Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Nambu World: Teri’s WWII Japanese Handgun Website, lots of weapons.
Sudoku Variations, some of these are really sick!
Sudoku Tea Talk, and how Knuth helps solving them.
Buy! buy!
Says the sign in the shop window.
Why? why?
Says the junk in the yard.
— Paul McCartney, Junk
Tablix: Free software for solving timetabling problems. Hehe, my school could need that. ;-)

The Perils of Sudoku, featuring me!
incremental changes toward incremental loading, what a great commit message. ;-)
Slashdot HTML 4.01 and CSS, hey, do you see that flying pig in the window?
Wiki Shell Scripting for MouseHole, “You have a personal Yubnub.”.
Asterix und der Kampf ums Kanzleramt, nunja, wieso nicht.
I’d love to find Einstein’s brain and Miss America’s legs in a single female package. But I always kept finding Miss America’s brain and Einstein’s legs instead. — Hal Fulton, Einstein and Miss America
Airliner fakes emergency so passengers can watch soccer game, soccer makes dumb, we all know.
WWIDD: Assertions on code’s properties, Dan natters.
Dreaming of an Atom Store: A Database for the Web by Joe Gregorio. I’d rather want to see a good XQuery implementation.
Ruby: Language of the Programming Übermensch?, a thread on LtU. Totally hits the point, Ruby is the language that marries the ideas of Lisp with the pragmatism, but without the uglyness, of Perl.
And I never had no armies
To jump at my command.
No, I ain’t got no armies
To jump at my command.
But I don’t need no armies,
I got me one good friend.
Hey, hey, so I guess I’m doin’ fine.
— Bob Dylan, Guess I’m Doin’ Fine
The essence of Dataflow Programming by Tarmo Uustalu and Varmo Vene. “If you’ve ever wondered about dataflow or comonads, this paper is a good read.”
Taschtatur, not your usual bag. Is there a Space Cadet edition too? :-)
mittendrin, Lydia schreibt: “Zum Erwachsenwerden gehört für mich dazu, den Wert des Verzichtens zu begreifen. Zum Erwachsensein gehört für mich dazu, erkennen zu können, wann es wert ist auf etwas zu verzichten, um den Verzicht letztendlich nicht nach Verzicht, sondern nach Bereicherung schmecken zu lassen.” Man wird alt.