Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Armed and dangerous — Flipper the firing dolphin let loose by Katrina by Mark Townsend Houston.
Yahoo! Image Search has given me far better results than Google Images in the last time.
RubyPeople at Martin Fowler’s bliki. “I have noticed that that ruby community is much nicer than most on-line communities I’ve seen.”
Pragmatic Fridays, Dave Thomas lunches a new eBook Pragmatic Bookshelf line.

Through a bullet of light
Her face was reflectin’
The fast fading words
That rolled from my tongue
With a long-distance look
Her eyes was on fire
But the song it was long
And there was more to be sung.
— Bob Dylan, Eternal Circle
Acid: A Debugger Built From A Language by Phil Winterbottom. Plan 9 hurts me.
Ruby Instead Of Smalltalk on the wiki.
The Joy of Conkers by The Diary Section. “It seems timely to present a brief guide to one of my favourite seasonal activities for the last 20 or so years; the exciting game of conkers.”
Scammers Using Internet Phone Service For The Deaf by Spencer Critchley. That’s just mean.
To mock or not to mock by mirleid. Just mock what you need to.
rubyi.st is Scott Barron’s new tumblelog. Welcome!