Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
NerdTV is a new weekly online TV show from PBS.org technology columnist Robert X. Cringely. They have transcripts too.
Marry me, leave Kentucky
and come to Tennessee.
Cause you’re the only ten I see.
— Silver Jews, Tennessee
Pressemitteilung BioP II Studie, CCC warnt vor Biometrie-Desaster bei neuen Reisepässen. Das wird lustig: “Wenn diese Systeme tatsächlich flächendeckend in der Passkontrolle eingesetzt werden, stehen täglich zehntausende Menschen an den Flughäfen vor rot blinkenden Bildschirmen.”
Johnny Applesandal: Footwear to Revitalize the Earth are a great idea: “Phytoremediating seeds are contained within the sandal. As the footwear is used, the soles wear thin exposing seed channels.”
Future Shock Levels by Eliezer S. Yudkowsky. “A Shock Level measures the high-tech concepts you can contemplate without being impressed, frightened, blindly enthusiastic—without exhibiting future shock.” Also read Staring into the Singularity.
Testing wants dynamic programming languages, and the programmers want it too!
Top Ten Digital Photography Tips by Derrick Story at macdevcenter.

Ruby Weekly News got revamped and now runs on Rails. (And there is a rendering error in Firefox for me, the body is too wide to fit next to the menu.)
Nach dem Feuer, verkokelte Möbel als Kunst. Ein heißes Thema. (Ja, der war schlecht.)
Das ist ein netter junger Mann,
was der sich alles merken kann.
Es gibt ja so viel Wissenswertes über Erlangen.
Wissenswertes, Wissenswertes über Erlangen…
— Foyer Des Arts, Wissenswertes Über Erlangen
The A380: Gamers in the sky?, Thomas Crampton, there are people that have something better to do than playing WoW in a plane.
Daily Ada’s Journal, even the smallest of use now have blogs.
Michael Penn is married to Aimee Mann. Their musical styles are practically the same, except for their genders. — Aaron Swartz, Reflections on Cultural Fragments
Shell Corner: Date-Related Shell Functions, ah, ye good old times. (Why does date/time handling suck in any language, by the way?)
Petty Theft from Python on RedHanded, some pretty nice stuff,
admittedly. And _why’s right about Hash::[]
, it should
be analog to Hash#to_a