Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
TurboGears, a slap-it-together-web-framework for Python by Jeremy Jones. “Rather than reinventing everything or trying to clone some other framework, TurboGears takes advantage of the great tools that are already available!”
SPARQL: Web 2.0 Meet the Semantic Web by Kendall Clark. Why the hell do they get hot about that now? It’s not like you couldn’t query RDF last year…
You read the words and it sells you life,
They sell their words, but it’s all a lie.
— Stone Temple Pilots, Kitchenware and Candybars
Warez für Dummies beim Absyntholog.
Internal Iteration Externalized by Thomas Kühne.
Transfold Pattern on the wiki.
Of course another way to solve the Dining Philosophers problem is: USE A FUCKING WAITER. — Zed A. Shaw
A Feature request for the next OS X, Ian Holsman doesn’t want to reboot that often. Neither do I, but please fix the dependencies, instead of making rebooting easier. Why the hell do I need to reboot if there is a new Safari??
My brief history with computers by Marcus Crafter. Totally nostalgic.
Schildbürgerstreich rund um das Atomkraftwerk Grohnde, einfach zu geil. Wartet nur, bis die Terroristen mit Interkontinentalraketen aufmarschieren.
I/O Brush is a new drawing tool to explore colors, textures, and movements found in everyday materials by “picking up” and drawing with them.
CroqueTweak, Dr. Freudenberg about OpenCroquet and Tweak.
Working With Hardware Is…Well, Hard by Matthew Russell. Geez, I love that title.
You turn the tide on me each day and teach my eyes to see,
Just bein’ next to you is a natural thing for me
And I could never let you go, no matter what goes on,
‘Cause I love you more than ever now that the past is gone.
— Bob Dylan, Wedding Song
Today’s One Liner by Jim Weirich: “ARGF and inject … Two
Great Tasts that Taste Great Together”. But
awk '{sum+=$2};END{print sum}'
is still shorter. }:-)
Is Ruby Better Than …?, Dave Thomas gets asked a lot. “The longer answer is that the question falls into the same category as “have you stopped beating your wife?”.” (Very nice new design, by the way.)
Ruby 1.8.3 Preview Two, featuring the usual trouble.
The cat’s out of the bag: PSP Hacks by C.K. Sample. Oh what did we do without it.
Accelerating Change 2005, and Joi plays WoW there. Oh my!

Fashion victims by Thomas Crampton. “When we arrived at the party, however, the Paris fashionista scene looked like a crowd of refugees fighting for the last piece of bread.”
Eighth International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming: FLOPS 2006, Guy Steele is a going to talk about Fortress there.
Onion story becomes reality, no shit by ljj. Really funny. ;-)
TinyWiki is a Perl wiki in under 100 LoC. Pretty useful.