Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
As if there weren’t already enough reasons to laugh at Nickelback, “Some internet genius took Nickelback’s first horrible “hit,” and mixed it with Nickelback’s newest awful “hit.” … What a surprise, they are almost EXACTLY THE SAME.”
KDE 4 promises radical changes to the free desktop, quite vague, actually.
What do they call @ in…?, this makes a nice antagonism to being lesbian.
7 Habits of Highly Successful People by Brendon Lloyd. WJW.
Oh, the tree of life is growing
Where the spirit never dies
And the bright light of salvation shines
In dark and empty skies
— Bob Dylan, Death Is Not The End
The new $10 note, which is the third denomination to be redesigned in the series, includes subtle shades of orange, yellow and red along with images of the Statue of Liberty’s torch and the words “We the People” from the United States Constitution. The new $10 note will enter circulation in early 2006.
Playing FLICKR v2.0 is a public space installation by Mediamatic on the 11th floor of the PostCS building in Amsterdam. Cool.
User triangulation: how to listen to customers by Ken Norton. Important things.
100-Dollar-Laptop soll zum WSIS vorgestellt werden, “Der stabil gebaute, wie eine Einkaufstasche tragbare und WLAN-fähige Laptop soll mit Linux betrieben werden, der Prozessor eine Taktrate von 500 MHz aufweisen.” Klingt doch brauchbar.
A cognitive analysis of tagging, or how the lower cognitive cost of tagging makes it popular. By Rashmi Sinha.
The Zeigerpointer (a German-English word-mix tautology that we feel free to give birth to) is the most penurious form of capitulation in the print media. The Zeigerpointer shall zeigerpoint it out!
Yes, Ruby has continuations and one can abuse them, but you have to be really smart. The average person won’t even use them, let alone abuse them. :) — Jim Freeze
Earley parser on Wikipedia: “Earley parsers are appealing because they can parse all context-free languages.”
Kennen Sie den schon?, wiesu gräbt NPD-Propaganda aus.
Does globalization exist? by Thomas Crampton. “Products (McDonalds burgers, Coke, etc) globalize more quickly than services?”
SQLObject 0.7rc1 released, Jeremy Jones says. I wish ActiveRecord was less SQLy, too.
Perl 6 Polyglot by Geoff Broadwell. Which languages influence Perl 6 and how. “Java teaches mostly by counterexample.”, lovely.
How eBay Uses Metadata to Enhance Its Web Services by Alan Lewis. Too complex.
X-wing en tickets de métro step by step, too bad I don’t have a ticket handy.
Er riss sich los und rannte weg—sie hinterher,
wir tranken aus und gingen, aber dieser Satz blieb hängen.
Jetzt denke ich fast immer bei Problemen im Zusammenhang
mit Liebe: “Geh weg mit Deiner Herzscheiße!”
— Funny Van Dannen, Herzscheiße
Sharing the RubyForge bandwidth load, how you can help and how it works.
“I am a lesbian” in many different languages.
Tuple Spaces by David Wallace Croft. General introduction and basic patterns.