Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
yetzt bloggt wieder (und ich merk es zuspät). Willkommen zurück. Wunderbares Design, wie immer.
Only ad-hoc, ill-specified and bug-ridden implementations of lisp are successful.
Look up, I look up at night,
Planets are moving at the speed of light.
Climb up, up in the trees,
every chance that you get,
is a chance you seize.
— Coldplay, Speed Of Sound
MonetDB: Query Processing at Light-Speed, sounds very interesting. Joel Reymont wants to make a Common Lisp interface to it. Avalilable under a MPLish license. Oh, and it can do XQuery too!
swanksigns is dedicated to the art of mocking public works. Very nice stuff there.
Switching from MS Windows to Linspire does not bring you to freedom, it just gets you a different master. — Richard M. Stallman
A Case for Formal Specification by Coryoth. IMO, Unit testing is enough for all but the most serious applications.
Bash in my brain,
And make me scream with pain,
Then kick me once again,
And say we’ll never part.
— Tom Lehrer, The Masochism Tango
fs_usage Intro at rentzsch.com. Damn useful tool.
Complete Tom Lehrer Lyrics, very nifty and funny songs.
Best Short Stories on Project Gutemberg. Very nice and very short.
crazycovers sind magnetische Motivplatten, die man an Haushaltsgeräte anbringen kann. Wer hätte nicht gerne eine Waschmaschine mit Sonnenblume drauf?
BETA of FreeBSD’s new installer by Dru Lavigne. Sounds good and simple, it uses ncurses, yay.
Crashes, Drops and OSCON by Roger Weeks. Roger, you’re a jinx.
Data retention petition in European Union, Andy Oram quotes: “These cameras might help investigate and prosecute terror after it happens, but they won’t be effective at preventing terror, except for the deterrent effect.” Have your anonymous proxies ready…
Der digitale Lumpensammler, Halbwissen kompakt! Sehr schön. Denken vorm klicken.
How Libertarianism Infects the Net by Thrasymachus. “This ideological virus is endemic in the blogosphere. Libertarians swarm in every newsgroup on Usenet.” So what?
Similarity between contracts and open source code by Joi Ito.
Slides for ‘Programming in Haskell’, linked on LtU. Powerpoint, yuck.

Just as long as
You look me in the eye that way
I can handle anything
As long as
You look me in the eye that way
I can handle just about anything
I can handle anything at all
— Dan Bern, Look Me In The Eye That Way
rdfdata.org provides publicly available collections of RDF and web services that return RDF.
Tiger echoes in Windows Vista—first look, in the end, Vista does have no advantage. The train’s run by, MS.