Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
The problem of dealing with data-structures, Karsten Wagner talks about a problem I’ve been wondering nobody really talks about: designing memory data-structures.
DragonFly 1.8.x has been released. “The biggest kernel change in this release is the addition of virtual kernel support and a virtual kernel build target (VKERNEL). Virtual kernels are systems-in-a-box… you can run a complete kernel as a userland process.” Whoa.
Of brick pits, bridges, and a building made from lawns, wonderful buildings.
And you said, “This is the first day of my life
I’m glad I didn’t die before I met you
Now I don’t care, I could go anywhere with you
And I’d probably be happy”
— Bright Eyes, First Day Of My Life
Haskell: Too Hard, or Just Hard Enough?, honestly, when I see how fast some people are able to pickup Haskell, I’m amazed.
Unusual uses for a ball-point pen: Breaking into the debugger, the story of the NMI.
Prolog: Logic Programming for Rapid Development, a very basic tutorial by David Chisnall.
A History of Haskell: being lazy with class, by Paul Hudak, John Hughes, Simon Peyton Jones, and Philip Wadler. “This long (55-page) paper describes the history of Haskell, including its genesis and principles, technical contributions, implementations and tools, and applications and impact.”
A Scheme bookshelf, a good list of good books.
Concrete Abstractions: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Scheme, by Max Hailperin, Barbara Kaiser, and Karl Knight. Full PDF available.
Good Ideas I Have Had In The Past Year, by Maciej Ceglowski. Awwsome! I especially love the “Birth-control pilsner”.
But I sing glory from my lowest
And I will say peace to the people I meet
While the world waits for an explosion
That instant of light that wipes the slate clean
— Bright Eyes, Train Under Water
us and them, Lydia macht Bilder auf der Autobahn. Seeehr geil.
Frequently Asked Questions about Suicide, a service from Anarchaia for the new Vista users.
Mahatma Gandhi died 39 years ago.
There are many causes I would die for. There is not a single cause I would kill for. — Mahatma Gandhi
Darjeeling is a Ruby-to-Common-Lisp compiler, neat idea.
Kelbt generates backtracking LALR(1) parsers. Standard LALR(1) parser generators emit an error upon encountering a conflict in the parse tables. Kelbt forges onward, generating parsers which handle conflicts by backtracking at runtime. Kelbt is able to generate a parser for any context-free grammar and therefore implements a generalized parsing method.
XStream is a simple functional transformation language for XML documents. XML transformations written in XStream are evaluated in streaming: when possible, parts of the output are computed and produced while the input document is still being parsed. Nice, fast and efficient.
Oblique Strategy CGI. Pick one.
Well I dream the dark on the horizon
I dream the desert where the dead lay down
I dream a prostitute, a child touching an old man in a fast food crown
— Bright Eyes, Another Travelin’ Song
PLAN-X 2007: Programming Language Technologies for XML, proceedings are online.
Who Will be the Big Losers When the Internet Revolutionizes Television?, Tex Bigballs wonders.
Gapminder 2006 (Flash), and awesome tool about the world.
Who uses Java, Perl, PHP?, “Do you recognize on photos, who is using which programming language?” I wasn’t always successful.
Lisp: The Ducati Of Programming Languages, a nice metaphor.
I remember the time you drove all night
Just to meet me in the morning
And I thought it was strange, you said everything changed
You felt as if you’d just woke up
— Bright Eyes, First Day Of My Life
PragDave’s EuroRailsConf Keynote is Online at Google Video.
The Most Efficient Way to Get What You Want, “I cannot stress this enough, but there’s a simple fundamental rule in life: the more you give, the more you get.”
Quake style terminals, at least they look leet.
Gosper Island is a neat fractal, similar to the Koch snowflake.
Who Killed the Webmaster?, is it a big loss?
Improbable Erdős numbers, by John Armstrong. Very funny.
XML::Tiny is a simple lightweight Perl parser for a subset of XML. Very evil, but maybe 30 LoC are worth it.
Propositional calculus on Wikipedia.
We must take all of the medicines too expensive now to sell
Set fire to the preacher who is promising us hell
Into the ear of every anarchist that sleeps but doesn’t dream
We must sing, we must sing, we must sing
— Bright Eyes, At The Bottom Of Everything
Code Kata: How It Started, Pragmatic Dave on the beginnings. (Note the new blog address, too.)
I won’t be happy until I lose my legs, Susan Smith has body identity integrity disorder. Highly interesting.
Guide to Faster, Less Frustrating Debugging, by Norman Matloff. Mostly for C programmers.
Simple window configuration management, I didn’t know about winner-mode before, but it sounds great.
Meeting Richard Stallman, Dave Roberts recently did. (I met rms in 2004, and I don’t agree with all points. See the comments, too.)
A Definition of Closure, Neal Gafter has a good summary of centuries of language design.
A New Language Barrier: Why Learning A New Language May Make You Forget Your Old One, as a native German speaker, I notice that too.
I Confess: Cineplex Drove Me to Piracy, by CheeseburgerBrown. What’s this “cinema” you are speaking of? ;-)
Eggs, John Wiseman now is an expert about them.
Fillcode is an Emacs minor mode that fills, or wraps, some parts of source code. Useful.
rcodetools 0.5.0: additional code completion info, path settings , and a screencast of the most ugly Emacs font settings ever.
The Lord of the Lambdas, a poem in R2RS.
O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden,
voll Schmerz und voller Hohn,
o Haupt, zum Spott gebunden
mit einer Dornenkron, …
— Paul Gerhardt, O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden
Just Because You Can, Patrick Logan about the need of SOAP.
Architecture and Climate Change: An Interview with Ed Mazria at BLDG BLOG.
Do Sync Calls Freeze Browsers?, Mark Pruett tested them. Firefox needs urgent fixing…
This year World Leprosy Week runs from Monday 22nd January 2007. A bit late, I know…
svn-fast-export walks through each revision of a local Subversion repository and exports it in a stream that git-fast-import can consume.
Say goodbye to microsoft today …, a Win32 installer for Debian. Yum! (And technically interesting.)
Cashews: the nut you can’t buy in a shell, “It turns out that the cashew shell is toxic.”
The radio is playing
Spitting out the same old news
It’s time to get up, get out
Get out into something new
— The Rolling Stones, If I Was A Dancer
Mapping New Testament Social Networks, neato.
An atheist has values that sound familiar, by Dina Haines Appleby. I must be the only one that considers this obvious.
Call Waiting: A Confession, Charles Miller admits he doesn’t know how to do it. I do neither, and I couldn’t care less.
darcsweb provides a better web interface for darcs, e.g. darcsweb at chneukirchen.org.
We made love on the living room floor
With the noise in the background of a televised war
And in the deafening pleasure I thought I heard someone say
“If we walk away, they’ll walk away”
— Bright Eyes, Landlocked Blues
The town at risk from cave-ins, “In what sounds like the plot of a bad horror film, we read that “kids in Picher, Okla., are exposed to lead, and the ground is at risk of cave-ins” due to the “abandoned mines beneath the city.”” Oops.
The Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) is a freely available electronic database containing detailed information about small molecule metabolites found in the human body. It is intended to be used for applications in metabolomics, clinical chemistry, biomarker discovery and general education. A very worthwhile effort.
Running the Numbers: An American Self-Portrait, awesome images by Chris Jordan. WJW.
Peering Through the Veil, David Corfield says: “Twice in recent days I have confronted the possibility of experiencing a kind of alienation due to interviews.”
It’s the honky tonk women
Gimme, gimme, gimme the honky tonk blues
It’s the honky tonk women
Gimme, gimme, gimme thse honky tonk blues
— The Rolling Stones, Country Honk
Tugela Cache is a disk-based memcached.
Linear Algebra, GFDL/CC’ed book by Jim Hefferon.
Brilliant Blue FCF (E133) is what colors Curaçao blue.
Am I hard enough
Am I rough enough
Am I rich enough
I’m not too blind to see
— The Rolling Stones, Beast Of Burden
Interactive Manhattan, awesome architecture.
The Monads Hidden Behind Every Zipper, “The catch is that it’s a monad in the wrong category making it tricky to express in Haskell.”
Smart or Stoopid?, I scored 20 points, having no imagination of imperial units or deeper knowledge of American history.
Which programming language gets you the most sex?, Dan Zambonini becomes a master in asking dumb questions, truly.
Via’s incredible shrinking mobo line spawns “pico-ITX”, “The “Epia PX” board measures 3.9 x 2.8 inches and features a 1GHz C7 processor, along with rich audio/video I/O, albeit mostly on pin headers.” Neato.
You can ask which side I’m on
But all I see is horror
A war only death would win
When I’m looking at the skyline of Berlin
— David Rovics, Berlin
Smoking is good for you!, how to make smokey pictures.
Holy Land Maps online.
The Declining Quality of Mathematics Education in the US, by Coryoth. “The real tragedy is that, because mathematics is a heavily layered subject, each new topic building upon the previous ones, once students fall behind catching up can be a nightmare.”
HydraCube is an open source, free, parallel software to provide scalable Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) capabilities like aggregation, slicing and dicing of multi dimensional hierarchical data. It is an MOLAP server built on top of BerkeleyDB for efficient data handling and addresses sparsity very well using Bit Encoded Storage Scheme (BESS).
Sudoku Solver by Logic helps you when you’re stuck and tells you what you should have concluded. (Doesn’t work in Safari.)
Parsing Web Form Input in CGI Shell Scripts, by Chris F.A. Johnson. The nineties are calling…
Rails Cookbook: Released, Rob Orsini announces: “The Rails Cookbook is finally available! I wasn’t sure how the timing of the book’s production schedule and that of the release of Rails 1.2 would work out, but it looks like I nailed it.”
Tabu search is a mathematical optimization method, belonging to the class of local search techniques. Tabu search enhances the performance of a local search method by using memory structures.
I know I’ve dreamed you a sin and a lie
I have my freedom but I don’t have much time
Faith has been broken tears must be cried
Let’s do some living after we die
— The Rolling Stones, Wild Horses
MySpace Allegedly Kills Computer Security Website,”Computer security guru Fyodor reports waking up yesterday to find his website SecLists.org essentially removed from the web by his domain registrar, GoDaddy.” Ouch.
9P: Plan 9 File Protocol, several implementations are available. I wonder how it maps to REST.
Melting Metals in a Domestic Microwave Oven, be careful.
Frozen Wave, WJW.
Survey for people who contribute online information, by Andy Oram. Very short one.
Arts & Letters daily, a service of The Chronicle of Higher Education. Lots of interesting stuff.
You can’t always get what you want
You can’t always get what you want
You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you just might find
You get what you need
— The Rolling Stones, You Can’t Always Get What You Want
Machine Tags: the first bunker-busting meme bomb of 2007, Manuel says: “When you tell people about graphs and triples, they run away, but when you tell them that they can add arbitrary name/value pairs to their documents they become very happy.”
“The Paradigms of Programming” online, R.W. Floyd’s Turing Award Lecture “The Paradigms of Programming” is freely available in an online journal. Classic.
XSLT 2, XPath 2, XQuery 1 … Yeeaahhhhhh!, Kurt Cagle is happy. I still wait for a good XQuery implementation. :-)
brief an meinen er, Lydia und der Baum.
The vultures they circle at ease overhead
The living may live and the dead will be dead
the time it may come in this tropical heat
That they’ll have to go somewhere else to eat
Maybe a storm will come wash it away
But still the guard towers glitter on Guantanamo Bay
— David Rovics, Guantanamo Bay
Tresor, “legendary” Berlin nightclub Tresor is set to reopen “in an old steam-heat generating plant” on Köpenicker Straße. Hmm, I have some disks of their label laying around here…
Using FizzBuzz to Find Developers who Grok Coding, for small values of grok, at least.
Hate On Display, A Visual Database of Extremist Symbols, Logos and Tattoos.
Competition to select a replacement for SHA-1, yum.
The RadioGatún Hash Function Family, didn’t hear of these before.
David Rovics makes songs of social significance and is recommended by Pete Seeger.
Bring ‘Em Home, Jörg Kantel found a great clip of Pete Seeger singing.
I learned our government must be strong.
It’s always right and never wrong.
Our leaders are the finest men.
And we elect them again and again.
That’s what I learned in school today.
That’s what I learned in school.
— Tom Paxton, What Did You Learn in School Today?
Libtask, a Coroutine Library for C and Unix available for FreeBSD, Linux, OS X, and Solaris.
Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast (but is slow in Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, …), Russ Cox says. It’s rarely been the bottleneck to me, though…
What’s New in Prototype 1.5?, Scott Raymond knows.
The 5 sins of Vista, nobody’s gonna use it.
Railisms (core/stdlib extensions in Ruby on Rails), Mauricio found out: “There are over 220 Railisms.” Shudder.
My best friend, he shoots water rats
And feeds them to his geese
Don’cha think there’s a place for you
In between the sheets?
— The Rolling Stones, Live With Me
Bootstrapping from the pure lambda calculus, a quick walkthough of conses, peano arithmetics and the Y combinator.
Geology in the Age of the War on Terror, “The area that is now Afghanistan started to take shape hundreds of millions of years ago,” the article explains, “when gigantic rocks, propelled by the immense geological forces that continuously rearrange the earth’s landforms, slammed into the landmass that is now Asia.”
6 week vegan detox completed, kudos to Joi Ito. “I’ve lost 11 kg or so, mostly in the first two weeks. My blood levels including a high uric acid level and y-GTP have gone back to “normal”.”
highlight-tail.el draws a “tail” while writing, by smoothly changing background color. WJW!
Uh-Oh, He Went There, Giles Bowkett criticizes a Rails vs. Seaside comparison. Makes me wonder if the Seaside people get REST…
Maruku is a Markdown interpreter written in Ruby. This deserves more investigation.
Hey baby, what’s in your eyes?
Is that the diamonds from the mine?
What’s that laughing in your smile?
I don’t care, no, I don’t care
— The Rolling Stones, You Got The Silver
FlexiSheet is a multi-dimensional spreadsheet. Instead of the normal row/column layout (and different pages maybe) multi-dimensional tables have two, three, or even more dimensions that can be arranged and rearranged as you see fit, even on the fly. Lovely, and BSD-licensed!
Resampling: The New Statistics, by Julian L. Simon. PDFs online.
REBOL 3.0 Component Architecture, the REBOL core will stay closed source. I count it’s days.
Blahtex is a free software tool/library that translates TeX markup into MathML markup. It is also capable of generating PNG format images, using some external tools.
What A Credit Card’s First Digit Means, you learn something new everyday.
Ott is a tool for writing definitions of programming languages and calculi. It takes as input a definition of a language syntax and semantics, in a concise and readable ASCII notation that is close to what one would write in informal mathematics. It generates LaTeX to build a typeset version of the definition, and Coq, HOL, and Isabelle versions of the definition.
Paper Prototyping, by Shawn Medero at A List Apart. “With interfaces becoming more complex, and development schedules growing shorter the best prototyping tools may be simpler than you think.”
And I feel them drown my name
So easy to know and forget with this kiss
but i’m not afraid to go but is it all becouse of love?
— Jeff Buckley, Grace
Quick CSS Mockups with Photoshop, by Casper Voogt at A List Apart. Well, it’s okay for mockups, I guess.
The RubyForge Forum, introduced by Gregory Brown. “A few months I joined the RubyForge team to try to lighten Tom’s load a bit, and have been monitoring the support forum since then.”
Preferred number, how to pick magic numbers in engineering. ;-)
The “Reference” Implementation of ISO Schematron has been released now. Sounds like a bright future.
SuperRedCloth, always-hacking _why rewrote RedCloth using Ragel! Anyone up for SuperBlueCloth?
Writing your very own Ruby extension with C, an introductory tutorial by Wim Vander Schelden.
The Unfortunate Prevalence of Cross Site Request Forgery Vulnerabilities, Nitesh Dhanjani on the sad state of affairs.
Racist everyman, what have you done?
Man, you’ve made a killer of your unborn son…
Crown my fear your king at the point of a gun
All I want to do is love everyone…
— Jeff Buckley, Eternal Life
The Big Picture, Joel Spolsky on Chandler and it’s suckage.
Get A First Life, please!
WrongRoom, Mark Pilgrim says: “I’ve been peripherally following the latest fad of full-screen “writing-focused” text editors.”
Gemeinsame Erklärung zum Gesetzentwurf über die Vorratsdatenspeicherung, “Wir appellieren an die Politik, sich grundsätzlich von dem Vorhaben der umfassenden und verdachtsunabhängigen Speicherung von Daten zu distanzieren.” Danke.
And the wind blew an invocation
And I fell asleep
At the gate…
— Jeff Buckley, So Real
The Architecture of Managed Retreat, “At one point, Sebald is describing the slow collapse of large manor houses as they fail to survive years of inadequate maintenance.”
“Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.” is a grammatically correct sentence used as an example of how homonyms and homophones can be used to create complicated constructs. WJW.
Animals That Are Also Verbs, word play by John Baez. “[T]he verb ‘duck’ is related to the noun ‘duck’!”.
Secrets In Websites, featuring some amazing trivia.
Mephisto Theme Gallery, add more there!
Math Education: An Inconvenient Truth (YouTube), while I personally do the cluster stuff anyway (far easier to do mentally), I agree teaching the standard algorithms doesn’t hurt. Not like I needed it in the last years…, though.
SLIME Tips and Techniques - Part 1, by Bill Clementson. “So, it pays to RTFM sometimes. Even when you think you don’t need to!”
And in that orchard there was a hold
That was hanged with purple and gold
And in that hold there was a bed
And it was hanged with gold so red
— Jeff Buckley, Corpus Christi Carol
Entire image compressed to a single photon, truly amazing.
Retour au menu tables de ping-pong, nifty!
Applicative programming with effects (PDF), by Conor McBride and Ross Paterson. “In this paper, we introduce Applicative functors—an abstract characterisation of an applicative style of effectful programming, weaker than Monads and hence more widespread.”
The Generic Casserole Recipe, by mimizukujin. “When I’m too lazy or disinterested in making a masterpiece, I make a casserole.”
But I think more than I want to think
Do things I never should do
I drink much more than I ought to drink
Because it brings me back in…
— Jeff Buckley, Lilac Wine
Related document discovery, without algebra, by Mauricio Fernandez. That looks like code I’d write. :-P
The wall, “Chana and Simon Taub, both 57, have endured two years of divorce negotiations, but neither is prepared to give up their Brooklyn home. Now a white partition wall has been built through the heart of the house to keep the pair apart.” WJW.
Fox’s Ubiquitous Free Derivative pt. 2, helpful if you want to write a RELAX NG validator, too.
Texas: An Efficient, Portable Persistent Store, by Vivek Singhal, Sheetal Kakkad, and Paul Wilson. “Texas is a persistent storage system for C++, providing high performance while emphasizing simplicity, modularity and portability. A key component of the design is the use of pointer swizzling at page fault time, which exploits existing virtual memory features to implement large address spaces efficiently on stock hardware, with little or no change to existing compilers.”
OpenSSL Documentation, online.
Nees and Vos made a transcript of the iPhone ring tone.
I don’t care just what they say
‘Cause forever I will pray
You and I will be as free
As the birds up in the trees
Oh, please stay by me, Diana
— Paul Anka, Diana
Fork is a a general purpose, namespaced JavaScript library with Ajax, Events, DOM manipulation. There are a few bonus lines of code specifically for use with Ruby on Rails but Fork can be happily used outside of Rails also.
The Purloined Sirloin: Why is meat the most shoplifted item in America?, by Brendan I. Koerner.
In The Good Old Summertime: 1900-1909, by oldwinebottle. “Standing on the threshold of the 20th century, the world seemed so young and carefree.”
Digging Deep: Mixing it up (or in) with Modules, by Gregory Brown. “This new series, digging deep, will be targeted towards the more experienced developer, or at least folks who want to know a little more about some deeper concepts in Ruby.”
Lay, lady, lay, lay across my big brass bed
Stay, lady, stay, stay while the night is still ahead
I long to see you in the morning light
I long to reach for you in the night
— Bob Dylan, Lay, Lady, Lay
Second R6RS draft published, looks like they are making good progress.
USGS Earthquake Data from Lisp, John Wiseman found out how to.
I’ve Read Your Horoscope and You’re No Hacker, WJW. And I’d even qualify!!
Bringing Rails to the Enterprise, by Timothy M. O’Brien. A big rehash of everything.
Prototype is a JavaScript Framework that aims to ease development of dynamic web applications. It got a new website and a manual.
Rails 1.2: REST admiration, HTTP lovefest, and UTF-8 celebrations , a new release of Rails. “Treat your 1.0-era code to some modern style. To get started, just run your tests and tend to the warnings.”
It’s the morning before daybreak
A hundred miles down the line
Unknown passage
Cuttin’ like a knife through the night
— Dead Moon, Unknown Passage
Things my boyfriend says, WJW.
Greylisting with PF, by Dan Langille. Graylisting is such a stupid idea.
Locus Solum: From the rules of logic to the logic of rules, by Jean-Yves Girard. “Locus Solum would like to be the common playground of logic, independent of systems, syntaxes, not to speak of ideologies.”
A Mighty City Constructed On A Series Of Variably-Sized Hilly Islands Linked By Bridges, but what on high water?
nur ein märchen, Lydia erzählt.
Don’t know what to do by myself
‘Cause all of my time was with you
I just don’t know what to do on my own
All of my thoughts are of you
— Spiritualized, All of My Thoughts
Why I Stopped Coding and Why I’d Start Again, by Brian McConnell. For me, Python would rather be a reason to stop than to start. }:-)
Camping’s Youthfulness Wins Annual Award, _why says: “Today, the International Kayak Consortium celebrates Camping (a Microframework)’s 1st birthday.” Gratulations!
JSON/XML Redux, Don Box is being mean, but right, too.
The Misp Chronicles XII: The Lost Interpreter, William Taysom publishes a meta-circular, and a Scheme interpreter for his Lisp dialect.
XMLambda: A functional language for constructing and manipulating XML documents, by Erik Meijer and Mark Shields. “In this paper we present XMLambda, a small functional language which has XML documents as its basic data types. It is expressly designed for the task of generating and filtering XML fragments.”
There’s a battle outside
And it is ragin’.
It’ll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’.
— Bob Dylan, The Times They Are A-Changing
Negative CAPTCHA, a nice idea, but it wont work for long.
Cancer Villages, bad time for Chinese people.
I can’t understand why people are afraid of new ideas. I’m afraid of the old ones. — John Cage
Seeing the forest for the tree, what an idea.
Are you scared of Java language change? Why?, Stephen Colebourne wonders. Sometimes I am, because it befuddles peoples’ minds.
Why I Don’t Wear a Suit and Can’t Figure Out Why Anyone Does!, I hate wearing suits as well, especially the shirts.
FedEx refuses shipment of made-up stuff, empty cans, awesome cans. :)
Tupper’s Self-Referential Formula, WJW. But can we have a real quine?
scraps of crap, drawings everywhere.
You are like a hurricane
there’s calm in your eye.
and I’m gettin’ blown away
to somewhere safer
where the feeling stays.
— Neil Young, Like A Hurricane
Fox’s Ubiquitous Free Derivative, “I’m just pointing out that the Fox derivative, or something like it, has what I think are hitherto unnoticed applications to computer science.”
The Pinocchio Problem, by Steve Yegge. “See, it seems like there’s a good way to design software. A best way, even. And nobody does it. Well, a few people do, but even in those rare instances, I think it’s accidental half the time.” Very good points, must read. (A NACK on Haskell, though…)
Hindus oppose swastika ban in EU, “Hindus in Europe are opposing a German call for an European Union ban on the display of swastikas, the 5,000-year-old Hindu religious symbol that became the insignia of the Nazi Party, saying it was ‘sacred’ to the community.” Banning has never helped anything.
Positive Swastikas on Flickr.
more sometime but, the best shortest Lawrence Lessig post. Must read.
A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra, by Victor Shoup. A CC’ed PDF is available.
A snake when he is sleeping
A drunkard when he prays
I don’t believe you go to heaven when you’re good
Everything goes to hell, anyway…
— Tom Waits, Everything Goes To Hell
Das Göttinger Manifest der 18 Atomwissenschaftler vom 12. April 1957, “Die Pläne einer atomaren Bewaffnung der Bundeswehr erfüllen die unterzeichnenden Atomforscher mit tiefer Sorge. […] Die Unterzeichnenden fühlen sich daher verpflichtet, öffentlich auf einige Tatsachen hinzuweisen, die alle Fachleute wissen, die aber der Öffentlichkeit noch nicht hinreichend bekannt zu sein scheinen.”
reLEAF is a folded aluminium sheet that is shaped like a leaf and is used for collecting rain water directly into flower pots.
Geoff Berner “an accordion aficionado from Canada’s west coast, plays a unique blend of klezmer, folk, and punk music”. Some wunderfull stuff.
NestedVM (PDF), slides by Brian Alliet and Adam Megacz. They run C inside Java by compiling to MIPS and emulating that code. WJW.
The Droste effect is a Dutch term for a specific kind of recursive picture. A picture exhibiting the Droste effect depicts a smaller version of itself in a place where a similar picture would realistically be expected to appear. This smaller version then depicts an even smaller version of itself in the same place, and so on.
Quick and dirty code folding, “Emacs has several modes providing this functionality with various degrees of sophistication: outline-mode, allout, hide-show or folding-mode come to mind. Over the years, i’ve used several of these packages (and perhaps i’ll share some tips on them in future postings). But i’ve noticed that, at the end of the day, i have usually little use for folding.”
I take this chance and I jump up on her
Damned if I don’t land right on top of her
Well she takes off, runnin’ up on to that ridge
Higher than I’ve ever been before.
— The Byrds, Chestnut Mare
Dream Cartridge No. 4, “So, yeah, what’s going on in the dream world these days?”
PHP vs. Ruby on Rails. An evolutionary story of a Web Developer and his tools, by Nathaniel S. H. Brown. “Rails has and will continue to be imitated as it has already been in nearly every language.” The really sad thing IMO is that some people only realize PHP sucks when they see Rails.
To eavesdrop on breaking glaciers from within, and new islands turn up. Surprise.
Rehersal is a testing framework for Scala, intended as an easier-to-use replacement for SUnit in the standard library.
eBay gem: “Phase 1 prototype iPhone from Apple-Phone AND iPod”, WJW.
Serial rubinius Interview: Episode V, “This week’s episode hits three points; Evan’s next steps with rubinius, garnet (the new name for cuby), and Software Transactional Memory (STM). MenTaLguY joins us for the third discussion, and provides a long list of resources to help get up to speed.”
On Programming and Mathematical Methodology – Part II, “In this post, I’ll talk about mathematical proofs.”
Doctors’ sloppy handwriting kills more than 7,000 people annually. 6()()I7 7#3j 423 ^0+ 1337.
It’s okay, we’ve all seen better days
It’s okay, you don’t have to run and hide away
It’s okay
It’s okay, yeah we love you anyway
— Dead Moon, It’s O.K.
Clooney, Sci Fi Celebrate ‘The Diamond Age’, “Sci Fi Channel has ordered a six-hour miniseries based on Neal Stephenson’s best-selling novel “The Diamond Age: Or a Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer” to be produced by George Clooney.” Is that even possible?
Joi’s Vegan Kitchen, “One big bonus of this whole foods vegan diet that I’m on is that my kitchen is clean.” ;)
Online documentation: what’s missing, by Andy Oram. “Documents could include forms for readers to submit background documents.”
Filthy Wal-Mart: a Photo Essay, a picture says more than thousand words.
Announcing XForum: The XForms Community Forum, by Kurt Cagle. I still consider XForms a dead-born, though…
The Day The Label Died, by M. David Peterson. That happens only now?
You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat
Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat
Ain’t it hard when you discover that
He really wasn’t where it’s at
After he took from you everything he could steal.
— Bob Dylan, Like A Rolling Stone
Architecture as a form of deliberate paranoia, “I designed this goddamn thing!” he screams, rattling door handles and staring through rotating glass doors at the swimming pool.
rspec.should use_a_little_less_magic, a new proposal for extending BDD (XBDD anyone?). Very good, and I can make test/spec allow it easily.
URL rewriting with WEBrick, by Mauricio Fernandez.
Spinner is an anti-idle program that displays a little “spinning” ASCII character in the top left corner of your terminal. Spinner is useful for keeping telnet and ssh links from dropping due to inactivity. Many firewalls, and some ISPs drop connections when they are perceived as idle. By having spinner running the server is constantly sending a tiny amount of data over the link, preserving the connection.
Warren Ellis has a tumblelog.
Drupal 5.0 released, the front page doesn’t validate.
Campcaster is the first free and open radio management software that provides live studio broadcast capabilities as well as remote automation in one integrated system.
Great Microprocessors of the Past and Present, a good selection, albeit of 2003. Any only one x86 there.
Yea, call him drunken Ira Hayes,
But his land is just as dry,
And the ghost is lying thirsty
In the ditch where Ira died.
— Peter LaFarge, The Ballad Of Ira Hayes
Scripting Essentials, a minimal set of JS functions, compiled by Dan Webb.
Beauty in the Beast, by Wouter Swierstra and Thorsten Altenkirch. Lovely: “We provide a functional specification of three central components of Simon Peyton Jones’s awkward squad: teletype I/O, mutable state and concurrency. By constructing an internal model of such concepts within our programming language, we can reason about programs that perform I/O as if they were pure functions.”
Quantum mechanics for CS/Math people. I grok it, I grok it!
In a minute or an hour or two
In a minute we’ll just see ‘bout you
Don’t look back
You were easy in your little ways
You’re so easy now you lost the game
Don’t look back
— Dead Moon, Don’t Look Back
No pants, no prob!, “More than 200 people participated in the sixth annual No Pants! Subway Ride on the 6 line yesterday.” Looks a bit cold.
POPL 2007: Preliminary Program, most papers are online already.
Minor Emacs Wizardry, a new blog about Emacs. Nifty.
Massive Resource List for All Autodidacts, worth a look.
Killing the Buddha, There’s an old saying, “If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.”
Just another Sunday
Just another Sunday
Oh yaaa, Just another Sunday
Just another Sunday, Oh yaaa
— Guns N’ Roses, Just Another Sunday
1.3, another quatrain by _why.
Call-by-push-value, PhD thesis by Paul Blain Levy.
pfstmo package contains the implementation of state-of-the-art tone mapping operators. The motivation here is to provide an implementation of tone mapping operators suitable for convenient processing of both static images and animations.
Scarlet Lambda, the biggest Python hack ever. But it sounds great.
Space monkey in the place to be
a mass of contradictions in a golden frame
raising the roof in a calamity way
completely meretricious of a poke in the eye
— Placebo, Space Monkey
Representation Independent Code, by Gilad Bracha. A call for Self-like dropping of instance variables.
World Freehand Circle Drawing Champion (YouTube), WJW.
How to hurt the RIAA aka Sony, Virgin, Philips, Warner Bros etc , a good plan.
linkd-mode is a hypertext system for organizing and interlinking all resources available to GNU Emacs. It can be used to make a “personal web” out of all your text files—regardless of file format or major mode. Neato.
mkhdr is a tool designed to convert a series of still images into a high dynamic range image. mkhdr also allows for the recovery of the response characteristics of a given imaging system.
Scratch, the programming environment for children, is now available as a free download. This is awesome, try it out.
Destroy all that is keeping you back
And then I’ll nurse you
I’ll nurse you
Come to me
— Björk, Come To Me
Cohatoe stands for ‘Contributing Haskell to Eclipse’. It consists of a Haskell API and a set of Eclipse plugins that allow to contribute Haskell code (in the form of compiled object files that may contain modules or libraries) to Eclipse so that Eclipse plugins can access it.
Refactoring, Ruby Edition, with Martin Fowler’s permission, Ali Aghareza, Stephen Chu, Jay Fields, and John Hume have decided to convert the existing examples found in Refactoring from Java to Ruby and explore any additional Refactorings that may pertain to Ruby development.
Advice if your checks ever get stolen: don’t tell your bank, says Cedric Beust and tells a ridiculous story.
What is the purpose of the hymen?, a question left open.
If the waves suck you in and you drown
If like you should sink down beneath
I’ll swim down would you? you?
— Deftones, Cherry Waves
Wall of Houses, WJW.
SeaChart components are standard Seaside components that you can embed into your Seaside application.
Announcing RubyObjC, a set of Ruby wrappers around the Objective-C runtime API. Looks like the license is problematic, though.
YAPC::EU 2007 Vienna, call for papers about “Social Perl”.
The newforms library of Django is something I’d like to have for Ruby.
The Pirate Bay Wants to Buy Sealand, hell that would rule.
Scripting the Web with Python, by Guido van Rossum. This is from 1997(!), and the interesting part is the one about Bobo.
Closing Keynote, XML 2006, transcript of Jon Bosak’s talk. “I had the honor of introducing the SGML community to a product initially known as ‘SGML for the Web’ but by then repackaged under the name ‘XML.’”
And I look in the mirror
And I wait for the damn thing to speak
Who needs answers?
One good question would be a relief.
— Dan Bern, Feel Like A Man
Test Your Knowledge of Apache Topics, 50 questions by Emmett Dulaney. Had 31 correct.
MacFUSE: FUSE for Mac OS X, wow: “Today Google is releasing MacFUSE, an open-source Mac port of the FUSE mechanism for Linux. Like FUSE, it enables developers to implement a fully functional file system in a user-space program.”
Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster. — Wirth’s Law
Twisted 2.5.0 released, now with epoll, asynchronous messaging, better Jabber and Python 2.5 support.
Handicapping New DNS Extensions and Applications, by Cricket Liu. “[F]ive new extensions to and uses of the Domain Name System: the Sender Policy Framework (SPF), IPv6 support, Internationalized Domain Names, ENUM, and the DNS Security Extensions.”
Painless Windows Module Installation with PPM, by Josh Stroschein. The “gems” of Perl?
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul.
— Bob Dylan, Masters Of War
Robert Anton Wilson Defies Medical Experts and leaves his body @4:50 AM on binary date 01/11. All Hail Eris! Kallisti.
Will rubinius Be An Acceptable Lisp, “Regarding performance, it’s very easy to get Lisp performing well enough. And since Rubinius is built on a Smalltalk VM architecture, it’s operations fit very well with Lisp.”
Gridding the 960, Cameron Moll made a great grid layout helping background.
Go Ahead. Break the Build!, Elliotte Rusty Harold says: “All too often projects are in denial about their bugs. Rather than accept clear evidence of a bug, they do anything they can to deny it.”
An OpenID is not an account!, Simon Wilson explains.
I’ll sing my song to the wide open spaces
I’ll sing my heart out to the infinite sea
I’ll sing my visions to the sky high mountains
I’ll sing my song to the free, to the free
— The Who, The Song Is Over
Public can purchase $100 laptop, that will be neat.
Zwei Programmierstellen für den “Bundestrojaner”, und wenn ich sie nicht reinlasse?
Cisco files infringement suit against Apple over iPhone, iToldYouSo.
Die in a Fire, by Sgt York. The basics of biotechnology and getting burnt.
Kernel in a Nutshell, by Greg Kroah-Hartman, published by O’Reilly and available as CC.
Is XML 2.0 Under Development?, Micah Dubinko wonders. Let’s hope they kill DTDs when the day cometh.
Ich seh deine Augen, und sie sind offen,
und ich seh dein Gesicht, und wir müssen lachen.
Ich umarm dich, und du gibst mir deine Wärme,
und alle Menschen um uns sind leuchtende Sterne.
Wir sind auf der Straße und gehn alle zusammen.
Wer will uns halten? Wir durchbrechen die Schranken.
— Ton Steine Scherben, Wir sind im Licht
Canadian coins bugged, U.S. security agency says, RFID coins? So the thief can scan you before robbing to see if it’s worth it?
I Must Make Things Right, _why about fixing Wikipedia.
Divided Kingdom, what an idea: “the whole of Britain has been broken up into four sectors, and that the population itself is then forcibly “rearranged” according to emotional temperment.”
DataDraw is an ultra-fast persistent database for high performance programs written in C. Interesting approach.
Evening, by G. K. Chest.
Pillars of Creation Toppled By Stellar Blast, I’m only mentioning that because they are on the booklet of Pearl Jam’s Binaural.
You can run, you can run, tell my friend Willie Brown
You can run, you can run, tell my friend Willie Brown
That I got the crossroad blues this mornin’, Lord, babe, I’m sinkin’ down
— Robert Johnson, Cross Road Blues
Gentoo Linux on your PS3, an installation walk-though by Pranav T.
SML# is a new programming language in the Standard ML family being developed at Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University jointly with Sanpu Koubou Inc. (It predates C#.)
Interlanguage Migration: From Scripts to Programs, by Tobin-Hochstandt and Felleisen.
Gems shouldn’t include Hoe…, Jonas Pfenniger explains. Full ack.
Music in the water, Joi Ito wants a waterproof MP3 player.
Nginx vs. Lighttpd for a small VPS, a comparison.
Dream Ledger is an easy to use online dream journal, letting you quickly jot down your dreams and thoughts. A Camping application!
The apples of the valley hold,
The seeds of happiness,
The ground is rich from tender care,
Repay, do not forget, no, no.
Dance in the dark of night, sing to the morning light.
— Led Zeppelin, The Battle of Evermore
Haskell, first impressions (with sexy results), Greg Brown dabbles into Haskell and HUnit.
Fortress reference interpreter, requires Java 1.5 (or better) to run and Ant 1.6.5 (or better) to build. Nice to finally see code.
Need a Good Painter?, WJW.
The First Million, the first BLDGBLOG event, January 13th in LA.
Beltesassar’s Animation Festival, “An eight-part travelling torrent, still alive!” _why goes torrent.
Dreaming in Code, a book by Scott Rosenberg. A sample chapter is available online.
I’m softly exhaling
You give me release
I’m softly exhaling
You give me release
— Ane Brun, Balloon Ranger
Test Doubles: A Taxonomy of Pretend Objects, a pictorial explanation.
“You write free software, therefore you…”, but Lars Wirzenius says: “I’m a free software developer and the only thing about me you can deduce from that is that I develop free software.”
Whitespace, by Mark Boulton at A List Apart. The best pieces of a web site are empty, or how did it go?
How to Grok Web Standards, by Craig Cook at A List Apart. “For the visual designer, really understanding web standards means you’ll have to change the way you think about design.”
Joel Reymont’s GPL OpenPoker, as packaged by Zach Beane.
Parser Combinators, Gilad Bracha did them in Smalltalk, which results in a rather nice syntax.
I was starting to think
The world was going to end when the calendar turned
But now you’re here I see the future baby
And they can let the calendar burn.
— Dan Bern, Chelsea Hotel
Milk in tea ‘blocks health gains’, another thing I never did in my life.
How Do You Fix an Undersea Cable?, a very very good question.
More obstacles in the way of progress, new wacky signs.
The Second Life Viewer goes GPL, is this an effort to ruin developer productivity? :P
Pivotal is a document-centered presentation of Haskell. It aims to provide a user-friendly environment in which Haskell documents can be interactively developed and manipulated. Yum!
Die Fackel online, ein wahrer Schatz. Leider sind die Nutzungsbedingungen horrend. “Es genügt nicht, sich keine Gedanken zu machen. Man muss auch unfähig sein, sie auszudrücken”
This time
It’s a Wednesday Night
And I ain’t dead yet
— Dan Bern, Wednesday Night
For sale: world’s smallest country, let’s hope good people buy Sealand.
Hackfest 2007 and CD Baby sprint, hack Rails and get a free ticket and hotel!
A Dynamic Continuation-Passing Style for Dynamic Delimited Continuations, by Dariusz Biernacki, Olivier Danvy, and Kevin Millikin. Fantastic topic.
For three years I did nothing except drive
I guess I needed to meditate
I guess I could have gone into a monastery
But they don’t let you listen to talk radio.
— Dan Bern, New American Language
Eigenclass Considered… Considered!, I personally still prefer “singleton class”.
The Geostationary Banana Over Texas, WJW.
Structuring the invisible, “galaxy clusters are located within clumps of this invisible material.” Try to counterproof that!
Power Washing 188 Suffolk St., WJW.
M-LAW’s Tenth Annual Wacky Warning Label Contest, “Do not put any person in this washer.”
Momofuku Ando, the founder of Nissin Food Products Co. and inventor of instant ramen, died of heart failure Friday evening at a hospital in Ikeda, Osaka Prefecture, his family said. He was 96.
I got the shotgun blues
Shotgun blues
I can’t wait here forever
I got too much here to lose
— Guns N’ Rosesm The Blues
Simple Smalltalk Testing: With Patterns, by Kent Beck. The first paper on SUnit.
K5 2006: The Year In Review, by Cambria. “An interesting look at the memorable moments of Kuro5hin.org in 2006.”
Meta, shmeta: learning Ruby horizontally, by David A. Black. “Learning Ruby isn’t like scaling a mountain. It’s more like exploring a plain, with interesting features and a distant but very attractive horizon.”
Diagram comparing schema languages for XML, by Rick Jelliffe. An interesting comparison.
Announcing the Dabble DB Plugin API, yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!
Cars are crashin’ every night
I drink n’ drive everything’s in sight
I make the fire
But I miss the firefight
I hit the bull’s eye every night
— Guns N’ Roses, It’s So Easy
Panspermia is the name for the theory that life exists and is distributed throughout the universe in the form of germs or spores. This short computer animation places the viewer in the middle of a virtual world of an aggressively reproducing inter-galactic life form, and depicts a single life cycle of this unusual self propagating system. “This piece was rendered on a Connection Machine CM-2 computer.” Awesome!
Why blurring sensitive information is a bad idea, a dictionary attack on blurred out numbers. Hmm, hmm.
13 Photographs That Changed the World, real classics. I miss the one by Josef Koudelka”, though.
Turing Equivalent vs. Turing Complete, explained by Mark C. Chu-Carroll.
Mindstorms Autofabrik, the singularity is near, I tell you.
The Sugar UI, for the $100-notebook.
It takes courage to enjoy it
The hard-core and the gentle
Big time sensuality
— Björk, Big Time Sensuality
Haskell: First Impressions, it’s interesting to see how differently people pick up Haskell.
Rolling with Ruby on Rails Revisited, Part 2, here’s the second half of their update.
The Volkswagen Lisp is the most configurable and powerful car in automotive history. Lovely post by Damien Katz.
Ooooh Babe,
Don’t leave me now.
Don’t say it’s the end of the road.
— Pink Floyd, Don’t Leave Me Now
NubyGems: Don’t Use Class Variables!, Gregory Brown says. Good idea in general.
Charva is a Java framework for presenting a “graphical” user interface, composed of elements such as windows, dialogs, menus, textfields and buttons, on a traditional character-cell ASCII terminal. It has an API based on that of “Swing” (a.k.a. the Java Foundation Classes). WJW.
Bacula is a set of computer programs that permit you (or the system administrator) to manage backup, recovery, and verification of computer data across a network of computers of different kinds.

Anal Sex Is Increasingly Popular in the Hetero World, news at 11. PNSFW.
And I miss you so much.
Theres no one in sight.
And were still making love
In my secret life.
— Leonard Cohen, In My Secret Life
Matching Objects With Patterns, by Burak Emir, Martin Odersky, and John Williams. I’d really like pattern matching in OO languages.
Christoffer’s Hpricot Goodies, some nice’n’small hacks.
Fictional ruins from fictional worlds, awesome.
Nginx English Wiki, “Since most of the documentation for Nginx is in Russian, this site exists to help English-speakers pool their knowledge regarding Nginx configuration and deployment.” Whee.
The joy of ‘rolling your own’ with Camping, by Gregory Brown. A nice introduction to the famous 4k-webframework.
Meet me at the bottom, don’t lag behind
Bring me my boots and shoes
You can hang back or fight your best on the frontline
Sing a little bit of these workingman’s blues
— Bob Dylan, Working Man’s Blues #2
(Poignant) Guide Earlies, new stuff from _why!
Dan Flavin was an American minimalist sculptor who created sculptural objects and installations from commercially available fluorescent light fixtures.
Ohropax has existed for almost 100 years. Let us take you on a trip back through the product’s history with packaging from various eras.
New Nginx.conf with optimizations, by Ezra Zygmuntowicz. Sounds like a reasonable alternative to Lighttpd.
The stuff of dreams, “we’ve compiled a short list of fun materials – stuff that behaves a little bit outside the norm.”
“Raising Skinny Elephants Is Utterly Boring” is a mnemonic device for remembering a particularly important keystroke sequence in Linux. In the event of a total system freeze up, this is the failsafe way to safely reboot a near-frozen computer.
Dreams where the umbrella is folded
Into the path you are hurled
And the cards are no good that you’re holding
Unless they’re from another world.
— Bob Dylan, Series Of Broken Dreams
Adobe Acrobat JavaScript Execution Bug is a Huge Security Issue , by Nitesh Dhanjani. Easily solved: don’t use Adobe Acrobat.
The XQuery Chimera Takes Center Stage, by Simon St. Laurent. “For the first time in many years, I left an XML conference thinking that XML might actually finally change the Web significantly – and soon.” I don’t buy it yet, even though XQuery is nice.
Drop That Design! 6 Things You Need to Know About Color, at Slash7.
Enough already with freaking out over people’s sex, David A. Black says. In German, the sex is mostly expressed implicitly as a suffix anyway.
You are one of God’s mistakes.
You crying, tragic waste of skin.
I’m well aware of how it aches.
— Placebo, Song To Say Goodbye
OpenID for non-SuperUsers, good things to know.
A dialogue with Sarah, aged 3: In which it is shown that if your Dad is a Chemistry professor, asking “why” can be dangerous, by Stephen McNeil. Awesome.
Citadel is a complete and feature-rich open source groupware platform. With telnet access(!).
Another Dead Dictator, apple wonders: “We all know that Saddam Hussein was executed this week, but did you know that “Turkmenbashi” (real name Saparmurat Niyazov), the president of Turkmenistan, died recently?”
CC Campaign: We broke the thermometer!, “[W]e will have bested our goal of $300,000 by some $200,000 – raising over $500,000 in total.”
VList is a persistent data structure designed by Phil Bagwell in 2002 that combines the fast indexing of arrays with the easy extension of cons-based (or singly-linked) linked lists.
Forget closure,
Forget closure,
Forget closure,
Forget closure.
— Chevelle, Closure
The Lineage of APL, impressive diagram, but also fairly extended.
HOC is a Haskell to Objective-C binding. In a nutshell, it enables you to use Objective-C objects and frameworks from Haskell, and also enables you to write Objective-C objects in Haskell. Neato.
Ten Predictions for Perl in 2007, by brian_d_foy. Funny.
What is modal logic and what is it good for? (SWF), an awesome talk by Tom 7.
Amazon mystery: pricing of books, nasty, but realistic.
Quotes are nothing but inspiration for the uninspired. — Richard Kemph
Groovy 1.0 is there, to whom it may concern.
I was alone,
Falling free,
Trying my best not to forget
— Placebo, Meds
Swimming progress, Joi’s diet seems to work out.
A. S. Neill’s Summerhill School, a co-educational boarding school in Suffolk, England, is the original alternative ‘free’ school. Founded in 1921, it continues to be an influential model for progressive, democratic education around the world. Wonderful.
Kaspar Schiess from neotrivium.com was the first guy to mail me the IE7 CSS fix, thumbs up!
A Tutorial on Behavioral Reflection and its Implementation, by J. Malenfant, M. Jacques and F.-N. Demers. “The efficient implementation of behaviorally reflective languages imposes a formidable challenge. By definition, behavioral reflection allows a program to modify, even at run-time, its own code as well as the semantics and the implementation of its own programming language.”
The nuXleus Project has the specific intent to become a User-Centric/Specific Application and XML messaging virtualization-based appliance in which a primary, user-specific/centric host machine can use as a secured proxy for all web-based communications.
2006 Asshole of the Year Awards, by Psycho Dave. “Truly, if there is anything notable about the past 365 days, it’s that there were few heroes and many assholes; more assholes than could even fit in the Goatse-man’s distended sphincter.”
Der Übermensch ist ein verfrühtes Ideal, das den Menschen voraussetzt. — Karl Kraus
Karl Kraus ist 1936 gestorben. “Das heißt, er ist ab heute gemeinfrei”, schrieb der Schockwellenreiter gestern. Hurra. Bei Gutenberg-DE ist schon einiges.
All I really want is some peace man
A place to find a common ground
And all I really want is a wavelength
All I really want is some comfort
A way to get my hands untied
And all I really want is some justice…
— Alanis Morissette, All I Really Want
Climbing Mt. Improbable, “Don Briggs has long dreamed of climbing a mountain. So he decided to build one.”
Saucy, the Unobtrusive Styling Framework. “The idea is to use javascript to style DOM elements using images rendered according to the certain style rules also specified in the HTML. This normally involves pointing the background image to the rendering script on the server using RMagick.”
Character encoding detection, a comparsion of various approaches.
Blast from the Past: The Story of the Apple Clover Symbol, “Turns out that the logo was based on a Swedish symbol used to flag noteworthy attractions at campgrounds.”
You that never done nothin’
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it’s your little toy
You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly
— Bob Dylan, Masters Of War
Simple demonstration of Haskell FFI, one of the best foreign function interfaces in existence.
coffee with a “drop” of milk, great shot! WJW.
DParser is an simple but powerful tool for parsing. You can specify the form of the text to be parsed using a combination of regular expressions and grammar productions. Because of the parsing technique (technically a scannerless GLR parser based on the Tomita algorithm) there are no restrictions.
Mother Earth Mother Board, by Neal Stephenson. “The hacker tourist ventures forth across the wide and wondrous meatspace of three continents, chronicling the laying of the longest wire on Earth.”
RoundCube Webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client with an application-like user interface. It provides full functionality you expect from an e-mail client, including MIME support, address book, folder manipulation, message searching and spell checking.
2006 music wrap-up, by Jamie Zawinski. “Though 2006 blew chunks by just about every other measure, it has been a very good year for new music.”
Wenn niemand bei dir is’ und du denkst, daß keiner dich sucht,
und du hast die Reise ins Jenseits vielleicht schon gebucht,
und all die Lügen geben Dir den Rest:
Halt dich an deiner Liebe fest.
— Rio Reiser, Halt Dich An Deiner Liebe Fest
Why numbering should start at 0, yes.
Through a Glass Darkly— Predictions Past and Future, by Kurt Cagle. I hope for SVG, too.
Continuations from Generalized Stack Inspection, by Greg Pettyjohn, John Clements, Joe Marshall, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Matthias Felleisen. “Implementing first-class continuations can pose a challenge if the target machine makes no provisions for accessing and re-installing the run-time stack. In this paper, we present a novel translation that overcomes this problem.”
Scala with Sails is yet another web development framework. SwS is built on Scala, a hybrid Functional and O-O language that compiles code down to the Java Virtual Machine.
Erik van der Werf on AI Techniques for the Game of Go, interesting topic.
Overcoming Coder’s Block, “Avoid social news websites (such as digg) at all cost.” Hehe.
As that old train pulled out, John’s ma began to shout,
Tellin’ ev’ryone in the neighborhood:
“That’s my son that’s about to go, he’s a soldier now, you know.”
She made well sure her neighbors understood.
— Bob Dylan, John Brown
Look at the size of that thing…!, 3500 pieces of Lego. Awesome.
YARV is Ruby, It Is, It Really Is, Koichi has finished committing YARV to Ruby’s trunk. Yum!
Chickenfoot is a Firefox extension that puts a programming environment in the browser’s sidebar so you can write scripts to manipulate web pages and automate web browsing.
1. Januar 2002, Tag um Tag beginnt.