic Bookshelf line.

Through a bullet of light
Her face was reflectin’
The fast fading words
That rolled from my tongue
With a long-distance look
Her eyes was on fire
But the song it was long
And there was more to be sung.
— Bob Dylan, Eternal Circle
Acid: A Debugger Built From A Language by Phil Winterbottom. Plan 9 hurts me.
Ruby Instead Of Smalltalk on the wiki.
The Joy of Conkers by The Diary Section. “It seems timely to present a brief guide to one of my favourite seasonal activities for the last 20 or so years; the exciting game of conkers.”
Scammers Using Internet Phone Service For The Deaf by Spencer Critchley. That’s just mean.
To mock or not to mock by mirleid. Just mock what you need to.
rubyi.st is Scott Barron’s new tumblelog. Welcome!
overshadowed.com is a highly beautiful photoblog.
Some of my best friends are… poets, “I accepted the fact long ago that while I may be able to do math, I won’t be able to understand poetry. Fine. And yet, I find poets to be fascinating people.”
What’s so great about jazz?, Armstrong’s classic quote in a Lisp context.
Ten Years Of Free Software – Part 10 (shoop), this part of Joey Hess’s story I like best.
The Making of South Park, did you know they animate it with Maya?
Freezing red deserts turn to dark,
Energy here in every part,
It’s so very lonely, you’re six hundred light years from home.
— Rolling Stones, 2000 Light Years From Home
High Speed Flash Photography at Foo Camp 05, see balloons popping.
10 Steps to a Hugely Successful Web 2.0 Company, step 8: “Don’t waste any money on marketing.”
Prototyping Intertwingly on Rails by Sam Ruby. But n2 is far more opinionated than Rails!
I seriously recommend colored pencils and scratch paper when metaprogramming. — Theodore McCombs, Maude 2.0 Primer

The naïve vegetarian, read this to tell if you are one. Good overview.
It’s a weed! growing out of control! “we’ve been working on a statistics package that is administered by Ruby on Rails.” Looks a lot like Mint. :-P
They’ll kick you when you’re up
and knock you when you’re down.
It’s hard times in the city,
Livin’ down in New York town.
— Bob Dylan, Hard Times in New York Town
Welcome to theBOBs, Submit Your Favorite Weblogs and Podcasts.
Off to Tasmania, Joi, don’t get bitten by the devils there. :-) “I will admit that my (cough) research involving multi-user games online has also been taking up a little time.”
Battling Google, Microsoft Changes How It Builds Software, been time?
I can’t provide for you no easy answers,
Who are you that I should have to lie?
You’ll know all about it, love,
It’ll fit you like a glove
When the night comes falling from the sky.
— Bob Dylan, When The Night Comes Falling From The Sky
Surgical pins by David A. Chappell. I love X-rays.
Blauer Reis, zu geil: “Ein japanischer Hersteller vertreibt “Diet Furikake”, ein blaues Zeug, das sich abnehmwillige Japaner über ihren Reis streuen sollen, damit der dann ekelig aussieht und sie in logischer Folge weniger davon essen.” Sieht aber lecker aus.
“Other” Knuth Lecture Series, featuring “TeX For Beginners” and “Advanced TeXarcana”, not at least “The Internal Details of TeX82”.
Pre-Fascicle 0b: Boolean basics, Knuth’s latest published chapter.
PoweredByRubyButtons on RubyGarden. I hadn’t seen the ones by Kailash Nadh yet, very nice.
More Smoke, John Wiseman says: “Last night Vandenberg’s launch of a DARPA satellite caused everyone in LA to stop their cars and bust out the cameras.”
Bubble Wrap has been a source of fascination for people of all ages since its invention. Now, finally, there is a web page dedicated to this most entertaining packing material.
Echo2 is the next-generation of the Echo Web Framework, a platform for developing web-based applications that approach the capabilities of rich clients.
Maude is simple. Its semantics is based on the fundamentals of category theory, which is pretty intuitive and straightforward until a mathematician tries to describe it formally with symbols and Greek letters. — Theodore McCombs, Maude 2.0 Primer
Maude is a high-performance reflective language and system supporting both equational and rewriting logic specification and programming for a wide range of applications. Mixfix rules!
Oh the seas will split
And the ship will hit
And the sands on the shoreline will be shaking.
Then the tide will sound
And the wind will pound
And the morning will be breaking.
— Bob Dylan, When the Ship Comes In
Macros in the Dylan Reference Manual.
Scheme Is Love, Don Box says and John Wiseman comments: “All the cool languages have lambda these days.” They always had, they always had.
Play-Doh as interface, totally cool. “I took the idea of exploring Play-Doh as a fuzzy interface, looking at various ways to use this tactial, fun “interface” and use it to control digital media.”
Robotic sentry gun at hackaday. “Aaron wrote custom software to watch the USB webcam and track targets.”
Distributed Denial of Service on security.debian.org, “This was.. err.. not intentional, but we had to update XFree86 in woody and sarge […]” XFree86 considered harmful. %-)
You know, if I were going to name an evil programming language, I certainly wouldn’t name it after a snake. Python! Run away, run away. — Larry Wall, State of the Onion 9
Komik und Kommunismus, Zwischen Liebe und Zwang zur Arbeit: Das Manifest von Marx und Engels in einer Bühnenfassung.
iPod Erotica, masturbate on the go. PNSFW. “As for the erotic DVD’s [sic!] you already own, iTunes Erotica makes it easy to transfer your dirtiest pictures and videos.”
The State of the Onion 9 by Larry Wall. Finally online. Must read.
Oh, the gates are cast iron
And the walls are barbed wire.
Stay far from the fence
With the ‘lectricity sting.
And it’s keep down your head
And stay in your number,
Inside the walls,
The walls of Red Wing.
— Bob Dylan, Walls Of Red Wing
c-jump, a “learn to program in C”-board game. With continuations and Scheme, this would be a lot more fun!
XLinq: XML Programming Refactored (The Return Of The Monoids), Erik Meijer links to his work.
Panzer fun, admit, you always wanted to ride a Panzer.
RMS: The GNU GPL Is Here to Stay, interview with Federico Biancuzzi. I think it clears the FUD about GPLv3 quite a lot.
Mobile Phone Sociology: Morocco by Thomas Crampton analyzes phone usage.
“I’ve Personally Heard Steve Say They Would Never Do That…”, Matthew Russell found some nice quotes.
7 opposing choices in the future of the Internet, Dan Zambonini again. My bet: Small apps, Local rich apps, More control, Folksonomies, Common Browser technologies, Implicit Metadata (unfortunately?) and Re-birth of Email.
But me, I’m still on the road
Headin’ for another joint
We always did feel the same,
We just saw it from a different point of view,
Tangled up in blue.
— Bob Dylan, Tangled Up In Blue
one for the steuer, one for the blog, Ich hab auch schon öfter in meinen eigenen Blogs nachgelesen. Besonders Anarchaia greppe ich andauernd.
For Many Poor Black Girls, Teen Pregnancy Is A Rational Choice, at Alas, a blog.
Devastation by localroger. News from NO. “It looked just like those pictures from Iraq, like everything had been blown up except somehow the buildings were still standing.”
RetroWeb is an extension of RetroForth for creating XHTML documents. It features a readable and elegant Lisp-like syntax to ease writing XHTML.
Nambu World: Teri’s WWII Japanese Handgun Website, lots of weapons.
Sudoku Variations, some of these are really sick!
Sudoku Tea Talk, and how Knuth helps solving them.
Buy! buy!
Says the sign in the shop window.
Why? why?
Says the junk in the yard.
— Paul McCartney, Junk
Tablix: Free software for solving timetabling problems. Hehe, my school could need that. ;-)

The Perils of Sudoku, featuring me!
incremental changes toward incremental loading, what a great commit message. ;-)
Slashdot HTML 4.01 and CSS, hey, do you see that flying pig in the window?
Wiki Shell Scripting for MouseHole, “You have a personal Yubnub.”.
Asterix und der Kampf ums Kanzleramt, nunja, wieso nicht.
I’d love to find Einstein’s brain and Miss America’s legs in a single female package. But I always kept finding Miss America’s brain and Einstein’s legs instead. — Hal Fulton, Einstein and Miss America
Airliner fakes emergency so passengers can watch soccer game, soccer makes dumb, we all know.
WWIDD: Assertions on code’s properties, Dan natters.
Dreaming of an Atom Store: A Database for the Web by Joe Gregorio. I’d rather want to see a good XQuery implementation.
Ruby: Language of the Programming Übermensch?, a thread on LtU. Totally hits the point, Ruby is the language that marries the ideas of Lisp with the pragmatism, but without the uglyness, of Perl.
And I never had no armies
To jump at my command.
No, I ain’t got no armies
To jump at my command.
But I don’t need no armies,
I got me one good friend.
Hey, hey, so I guess I’m doin’ fine.
— Bob Dylan, Guess I’m Doin’ Fine
The essence of Dataflow Programming by Tarmo Uustalu and Varmo Vene. “If you’ve ever wondered about dataflow or comonads, this paper is a good read.”
Taschtatur, not your usual bag. Is there a Space Cadet edition too? :-)
mittendrin, Lydia schreibt: “Zum Erwachsenwerden gehört für mich dazu, den Wert des Verzichtens zu begreifen. Zum Erwachsensein gehört für mich dazu, erkennen zu können, wann es wert ist auf etwas zu verzichten, um den Verzicht letztendlich nicht nach Verzicht, sondern nach Bereicherung schmecken zu lassen.” Man wird alt.
Continued Fraction Arithmetic by Bill Gosper. “Contrary to everybody, this self contained paper will show that continued fractions are not only perfectly amenable to arithmetic, they are amenable to perfect arithmetic.” Just lovely.
Lingua::Romana::Perligata, Perl for the XXI-imum Century by Damian Conway. True(ly) classic.
Warum es Logo-Designer gibt, pictures say more than thousand words.
Diplomarbeit mit LaTeX ist ein Dokument welches einen einfachen Einstieg in Latex unter Windows beschreibt.
Digital Imagery and 35mm by Jessica Capri. Wonderful. “Enter the realm where art has no deeper meaning!”
Back in the saddle again, Dan Sugalski is hacking Parrot stuff again.
The sun will soon be hiding itself in Portland again and all the programmers will go back inside and wait until next year to come out again. :-) — Robby Russell
Typical Richard Greenblatt Code, this old post came to my mind when I saw some very unidiomatic Ruby code.
Föll’s Extension: And they get worse because of that.
So, thanks guys! Hopefully I am but one of many who will take your lead. — ones zeroes majors and minors
Ruby 1.8.3 has been released, merry Xmas! Er, um, no. Too soon. :-)
Accelerating Change 2005, John Wiseman was there and reports. Rudy Rucker was there too.
Dynamic typing in OCaml, LtU mentions Dynaml and has nice discussion.
Innovative Identification, hey, I’m Jim Weirich, too:
lambda { |f| g = lambda { |h| lambda { |x| f[h[h]][x] } } g[g] }
Five Design Skills Every Programmer Should Have by James Shore. Totally essential.
The Lifebox, the Seashell, and the Soul, “What Gnarly Computation Taught Me About Ultimate Reality, the Meaning Of Life, and How To Be Happy” by Rudy Rucker. Parts available online.
Google Bombs at War by Harold Davis.
Best of Wikipedia, “Dieses Weblog stellt in loser Folge lesenswerte und exzellente Artikel aus der Wikipedia vor.” Super!
ones zeros majors and minors, the personal tumblelog of a Rubyist and PHPeter in San Francisco. Welcome!
One sensible religious leader, Ugo Cei likes the Dalai Lama for that quote: “If scientific analysis were conclusively to demonstrate certain claims in Buddhism to be false, then we must accept the findings of science and abandon those claims.” Who couldn’t?
CL’s MOP vs Java’s Reflection, Bill Clementson compares.
The 3 Steps, The history of physics and the future of computing. A talk and notes by Matt Webb.
I’m in love for the first time
Don’t you know it’s gonna last
It’s a love that lasts forever
It’s a love that had no past
— The Beatles, Don’t Let Me Down
Cheerios Effect, a photograph of a drawing pin floating upturned on water. That’s easy! Now try to turn the pin upside-down.
Improving Link Display for Print by Aaron Gustafson at A List Apart. Sometimes I think it’s easier to provide PDFs for printing.
Eroding freedoms, Joi too quotes the BBC article that’s going around: “A significant number of US high-school students regard their constitutional right to freedom of speech as excessive, according to a new survey.” Read the comments too.
Ich habe versucht, radikale Gesellschaftskritik populär, im Sinne von weit-verständlich, zu formulieren. Und: ich bin daran gescheitert, weil daran nur zu Scheitern ist. — Lars Strojny, Abschließende Betrachtungen
Top 8 Reasons HCI is in its Stone Age, valid points by an Anonymous Usability Designer.
Enthusiast uses Google to reveal Roman ruins, Google Earth programme leads to remains of ancient villa.
Pick’s Theorem, I need to admit I never heard of it. But it’s cool!
The Hundred Greatest Theorems, a wonderful list. Fermat on #33 is a bit too low, I think.
There’s a highway to, to the edge, yeah
Once a night you will drive yourself there
At the end of the road you will find the answer
At the end of the road you will drink abyss
— The Distillers, Hall Of Mirrors
Embrace your bottom!, Powazek makes a very good point that I never really thought about.
Writing sensible email messages at 43 Folders. Very good overview, I disagree in using the Subject:-line only for short mails, though.
Ack! Raw code! Run! Save me! I don’t see the point of hiding RSS source either.
Satan Comes to Dinner in E, A solution to Dijkstra’s Dining Philosophers Problem which provides for deadlock avoidance and fairness.
Hush little baby, don’t you cry
Mama’s gonna buy you a .45
And if that .45 gets recalled
Mama’s gonna buy you an assault rifle
And if that rifle doesn’t fire
Mama’s gonna buy you a tightrope wire, to the sun
— Dan Bern, Tape
Yes, that dude is totally drumming on cheese, %-)
What is xampl anyway? Easy answer: “It is a framework generation tool.” (I almost pissed my pants when I read that line.)
Measuring Libre Software Using Debian 3.1 (Sarge) as A Case Study (PDF) by Juan-José Amor-Iglesias, Jesús M. González-Barahona, Gregorio Robles-Martínez, and Israel Herráiz-Tabernero. “Estimated cost to develop: 8,043,000,000 USD.” Wow.
When you conquer the world
There s nothing left to do
Cept defeat the reflection in the mirror
With a bottle and a tear and a flag unfurled
When you ve already conquered the world
— Dan Bern, When You Conquer The World
LMMS aims to be a free alternative to popular (but commercial and closed-source) programs like FruityLoops, Cubase and Logic.
Aaron Swartz: Powerpoint Remix, the PDF that’s in Joel’s book.
How Halle Berry really looks, i.e. without PhotoShop.
I lavishly predict that we’ll see 800 people at RubyConf ‘06. Watch it happen. — David Heinemeier Hansson
Wir gratulieren! Der “Ästige Stachelbart” ist der Pilz des Jahres 2006! Toll.
Ronnie Brown: Allow Beautiful Minds to Thrive, at Wadler’s Blog: “The British Association for the Advancement of Science warns that the research assessment exercise does not recognise the importance of the public communication of science…”.
TurboGears, a slap-it-together-web-framework for Python by Jeremy Jones. “Rather than reinventing everything or trying to clone some other framework, TurboGears takes advantage of the great tools that are already available!”
SPARQL: Web 2.0 Meet the Semantic Web by Kendall Clark. Why the hell do they get hot about that now? It’s not like you couldn’t query RDF last year…
You read the words and it sells you life,
They sell their words, but it’s all a lie.
— Stone Temple Pilots, Kitchenware and Candybars
Warez für Dummies beim Absyntholog.
Internal Iteration Externalized by Thomas Kühne.
Transfold Pattern on the wiki.
Of course another way to solve the Dining Philosophers problem is: USE A FUCKING WAITER. — Zed A. Shaw
A Feature request for the next OS X, Ian Holsman doesn’t want to reboot that often. Neither do I, but please fix the dependencies, instead of making rebooting easier. Why the hell do I need to reboot if there is a new Safari??
My brief history with computers by Marcus Crafter. Totally nostalgic.
Schildbürgerstreich rund um das Atomkraftwerk Grohnde, einfach zu geil. Wartet nur, bis die Terroristen mit Interkontinentalraketen aufmarschieren.
I/O Brush is a new drawing tool to explore colors, textures, and movements found in everyday materials by “picking up” and drawing with them.
CroqueTweak, Dr. Freudenberg about OpenCroquet and Tweak.
Working With Hardware Is…Well, Hard by Matthew Russell. Geez, I love that title.
You turn the tide on me each day and teach my eyes to see,
Just bein’ next to you is a natural thing for me
And I could never let you go, no matter what goes on,
‘Cause I love you more than ever now that the past is gone.
— Bob Dylan, Wedding Song
Today’s One Liner by Jim Weirich: “ARGF and inject … Two
Great Tasts that Taste Great Together”. But
awk '{sum+=$2};END{print sum}'
is still shorter. }:-)
Is Ruby Better Than …?, Dave Thomas gets asked a lot. “The longer answer is that the question falls into the same category as “have you stopped beating your wife?”.” (Very nice new design, by the way.)
Ruby 1.8.3 Preview Two, featuring the usual trouble.
The cat’s out of the bag: PSP Hacks by C.K. Sample. Oh what did we do without it.
Accelerating Change 2005, and Joi plays WoW there. Oh my!

Fashion victims by Thomas Crampton. “When we arrived at the party, however, the Paris fashionista scene looked like a crowd of refugees fighting for the last piece of bread.”
Eighth International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming: FLOPS 2006, Guy Steele is a going to talk about Fortress there.
Onion story becomes reality, no shit by ljj. Really funny. ;-)
TinyWiki is a Perl wiki in under 100 LoC. Pretty useful.
[No Anarchaia tomorrow, I’m on a wedding the whole day.]
Ritex converts expressions from WebTeX into MathML. WebTeX is an adaptation of TeX math syntax for web display. Nifty.
NaDa™ is a new concept. A thought, really. It is very light : 1 byte. It doesn’t take long to fetch. It doesn’t take long to understand. It doesn’t disturb your habits nor does it makes you feel insecure. It is a reassuring piece of software that does nothing, and does it very well. That’s a lot!
Niche sport of the day – slalom skateboarding by driptray.

Katrina: joke du jour, laugh, it’s funny.
She’s gone, she’s gone
Never to return to you
And parallel lines eventually meet
In some dark corner of the universe
In God’s time, not yours
— Dan Bern, In God’s Time
Understanding MVC in PHP by Joe Stump. Why not “Understanding Cars using Bicycles”?
Technology Heroes by Jack Herrington. “I ended up writing Larry Wall and Dennis Ritchie. But in hindsight my real technology heroes are Dave Thomas and Rich Kilmer.”
Oh and don’t even get me started on the Office 12 interface. People used to know 10% of Office, now? 0%. Good work. — Adrian Sutton, Should I Be Excited Yet?
[Adjective] Computer Worm [verb] Internet, I read that somewhere already. :-P
Slate 0.3 Language Tutorial, very interesting. A good read for everyone interested in unconventional OO.
What happens when t approaches 0? Well, either the costs are infinite, or we have reached the Singularity.
Let me drink from the waters where the mountain streams flood
Let me smell of wildflowers flow free through my blood
Let me sleep in your meadows with the green grassy leaves
Let me walk down the highway with my brother in peace.
Let me die in my footsteps
Before I go down under the ground.
— Bob Dylan, Let Me Die In My Footsteps
Google Search Blogs: The End Of Bloggers’ Influence?, heck, it’s totally easy. When Google decides to drop Blogs from the index, you just use a different search-engine and yet another era is over. Easy.
Revolution Controller Finally Revealed by Mark McDonald. I liked that idea better.
Munching Squares, the display hack for the PDP1 on MathWorld.
Sources of recent brute-force SSH attacks, Paul Battley made a hackmap.
I had two students who invented algorithms for hyphenation and line breaking. And I had many dozens of volunteers who met every Friday for several hours to help me make decisions. But I wrote every line of code myself. — Donald E. Knuth, Interview at FSM
The fine art of computer programming, Free software and the future of literate programming by Matt Barton at FSM.
Andrea Asperti and Giuseppe Longo: Categories, Types and Structures, an introduction to Category Theory for the working computer scientist. Free PDF.
mjpegtools are a set of programs that can do recording of videos and playback, simple cut-and-paste editing and the MPEG compression of audio and video under Linux.
Nintendo Revolution Controller, finally a good idea by Dan Zambonini? :P
Get to the Point: Ruby and Rails, presentation slides by Ryan Platte and John W. Long.
Google Blogsearch, find blogs on your favorite topics. Nice and quick.
The More Things Change by Micah Dubinko. Last entry in the XML-Deviant column. Too bad, but “Dubinko is working on some new column ideas and will return next month.”
Now I m getting ready
For another long season of silence
And skipping flat stones
Of nights filled with nothing
Of being alone
— Dan Bern, Being Alone
Processing Atom 1.0 in Python by Uche Ogbuji. Ruby really lacks good syndication libraries.
wienzip, Lydia war in Wien und hat Bilder mitgebracht.
An Operational Semantics for R5RS Scheme, impressive work.
Zero to Rails in 2 minutes, Ryan Davis’ helper scripts make setting up Rails projects faster than you’d ever believe.
loop?Planning to be homeless, Joi Ito and a disussion with a cab driver.
C# 3.0 – That’s Hot, just because flgr claimed I only report irrelevant things about .NET.
I feel like my body is a station wagon in which I drive my brain around, like a suburban mother taking the kids to hockey practice. — Douglas Coupland, Microserfs
Isis, named after the Egyptian goddess of fertility, is a programming language that is specially tailored to support the development of demanding multimedia applications.
Return of the Lisp Machine by Bill Clementson. I’m looking forward to it!
Acryl – Mixit 40 entry on em411.com, Manuel is doing some really cool stuff.
When I say always,
I mean forever.
I trust tomorrow as much as today.
I’m not afraid to say,
I love you.
And I promise you,
I’ll never say goodbye.
— Pete Seeger, I’ll Never Say Goodbye
The Holy Grail of Business App Development by Bill Clementson. Excellent introduction to ContextL.
An early look at JUnit 4 by Elliotte Harold. Despite being a complete rewrite, I only see progress in detail.
[Sorry about the small issue, but I’m damn busy today.]
ZEITansage, “Hier bloggt die Redaktion: Was kommt demnächst auf ZEIT online, was überlegen wir, was lehnen wir ab?” Begrüßenswert.
Gute Musik braucht keine Radioquote sagt Wolf-Dieter Roth. Und Webradio ist eh besser…
Die APPD entschuldigt sich (MP4). Entschuldigung angenommen! Fick Heil!
I been hangin’ on threads,
I been playin’ it straight,
Now, I’ve just got to cut loose
Before it gets late.
So I’m going,
I’m going,
I’m gone.
— Bob Dylan, Going, Going, Gone
Wer war eigentlich Erich Klausener?, Der Schockwellenreiter weiss es. “Seit 1928 leitet Klausener die Katholische Aktion in Berlin, als deren Vertreter er im Juni 1934 auf dem Berliner Katholikentag in Hoppegarten spricht. Dort beschließt er seine Rede mit deutlichen Worten gegen die Ausgrenzung von weltanschaulichen Kontrahenten durch die Nationalsozialisten.”
Introducing LINQ!, a data-manipulation API for Visual Fred.
RType is a Ruby interpreter written in Haskell. Japanese ahead.
So gehts den Deutschen, 500 Info-Grafiken der Uni Duisburg online.
O’Reilly Network Homepage (beta), presented by Derrick Story. Since most people read it via feeds anyways, it’s not very spectacular to me.
Thank You Tim!, says Ming Chow. “I am glad that our own Tim O’Reilly wrote an open letter to Congressman Wu on the outrageousness known as college textbooks…”
The fallacy of Katrina Aid by tannhaus. “They call me a hurricane survivor. I say that I have survived nothing. It would have been better if I had died in the storm itself.”
Generic implementation of all four *F* operators: from control0 to shift, I love such stuff.
Sun Censored but Not Silent, “Top business publications refused to run our bold ad concepts because the headlines were thought too controversial. At Sun, we’re the radical engineers that build “ass-whoopin” technology—we’re not Miss Manners and we never want to be.” Suddenly, I like Sun a lot better… ;-)
Memeorandum is a kind of meta-aggregator that tries to make a newspaper out of the blogosphere. A special tech related site exists too.
I recognize the look
In my eyes when I see you
It s the look of one who loves you
Who wants nothing ‘cept to be with you
It is not the look that often
Gets returned in kind
— Dan Bern, One Dance
The Box Doodle Project by David Hofmann. “The rules are quite simple: rearrange a box to make any kind of figure or object.” Check that out.
APPD-Wahlwerbespot, “Mit voller Absicht gegen den guten Geschmack” auf telepolis.
Yahoo! goes hard gay, uh?
Plugging Haskell In, by André Pang, Don Stewart, Sean Seefried, and Manuel M. T. Chakravarty. “We show that Haskell can be comfortably used as a statically typed extension language, and that it can support type-safe dynamic loading of plugins using dynamic types.” I’d never have thought of that.
Diff-Sexp is mentioned at lemonodor. In Ruby, we have diff-lcs.
RubyForge Mailman cleanup, Tom Copeland says how he did it.
On Standardizing Object-Oriented Forth Extensions, featuring an explanation of the Neon/Yerk model.
Tumblelog, Marcus Vorwaller says: “Tumblelogging is bound to grow–as of today there are 540 Google results for “tumblelog.” I predict 10,000 within 6 months.”. (It hurts me a bit if he says “the best example (by far) is the gorgeous Projectionist website, as it’s the only other tumblelog that’s active right now that I know of…)
Won’t you help to sing
These songs of freedom? —
’cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.
— Bob Marley, Redemption Song
Are Design Patterns How Languages Evolve? by Jeff Atwood, containing the wonderful conclusion: “If anything, Lisp is strong evidence that computer language evolution is quite slow; it’s one of the oldest languages on the chart, and we’re still adapting features from it.”
Creative Commons -NC Licenses Considered Harmful by Eloquence. I’ve been thinking that since the very beginning.
Churning Ruby into EXE, why explains how to package Ruby programs for as standalone binaries.

If Goths Ruled, a Worth1000.com contest. Lovely.
Trusted Computing, an animated short story by Benjamin Stephan and Lutz Vogel. This movie is not only extremely well done, but also very important. Please distribute this link widely.
Twill, an extensible scriptlet language for testing web apps.
Wiring is a programming environment and electronics i/o board for exploring the electronic arts, tangible media, teaching and learning computer programming and prototyping with electronics.
Papercraft units at AdvanceWarsBunker. Nice lil’ tanks.
SubSystm: Episode 1 - Cracking open the iPod Nano, “Kevin Rose compares the Nano to existing iPods, and of course cracks it open so you can see what’s inside.”
Oh when I look back now,
that summer seemed to last forever.
And if I had the choice,
ya – I’d always wanna be there.
Those were the best days of my life.
— Bryan Adams, Summer Of ‘69
Why the iPhone won’t rock your world by John Naughton. I actually had high hopes that Apple itself would design a phone, but they just created a sucky application.
Osama bin Lehey, now I know where he has been hiding!
First Cocktail 5,000 Years Old, they didn’t have Tequila Sunrise in old Mesopotamia?
The Six Dumbest Ideas in Computer Security, in the end, Worse is Better repeated six times.
See the little faggot with the earring and the makeup
Yeah buddy that’s his own hair
That little faggot got his own jet airplane
That little faggot he’s a millionaire
— Dire Straits, Money For Nothing
Szenenapplaus… für einen Schildfalschrumhalter.
Sieben Namen für Windows Vista, wieso nicht Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy und Sneezy?
Shelter From The Storm: A Concert For the Gulf Coast, but why didn’t they play Dylan’s song?
Economist Joke at John Fleck’s.
Seen while washing dishes, Owen Taylor has crystals in the kitchen. Beautiful.
OrganicHTML turns your website into a plant.
Texas House of Representatives: Member Suzanna Hupp, “Suzanna watched helplessly as both her parents, along with 21 others were gunned down in a mass shooting at a local restaurant.”
Police Begin Seizing Guns of Civilians in NO. Heats up a discussion as old as the weapons themself.
www.weter.de, nein, keine Pornoseite.
Simple Example of Xampl in Java and Lisp, an interesting data binder.
Deutsch-Pop Krankheiten, Lars mag “Warum” von Juli nicht. Ich schon, ätsch. :-P
Forgotten passwords and how Aunt Tillie could get ‘em back, if she just knew about tcpdump.
Wenn du Glück hast, wirst du glücklich,
wenn Du Geld hast, bist du reich
Wenn das Schicksal sagt: ‘Ich schick dich.’,
dann geh am Besten gleich.
— Funny van Dannen, Der Fatalist
Perlcast: Conway Channel 2005, I didn’t yet listen to it, but it sounds interesting.
Steve Jobs to Studios: I Got the Power! at nivi.com.
JAPHs and other obscure signatures by Abigail.
bestever.pl, obfusciated Perl, or is it Postscript?
Developing Firefox Extensions with GNU/Linux by Ryan Paul, Ian Smith-Heisters, and Kris Kowal on ars technica.
Am Spielstand wird sich nicht mehr viel ändern, es sei denn es schießt einer ein Tor. — Franz Beckenbauer (Herzlichen Glückwunsch!)
Two mother embryo, UK scientists have won permission to create a human embryo that will have genetic material from two mothers. Great, now you can argue with two mothers! Great.
Stupidedia, die Satire- und Nonsens-Enzyklopädie. “Sie wissen Bescheid? Nein? Wir auch nicht!”
Through these fields of destruction
Baptism of fire
I’ve watched all your suffering
As the battles raged higher
And though they did hurt me so bad
In the fear and alarm
You did not desert me
My brothers in arms
— Dire Straits, Brothers In Arms
What to do about the NET Guard? by stoothman. “My question to the Department of Homeland Security in the wake of the dismal response to Hurricane Katrina is “where is the NET Guard promised after 9/11”.”
DC School System Tries to Blame Apache on Windows by Timothy M. O’Brien. Sure! They should run IIS the next time, so they have to blame the right people.
Eating while travelling by Thomas Crampton. To say it in Dan Bern’s words, “On the road, all I ate was cheese.”
SSETI — the Student Space Exploration and Technology Initiative aims to increase the number of European students working in the fields of space technology and science by giving them practical hands-on experience of working on space missions.
The Web – Malen nach Zahlen Dub, deconstructing electronic music.
Bra-ket notation on Wikipedia.
My life makes perfect sense,
lust and food and violence.
Sex and money are my major kicks,
get me in a fight I like dirty tricks.
— Dire Straits, Heavy Fuel
The Vim Email Client is built entirely on two python scripts and one vim script, and allows both sending and receiving email. A joke compared to gnus, of course. :-)
Kunst ist in meinem Leben zumindest unterschwellig dabei gewesen, und man kann auch “einfach so” Kunst machen. Code ist dabei ein Werkzeug wie jedes anderes. — Manuel Odendahl
Word Processors: Stupid and Inefficient by Allin Cottrell. A “classic”.
Recovery 2.0: A call to convene by Jeff Jarvis. “How can we use our tools to both gather and share information more effectively?”
The Least Surprised #8: With Sprinkles and Chinese Sundaes All Over, and _why can’t come to RubyConf. :-/
Unit tests used to generate documentation by Brian Marick.
Erlang vs. Java, Joel Reymont compares. Guess what wins? Also see part 2.
The iTunes 5 Announcement From the Perspective of an Anthropomorphized Brushed Metal User Interface Theme by John Gruber. Fun.
iTunes 5 by Michael Tsai, and people agree it looks worse.
Software Freedom Day is a global, grassroots effort to educate the public about the virtues and availability of Free and Open Source Software. Over 200 teams are registered so far, and they have plans to celebrate Free Software at schools, universities, parks, and many other public places.
software freedom day!, debian-women participates too.
There was an Old Man of Aôsta,
Who possessed a large Cow, but he lost her;
But they said, ‘Don’t you see, she has rushed up a tree?
You invidious Old Man of Aôsta!’
— Edward Lear
How many Java programmers does it take to change a light bulb?, slava asks. Made my day.
Functional Testing Frameworks? by Berin Loritsch. I wonder why he doesn’t mention Fit.
The snobbery of iPods, pt. 3 or Why MP3 Players Only Have 375 Songs On Them. Well, I’d completely fill them…
You know the world has changed when you car’s drink costs more than your own.
Being Poor, just saddening.
Rethinking the Finder at creativebits.org. Doesn’t convince me,
I still stick to mc
until my dream realizes.
Rubik’s Cube Solver as applet. Nothing new, however. I have a solver running on my virtual PDP-11 running ITS.
Plan by 13 Nations Urges Open Technology Standards by Steve Lohr in the NY Times.
Microsoft tries to recruit me, ESR says.
On the day I go to work for Microsoft, faint oinking sounds will be heard from far overhead, the moon will not merely turn blue but develop polkadots, and hell will freeze over so solid the brimstone will go superconductive. — Eric S. Raymond
Schily: Pogo-Wahlspot ist Skandal, und inzwischen hat ihn wohl jeder gesehen. Fick heil! (SCNR)
Is Rails Ready for Prime Time?, Dave Thomas knows. And IMO, yes of course, it is.
Das doppelte Lottchen, kopieren bis es blutet.
blogging tv producer on gaping void.
Links Demos, it’s gotten silent about Wadler’s new language effort.
Du hast Orgasmusprobleme. Du schläfst vorm Fenster ein.
Du hast Durchblutungsstörungen, und immer noch kein Eigenheim.
Dann denk doch mal an Jesus, der war besser als du.
Er musste so jung sterben, sag mal was dazu!
— Funny van Dannen, Junge Christen
FEMA site requires assistance seekers to use Internet Explorer 6, that simply sucks.
Asynchronous Exceptions in Haskell on LtU.
Processing XML with Xerces and the DOM by Ethan McCallum. DOM is for people that can’t write state machines for SAX. ;-)
A Day in the Life of #Apache, or, Why I Hate the Apache Web Server by Rich Bowen. Well, I use lighttpd now.
Support your local area Python User Group, Jeremy Jones says. Or, even better, found a Ruby User Group. :-)
UAVs over Louisiana, lemonodor reports.
Chemical reaction, it s nothing more than this.
Those two kind of sit there, these two start to fizz.
Chemical reaction, it’s really nothing more.
You bring me H2O when I need H2SO4.
— Dan Bern, Simple Mathematics
Perl Internationalization and Haskell, an Interview with Autrijus Tang by Edd Dumbill.
CCC Köln veranstaltet Jugendprojekt “U23”, In diesem Jahr sollen die Jugendlichen mittels eines Mikrocontrollers eine farbige, intelligente Lampe, ein so genanntes fnordlicht, zusammenbauen und programmieren.
VimOutliner, “Work fast. Think well.” Some people swear by this.
In fact when I first got my Apple II the first thing I did was turn it on and off, on and off, just because I had the power to do so, which I’d never had on a computer before. — Andy Hertzfeld
A Bialgebraic Review of Regular Expressions, Deterministic Automata and Languages by Bart Jacobs. This is something to rack your brain.
What would you put in a Computer Science Curriculum?, Dan Zambonini asks. Maybe I’m too idealistic, but with an ordinary CS degree, every student should be able to decide whether to use SAX or DOM—after reading about both processing models, whether he learned about them or not.
Rails goes to School, “I know of an undergraduate course in Scotland that will include a section using Ruby on Rails”. I wonder what for?
Xerox Mesa Programming, an introduction. I prefer Smalltalk, though.
Als die Kubakrise die Welt bedrohte, war ich gerade mal vier.
Und dann ging es weiter in Vietnam und dann gab’s in Hawaii kein Bier.
Ich blieb sitzen und sagte: Lieber Gott, mir wird das alles zuviel.
Also ich hatte schon vor dem 11. September oft ein Scheißgefühl.
— Funny van Dannen, 11. September
Microsoft Windows keybd_event validation vulnerability by Andrés Tarascó and Iñaki Lopez. “Type: Design Flaw”, you just gotta love it.
EZD: Interactive structured graphics in Scheme->C.
“Zeigt her Eure Namen” von Twister (Bettina Winsemann). “Pseudonyme können lebenswichtig sein: Wenn der elektronische Pranger zu Lynchjustiz anregt.”
Joggen macht schlabberich, Laufen sei “Gift für Hängebusen und Cellulite”. Das ist zwar falsch formuliert, aber macht Sinn.
And we don’t need reason and we don’t need logic
Cause we’ve got feelin’ and we’re very proud of it
Speeding motorcycle, lets just go
Speeding motorcycle, lets go lets go lets go
— Mary Lou Lord, Speeding Motorcycle
Heavy metals in Japan, no, this is not about music. Scary.
Automating Stylesheet Creation by Bob DuCharme. Yippee, XSLT metaprogramming!
Ruby Development Basecamp account, but I don’t have an account yet. :-)
As-Rigid-As-Possible Shape Manipulation with Tomer Moscovich and John F. Hughes. Sounds fun.
NerdTV is a new weekly online TV show from PBS.org technology columnist Robert X. Cringely. They have transcripts too.
Marry me, leave Kentucky
and come to Tennessee.
Cause you’re the only ten I see.
— Silver Jews, Tennessee
Pressemitteilung BioP II Studie, CCC warnt vor Biometrie-Desaster bei neuen Reisepässen. Das wird lustig: “Wenn diese Systeme tatsächlich flächendeckend in der Passkontrolle eingesetzt werden, stehen täglich zehntausende Menschen an den Flughäfen vor rot blinkenden Bildschirmen.”
Johnny Applesandal: Footwear to Revitalize the Earth are a great idea: “Phytoremediating seeds are contained within the sandal. As the footwear is used, the soles wear thin exposing seed channels.”
Future Shock Levels by Eliezer S. Yudkowsky. “A Shock Level measures the high-tech concepts you can contemplate without being impressed, frightened, blindly enthusiastic—without exhibiting future shock.” Also read Staring into the Singularity.
Testing wants dynamic programming languages, and the programmers want it too!
Top Ten Digital Photography Tips by Derrick Story at macdevcenter.

Ruby Weekly News got revamped and now runs on Rails. (And there is a rendering error in Firefox for me, the body is too wide to fit next to the menu.)
Nach dem Feuer, verkokelte Möbel als Kunst. Ein heißes Thema. (Ja, der war schlecht.)
Das ist ein netter junger Mann,
was der sich alles merken kann.
Es gibt ja so viel Wissenswertes über Erlangen.
Wissenswertes, Wissenswertes über Erlangen…
— Foyer Des Arts, Wissenswertes Über Erlangen
The A380: Gamers in the sky?, Thomas Crampton, there are people that have something better to do than playing WoW in a plane.
Daily Ada’s Journal, even the smallest of use now have blogs.
Michael Penn is married to Aimee Mann. Their musical styles are practically the same, except for their genders. — Aaron Swartz, Reflections on Cultural Fragments
Shell Corner: Date-Related Shell Functions, ah, ye good old times. (Why does date/time handling suck in any language, by the way?)
Petty Theft from Python on RedHanded, some pretty nice stuff,
admittedly. And _why’s right about Hash::[]
, it should
be analog to Hash#to_a
Linus trademarks Linux?!!, and Linus replies.
OpenWengo sounds like a reasonable SIP softphone, but they don’t have OS X binaries yet.
Announcing the GPL Version 3 Development and Publicity Project (GPLv3), FSFE press release.
Arabischer Trojaner blockiert erotische Websites, ich mach mir fast in die Hosen. Ja, auch das kann ein Grund sein, Linux zu benützen.
REBOL Essentials is an eBook about learning REBOL.
The Magic of New Orleans by Kendall Clark. He says: “I hope you’ll use the opportunity of Katrina to learn about why it happened, who it’s hurt the most, and what could have been done to prevent much of the devastation.”
Mit einem Stein in der Hand,
als Souvenir vor der Mauer in Berlin
klopfen wir an die Hintertür,
von einem neuen Paradies.
— Die Toten Hosen, Alles Wird Gut
Rake Documentation, “Building the world, One task at a time.” The new documentation site for the just-released Rake 0.6.0.
Interview: Silver Jews at Pitchfork. This is an great interview.
JavaScript Logging by David F. Miller on A List Apart. Must-read for every serious JS developer.
Threads Cannot be Implemented as a Library, Hans-J. Boehm says.
Single-page version of the Ruby User’s Guide updated and translated by Mark Slagell. Everything you need on one page.
Village funeral, Joi explains Japanese ceremonies. “It was interesting how many functions of a community that I would take for granted in a good community are so highly formalized in rituals and how it isn’t written or even precisely known by anyone exactly, but it all sort of functions.”
Models Predicted Katrina Devastation, Spencer Critchley says. “Somehow we have to get better at assigning value to information. That’s what markets do. But the policy-making market is broken.”
The Code: Graphing O’Reilly Connection by Timothy M. O’Brien. “As promised, the code for drawing graphs from the O’Reilly Connection FOAF documents is available.”
Religious Right Blames Gays, Abortion for Hurricane at morons.org, “I should point out that they also claim the radar image of the hurricane resembles a 6-week-old fetus.” OMFG.
And in the master’s chambers,
They gathered for the feast.
The stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can’t kill the beast.
— Eagles, Hotel California
libssh was designed to be used by programmers needing a working SSH implementation by the mean of a library. Well, I already have Net::SSH in Ruby. :-)
cssQuery() is a powerful cross-browser JavaScript function that enables querying of a DOM document using CSS selectors. All CSS1 and CSS2 selectors are allowed plus quite a few CSS3 selectors. Nifty.
Hawking talking with his blinks, BBC reports that his hand was getting weaker. I wonder how long it takes to get used to that.
Science (and evolution) is not a matter of faith… and Tom Coates is right about that, of course.
Using Wikipedia and the Yahoo API to give structure to flat lists at hackdiary. Nifty application of the unsemantic web.
ECOOP 2004 Workshop papers, I remember seeing that list some time ago, every paper is readworthy.
The real pitfall of LISP systems was that they actually displayed something on the screen when they were garbage collecting. — Chris Welty, Still Garbage Collecting
Naked Bike Ride, a photoset on Flickr (PNSFW).
People Finder Interchange Format by Kieran Lal, Jonathan Plax, and Ka-Ping Yee. A data model and an XML-based exchange format for sharing data about people who are missing or displaced by natural or human-made disasters.
Oil paintings of x-rated picnics.
Behind the walls of medication I’m free.
Every falling leaf in a compact mirror
hits a target that we can’t see.
— Silver Jews, The Wild Kindness
The news on Katrina from outside the USA by blackpaw. It really sucks to be a tourist there right now.
CGI:IRC for freenode.net, this is essential. :-)
APPLE: Advanced Procedural Programming Language Elements, all in all, he reinvents multi-method dispatch. CLOS has been there, done that.
An Interview with XML by Dan Zambonini. Clever conclusion: “I’m not sure that the hierarchical organisation of information […] is the best solution.”
No time like the present to get ripped apart
Got this burnin’ desire coming straight from my heart
Suck you dry…suck…suck you dry…suck you dry…
Suck me dry…suck this dry…
— Rolling Stones, Beast Of Burden
lighttpd Documentation, very useful to me as chneukirchen.org is going to move to lighttpd real soon now.
A Complete History of Tux (So Far) by Steve Baker.
How to Make an iPod Shuffle Armband at Deeper Motive.
New Orleans floods… in Die Hard 4?!?, would have been even better if the poster was called “Katrina” instead of “Karina”.
.Well, I dont know why I love you like I do
Nobody in the world can get along with you
You got the ways of a devil sleeping in a lion’s den
I come home last night you wouldn’t even let me in.
— Bob Dylan, She’s No Good
Internet Addiction Test, this, of course, will only make you feel bad.
Pop-Up Potpourii: Mess O’ Messages, very nice Daily WTF today.
Just for Fun: Useless Skills for the bored. Who doesn’t want to one-hand shuffle cards, twirl a pen, or hand-coo?
Five simple steps to designing grid systems, that seems to be the new black of CSS techniques.
Thai Artist Bakes Edible ‘Body Parts’, tasty! I’d really like to chew such a finger. ;-)
Pocket-sized DIY customizable paper organizer discovered at boingboing. Sounds like a good start for your own!
America the Beautiful war eine tolle “Lange Nacht” im Deutschlandradio gestern. Zum ersten Mal habe ich Dan Bern im (analogen) Radio gehört.
Some dream of a country
Where they could choose their partners freely
And have their love recognized
Some dream of wilderness
Where wild animals roam free
And there’s not a single oil well in sight
— Rod Macdonald, A Tale Of Two Americas
License Simplification, OpenOffice is now LGPL only: “Sun Microsystems announced that it was retiring the Sun Industry Standards Source License (SISSL)”. Very good.
BWinf 2005 Aufgabenblatt und Bloat-PDF.
Internet-Bundestagswahlen sind in einigen Jahren üblich, hoffentlich nicht. (Wieso sind eigentlich immer die Leute, die sich mit sowas auskennen, kritisch?)
Roads Gone Wild, the Dutch city Drachten has no steet signs and no crosswalks. It also has far less accidents. I wrote about the idea in the very beginning of chris blogs.
The Funniest Grid You Ever Saw, Khoi Vinh explains the The Onion redesign.
There is a house in New Orleans
Not the one you heard about
I’m talking ‘bout another house
They spoke of gold in the cellar
That a spanish gentleman had left
— Silver Jews, New Orleans
DNA-Sequenzierung nach der “shotgun”-Methode, interessante BWinf-Aufgabe.
Introduction to MARIA and High-Level Petri Nets by Marko Mäkelä (PDF).
Evil Genius (The Good Side of PowerPoint), rather, how to use it correctly.
Asciiquarium v1.0 by Kirk Baucom. How cool.
SCO Partners With MySQL AB to lower costs and increase the power and scalability of modern database solutions. I’d have the perfect song for MySQL AB:
I’ll rise and fall, let me take credit for both
Jump off a cliff, don’t need your help so back off
I’ll never suck Satan’s dick…
— Pearl Jam, Satan’s Bed
Mining Build Statistics is getting popular. PragDave does it too now.
Lisp Metadata Importer I at lemonodor. Now if I had Spotlight.
Just a Few MouseHole Tips, nifty nifty.
BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! “The” classic dance instrument-ReBirth-for free, The Fat Man found it.
When timely death my life and fortune ends,
Let not my hearse be vexed with mourning friends,
But let all lovers, rich in triumph, come
And with sweet pastimes grace my happy tomb;
And Lesbia, close up thou my little light,
And crown with love my ever-during night.
— Thomas Campion, My Sweetest Lesbia
rabissimo, Lydia kommt aus dem Urlaub zurück. Super Bilder.
A Proposal for a Copy Optimized DVD Audio Format by MichaelCrawford. Sorry, but you can speak to walls at well.

Katrina Tech Resources at Joi’s wiki.
Odd smoking habits by Thomas Crampton. Why not smoke musk?
The underprivileged victims of Katrina by Joi Ito. “I am beginning to wonder if the government is really doing everything possible.”
Three Ethical Moments In Debian: The Making Of An (Ethical) Hacker, Part III by E. Gabriella Coleman.
Marco’s Highly Opinionated Guide to Editing Lisp Code with Emacs at the Common Lisp wiki.
Hanging up the shingle, Dan Sugalski is going to freelance.

I fell in to a burning ring of fire
I went down, down, down
and the flames went higher.
— Johnny Cash, Ring Of Fire
The Public Domain: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow by Lawrence Lessig. The solution, IMO, it to freely license your own content.
Gericht verbietet Wahl-Spot der Pogo-Partei, schade eigentlich.
Joomla! is the new Mambo CMS. The site doesn’t validate, of course.
SkipDB is a BerkeleyDB style database implemented with skip lists instead of a b-tree. By Steve Dekorte.
I, I’m still alive
Hey i, but, I’m still alive
Hey i, boy, I’m still alive
Hey i, i, i, I’m still alive, yeah
Ooh yeah…yeah yeah yeah…oh…oh…
— Pearl Jam, Alive
Hi, my name is Roger and I am a New Orleanian by localroger.
Ruby on Rails: An Interview with David Heinemeier Hansson. Now they invade my beloved LtU!!!
Interactive Debugging in Python by Jeremy Jones. I don’t feel a need for debuggers in dynamic languages, usually.
How to Decide What Bugs to Fix When, Part 2 by Scott Berkun.
Spam Volume of PragDave. Conclusion: “Maybe we’re seeing a kind of Parkinson’s Law in action here: trash expands to fit the bandwidth available to it.”
Factor is now two years old, Slava Pestov summarizes it’s history.
ContextL is a CLOS extension for Context-oriented Programming. Who’d have thought you’d ever need to extend CLOS? ;-) Seriously, read that paper.
Ruby on Rome, Tim Bray plays with JRuby.
So she grew up
Became a confused young woman
Got a confused little job
In a confused little office
— Dan Bern, Confused Little Girl
Lord of the Flies—A Weblog from Downtown New Orleans, Steve Mallett found it. Scary.
Massachusetts dumps Microsoft Office, it’s the Boston Tea Party again. Congratulations.
Heise legt Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen Link-Verbot ein, bravo, Heise!
Relativity, Uncertainty, Incompleteness and Undecidability by chato. The first half of the 20th century probably can’t be captured better in words of science.
If I have not seen as far as others, it is because giants were standing on my shoulders. — Hal Abelson
Performance and Scalability improvement progress report #2, what’s going on at Technorati?
Agile XML Manifesto by Jim Fuller. Excellent choices, Jim.
Four scenarios for media, news, and entertainment by Andy Oram. I like amateurization best.
Software Idea #1 - Collaborative Creativity by Dan Zambonini. I had a very similar idea a bit ago, but please someone implement it!
On Language Design, Avi Bryant comments on an interesting Graham quote.
rrencode is a tool to convert ASCII strings to cryptic Ruby.
Are you honest when no one’s looking?
Can you summon honey from a telephone?
They sat there with their hooks in the water
and their moustaches caked with airplane glue.
— Silver Jews, Smith and Jones Forever
Hooray for Anthropohobia at gomi non sensei. We live in a time where human contact at the bank is a con. (And if you ever listened to the crap they tell you, you probably think alike). Now, where are the human-contact-less hairdressers?
Shakespeare was a political rebel who wrote in code by Vanessa Thorpe. With enough imagination, you can interpret anything.