Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
The ServerSide Interview with Dave Thomas.
If you get careless or go romanticizing scientific information, giving it a flourish here and there, Nature will soon make a complete fool out of you. — Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Christmas Special, “photographic evidence of why Symbolics went down”.

Wir müssen zärtlich sein in dieser Zeit,
denn sonst machen sie uns ein
Mit Funkeln in den Augen auf der Straße,
in der Hand ein Pflasterstein
— Früchte des Zorns, In meinem Kopf ist eine Bombe
Wiki Syntax Considered Harmful, says Adrian Sutton. Am I the only one that likes Wiki syntax?
Plan 9 From User Space is a port of the bulk of the Plan 9 software build environment to Unix.
Why are men supposed to wash their hands after urination? Now you know.
World of Warcraft Duping Bug and Cheat, WoW is on the way to true communism… Stallman’s “chair copier” becomes reality.
The JavaScript Manifesto, “At the moment JavaScript suffers from outdated, uninformed, and inaccessible development methods which preclude it, and therefore web development in general, from attaining its full potential.”
Free Beer for Geeks is a good idea!
Zweitaktgestank des Trabis in Dosen, 3.98 Euro für Schall und Rauch.
For lots of first projects, I’d actually recommend PHP. — David Heinemeier Hansson
Changes in the Mapping market by Simon St. Laurent. Yet another evidence how GIS stuff is getting the next big thing.
Grocery Chain Adds Biometric Payment Systems by Bill Glover. Useful until they chop your fingers to buy some cigarettes.
Google Earth Real-estate apps… unlicensed access to licensed imagery?, Glenn Letham asks. Lots of “innovative” use will be found in future…
The first time, in your backyard
Underneath the plastic sheeting
Outside, it was pouring
And we were drunk as shit.
— Stars, The First Five Times
Khalid Jarrar: Iraqi blogger detained, Joi Ito says.