Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Scrutino.us, search independent music reviews. Beta, of course.
Your presentation sucks, your presentation rocks! Very good points by Gianugo Rabellino.
The gedit spell checker suggestion for the word “aphelshorle” was “asshole”. I needed a laugh like that. — John Palmieri
Kennwort *omosex*, Die Polizei in Bayern, Thüringen und Nordrhein-Westfalen verwendet eine Software mit einem speziellen Register für Schwule und Lesben. Wie finden die das eigentlich raus?
First Look at IncreduLISP by Tron3k. Utter bullshit. :P
Social Problems of Lisp by Tron3k.
Canstruction, A National Charity of the Design and Construction Industry created by the Society for Design Administration.
Taiwanese President: “China a Threat, Not an Opportunity” by nostalgiphile.
Well I know what’s right, I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin’ me around
But I’ll stand my ground and I won’t back down
— Tom Petty, I Won’t Back Down
Seaside might be the best web application framework for small scale web applications says Mark Watson. If it only was more RESTful…
New iBook, Mac mini part numbers appear, faster, better, cheaper.
The Complexity Zoo has 436 classes and counting. “Please do not feed oracles to the complexity classes! These classes require a specially balanced diet to ensure proper relativization.”
Sleep is an embeddable scripting solution for Java applications. Sleep is heavily inspired by Perl with bits of Objective-C thrown in. Sounds^WConsidered harmful :P
Ottawa Linux Symposium, 2005: wrap-up by Andy Oram.
The Judicial-Electoral Comedy Show by aphrael. “RPI’s argument that “copy” does not necessary mean “exact copy” is one example of mincing and then stretching the meaning of words beyond reason.” Postmodernists love that.

AdbmaL on LtU: “We make the notion of scope in the lambda-calculus explicit. To that end, the syntax of the lambda-calculus is extended with an end-of-scope operator [adbmal], matching the usual opening of a scope due to lambda.”
If World War II Was an RTS, it would look something like that.
Fefe’s Blog ist eine ganz nette Linksammlung. “Proudly made without PHP, Java, Perl, MySQL and Postgres.” Anarchaia auch, übrigens.
Google site ‘used by drug gang’, Ten people have been arrested in Brazil after authorities discovered them allegedly using Google’s online community site, Orkut, to sell drugs. Can you be dumber?
Was kann man tun, wenn das Herz brennt,
wenn die Flamme sich immer tiefer in die Seele frisst?
Was kann man tun, wenn das Herz brennt,
wenn außer Asche von der Liebe nicht viel übrig ist?
Was kann man tun?
— Die Toten Hosen, Herz brennt
Did you ever wonder what it would be like to pop a water balloon in space? No I didn’t, but it’s interesting to see anyway.
Mozilla2: Unified Storage provides a unified interface for storing and searching through data for all Mozilla components and extensions and uses Sqlite. No more Mork!
SPARQL is a query language for getting information from such RDF graphs.
Hierarchical Rollup, “Given a set of transactions and a method for assigning each transaction to the leaf of a tree, produce the sum, count, and average of transaction values at each node of the tree.” Nifty example of K programming.
Thinlet is a GUI toolkit, a single Java class, parses the hierarchy and properties of the GUI, handles user interaction, and calls business logic. Couldn’t someone do that in JavaScript?
Commentary on Women by segphault. “The other problem with women is the lack of standardization.”