Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Website des Navy-Stützpunkts Guantanamo geknackt, sehr schön.
Model, View, Controller, lyrics and music by James Dempsey.
vim! it’s slim and trim. here’s why it wins…, Derek Sivers uses it for railing.
Doused in mud
Cept in bleach
As I want you to be
As a trend
A a friend
— Nirvana, Come As You Are
Computer Programming Is Art, And How It Has Influenced Me, Ming Chow writes.
WEBrick+WebDAV Handler Safely Extracted From the Wild, wohoo. I can use that.
Soma Cube in Lego, a wonderful puzzle.
RailFrog is a user-friendly, open-source web site deployment and content management system built with Rails. Or at least trying to be.
oishii! — ephemeral pheromonal de.icio.us-ness, “Oishii is kind of a del.icio.us mini-zeitgeist.” And that nice clear design.
Tetrodotoxin is the stuff that makes fugu interesting.
FreeBSD Status Report Second Quarter 2005, also featuring a list of Summer of Code project.
Automated Backups on Tiger Using rsync by Richard Hough. I do it manually, but rsync is perfect for the purpose.
Don’t go and put a bullet in your head
Just turn your life around instead
Don’t go and put a bullet in your head
— Lenny Kravitz, Don’t Go And Put A Bullet In Your Head
Brasilianer “auf Verdacht erschossen”, sicher ist sicher. *seufz* Joi Ito nennt ihn einen False positive.
Shore, a High-Performance, Scalable, Persistent Object Repository
FOSCON on the PDX.rb wiki. “we decided to see if any of the Ruby speakers would like to ‘practice’ their OSCON talks on us local Rubyists — thus FOSCON was born.”
Vollrausch ist eine Straftat nach § 323a Strafgesetzbuch (StGB).