Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Rack 0.4, a modular Ruby webserver interface has been released.
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), finally open. “Volume storage is charged by the amount you allocate until you release it, and is priced at a rate of $0.10 per allocated GB per month. Amazon EBS also charges $0.10 per 1 million I/O requests you make to your volume.” Fair!
I laid with you for hours
Staring at your face
I laid with you for hours
Remembering your taste
— The Glove, Mouth To Mouth
Unscrambling with Prolog, and Unscrambling without Prolog (but Coq), solving a little puzzle.
wbar is a OS X dock-like quick launch bar for X11 that only needs imlib2.
Henri Cartan 1904–2008, letztes noch lebendes Gründungsmitglied der Bourbaki-Gruppe, ist letzten Mittwoch im Alter von 104 Jahren gestorben.
Scheduling jobs based on filesystem activity with incron, nice tool.
Mormon Church Makes Bid To Acquire Facebook, WJW.
Thank you for the warning
But I still see inside
A little global warming
Never hurt no one
— Dresden Dolls, The Gardener
Coilhouse Magazine, Issue 01 is finally here! Get ready for 96 glossy, full-color pages of art, photography, music, fashion and literature.
The 500 Packages: Haskell, Distros and Maintainership, “Monday was something of a landmark for the Haskell community, as the 500th Haskell package was added to the Arch Linux distribution.”
Mayan Muons and Unmapped Rooms, “The first major experiment of the Maya Muon Group will bridge the disciplines of physics and archeology. The particle detectors and related systems are designed specifically to explore ruins of a Maya pyramid in collaboration with colleagues at the UT Mesoamerican Archaeological Laboratory.”