Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Ruby on Rails chases simplicity in programming, big time. “The trick, said Hansson, is to “slaughter the holy cows,” the well-understood ideas of computer science that dictate how programmers work.”
Lispnik Logo, not bad, not bad.
Ten Reasons Why Blogging is Good For Your Career by Tim Bray. One wonders if tumblelogging helps too. ;-)
The 50 Most Embarrassing Ways to Die, I love such lists.
Got a little girl, her name is Ball,
Give a little bit, she took it all.
I said step it up and go-Yeah, man.
Can’t stand pat, swear you gotta step it up and go.
— Bob Dylan, Step It Up And Go
OPML validators, comparision by Sam Ruby. “Interesting” results.
Wow… a real saving, Ian Holsman buys cheap parmesan.
Coding Slave, the survey. Didn’t do that one. :P
SMB2 Protocol—what is a Symbolic Link?, Vista gets symlinks. BTDT.
Or do you want me to turn you on? — Yukihiro Matsumoto, out of context
What’s in it for me? Über den Nutzen von Weblogs für Wissensarbeiter.
Big Visible Charts, or BVC’s, are used to communicate information on a project. The agile development community has promoted their use as an effective feedback mechanism for a team of software developers.
Jeder Geschlechtsakt war ein Schlag in die Fratze der Bourgeoisie. — Der springende Punkt
Al Zimmermann’s Programming Contests: Circle Packing, “Pack n non-overlapping circles with radii from 1 to N into as small a circle as possible.”
Monster und Blondinen, jetzt sind wir wieder mal schlauer.
When you wake up in the mornin’, baby, look inside your mirror.
You know I won’t be next to you, you know I won’t be near.
I’d just be curious to know if you can see yourself as clear
As someone who has had you on his mind.
— Bob Dylan, Mama, You Been On My Mind
Alloy: A Simple Structural Modeling Language Based on First-Order Logic, nice stuff to twist your mind.
EncFS provides an encrypted filesystem in user-space. It runs without any special permissions and uses the FUSE library and Linux kernel module to provide the filesystem interface.
TeSLa, a Test Specific Language for Ruby, this one sounds promising.
Usable Ruby folding for Vim, explained at eigenclass.org.
Wow! Mike Cohn’s new Scrum diagram, nice one.
Technology Snake Oil Part 6: Drowning in Tools, Neal Ford says: “Instead of monolithic tools, we need very cohesive, modular tools. The Unix guys got it exactly right.”
The Relation of Habitual Thought and Behavior to Language by Benjamin Whorf. Since everyone is talking about this, you may as well read the original.
Converting LR to LL by Ryan Davis.
Yes, ‘n’ how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind,
The answer is blowin’ in the wind.
— Bob Dylan, Blowin’ In The Wind
Wyjec is a general-purpose expression language with simple prefix notation. Interesting mix of Lisp and Tcl.
phc is a compiler for PHP that will translate PHP code directly into Linux assembly code. Sorry, I just need to link that. :-P
XMille is the classic game of Mille Bourne for X Windows. A card game against the computer in which each player tries to reach 700 or 1000 miles in a hand. True classic.
What’s Ajax? (PDF), a “web 2.0” cheat sheet by Amy Hoy.
Tumbletumble by Jack Mottram is a place for fancy modern tumblelogging. Finally someone who gets it. Welcome!
Beep Speek on The Wiki. “I would buy an Alarm Clock if the alarm made a sound like a dog getting ready to throw up. This sound ALWAYS wakes me up instantly!”
I never wanted to see anybody die, but there are a few obituary notices I have read with pleasure. — Clarence Darrow
Parsing Techniques—A Practical Guide by Dick Grune and Ceriel J.H. Jacobs. “This 320-page book treats parsing in its own right, in greater depth than is found in most computer science and linguistics books.” PDF available.
Thread patterns, how Joey Hess copes with mailing lists. Very good, read it.
Lua HTTPd, a webserver written in lua. “Now supporting virtual hosts, binary files, and sending appropriate MIME types.” I, for one, want an HTTPd in JavaScript… to be run inside the browser.
Die BigBrotherAwards 2005 gehen ganz zurecht an “Otto Schily, ehemaliger Bundesminister des Inneren”.
freedt is a reimplementation of Dan Bernstein’s daemontools under the GNU GPL, sharing no code with the original implementation. Now used to keep Anarchaia running!
Kratzig, Kinderrechtszeitschrift. Aus dem Editorial: Wir hoffen, Euch mit dieser Ausgabe einen deftigen Gedankenarschtritt verpassen zu können, und wünschen uns eine Vielzahl von Gedankenarschtritten Eurerseits.
Die Volksgewalt geht vom Staate aus, mit Link auf Video.
Lisp stereotypes, Dave Roberts “ended up having the standard conversation about Lisp stereotypes the other day.”
Miniature disasters and minor catastrophoes
Bring me to my knees
Well I must be my own master
Or a miniature disaster will be
It will be the death of me
— KT Tunstall, Miniature disasters
Singularity is a research project in Microsoft Research that started with the question: what would a software platform look like if it was designed from scratch with the primary goal of dependability?
malcolm, blog of an alt.worship hippy and Haskell programmer. Cool topics.
I think suggestions from the audience are harmless. Matz rarely gives credence to these and even accepted RCRs go untouched for upwards of 5 years. — why the lucky stiff
Timepieces of the Ancients, John Adams is looking for someone to fix a digital watch from 1988.
Just What is it that Makes Martin-Lof’s Type Theory so Different, so Appealing?, and Lambda The Ultimate is online again too.
Want a Link to Your Blog from Minding The Planet?, well, why not?
Ruby-GNOME2AndGlade2Demo, linked at RedHanded. Now, when do we get native Gtk+ for OS X? ;-)
TwangCity, webradio featuring Americana, Alt-Country, Bluegrass, Folk, Honky Tonk, Zydeco, Blues and Roots Rock.
Lisp Logos by Conrad Barski. These really rock.
Body hanging from tree mistaken for Halloween decoration, happy halloween! “State police spokesman Cpl. Jeff Oldham and neighbors said people noticed the body at breakfast time Wednesday but dismissed it as a holiday prank.”
Air Raid Siren (Real Sounds), lucky that I never heard that one in real life.
New mathematics-based sculpture unveils fourth dimension or not, but it looks very cool anyway.
Stay, lady, stay, stay with your man awhile
Why wait any longer for the world to begin
You can have your cake and eat it too
Why wait any longer for the one you love
When he’s standing in front of you
— Bob Dylan, Lay Lady Lay
Bill, have a nice 50th birthday.
Web Two Point Oh! Create your own Web 2.0 Company. When I saw the first descriptions, I thought they were seriously meant. :-P
Twisted Network Programming Essentials is a real book, and the cover just rules.
Lessons from the Hive by xC0000005. “Can I have a drone to play with?”
Neko is an intermediate programming language. It has been designed to provide a common runtime for several different languages. IMO, too high-level.
Modern Memory Management by Howard Feldman. Every serious programmer should know about this. “The more RAM that is available to a software developer, the more the developer tends to use.” Do tell.
Building Detailed Network Reports with Netflow by Michael W. Lucas. Endless fun with data mining.
Comparing technology stacks (of books), now, that’s a nice picture.
First Reactions to Dabble and the comparision to Google Base.
Turning Hiki into a simple CMS by Mauricio Fernandez.
An actually useful error message by David Brickner. Rare moments in the life of a user.
OOPSLA 2005, Lemonodor has a load of links about the conference.
Like my father before me, I will work the land
And like my brother before me, who took a rebel stand
— J. R. Robertson, The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
Anticipatory Symbol Completion for MCL, all I know is that I hate that feature in OpenOffice. ;-)
Discovering my history of game addiction, Joi Ito reflects.
Repeat After Me: Lack of Output Encoding Causes XSS Vulnerabilities, Nitesh Dhanjani is totally right. A trivial problem, and a tough one at the same time.
How Einstein managed his inbox by Robert Roy Britt. Study suggests modern e-mail habits similar to older, letter-writing ones. How much spam did they get? ;-)
I can’t be held responsible for the stupid ways UML is sometimes used. — Grady Booch, via Ivan Moore
ssss: Shamir’s Secret Sharing Scheme, this is cool.
Does Visual Studio Rot the Mind? By Charles Petzold. He has to know. Personally, I think the languages they code are more harmful than the IDE.
I ain’t sayin’ you treated me unkind
You could have done better but I don’t mind
You just kinda wasted my precious time
But don’t think twice, it’s all right
— Bob Dylan, Don’t Think Twice
Principal says students can’t keep blogs or MySpace profiles, this is intolerable; I recommend every student of that school to blog anonymously.
AJAX: How to Handle Bookmarks and Back Buttons by Brad Neuberg. Good question.
U.S. workers in 2005 will waste the equivalent of 551,000 years reading blogs, help us!
Beast Number on MathWorld. “Summing the ASCII character codes for INDONESIA gives 666.”
What Is Atom by Ben Hammersley. “Atom […] is specifically designed to never lose any data.”
In The Face of Flickr, Whither Dot Mac?, Tom Bridge asks. What is .Mac good for, anyway?
But what’s worse
Is this pain in here
I can’t stay in here
Ain’t it clear that—
— Bob Dylan, Just Like A Woman
Google Sitemaps by Uche Ogbuji. Sounds like a good idea, but I’d favor an open standard.
Confluence is a language for synchronous reactive system design. A Confluence program can generate digital logic for an FPGA or ASIC platform, or C code for hard real-time software.
Lowering the barriers to programming, help the losers lose less. }:-P
CGI::Application is a mature, lightweight, flexible MVC framework for web application development. If you think you need Perl. ;-)
YAY!!!, dave hat ein Notebook. Na dann, viel Spaß!
The case of the 500-mile email, a classic. “‘We can’t send mail more than 500 miles,’ the chairman explained.”
RT is a simple and human-readable table format. RTtool is a converter from RT into various formats. I like the format.
Logical Methods in Computer Science is an open-access journal. All journal content is licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Scatha and Glaurung, play chess against Lisp.
Hold me, baby be near,
You told me that you’d be sincere.
Every day of the year’s like playin’ Russian roulette,
True love, true love, true love tends to forget.
— Bob Dylan, True Love Tends To Forget
Sharing Ruby and Python Exceptions, very nifty idea.
Google Base works around the lack of a Semantic Web, Dan Zambonini says. I didn’t get a chance yet to try it.
Feynman diagram on Wikipedia.
The Draggable List: a Benchmark Widget for Web Languages by Ezra Cooper. “We can measure web languages by how well they can express a solution to this.”
The Meaning of Punk: A Memoir by Psycho Dave. Good days. ;-)
Alarm clocks are bad. How to wake up and feel better. Vincent Cheung has such an easy but genious idea it’s a shame I didn’t have it first.
Peace will come
With tranquility and splendor on the wheels of fire
But will bring us no reward when her false idols fall
And cruel death surrenders with its pale ghost retreating
Between the King and the Queen of Swords.
— Bob Dylan, Changing Of The Guards
php|architect’s Guide to PHP Security, reviewed by Peter Lavin. An oxymoron? ;)
Web Application Security Testing Using twill by Nitesh Dhanjani. Kind of mix between WWW::Mechanize and Watir.
The Railroad, Then and Now, Nathaniel Talbott’s RubyConf talk. “This talk isn’t really about Rails—it’s really about Ruby.”
TinyDisk is a program from saving and retrieving files TinyURL and TinyURL-like services such as Nanourl. Reminds me of the idea of storing files in DNS records. ;-)

gpresent, presentations with Groff and AcroRead. *rubs eyes*
Toward Saner Version Control by skyknight. But please not with svn!
CURIEs: A Compact URI Syntax / Semantic Links, gotta love the easy ideas.
My new Nokia 8800, just good that Joi’s new mobile isn’t able to run WoW.
Did you respect me for what I did
Or for what I didn’t do, or for keeping it hid?
Did I lose my mind when I tried to get rid
Of everything you see?
— Bob Dylan, In the Summertime
Von Purzelbäumen und hohen Auflösungen, Ralf “ralle” Graf über Tumblelogs.
Test VS Behavior, Jim on TDD and BDD.
RubyConf.new(2005) Summary, Jim Weirich summarizes the conf.
Faster Testing with Rails 1.0 by Mike Clark. “Transactional fixtures use database transactions to isolate tests.”
TeXPower is a bundle of style and class files for creating dynamic online presentations with LaTeX written by Stephan Lehmke.
Good Designers Redesign, Great Designers Realign by Cameron Moll. Anarchaia could have use of a realign too, but when?
Apple makes software for people, Microsoft identifies a market, Jeremiah Foster says. Well, I wish I had Apple stock too. ;-)
Introducing Dabble, the Smallthinkers are back, and Avi introduces “a database system for dabblers”. Sounds promising.
ONLamp 2005 Survey Preliminary Results by chromatic. “slightly under half read weblogs – perhaps we should find a way to present them more prominently.”
It’s a restless hungry feeling
That don’t mean no one no good,
When ev’rything I’m a-sayin’
You can say it just as good.
— Bob Dylan, One Too Many Mornings
Hoodwink.d RSS Feeds, queryable feeds rock.
Das Leben in der Oberstufe, dave packt mal wieder die Tastatur aus. :-)
Why are there 63360 inches per mile?, John Baez explains.
Parsec is a free monadic parser combinator library for Haskell. Parsec is designed from scratch as an industrial-strength parser library.
I never mke typos, still, François Joseph de Kermadec uses them to watermark documents.
Meta Analysis Of Christianity on the Adjunct.
She liked the stars, just read it.
Forpost is an embeddable, an interpreted stack-based language which has simple, compact and effective implementation in ANSI C. Could turn out to be useful for BlueMoon development.
Tksh is an implementation of the Tcl C library written on top of the library for the new KornShell (ksh93).
Satan got you by the heel, there’s a bird’s nest in your hair.
Do you have any faith at all? Do you have any love to share?
— Bob Dylan, Dead Man, Dead Man
A guided tour of the Microsoft Command Shell by Ryan Paul. Good sides, bad sides, not sure if it will be successful.
MINIX 3 is a new open-source operating system designed to be highly reliable and secure. It is based somewhat on previous versions of MINIX, but is fundamentally different in many key ways. Yay!
PageSense: Micropayments for Google Library Publishers, Sid Steward has a good idea.
grml 0.5 Codename Tokolytika is available! grml is a bootable CD (Live-CD) based on Knoppix and Debian for command-line users.
Python bashing on Geekmuse, Jeremy Jones mentions. Includes whitespace bashing.
Busy Birthday Week, Happy Birthday John! (And a lovely post with those inline pictures.)
We get letters, there are people calling their kids Google. Ouch.
Bitte ein Taxi ohne Wunderbaum, guter Wunsch.
Do you know where she’s hiding?
How long are we gonna be riding?
How long must I keep my eyes glued to the door?
Will there be any comfort here, Senor?
— Bob Dylan, Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power)
20 million served, and 10e-6% of these are tumblelogs!
Childhood readings by mirleid and discussion on K5.
Finding The Right Man (Page) by Chris Josephes. Okay, I mostly mention it because of the clever title. :-)
Computer Glitch Lets Prisoners Out Early, how embarrassing.
San Francisco in Jell-O by Elizabeth Hickok. Wow.
Learning Haskell, autrijus has his Euro OSCON slides online. Great.
MIT team seeks to recreate Archimedes fabled death ray in SF, failing: “A good story is a good story even if it isn’t true.”
Money’s just a piece of paper,
gold is blinding don’t you see,
Fame is just our own illusion
of what life was meant to be
But I don’t need a perfect mirror,
I don’t care for queens and kings
We are free and we are perfect
when Lady Stardust sings
— Lisa Miskovsky, Lady Stardust
Optimal Sleep, I could never sleep only two hours a day!
MogileFS is Danga’s open source distributed filesystem.
Early Easter Eggs at Microsoft. Also explains what RECOVER is good for.
GNU Conjure is a build tool in the spirit of the well known Make program. Uses Scheme.
Monads in Perl, you gotta love that.
Young Singers Spread Racist Hate, Duo Considered the Olsen Twins of the White Nationalist Movement.
Rip and Goodbye, Todd Dominey is going to completely digitalize his music collection.
Wikke is a 3 line 206 character Wiki Clone in PHP, JavaScript, and Bash. WJW.
Planet Scheme is a feed agregator for various Scheme-related blogs. Nifty logo. ;-)
Are you a “sinner” if you reject the premise of the argument?, I’m probably a Lincolnist too.
Ja, ich bin ein Verbrecher. Mein Verbrechen ist Neugier. Mein Verbrechen ist, daß ich die Menschen nicht nach ihrem Aussehen beurteile, sondern nach dem was sie sagen. Mein Verbrechen liegt darin, daß ich mich Euch entziehe, etwas das ihr mir nie verzeihen werdet. — The Mentor, Hackermanifest
S.C.U.M. Manifesto by Valerie Solanas. (Society for Cutting Up Men)
Invisible Pink Unicorn and the Purple Oyster of Doom on Wikipedia.
Atmosphärenklänge, ein Aufsatz von Klaus Betke bei nensch.de.
Ruby Continues to Impress, Bob Hutchison discovers irb+xmp.
Oh, sister, when I come to knock on your door,
Don’t turn away, you’ll create sorrow.
Time is an ocean but it ends at the shore
You may not see me tomorrow.
— Bob Dylan, Oh Sister
Lispjobs.com is a nicely edited list of Lisp-relevant job postings. (And the site would be a good example for my typed wiki idea.)
My 2 Cents on the Zend PHP Framework by Marcus Whitney. “Taking PHP to the level of adoption that Java has achieved is a serious undertaking.” And hopefully unsuccessful. :-)
Gamer Subversion: a study of media violence and its effects by K1DA. “…it is difficult to prove any causality or direct effects between media violence and aggressive behavior and violence in people.”
Illicit Ohio, abandoned buildings, structures, and more! Some great stuff.
Visions of Science, Winners 2005 are announced.
Extremely Successful Software by Kenneth Dickey. “Some software projects are orders of magnitude more successful than others. Here is the story of one such project and why things went so well.”
Ferret is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in pure Ruby (with an optional C extension). It is a full port of the Java Lucene Project. Sounds impressive, I gotta try that.
After -Ofun: Thoughts on Code Optimization, Part 2 by Geoff Broadwell. “It’s time to talk about why the code might be slow.” A good approach.
besame mucho, Lydia erzählt eine unglaublich dramatische und traurige Geschichte.
Terminology proposal for dubbing Lisp’s syntax “latent syntax”. Very good idea.
TopicTree is a co-operative web document editor written in PHP and MySQL. It allows teams to refine a knowledgebase through interactive rewrites and public comment. Not to be confused with my TopicTree datastructure that empowers n2.
They paved paradise, they put up a parking lot
A pink hotel, a boutique and a swinging hot spot
Don’t it always go to show
You never know what you got till it’s gone?
They paved paradise, they put up a parking lot.
— Joni Mitchell, Big Yellow Taxi
Imminent Domain over Intellectual Property? by Sid Steward, commenting on O’Reilly’s post on Google Print. I honestly don’t see why one would complain about opt-out.
Projectionist is back, after DNS trouble. Tumble on!
Collaborative Newspaper Column — Wiki-style? by Thomas Crampton.
flickr Sudoku, for the totally crazy ones.
Gender in the World of Warcraft, Joi makes me curl: “On the other hand, there is a very cute Gnome Warlock that I often quest with. I flirt with her too, but the guy who plays that character seems to enjoy the role playing.”
OpenBSD 3.8: Hackers of the Lost RAID, an interview by Federico Biancuzzi.
The Parrot post-mortem, Or: Where things went wrong, and where things went right. By Dan Sugalski. Read this, and know.
Far away in the stormy night,
Far away and over the wall,
You are there in the flickering light
Where teardrops fall.
— Bob Dylan, Where Teardrops Fall
Demand OpenDocument: Tell Microsoft You Want It, Jean Hollis Weber says. “Microsoft has stated that the company will support the OpenDocument format in MS Office if there is customer demand.” As if.
Seven Deadly Sins of Introductory Programming Language Design by Linda McIver and Damian Conway.
Damn cool illusion, this one is really good.
Success is the ability to go from onefailure to another with no loss ofenthusiasm. — Sir Winston Churchill
U.S. soldiers videotaped desecrating Taliban corpses, Joi Ito links. Pretty tough: “Wow, look at the blood coming out of the mouth on that one, fucking straight death metal.”
trendalicious is a near real-time view of website popularity trends as reflected by the del.icio.us social bookmarking service. All URLs that have been posted by a minimum of two people in the past sixty minutes are displayed, ranked by the total number of recent posts. Yay, Lisp ware.
Data Munging for Non-Programming Biologists by Amir Karger. Today is “let non-programmers script-too” day.
You’re gonna walk that endless highway,
Walk that high-way till you die.
All you children goin’ my way,
Better tell your home-life sweet goodbye.
— J. R. Robertson, Endless Highway
A Guided Tour of Forms/3, a spreadsheet-like Visual Programming Language (VPL). Its goal is to provide computational and expressive power in a language featuring a simple, concrete programming style with immediate feedback.

The Whyline, The central idea of the Whyline is that it allows programmers to ask questions about their program’s failures in terms of their program’s output. Sounds a bit like Clippy? }:-) It isn’t.
Homesteaders of the 21st Century by Sam Ruby. “As computers, like electric motors before them, fade into the woodwork we need to enable a future where everybody can be a switchboard operator.”
OOPSLA — The End of Users at Mundane Essays. “Notes from Mary Beth Rosson’s keynote.” I’m waiting for this every day.
Schreibmaschine schreiben nur mit zehn Fingern, armes Deutschland.
Pole Positions, congratulations to PragDave.
Microformats and Web 2.0 by Micah Dubinko, featuring a slap to OPML and mention of XOXO. :-)
Google finds NORAD phone numbers by Jonathan Wellons. Then, Google finds almost everything…
Why they’re talking about Internet governance by Andy Oram.
There is no terror in my heart
No dread of the unknown
Desire for paradise to be…
We love this on our own
— The Cure, Us Or Them
To work with Shiny New Things, work with Dusty Old Things by Dan Zambonini. I prefer to say I am a weaponry lobbyist than a biscuit designer…
The Life of independent Mac developers, outlined by John Gruber.
Made-up words in The Simpsons on Wikipedia.
Tumblelogs, Jason Kottke (!) discovers them and says: “I like the idea of tumblelogging a lot; I’ve been slowly moving kottke.org in a similar direction for awhile. Different ways of displaying various types of content…remaindered links, regular posts, book reviews, and movie reviews are all displayed differently.” A big thank-you! (and see the comments too, some are insightful.)
RADP: Ruby Asterisk Dial Plan, this program/library creates Asterisk dialplans from ruby code, by Hans Fugal. I told myself I’d write something along that should I ever make use of Asterisk.
Wer seinen Pass verliert schützt seine Privatsphäre, sagt der CCC und rät: lieber schnellstens noch einen Paß beantragen, ehe auf den Meldeämtern die erkennungsdienstliche Behandlung beginnt.
The French Scapegoat by shinshin. “On this day 224 years ago, the British General Lord Charles Cornwallis offered his sword in surrender to the French General Rochambeau and General Lafayette, ending the Battle of Yorktown, Virginia.”
C#: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: An Interview with Anders Hejlsberg, discussion at LtU.
Two-factor Authentication and Phishing by Derek Vadala. “Two-factor authentication might be able to deter a few specific phishing schemes, but it will have almost zero effect on the long term problem.”
Broken cutters, broken saws,
Broken buckles, broken laws,
Broken bodies, broken bones,
Broken voices on broken phones.
Take a deep breath, feel like you’re chokin’,
Everything is broken.
— Bob Dylan, Everything Is Broken
Samy, Their Hero, an interview with the creator of the MySpace worm.
Common-lisp.net In Trouble, they are looking for (and have found?) a new administrator.
Bad Girls Hotel NSFW: “Is this erotic art, is it a social statement, is it just pornography? Probably none of those. More likely, it’s a documentation of the wilder side of New York City in the 21st century.” Too great to miss.
Sociology of Online Shoppers Worldwide by Thomas Crampton. “In South Korea one third of online shoppers purchase nutritional/cosmetic goods, while the global average is just 10 percent.”
United flight map software, Joi Ito complains: “The most distressing thing is that they’ve removed “time at destination” but seem to think “outside temperature” when you’re flying is more important.”
New Source Licenses from Microsoft, who would have thought of that? “The permissive license is most like the BSD license; the community license is most like the Mozilla license; and the reference license is a “look but don’t touch” license.”
Named Parameters? Aren’t They All Named?, Exegesis and discussion on RedHanded.
Wrote for the eclipse, wrote for the virgin
Died for the beauty the one in the garden
Created a kingdom, reached for the wisdom
Failed in becoming a god
— Nightwish, Dead Boy’s Poem
Some software I’d like to see by Giles Turnbull. Some interesting ideas.
Journaling by Steven Douglas Olson. “Do you remember a time when a log book was left by a server and you wrote down everything significant that happened?” Sounds like a good idea.
‘Beyond Java’ by Bruce Tate is introduced at Wadler’s Blog.
Python’s (Weak) Functional Programming Paradigm, Jeremy Jones says: “Python’s focus is not to be a pure anything language.” How consistent.
Security magazines, Anton Chuvakin lists a few he considers readworthy.
Bob Dylan, the Jokerman This page contains small jokes made by Bob Dylan on stage. (for all those who complain I make bad jokes. These are worse, but good.)
The Chronicles of Davidson Creek, Human by transient0.
Schöner Kabelsalat!, super Idee, muss man sagen.
Hurrah! Hurrah! We bring the Jubilee.
Hurrah! Hurrah! The flag that makes you free,
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea,
While we were marching through Georgia.
— Marching Through Georgia
Civil War Era Lyrics and Tunes collected by Judy Tate.
All-time 100 Novels at Time Magazine. On a first glance, I read 6% of those. Great to see Kerouac there.
Redundant Array of Independent Coffee Machines (RAICM), this is just great. Wow.
Modular Checking for Buffer Overflows in the Large, how about simply going with a programming language that can’t possibly buffer overflow??
Q is a functional programming language based on term rewriting.
The Melloman, a Mellotron. “My version […] uses Walkmans and cassette tapes to play original Mellotron samples, or whatever cassette tapes you want to put in. Inside the box, there are 14 continuously running Walkmans mounted side by side.” WJW.
Wow, imagine that?
They won’t fight back.
I got a theory on that.
A whale’s heart is as big as a car.
A whaler’s thought must be smudged by the dark.
— Pearl Jam, Whale Song
RubyConf 2005 Presentations can be found at ZenSpider’s Ruby sites. Thanks for putting them online!
Father of Wiki Quits Microsoft, Ward Cunningham, one of Microsoft’s high-profile hires, is leaving the Redmond software company to join the open-source tool group, The Eclipse Foundation. Great news.
IMDb got fifteen years old today! A great resource.
Aldi und Co. drängen in den Mobilfunkmarkt, wie schön dass ich nicht in der Mobilfunkbranche tätig bin. :-P
The NetBSD Foundation Press Release: NetBSD and the Google “Summer of Code” Summary, see what has been hacked on.
Practical Scheme, this page is a collection of libraries and extensions to use Scheme as a production tool. Great idea.
Google uses Bayesian filtering the way Microsoft uses the if statement. — A very senior Microsoft developer [via Joel Spolsky]
That’s What I Call Getting Some Pi, Lemonodor enjoys the tune of Pi too.
Security awareness failures, Anton Chuvakin cites: “Education is not key to security. Good security technology is key to security.”
Dave Sifry’s updated blog stats at Joi Ito’s. Now you can define something like Moore’s Law for the blogosphere.
Mainstream Media Journos Tackle Blogging, Thomas Crampton says. “Journo” has a nice ring, I admit. :-)
Yahoo’s Political Prisoner?, Thomas Crampton has three questions regarding the Committee to Protect Journalists today naming online journalist Shi Tao as a winner of the International Press Freedom Award. Luckily, I’m not in China.
Splogs: Is Our Developers Learning?, John E. Simpson is talking about spam blogs, which seem to get a bigger and bigger problem. “But for God’s sake, do something to stem the tide.”
Vim 6.4 has been released, Dozens of bugs have been fixed, runtime files were added and updated. Praise the best Vi clone ever.
Free Software Award for Projects of Social Benefit, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) announces the creation of a new annual award, and a call for nominations.
Futuro – Haus vom anderen Stern by Bernd Schröder. “Von der Skihütte zur postmodernen Kunst-Ikone”.
HOWTO Put Porn On Your iPod, a totally great tutorial by Mark Pilgrim.
The finest day that I ever had,
Was when I learned to cry on command.
— Nirvana, On A Plain
EFF entschlüsselt geheime Kennzeichnung von Farbkopien, weiter so, Jungs!
Mechanizing Language Definitions, a very interesting idea.
RubyConf.new(2005) (Friday), Jim Weirich has comments on the talks there.
Japanese are good at making commodities, Toyota, Sony, … and Ruby. — matz
A Few Matz Answers from the Q&A of RubyConf 2005 can be found at RedHanded.
Mmm, apples!, Dan Sugalski has some cooking recipes.
dilemma5000! Wieso selbst entscheiden, wenn es andere für dich tun können?
Referral Rewards Via AdSense, Sid Steward. I wonder if that’s a good idea?
Sex Sells Social Networks, Jennifer Golbeck says. And that’s probably true for every technology.
Defending Freedom of Speech in India by Joi Ito.
JavaScript 2.0 Namespaces, these appear to be rather similar to what Ruby will get.
Higher Order Messaging in Ruby by Nat Pryce, now make that lazy and it will rule.
Büdchen, Dinge, die Lydia ganz nebenbei auffallen.
Cow sounds, collected by Big Dave. “The cow audio spectrum is a narrow one filled mostly with moos.”
Foxtrott, es geht also auch leiser in den Discos.
The Yakuza Diaries: Choose Your Own Adventure by codebunny.
After -Ofun: Thoughts on Code Optimization, Geoff Broadwell maybe be optimizing prematurely.
Lightweight Web Serving with thttpd by Julio M. Merino Vidal. I prefer lighttpd, though.
Planet RubyConf ‘05 aggregates some attendee’s blogs.
Even though my mind is hazy an’ my thoughts they might be narrow,
Where you been don’t bother me nor bring me down in sorrow.
It don’t even matter to me where you’re wakin’ up tomorrow,
But mama, you’re just on my mind.
— Bob Dylan, Mama, You Been On My Mind
Used tape, Joi has a nice story about “using” media.
A Plan for Ruby Conference Japan 2006, it’s great to hear of a Ruby conference specially for Japan.
Demystifying Continuations by Chad Fowler and Jim Weirich.
Speaking the Lingo: Creating Domain Specific Languages in Ruby by Jim Weirich. Even if you’re busy, check this out.
What Is Terrorism? Can it Ever be Ethical? by harrystottle. “Surprisingly the answer to the second question is “Yes” but we need to work up to that more slowly.” Depends on your ethics too, of course.
I’ve been debugged! by Rick Jelliffe. “I feel like I have been given a fresh start, and I want to take it up.”
Outliner, or what is the relation of Lisp and the OPML Editor?

Why do we believe in God? What sparked the Divine Idea? Did our earliest ancestors gain some evolutionary advantage through their shared religious feelings? Robert Winston researched.
http://glu.ttono.us/, Kevin Clark blogs his notes about the RubyConf talks.
RubyConf for Stragglers, this blog is to facilitate posting of multimedia files from RubyConf 2005 for those of us that couldn’t make it. Great!
Blinkenlights ist wieder da, zwar nur bis 23. Oktober, aber trotzdem toll.
[Only very light tumblelogging the next few days, I’ll be at Euruko 2005.]
Katastrophe in Guatemala, Informationen zum Hurrikan Stan im Oktober 2005.
Dylan macro system is badass!, Mike Austin is right. Amazing.
More GNU/Solaris Rumblings, GNU/Solaris has a nice ring. :-)
You say you feel like a natural person,
You haven’t got nothing to hide,
So why do you feel imperfection
Cut like a sword in your side
— KT Tunstall, Under The Weather
A short history of blogging at the Blog Herald. No mention of tumblelogs? ;-)
My Reign as the King of Pings, Rogers Cadenhead on hosting weblogs.com.
The Extreme Ubuntu Install Challenge, “For at the top of the mountain, I was going to install Ubuntu Breezy on my laptop.”
Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) has been released. I really should try the Mac version again.
What Is Web Analytics by Eric T. Peterson. I miss references to classic statistics in that article.
Tokio Hotel Hass Page, sehr lustig: “Ich habe es satt durch den Monsun zu gehn und kann das lied nicht mehr ertragen!”
Ruby-Talk Names That, When Pronounced Aloud, Make Me Happy I’m Alive on RedHanded. I’d be on the list, but _why is unable to say “Neukirchen”.
Going DITA by Constantine Hondros.
Narrowcasting Magazines to Hidden Markets (Divorcees and Gay Parents) by Thomas Crampton. What’s so great about a “divorce magazine” that everyone needs to write about it?
For those who come to San Francisco
Summertime will be a love-in there
In the streets of San Francisco
Gentle people with flowers in their hair
— Scott McKenzie, San Francisco
cl-launch is a unix utility to make your Lisp software easily invokable from the shell command-line.
Set Your Priorities by Joel Spolsky. How to weight features.
Average age of newspaper readers: 55, I wouldn’t have expected that. What’s the average blog reading age?
Brief Observations Regarding the New Stuff Announced at Today’s Special Event at Daring Fireball. Sucks that they drop Firewire.
Little 15, Lydia über fünfzehnjährige Bloggerinnen, bzw. Tagebuchschreiberinen.
Tilda is a Linux terminal taking after the likeness of many classic terminals from first person shooter games, Quake, Doom and Half-Life to name a few, where the terminal has no border and is hidden from the desktop till a key or keys is hit.
Xara is pleased to announce that it intends to make its flagship graphics product, Xara X (in its latest and greatest incarnation, Xara Xtreme), Open Source. Xara is also working to bring it to the Linux and Mac platforms. Yay!
What Is Quartz (or Why Can’t Windows Do That) by Matthew Russell. I should learn more about Display PostScript and PDF.
Now you say it’s easy
That you been falling for all of my charm
And getting lost in my smile
Never ceases to amaze me
— KT Tunstall, Stoppin’ the Love
The Church-Turing Thesis: Breaking the Myth, paper and discussion on LtU.
Reducible Complexity, Irresistable Fun by chromatic. “I could argue contrarily that HL 2 is foremost an engine demo, secondarily the test of a new distribution system, and finally a game, but that’s a different discussion altogether.” Made my day.
Social Networks, Privacy, and the Semantic Web by Jennifer Golbeck. Including an excourse to FOAF.
Influence of Blogs on the Marketplace of Ideas by Thomas Crampton. “It formerly took powerful ideas (Marxism, Buddhism, Democracy) or those backed by capital (ie: printed in publications) to galvanize large audiences.”
RDF Schema for musical family trees?, Dan Zambonini has a nice idea.
Students study Japanese because they like anime, and Joi says: “That’s good since most people aren’t studying Japanese for business reasons anymore.”
Grand Challenge 2005 Route in Google Earth, track the bots.
Google 2084 by Randy Siegel. This is just great.
Plugging into Rails by Jamis Buck on how to write plugins for Rails.
Sybase or Biological Weapons? You Stand at a Crossroad, _why invents a software license.
I wish I was a neutron bomb, for once I could go off
I wish I was a sacrifice but somehow still lived on
I wish I was a sentimental ornament you hung on
The christmas tree, I wish I was the star that went on top
I wish I was the evidence, I wish I was the grounds
For 50 million hands upraised and open toward the sky
— Pearl Jam, Wishlist
What Should I Tell CS Job Seekers?, Ming Chow asks. Among them, “You need to learn how to communicate to users effectively.”
What I Did This Summer, Paul Graham summarizes the Summer Founders Program.
R.I.P. WYSIWYG, Jakob Nielsen says. For me, I still prefer WYSIWYM.
Subway systems of the world, presented on the same scale.
Save As Draft by Andre Torrez. Anarchaia will stay public.
A Concurrent Window System (PDF) by Rob Pike. “When implemented in a concurrent language, a window system can be concise. If its client programs connect to the window system using an interface defined in terms of communication on synchronous channels, much of the complexity of traditional eventbased interfaces can be avoided.”
Treating China’s online addicts, by Daniel Griffiths. I’m awaiting the release of “Naked Chat” ;-)
From now on I’ll be busy,
Ain’t goin’ nowhere fast.
I’m just glad it’s over
And I’m seeing the real you at last.
— Bob Dylan, Seeing The Real You At Last
Was ist ein Blog wert?, Marcel Reichart zeigt Zahlen.
powerpointless?, A list of articles discussing the impact of a reliance on PowerPoint and bullet-point based communication.
True, only the creatively intelligent can prosper in the Lisp world. — Richard P. Gabriel
Takahashi Method Spreads, I wonder if I can adapt that for my Euruko presentation?
Für Technikfreaks, Nicht verpassen: das Forum Molchtechnik am 3. und 4. November in Essen. Was zum Teufel ist Molchen?
Swiss Ruinchen mit Fähnchen, Lydia hat ‘ne tolle Bruchbude fotografiert.
A fire burns
Water comes
You cool me down
When I’m cold inside
You are warm and bright
You know you are so good for me
— KT Tunstall, Universe and U
Never Get Involved in a Land War in Asia (or Build a Website for No Reason) by Greg Storey on ALA #205. How to halve the size of the web. }:-)
Capturing Files from Network Streams by Nitesh Dhanjani. tcpxtract is good and evil. :-)
Winter Founders Program, Paul Graham does it again. Why don’t we have something like that in Germany?
Efficient Hardware Arithmetic in Common Lisp (PDF), “Hardware cycles, and one Ring to find them” by Alexey Dejneka and Christophe Rhodes.
Gini For Various Nations at Ben Hyde’s. “Gini is a metric of wealth inequality.”
The Shelflife shelving system, a large shelving unit or room divider that features a chair and table that can be pulled out from within the shelves.
Cat Butts, Just watch your cat lovers connect with this charming, magnetic mini kit!
The Firemonger project is dedicated to providing an easy to use CD which contains the latest versions of Firefox and Thunderbird.
When the big black horse that looked this way,
Said hey lady, will you marry me?
(woo-hoo, woo-hoo)
— KT Tunstall, Black Horse and the Cherry Tree
Famous Curves Index, featuring the Trisectrix of Maclaurin, the Cissoid of Diocles and the Devil’s Curve.
mg is Micro GNU Emacs, this is a portable version of the mg maintained by the OpenBSD team. Nice for small-footprint systems.
Der Pressekodex gilt auch für Verleger von Horst Müller. “Die “Badischen Neuesten Nachrichten” haben einer Lokalredakteurin fristlos gekündigt, weil sie einen kritischen Artikel über “Lidl” veröffentlicht hatte. Der Großdiscounter ist einer der größten Anzeigenkunden der baden-württembergischen Regionalzeitung.”
OpenDocument gathers worldwide support, Jean Hollis Weber says. Yay.
Is Web 2.0 similar to Web 0.5?, Dan Zambonini asks. As long as Web 3.0 won’t be Web 0.33, I see no problem in this.
Blogging style, what Joi thinks about when he’s not warcrafting.
Social Versioning System (SVS) is a framework for supporting such collaborative projects that combine coding with other media, and allows programmers and non-programmers to work together.
So here’s hoping I will not drown
Or paralyze in light
And godsend I don’t want to go
To the seal’s watershed
— Antony and the Johnsons, Hope There’s Someone
Modular Architectures with Ruby by Jack Herrington. What does that Java article do there? ;-)
Creating Printable Documents with Ruby, Austin Ziegler explains how to use his PDF::Writer.
Linux Clustering with Ruby Queue: Small is Beautiful by Ara Howard. “Linux clusters have become the new super computers.” This is the first article in a new subsection of Artima called “Ruby Code & Style”.
Web x.0 by Joi Ito. “On the other hand, I think/hope Web 2.0 will be a bit better than Web 1.0.”
Stuff On My Cat, Do you like to put stuff on your cat? I don’t have a cat, but that site is amazing.
The 2-Variable Intuition Test measures your natural instincts in two completely different realms of thinking: Science and Emotion. Very interesting questions.
Candy Darling was a transsexual Warhol superstar who starred in Andy Warhol’s films Flesh and Women in Revolt.
memry is memory with flickr photos.
Top Ten Web Design Mistakes of 2005 can be read at Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox. Pretty early ;-)
Only people just know how to talk to people
Only people know just how to change the world
Only people realize the power of people
A million heads are better than one, so come on, get it on!
— John Lennon, Only People
A Trip To Windows Land, Garret Rooney reports. “It’s hard to build most projects on Win32 systems because not too many people do it.”
Wie John Lennon einmal unter dem Bett lag, “When I’m 65 – Durch die Woche mit John” von Konrad Heidkamp.
Which is the Better Classroom?, uriah923 on whether to home-school or not.
A first look at GIMP 2.4 by Nathan Willis. That SIOX stuff sounds useful.
Meroko (TI Explorer 1 Emulator) release announcement, great times for the retro-Lisp community!
The two loudest things I’ve ever heard are a freight train going by, and Bob Dylan and the Band. — Marlon Brando (never been to a Manowar concert? :^))
Netsukuku the Anarchical Parallel Internet by AlpT, Developed by the Freaknet, Netsukuku is a new p2p routing system, which will be utilised to build a worldwide distributed, anonymous and anarchical network, separated from the Internet, without the support of any servers, ISPs or authority controls. Great such stuff is possible.
We live together in a photograph of time
I look into your eyes
And the seas open up to me
I tell you I love you
And I always will
— Antony and the Johnsons, Fistful of Love
My Cat Loves Power Supplies, Timothy M. O’Brien has a we?ired pet.
Chacon For Congress contains the world’s first political tumblelog. Tumble on!
Bob Dylan on The Adjunct.
Berechnung der Wochentage im Kopf, geht relativ einfach.
Character histories: notes on some ASCII code positions, This document contains some remarks on the history of the Ascii character code, especially on how and why some code positions were assigned to different characters in different versions and proposals in the development of ASCII.
iPod Nano 200gb Instructions, cute hack. “Wow 200gb of music on your Nano. Battery life is a bit reduced however.”
Six Things you need to know about Bubble 2.0 by Andrew Orlowski. Plop the Web 2.0.
Tell him we’ve lost his poems
So they’re writing on the walls
Give us back our unity
Give us back our family
You’re every nation’s refugee
Don’t leave us with their sanity
— David Bowie, Song For Bob Dylan
The Three Problems of Programming, J Aaron Farr philosophizes about why learning to program is hard.
While my ukulele gently weeps. You’re going to want to at least stick around for the solo. Performer: Jake Shimabukuro. Sounds awesome.
Google Reader, disconnectedness and full feeds by Ugo Cei. I’m not really impressed by Google Reader, the UI is too slow by design.
RubyConf 2005 FaceBook Page, and James Britt’s picture changes all the time. :-)
If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe. — Abraham Lincoln
Tuple Database Library by Chris Double. This library allows storing Factor tuples in a sqlite database.
Zipper-based file server/OS on LtU: “Neat, a referentially transparent filesystem with transactional semantics in 540 lines of Haskell.”
Reviews of the Dead by nebbish. With the recent release of sequel Land of the Dead, now is a good time to look back at Romero’s films and their cultural impact.
XP Doesn’t Design? XP Always Designs!, chromatic says.
Warning on ice cube enemas by Judy Skatssoon. You really wonder what some people do think.
sie gen den eigen Kopf gerichtet sin’.
GHB ist eng verwandt mit dem menschlichen Neurotransmitter Gamma-Aminobuttersäure und wurde in den 1960er Jahren zeitweise als Narkotikum genutzt. Seit Ende der 1990er Jahre wird die Substanz verstärkt als Partydroge genutzt.
Mama, take this badge off of me
I can’t use it anymore.
It’s gettin’ dark, too dark for me to see
I feel like I’m knockin’ on heaven’s door.
— Bob Dylan, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door
Web 2.0 Day 3: Interesting conversations by Robert Kaye. “Joe suggests to skip the beta step and go straight into general release and focus on generating revenue right away.” Gamma-Versions, I tell you.
Web 2.0 Day 2: Conference schwag by Robert Kaye. Geez, I want that too.
Ruby Quiz Anthology on Its Way!, I wonder if I’m mentioned in that book. :-)
MySQL wants to be Ikea of the database market, this is the worst metaphor I read in a long time.
100.000 Jahre Sex: Die Lüste im Wandel der Zeit, wer dann noch nicht gekommen ist, wird es wohl nie tun. :-P
The use of force, mental torture, threats, insults, or exposure to unpleasant and inhumane treatment of any kind is prohibited by law and is neither authorized nor condoned by the US Government. — Army Field Manual
McCain passes amendment to end torture of detainees; Bush threatens veto by mcc.
Company-Wide Instant Messaging with Jabberd by Oktay Altunergil. For a start-up or smaller companies I’d use an IRCd, though.
Pragmatic Ajax is a Beta Book, great news if you are interested in this stuff.
She says, “Why baby, why baby, why baby, why
Have you turned your back on love?
You had so many chances
Why have you let ‘em all go by?”
— Dan Bern, Estelle
Pyro is short for PYthon Remote Objects. It is an advanced and powerful Distributed Object Technology system written entirely in Python, that is designed to be very easy to use. Sounds a lot like Drb.
Scalability, a thread on LtU about why projects in LFM scale better. “Most programmers are just Java monkeys; it arises from the fact that there are more people than can competently (by our standards) program who are willing to take the salaries that the industry offers.”
Practical Common Lisp colophon available by Peter Seibel. There ain’t nothing better than home-brew publishing solutions.
Web 2.0 Day 2: Less is a competitive advantage by Robert Kaye. I feel confirmed in my minimalism.
Web 2.0 Day 1: Afternoon sessions, Robert Kaye has good coverage.
Gtk+ natively on Mac OS X, it now runs partly without X11.
Practical Development Environments by Matthew B. Doar. Sounds like an useful book by O’Reilly.
John Henry is a comprehensive framework and web-based IDE for rapidly developing Ruby on Rails apps.
You changed my life
Came along in a time of strife
In hunger and need
You made my heart bleed
You changed my life
You changed my life
— Bob Dylan, You Changed My Life
I’m Floridian; Don’t Fuck With Me by loteck. It’s attacking us! “They will place one of these ass-flowers into the barrel of the gun while taking a hit off the bong and singing some Bob Dylan song. Oh, by the way, Bob Dylan fans are the worst. Who could possibly be able to enjoy listening to that no-talent hack and his nasally voice and simplistic guitar riffs?” Dude, it rocks and now get out of my way. Boom.
Nessus3 Will Not be Released Under the GPL by Nitesh Dhanjani. I can see the reason, but it isn’t a good move IMO.
I highly recommend coming from Ruby when you use Ruby. It makes everything much more consistent, and ultimately more enjoyable :-) — David A. Black
Distributing Rails Applications, a tutorial by Erik Veenstra. Especially explains how to use RubyScript2Exe.
Wise Man, Freeman J. Dyson reviews “Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track: The Letters of Richard P. Feynman”.
Working offline, Kottke and the dependency to the web.

Nematodes: The Making of ‘Beneficial’ Network Worms, if you need this, your administration is broken, nothing less.
CLEX is a free file manager with a full-screen user interface. Promising, but not prime-time. I especially miss a second panel.
Problems with the IETF’s copying permissions, this sounds like a good idea.
20 of your unusual words at BBC News. Among them: Luftkissenfahrzeug, amakudari and culebra.
Congruence, or why 0.25 modulo 7 is 2.
Trails of troubles,
Roads of battles,
Paths of victory,
We shall walk.
— Bob Dylan, Paths of Victory
SUSE Linux 10.0 OSS GM has been released. In case you’ve got nothing better to do.
Taggen ist eine Kunst, erster Kommentar: “sorry, aber ich bin der Meinung, dass es echte kollektive Intelligenz nicht gibt.”
Tailor is a tool to migrate changesets between ArX, Bazaar, Bazaar-NG, CVS, Codeville, Darcs, Git, Mercurial, Monotone, Subversion and Tla repositories.
The greatest of all weaknesses is the fear of appearing weak. — J. B. Bossuet, Politics from Holy Writ
New Ideas Worth Ignoring, John E. Simpson doesn’t like Flock. I don’t really see its benefit either.
-Ofun by Geoff Broadwell. “When Autrijus Tang started the Pugs project to create a Perl 6 compiler, he had an explicit goal: optimize for fun.” Great idea. (And in the end a lot like -Onon-suck.)
Does Python have a concurrency problem? by Jeremy Jones.
TrueCrypt: Open-Source On-the-Fly Encryption on Windows, Nitesh Dhanjani tells about the “hidden volume” feature, which is very interesting from an social POV.
Your breath is sweet
Your eyes are like two jewels in the sky.
Your back is straight, your hair is smooth
On the pillow where you lie.
But I don’t sense affection
No gratitude or love
Your loyalty is not to me
But to the stars above.
— Bob Dylan, One More Cup Of Coffee
“We Own Our Own Data!” or “Why both Google and Microsoft already already know this and are TOTALLY fine with the idea.” by M. David Peterson.
Is AJAX Here to Stay?, Jordan Frank asks. I think so. At least until HTML completely gets replaced.
Best Buy or Best Lie?, MoJoPokeyBlue on brown-nose clerks.
Free software art by yaxu. “Examples of F/OSS applications thriving in the digital art world include Processing, Supercollider and Pure Data.” Good overview.
A short git tutorial, there happened a lot to Git since I last looked at it. Definitely worth a closer look.
LTT illuminated bathtub, great thingy.
sadlittlewebjournal is a Weblog written in Perl that utilizes PostgreSQL or MySQL and a straightforward ASCII interface. What a hack.
Teledentonics, “Soldier tried fake mouth-bomb in heist”. WJW.
Ning is a free online service (or, as we like to call it, a Playground) for building and using social applications.
Including Formatted Source Code in Groff Documents by Rich Teer. I really need to thank UnixReview for providing such things in 2005.
Pugs and Eigenclasses? Yessir, This Satire’s Got Legs!, and I still prefer calling them “Classes von Braun”.
Wow, that is expensive, how Dan Sugalski sped up his compiler.
What Is Java’s Role in Web 2.0?, Chris Adamson asks. Hopefully none.
Jetzt scheint mir die Sonne brutal ins Gesicht
und ohne Sonnenbrille überleb ich das nicht.
Ich wache auf und ich fühl mich nicht wohl
und ich schwöre mir nie wieder Alkohol,
nie wieder Alkohol, nie wieder Alkohol,
nie wieder Alkohol, nie wieder Alkohol.
— Illegal 2001, Nie Wieder Alkohol
CCC startet Poesie-Wettbewerb “Lyrical I” “Ein Sonett ueber RFID ist ebenso willkommen wie “Ode an meinen WindowManager”, “Liebesgedicht an mein Notebook” oder ein “Programmiersprachen”-Gedicht.” Was da wohl rauskommt…
Yearning for a practical scheme at LtU. Interesting discussion.
It’s a long road out of here,
When you love me like you do,
It’s too hard for me to leave you.
— Juliette And The Licks, Long Road Out Of Here
El4r enables you to write Emacs programs in Ruby as well as in EmacsLisp. I call the Ruby language to manipulate Emacs “EmacsRuby”. Just lovely! I gotta try that.
The Web Within an Arm’s Reach, Near-Field Communication with JSR 257. By Frank Sommers.
The “war” in World of Warcraft by Joi Ito: “I imagined a bunch of leaderless young soldiers raping and pillaging some village. I felt a bit dirty afterwards.”
Get in Shape for NaNoWriMo, chromatic says. That is the National Novel Writing Month, of course.
Most of the dire problems I’ve seen in open source projects (up to and including people leaving in anger, becoming seriously depressed, and hating each other for years) have started from the use of sarcasm/irony in mailing lists and on IRC. — Eivind Eklund
Anglizismen und Angliziswomen, Lydia disst anglizistische Statements.
Google & Sun Office: The World Changes This Week, and I say you, it will flop, flop badly.
Patently Silly, “Necessity is the mother of invention. The father is unknown.”
LispM Links, Bill Clementson has a nice meta-list of interesting sites.
Wikipedia Founder Joins Socialtext Board, “It’s thrilling to see wikis getting the kind of attention in the enterprise that they have gotten in the consumer Internet market,” said Wales. “I look forward to working alongside Socialtext as they continue helping enterprises to work smarter, faster and more efficiently.”
And I guess we shoulda done like James Dean did
‘Stead of putting on weight and sinking down, down, down
Easier to take if we’d have had just skidded straight
To souvenir city and T-shirt town
— Dan Bern, Too Late To Die Young
Blogging vs Journalism, Blogging vs Journalism compares. “You are forced the kind of self-references that most news organizations try to beat out of journalists from birth.”
MouseHolin’ Yer Writeboards, this hack is probably more complex than Writeboard itself. :-P
Pressemitteilung des Chaos Computer Club e.V. zur Einführung biometrischer Reisepässe, “Es ist nicht erkenntlich, welche Vorteile der ePass bringt. Um Ausweisdokumente fälschungssicherer zu machen, ist die Speicherung neuer personenbezogener Daten nicht nötig.”
A Universal Scripting Framework (PDF) or Lambda: the ultimate “little language” Olin Shivers. How to use Scheme instead of AWK.
It really is a nice theory. The only defect I think it has is probably common to all philosophical theories. It’s wrong. — Saul Kripke
Zope 3 is the next major Zope release and has been written from scratch based on the latest software design patterns and the experiences of Zope 2. The Zope 3 development team is proud to announce Zope 3.1.0 final.
1,65 Promille mit 3 Fisherman’s Friend, wenn man jetzt davon noch dicht werden würde, wär’s der Hit.
Darcs-Git is an ongoing effort to make Darcs work with Git repositories, in particular the Linux kernel repository. Crazy idea.
oldversion.com, nomen est omen. Where is that damn Acrobat 5.0 when you need it.

Einstein Spaces, ein Projekt mit neun zeitgenössischen KünstlerInnen an neun Orten, die exemplarisch die lebensgeschichtlichen Stationen Albert Einsteins in Berlin neu markieren.
And Jane came by with a lock of your hair
She said that you gave it to her
That night that you planned to go clear
— Leonard Cohen, Famous Blue Raincoat
muh is a quite versatile irc-bouncer for Unix. An IRC-bouncer is a program that acts as a middleman between your IRC-client and your IRC-server.
Installing Debian, Edd Dumbill explains. Do it!
Measuring the Internet in Dollars, Traffic, Sid Steward says: “I like how the WSJ laces its articles with statistics.”
ThoughtWorks Commits to Ruby, RedHanded reports. Good news.
Scoble Wants The Robot Co-op, John Wulff thinks. Say that isn’t true!

Irreducible Complexity—Mathematical Definition and Refutation by mberteig. “What follows is an amateur’s attempt at a formal mathematical definition of irreducible complexity and then a brief analysis of a possible refutation of it based on the proposed definition.”
Linus On Specifications at KernelTrap: “a ‘spec’ is close to useless.” What a winerism ;-)
Writeboard is 37signal’s new web app. So far, I’m not really impressed. It’s “just” a single-page wiki with password protection, while I was more thinking along the lines of an AJAXy SubEthaEdit.
The Anatomy of a Loop, a story of scope and control by Olin Shivers.
The Mind of an Inventor by Steven Levy. He built his first computer as a child. In his 20s, he had moved on to supercomputers. Now Danny Hillis is thinking of bigger things.
So tell me that you love me again
Tell me that you care
I’m sorry that you love me again
— The Cure, Going Nowhere
mlmmj is an attempt at implementing a mailing list manager with the same functionality as the brilliant ezmlm, but with a decent license and mail server independency.
Gale is instant messaging software distributed under the GPL. Gale isn’t just about poking “private” messages to someone sitting at another computer. Gale does support secure private messaging, but Gale also has a well-developed infrastructure for public (and semi-public) chat.
While ITS has many good points, its user-interface is a lot like using adb as your login shell. — Paul Fuqua
Will Google offer website creation tools?, Dan Zambonini speculates.
Partial Eclipse, Paul Battley photographed it.
Reading Old Code, Ben Hyde on the CADR source release.
MIT Open Sources the LispM Code, Bill Clementson says. w00t!. I feel the nostalgy.
And you want to travel with her
And you want to travel blind
And you know that she will trust you
For you’ve touched her perfect body with your mind.
— Leonard Cohen, Suzanne
Stimmt’s? Seit Mitte 1997 beantwortet Christoph Drösser Woche für Woche eine “Stimmt’s?”-Frage in der Druckausgabe der ZEIT. Hier sind nun sämtliche seitdem erschienenen Kolumnen dokumentiert—über 400 Folgen.
Mr. Gorbachev, Rebuild This Wall, at In Actual Fact. “You’ll wrack your brain, what kind of Saint’s day or weird religious holiday is October the 3rd?”
John Siracusa on Copland 2010, Rainer Joswig comments. “I have to say that I really miss the Newton OS, since it already had quite a few good ideas implemented.”
Hermes, a semantic XML+MathML+Unicode e-publishing/self-archiving tool for LaTeX authored scientific articles.
Is Cocoon Obsolete?, Stefano Mazzocchi ponders.
I’ve lived in this mental cave
Throw emotions in the grave
Hell, who needs them
— Green Day, Burnout
James Clar’s 3D Display Cube at MocoLoco. Reminds me of the Connection Machine.
I started my life at SuSE as an installation support guy (as every new developer was forced to do at that time). I learned lots of new possible problems which users can have (“I have a problem after removing all StarOffice files” (the *.so)). — Adrian Schröter
HTTP Made Really Easy, A Practical Guide to Writing Clients and Servers. By James Marshall.
Kleines Bilder-Rätsel bei Hanno Böck. Sehr nett.
What’s Wrong with OPML, an analyisis by Charles Miller.
My powerbook is my first ever mac. It makes me glad I bought it before I got married. I don’t think it ever would have happened in the reverse order. :) — Tim Hammerquist
I love Bob Dylan, Adam Finley says: “I’m ready to go out and not only buy every album Dylan ever made, but kidnap the man himself, tie him up in my basement, and make him write songs for me.” I guess I’m more down to earth.
Today’s Dilbert on what you can say and what you can do.
Phasing out UNIX before 2038-01-19 (PDF), “UNIX and C are obsolete” by Andreas Bogk and Hannes Mehnert.
iTunes mess by Joi Ito, or: “Why DRM sucks.”
First They Came… is a poem by Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) about the quiescence of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group after group.
Bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry
And them good old boys were drinkin’ whiskey and rye
Singin’ this’ll be the day that I die
This’ll be the day that I die
— Don McLean, American Pie
Brendan’s American Pie Archive, reposted just for the sake of Don McLean’s 60th birthday.
Will you ever buy Behringer equipment again after reading this? , making a tube amp glow by LED really is gross.
photopack.org is a very good photoblog featuring every-day motives.
Just keep swimming, Tara Whitney’s blog is a typical “motherblog”, but that can be interesting occasionally too.
Der Tod und das Mädchen, Teil 2, der Comic gestern hat einigen sehr gut gefallen. Hier gibt es Teil 2, der bald auf einer anderen Seite fortgesetzt wird.
I got no motivation
Where is my motivation
No time for motivation
Smoking my inspiration
— Green Day, Long View
Hacking: Art or Science?, Mark Hinge asks.
The Trend Spotter by Steven Levy. “O’Reilly’s radar is legendary. It works on country roads and on the information sea. It told him there was a market for consumer-friendly computer manuals and that he could build a great business publishing them.” Good portrait of Tim.
Finding the location, identity, or affiliation of email senders by shinyobject. Very basic, but good if you don’t know a lot about RFC822.
Inscrutable CS Papers, or Why I am Not a (Good) Haskell Programmer by chromatic. “I’m not a mathematician; I write code to solve real problems, not to calculate the Fibonacci sequence lazily and infinitely or to create a typesafe, type-agnostic function that appends to or counts the elements of a list. Yawn!”
But let’s not talk of love or chains and things we can’t untie,
Your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that’s no way to say goodbye.
— Leonard Cohen, Hey, That’s No Way To Say Goodbye
Introducing the Catenator by Adam Sanitt. “In this article Adam introduces a very sophisticated and useful data structure for efficient string processing, while at the same time revealing some interesting features of C++.”