Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
overshadowed.com is a highly beautiful photoblog.
Some of my best friends are… poets, “I accepted the fact long ago that while I may be able to do math, I won’t be able to understand poetry. Fine. And yet, I find poets to be fascinating people.”
What’s so great about jazz?, Armstrong’s classic quote in a Lisp context.
Ten Years Of Free Software – Part 10 (shoop), this part of Joey Hess’s story I like best.
The Making of South Park, did you know they animate it with Maya?
Freezing red deserts turn to dark,
Energy here in every part,
It’s so very lonely, you’re six hundred light years from home.
— Rolling Stones, 2000 Light Years From Home
High Speed Flash Photography at Foo Camp 05, see balloons popping.
10 Steps to a Hugely Successful Web 2.0 Company, step 8: “Don’t waste any money on marketing.”
Prototyping Intertwingly on Rails by Sam Ruby. But n2 is far more opinionated than Rails!
I seriously recommend colored pencils and scratch paper when metaprogramming. — Theodore McCombs, Maude 2.0 Primer

The naïve vegetarian, read this to tell if you are one. Good overview.
It’s a weed! growing out of control! “we’ve been working on a statistics package that is administered by Ruby on Rails.” Looks a lot like Mint. :-P
They’ll kick you when you’re up
and knock you when you’re down.
It’s hard times in the city,
Livin’ down in New York town.
— Bob Dylan, Hard Times in New York Town
Welcome to theBOBs, Submit Your Favorite Weblogs and Podcasts.
Off to Tasmania, Joi, don’t get bitten by the devils there. :-) “I will admit that my (cough) research involving multi-user games online has also been taking up a little time.”