Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
By 1917, there were more vibrators than toasters in American homes. — Teresa Riordan
For Pleasure: A history of the vibrator by Teresa Riordan.
The Myth of Open-Source, JBoss founder Marc Fleury explains how his hot startup makes profits from its free application-server software.
ThriftDeluxe, DIY For the Hip. Horrible design, nice ideas.
Icarus, or: The Future of Science by Bertrand Russell.
RFC 4096: Policy-Mandated Labels Such as “Adv:” in Email Subject Headers Considered Ineffective At Best convinces me.
The complete regular expression for URLs should allow more schemes, no?
Wolfgang Puck self-heating can hacking… hot coffee is great.
irgendwann im april. oder mai. oder vielleicht juni. ich weiß es noch ganz genau. Wieder ganz tolle Bilder von wiesu.
Discussing new top-level domains by Joi Ito.
Solving Sudoku with Haskell is explained in The Monad Reader. Very nice code, I wish I could ever write something like that.
Letter from London by strain 1337. Clear thoughts and reasonable arguments. “Combine the Jihad culture and their anger at the west with aggressive tendencies and violent natures - and “al-qaeda” is what you get.”
Remodeling the political spectrum by David Bruhn. We need a political hypercube!
2005-07-04 was the darkest day in the history of space flight. It was the first time a weapon of mass destruction was tested on another celestial body. — Josef Schugt
Single Page Application and Development Environment” (Spade) is a Spa application with an integrated development environment, all fitting onto a single web page. I see parallels to Self.
WWIDD: MMD everywhere in Parrot. MMD on the assignment operator sounds nasty (IMO, assigment only copies a pointer, always)… I could understand you want something like CL’s setf, though.