Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
That Vision Thing, Aaron Swartz’s story reminds me of my first glasses.
The Reduceron, an FPGA Machine for Executing Haskell. WJW.
Even Evangelical Teens Do It, “How religious beliefs do, and don’t, influence sexual behavior.”
Trust, But Verify, chromatic thinks Ruby has too few tests.
Cargo cult science is a term used by Richard Feynman in his 1974 Caltech commencement address to describe work that has the semblance of being scientific, but is missing “a kind of scientific integrity, a principle of scientific thought that corresponds to a kind of utter honesty”.
Heart of mine you know that she’ll never be true,
She’ll only give to others the love that she’s gotten from you.
Don’t let her know
Don’t let her know where you’re going.
Don’t untie the ties that bind
Heart of mine.
— Bob Dylan, Heart Of Mine
Meta-Metta is Gregory Brown’s new blog (sorry, I missed the announce) featuring “Thoughts on community, programming, math, writing, loving-kindness, art, buddhism, and the toys inside McDonalds happy meals. Or something like that…”
xmonad 0.2 has been released.
Four letter words to avoid: Need, Must, Can’t, Easy, Just, Only, Fast.
Portable Termite is underway. And signed messages would rock hard.
Google Maps is spying on my cat, the new Google Street View is awesome.
C’LICK ME is an event to investigate internet pornography in a non-conventional way. PNSFW, and get some 3D-glasses.
Covenant woman, intimate little girl
Who knows those most secret things of me that are hidden from the world.
You know we are strangers in a land we’re passing through.
I’ll always be right by your side, I’ve got a covenant too.
— Bob Dylan, Covenant Woman
Power plugs and low-hanging fruit, by Rick Jelliffe.
A BSD Rootkit Primer, Federico Biancuzzi interviewed Joseph Kong to learn more about the dark art of kernel voodoo…
What is a Lie derivative, really?, “By which I mean “What is a Lie derivative, arrow-theoretically?””
Film and the Audience of Tomorrow, danah boyd’s talk at the Cannes Film Festival Opening Forum: “Cinema: The Audiences of Tomorrow”.
Last.fm Acquired By CBS, nicely done.
The Shape Of Your Mind, by Eric Merritt. “In many cases, the communities that form around languages are very similar to the insular communities that created these practices. To take this analogy one step further, in many ways programming languages act quite a lot like the devices used to shape the skulls of infants in Paracas, the feet of Han women or the necks of Karen Paduang women.”
Bush now banning photo journalism of wounded troops, WJW.
When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up and strengthen the things that remain?
— Bob Dylan, When You Gonna Wake Up
One Page Sites, there should be more of these.
Beej’s Guide to Unix Interprocess Communication, essential.
[tongue-in-cheek]As I don’t use scheme heavily this is serious armchair controversy, but as R6RS stands, I think a language rename to scherl or peme might be appropriate to include.[/tongue-in-cheek] — Brian McCallister, The R6RS Controversy
draft-ietf-atompub-protocol-15, hopefully last call.
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You’re gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody.
— Bob Dylan, Gotta Serve Somebody
Starting a new “Ruby Project Spotlight” series, Gregory Brown asks for submissions.
Type-sensitive control-flow analysis, by John Reppy. “Higher-order typed languages, such as ML, provide strong support for data and type abstraction. While such abstraction is often viewed as costing performance, there are situations where it may provide opportunities for more aggressive program optimization.”
Ten Theses on Non-Democratic Electronics, by Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter.
“Beten verboten!”, “Ein Drittel der Deutschen sind konfessionslos – ein Zentralrat soll ihnen jetzt gleichviel Einfluss wie den Kirchen verschaffen.” Nett.
What Would Happen if You Bought 25 Bottles of Nyquil?, must-read. I love it.
All along the watchtower, princes kept the view
While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too.
Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl,
Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl.
— Bob Dylan, All Along The Watchtower
Evangelizing Outside the Box: Web Standards and Big Companies, by Peter-Paul Koch at A List Apart. “The strategy of the standards movement needs an additional component aimed at convincing large web companies to become more open in their standards support.”
Who Needs Headlines?, by Shaun Crowley at A List Apart. “A lot of web copy is written by copywriters who aren’t trained in writing for the web—and much of the rest is written by people who aren’t trained writers at all.”
Distel’s core extends Emacs Lisp with the Erlang programming model and an interoperable implementation of the Erlang distributed message-passing protocol. The package includes Emacs-based development tools written on top of this core.
Saltwater into fire (YouTube), WJW.
Web Application Description Language (WADL) is designed to provide a machine process-able description of HTTP-based Web applications. Feels too XMLy to me…
My dreams are made of iron and steel
With a big bouquet
Of roses hanging down
From the heavens to the ground.
— Bob Dylan, Never Say Goodbye
Does REST need a service description language?, Aristotle Pagaltzis wonders.
Manhattan Landfill, “Much of the landfill on which it is constructed consists of the rubble of buildings destroyed during the Second World War by the Luftwaffe’s blitz on London and Bristol.”
DIY Drones, Amateur UAVs, contests, resources and more.
Menu Icons Considered Ugly, full ack (especially on the Mac).
What kind of atheist are you?, “You scored as a Spiritual Atheist. Ah! Some of the coolest people in the world are Spiritual Atheists. Most of them weren’t brought up in an organized religion and have very little baggage. They concentrate on making the world a better place and know that death is just another part of life. What comes after, comes after.”
RESTful Web Services, book review by Jon Udell.
Gentlemen, he said,
I don’t need your organization, I’ve shined your shoes,
I’ve moved your mountains and marked your cards
But Eden is burning, either brace yourself for elimination
Or else your hearts must have the courage for the changing of the guards.
— Bob Dylan, Changing Of The Guards
Wealth Distribution in the U.S., the “L-curve”. WJW.
The axiom of choice is a fascinating bugger. It’s probably the most controversial statement in mathematics in the last century – which is pretty serious, considering the kinds of things that have gone on in math during the last century.
Thank You, Vim!, by chromatic.
Zen and the Sweet Basil, by mybostinks. “Pesto’s simplicity is its elegance. This elegance hasn’t changed for centuries. For those that like the simple pleasures that make life seem like a reasonable alternative, the making of pesto will take you there.”
Debugging Erlang-style concurrency, “As cool as this style of asynchronous concurrency happens to be, it is not without its own set of problems.”
Well I’ve been to the mountain and I’ve been in the wind,
I’ve been in and out of happiness.
I have dined with kings, I’ve been offered wings
And I’ve never been too impressed.
— Bob Dylan, Is Your Love In Vain?
100 Words Every High School Graduate Should Know, well, I’m not a native speaker.
Permutations and Applications, an intro to the algebra of symmetries.
GSoC: Announcing RubyLand, Scott Ostler presents his Summer of Code Project.
auf grund gesetzt, Lydia meint: “Auch im Grundgesetz schleicht sich der eine oder andere Fehler ein.”
Test-Driven Development with ANTLR, step-by-step. This is the proper way to write parsers.
Tree eats bicycle, fun.
Throw my ticket out the window,
Throw my suitcase out there, too,
Throw my troubles out the door,
I don’t need them any more
‘Cause tonight I’ll be staying here with you.
— Bob Dylan, Tonight I’ll Be Staying Here With You
Two New Favorite Words of John Wiseman: Isolex and Phonotactics.
Some soft drinks may seriously harm your health, “Expert links additive to cell damage”.
Let your geeks roam free, Damien Katz does good jokes in code comments.
Isis, oh, Isis, you mystical child.
What drives me to you is what drives me insane.
I still can remember the way that you smiled
On the fifth day of May in the drizzlin’ rain.
— Bob Dylan, Isis
Top 8 Linux Games Of 2007, “Most of it is cross platform and free.”
A Guided Tour of Emacs: The many faces of Emacs, nice propaganda: “To give you an idea, here is a sampling of some of the things you can do with Emacs.”
make_resourceful presentation, Hampton Catlin made a nice Rails plugin.
4-leaf Clovers: A Finder’s Guide, good luck!
Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog, Germans should be able to read it.
Tomorrow’s the day
My bride’s gonna come
Oh, oh, are we gonna fly
Down in the easy chair!
— Bob Dylan, You Ain’t Going Nowhere
Piffle is a programming language for writing network packet filters, implemented in Haskell.
Uncut: RejectConf Fuzed, a Rails podcast: Tom Preston-Werner and Dave Fayram demo Fuzed, an Erlang and Rails server.
This wheel’s on fire,
Rolling down the road,
Best notify my next of kin,
This wheel shall explode!
— Bob Dylan, This Wheel’s On Fire
Crunchy Ramen Salad, sounds yummy.
Unintelligent Design is a satirical reaction to the Intelligent Design movement which claims that “certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.”
eblog is a blog system for Erlang.
Dimethylmercury is really bad stuff.
Djinn, Coq, Monad and a bit of Haskell, finally a reasonable introduction.

Evan Phoenix hired to work on Rubinius by EngineYard. Cool thing.
And if I pass this way again, you can rest assured
I’ll always do my best for her, on that I give my word
In a world of steel-eyed death, and men who are fighting to be warm.
“Come in,” she said,
“I’ll give you shelter from the storm.”
— Bob Dylan, Shelter From The Storm
Logarithmic Clock, kinda neat idea.
The BLDGBLOG Book, whoo: “Chronicle Books will be publishing a BLDGBLOG book in Spring 2009.”
An Introduction to Haskell, Part 1: Why Haskell, by Adam Turoff at OnLamp. They are serious. “Haskell is poised to have a strong influence over the next 20 years of programming and language design, just as Smalltalk has had an influence during the last 20 years.”
Towel Day is celebrated every May 25 as a tribute by fans of the late author Douglas Adams.
A Peek At The ’50s, by oldwinebottle. “As the 1950’s began, thoughts of another war were weighing heavily on the minds of the population of Canada. There was unrest between North and South Korea and a war appeared likely.”
Neti Pot is the Himalayan Institute version of the pot used for Jala Neti, a yoga practice where you pour a saline solution in one nose and out the other to clean your nasal passages. Yum…
Verbot von Computersicherheitswerkzeugen öffnet Bundestrojaner Tür und Tor, armes Deutschland.
And every one of them words rang true
And glowed like burnin’ coal
Pourin’ off of every page
Like it was written in my soul from me to you,
Tangled up in blue.
— Bob Dylan, Tangled Up In Blue
The firestorm from space, “Apparently, a huge explosion in the sky may have put an end to early human civilization in North America.”
Defense Cloud, what a stupid idea! Creative, tho.
Gloves, Joe Gregorio: “let’s walk through the rest of the steps to building a Rails/Django-like web framework.”
The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks.
The Last Question, by Isaac Asimov. One of the best short stories ever.
Die ARD-Tonstörung namens Godefroot, whoa.
Wenn uns der Boden unter den Füßen brennt
machen wir uns aus dem Staub
in den Bergen hängen wir alle ab, die etwas von uns wollen
lebendig kriegen sie uns nie egal wie viel es sind
Tod oder Freiheit soll auf unserm Grabstein stehen
— Die Toten Hosen, Bonnie und Clyde
reCAPTCHA: A new way to fight spam, finally a useful idea.
Another Christian Science Fair embarrasses itself, WJW.
But the laws fooled around,
Kept taking him down
And locking him up in a cell,
Till he said to me,
“I’ll never be free,
So I’ll meet a few of them in hell.”
— Bonnie Parker, The Story of Bonnie and Clyde
Synthetic Computability (PDF), by Andrej Bauer. Good talk.
Illuminated Letters in NodeBox, for typography freaks like me.
Hübsche Templates für OpenOffice.org Impress, ich meide das Ding ja wie die Pest, aber falls es doch mal nötig sein sollte…
Bind. Parameters. Now, by Daniel Berger. AR is lame.
the hardest part, Lydia über Erziehung.
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east.
Any day now, any day now,
I shall be released.
— Bob Dylan, I Shall Be Released
A Ping-Pong tree sponge, amazingy beautiful.
Female Sharks Can Reproduce Alone, Researchers Find, parthenogenesis is the last stop before the Singularity!
Summize provides over 6 million user reviews on 1 million products – visualized, summarized, simplified, fructified.
Real-World Haskell, WJW: “Bryan O’Sullivan, Don Stewart and John Goerzen are pleased, and frankly, very excited to announce that we’re developing a new book for O’Reilly, on practical Haskell programming. The working title is “Real-World Haskell”.”
Lay, lady, lay, lay across my big brass bed
Lay, lady, lay, lay across my big brass bed
Whatever colors you have in your mind
I’ll show them to you and you’ll see them shine
— Bob Dylan, Lay, Lady, Lay
Teller-Ulam design, how an H-bomb works.
The Traveler’s Dilemma, “When playing this simple game, people consistently reject the rational choice. In fact, by acting illogically, they end up reaping a larger reward—an outcome that demands a new kind of formal reasoning.” Very unintuitive.
Squeak in North Carolina Schools, “Teachers and students will learn to use “Squeak” software to create virtual models that simulate actual science and math-related experiments. For example, students could create a computer model to study the transmission of a disease, an activity that could be too dangerous to study in a physical laboratory.”
Paying Back, RailsConf raised $33,000 for charity, PragDave says.
Planet Erlang is not very high-traffic yet.
The tune that is yours and mine to play upon this earth,
We’ll play it out the best we know, whatever it is worth,
What’s lost is lost, we can’t regain what went down in the flood,
But happiness to me is you and I love you more than blood.
— Bob Dylan, Wedding Song
Carver Mead: The Spectator Interview, “It is my firm belief that the last seven decades of the twentieth will be characterized in history as the dark ages of theoretical physics.”
The Worst C Example Ever, WJW.
When You Come to the US On Holiday, by GrandWazoo. “These tips are important whether you are visiting from Canada, Germany, Israel or Australia. They will serve you well and in most cases keep you out of embarrassing situations you would not like to find yourself.”
Moonbow, lovely.
May your heart always be joyful,
May your song always be sung,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.
— Bob Dylan, Forever Young
Laser Theory of Social Change, “the principle of Laser’s operation is that many short, imperceptible pulses (a pulse is considered here as a group of photons) are accumulated in order to form a giant coherent pulse, which is capable of great disaster or creation.”
The binary GCD algorithm is an algorithm which computes the greatest common divisor of two nonnegative integers. It gains a measure of efficiency over the ancient Euclidean algorithm by replacing divisions and multiplications with shifts, which are cheaper when operating on the binary representation used by modern computers.
harald schmidt ist tot, schreibt Felix Schwenzel und hat wohl leider recht.
fuzed provides a YAWS Frontend for Rails applications.
Frank’s Compulsive Guide To Postal Addresses, Effective Addressing for International Mail.
lib2geom (2Geom in private life) was initially a library developed for Inkscape but will provide a robust computational geometry framework for any application. It is not a rendering library, instead concentrating on high level algorithms such as computing arc length.
We’ll fly the night away,
Hang out the whole next day,
Things will be okay,
You wait and see.
— Bob Dylan, One More Weekend
How Cory Doctorow Keeps Hostile Jerks From Taking Over His Online Community, analysis by David Marcus.
Play Ogg! (Still waiting for native iTunes support. Sigh.)
The Mercury Project for review: add infrastructure for Erlang backend, whoa!
Sunless Sea, the Xanadu cyberarchaeology project.
Helix, a 1D skyscraper with a single corridor. Crazy clever idea.
Rig of the Week: Al Gore’s setup, yum yum yum!
Ripple RDF Scripting Language, “This paper introduces a dedicated scripting language for linked data, called Ripple, whose programs both operate upon and reside in RDF graphs. Ripple is a variation on the concatenative theme of functional, stack-oriented languages such as Joy and Factor, and takes a multivalued, pipeline approach to query composition.”
US high-speed Internet is slow, German too, btw.
PresentationSlides of RailsConf 2007, at the O’Reilly wiki. Some really good stuff there.
The Regressive Imagery Dictionary, “is a coding scheme for text analysis that is designed to measure “primordial” and conceptual content. Primordial thought is the kind of free-form, associative thinking involved in fantasy and dreams.”
Demolition Day, blow-up nuclear plants.
You’ve come this close
You can come even closer
The gunshots get louder
And the world spins faster
And things just get further
And further apart
The head from the hands
And the hands from the heart.
— Lhasa Del Sela, My Name
Elevator to the underworld, scary but awesome: “the catacombs came with “a hydraulic coffin lift or catafalque to transport the coffins from the chapel to the vaults below.””
The Ruport Book is a free book on Ruby Reports, which will include both reference materials as well as real world usage of ruport, ruport-util, and our acts_as_reportable Rails plugin. Great stuff: “This is a volunteer based effort, written by the lead developers of ruport, Gregory Brown and Michael Milner. We hope to have the book in print some time before RubyConf 2007, with all the content licensed under a free documentation license.”
Plain Text Wiki bundle for TextMate, by Matt Webb.
RSpec reaches 1.0.0, let’s hope the API is stable now. Gratulations to the team.
Zero and her Origin, poem by Jeremy Bornstein.
Understanding Abstract Art, by Harley Hahn. With lots of examples.
Toka is a concatenative programming language with similarities to Forth. It has two accessible stacks for passing data, a dictionary which maps names to functions, an interpreter, a compiler (to call threaded code), a form of garbage collection, and various functions to aid in debugging and inspecting compiled code.
Now as I look around, it’s mighty plain to see
This world is such a great and a funny place to be;
Oh, the gamblin’ man is rich an’ the workin’ man is poor,
And I ain’t got no home in this world anymore.
— Woody Guthrie, I Ain’t Got No Home
Scaling rails: nginx plus mongrel cluster, with a link to Ezra’s slides.
O’Reilly Ruby will cover the Google Summer of Code, by Gregory Brown. Good stuff.
Printing Webster on Silly Putty: Making Model Driven Architectures Viable by Kurt Cagle.
Virginia Tech: A “Cho”ose Your Own Adventure, by Zombie PoopyPeanutz. “You’d go to the university, get recognized for your psychological and disturbing plays and people would shower you with money, fame, and love.”

Create a Morning Writing Ritual, I so should start this.
Provably perfect shuffle algorithms in Haskell. By oleg.
And maybe I didn’t hold you
All those lonely.. lonely times
And I guess I never told you
I’m so happy that you’re mine
— Willie Nelson, You Were Always On My Mind
Chinese Foot Binding, yikes. I wonder who comes up with such stupid ideas.
The “Is It a DSL or an API?” Ten Question Checklist, by chromatic. Good one. :-)
Cleaning Up PyBlosxom Using Cheesecake, any Ruby equivalent?
PENNsound provides read-aloud poetry. Features great stuff, e.g. Ginsberg’s Howl.
The Uncomfortable Reality of Sex in Space, ” How do you handle love, sex, romance, heartbreak, jealousy, hurt, unrequited longing, crushes, loneliness and twitterpation when you’re 18 months away from Earth and perhaps unsure whether you’ll make it back?”

RailsConf 2007 Opening Keynote: David Heinemeier Hansson, notes by Nick Sieger.
Now the rovin’ gambler he was very bored
He was tryin’ to create a next world war
He found a promoter who nearly fell off the floor
He said I never engaged in this kind of thing before
But yes I think it can be very easily done
We’ll just put some bleachers out in the sun
And have it on Highway 61.
— Bob Dylan, Highway 61 Revisited
Web 2.0: So great you can’t define it, call for definitions at uncov.
What’s the fastest-acting, most lethal poison?, Botox, dimethylmercury and polonium.
“Digital Handshakes on Virtual Receiving Lines”, danah boyd says: “politicians should reach out and shake virtual hands with young people rather than just putting up flat profiles on social network sites.”
making sense of the absurd, by Liar. “1. You’re about 60 years old and you’ve spent your entire life as a carpenter. You come home one day after a long backbreaking day spent planing a piece of wood. Your young bride has some news for you. She’s pregnant. Now, you haven’t slept with her (at your age the only wood you play with is at the office) and so you ask, ‘Who have you been sleeping with?’” Good one.
Though your body is bending
Under the load
There is nowhere to stop
Anywhere on this road
— Lhasa De Sela, Anywhere On This Road
holyweb, aber sollte der Dalai Lama wirklich unnahbar sein?
Hex is a board game played on a hexagonal grid. Simple rules and nevertheless complex.
Candygram is a Python implementation of Erlang concurrency primitives. Erlang is widely respected for its elegant built-in facilities for concurrent programming. This package attempts to emulate those facilities as closely as possible in Python. With Candygram, developers can send and receive messages between threads using semantics nearly identical to those in the Erlang language.
Dhh Keynote Buzzwords, play bullshit bingo online!
How not to write a job advert, good points.
Inside the museums, Infinity goes up on trial
Voices echo this is what salvation must be like after a while
But Mona Lisa musta had the highway blues
You can tell by the way she smiles
— Bob Dylan, Visions of Johanna
Joel Cooper on eBay, WJW origami.
Impromptu is an OSX programming environment for composers, sound artists, VJ’s and graphic artists with an interest in live or interactive programming. Impromptu is a Scheme language environment, a member of the Lisp family of languages.
Fun with clouds!, yay.
The Derivative of a Regular Type is its Type of One-Hole Contexts , by Conor McBride. “The technology is then exploited to give the one-hole contexts for sub-elements of recursive types in a manner similar to Huet’s ‘zippers’.” Insightful.
Down with Determinants!, by Sheldon Axler. “This paper shows how linear algebra can be done better without determinants. The standard proof that a square matrix of complex numbers has an eigenvalue uses determinants. The simpler and clearer proof presented here provides more insight and avoids determinants.”
Terence Parr Introduces ANTLR 3.0, interview at Artima.com. It got a book, too. And, I think, Ruby output.
The FreePatentsOnline search engine is one of the most powerful, fastest and easiest patent search engines on the web.
Sad-eyed lady of the lowlands,
Where the sad-eyed prophet says that no man comes,
My warehouse eyes, my Arabian drums,
Should I leave them by your gate,
Or, sad-eyed lady, should I wait?
— Bob Dylan, Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands
The Camellia Library is an open source Image Processing & Computer Vision library. Written in plain C, it is cross-platform (Unix / Linux, Windows) and robust. It already includes a lot of functions for image processing (filtering, morphological mathematics, labelling, warping, drawing, project/backproject, color conversion, loading/saving images, etc.), most of them being highly speed-optimized. Provides Ruby bindings.
Study hints that fruit flies have free will, I never questioned that.
Tools for Geographically Distributed Software Development, by Ryan Bagueros. Recommends IRC. Yay.

My love she speaks like silence,
Without ideals or violence,
She doesn’t have to say she’s faithful,
Yet she’s true, like ice, like fire.
People carry roses,
Make promises by the hours,
My love she laughs like the flowers,
Valentines can’t buy her.
— Bob Dylan, Love Minus Zero/No Limit
XML Parser Benchmarks: Part 2, by Matthias Farwick and Michael Hafner. Libxml2 wins.
The Undiscovered Bedrooms of Manhattan, “Always fantasizing about having more space in Manhattan.”
I saw three ships a-sailin’
They were all heading my way
I asked the captain what his name was
And how come he didn’t drive a truck
He said his name was Columbus
I just said, “Good luck.”
— Bob Dylan, Bob Dylan’s 115th Dream
Six years later: What the Agile Manifesto left out, by Brian Marick.
Shocking Pig Sty, WJW.
Sesame Street Explains TCP, a Web Comic Project for “Protocols and Computer Networks ” TAU course 2006. Written by Assaf Shtilman, Adi Stav and Tal Hoory.
XKCD Lecture at MIT, hacked!
Agile Produktentwicklung im Neuen Web, CC-Diplomarbeit als PDF frei verfügbar.
Guantanamo is a tool that can delete all code lines that are not covered by tests. Nice idea.
Pragmatic Haskell, to be published by the Pragmatic Programmers. Very cool.
You’ve been fooled into thinking
That the finishin’ end is at hand.
Yet there’s no one to beat you,
No one t’ defeat you,
‘Cept the thoughts of yourself feeling bad.
— Bob Dylan, To Ramona
Whither Mozilla?, by anaesthetica. “The Mozilla community has been both shaken and energized by the announcement of three rich internet application frameworks to be released by Microsoft, Adobe, and Sun. Just as Firefox has begun to make headway in the Browser Reconquista, the possibility of a closed, proprietary web seems to loom ahead.”
GCC 4.2 Release Series: Changes, New Features, and Fixes, a new major release. Kudos to the team!
Can Your Editor Do This? Yes! But I use Emacs too. :-)
Rodney Smith: Surreal b/w shots.
Moziz Addnums, Mark Dominus reads in a 1879 housekeeping book.
Hilarious ad-spoof from RailsEnvy.com, found by Curt Hibbs. “Hi, I’m Ruby on Rails…”
At the end of the tunnel, “Neurophysiologist Kevin Nelson, New Scientist tells us, thinks that near-death experiences (or NDEs) “may be little more than dream-like states brought on by stress and a predisposition to a common kind of sleep disorder. If he’s right, as many as 40 per cent of us could be primed to see the light.””
out! out! brief candle
life’s but an open window
an I must jump back thru it now
— Bob Dylan, A Message (to the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee)
We Are Evo — Mostly, Patrick Logan shows a map on the Evoltion Treat ment in American schools.
Free Advice for the Litigious…, by Jonathan Schwartz. “That’s not a genie any litigator I know can put back in a bottle.”
Life after the Dalai Lama, “The spiritual leader of the Tibetan people is now 71—and finally talking about retirement.”
Proposal to encode Latin Capital Letter Sharp S to the UCS, SO EINE SCHEISSE HATTEN WIR DOCH SCHONMAL.
The Wolfram 2,3 Turing Machine Prize, get $25k for proving whether or not the 2,3 machine is in fact universal.
there’s a movie called
Shoot the Piano Player
the last line proclaimin’
“music, man, that’s where it’s at”
it is a religious line
outside, the chimes rung
an’ they
are still ringin’
— Bob Dylan, Eleven Outlined Epitaphs
Bike helmet crushed, but head fine, “I didn’t see it coming, but I sure felt it roll over my head. It feels really strange to have a truck run over your head.” WJW.
Zunker Bot, “Today I’ve got something special for you. It is the front-end of a botnet for spam.”
Ruport finally gets to 1.0, big kudos to Gregory Brown et al.
The direction of the eye, so misleading
The defection of the soul, nauseously quick
I don’t question, our existence
I just question, our modern needs
— Pearl Jam, Garden
Ambiguous words and dictionary hacks, Mark Dominus looks for words with multiple meanings using a bit of Perl.
Erlang, Termite and a Blog, featuring the famous ring benchmark.
Cork’d Has Been Acquired, congratz to the team.
The Lightable is an amazing thing.
The Optimal Google Search is the Result, Jonathan Wellons makes a good point.
The L in DSL: langue ou langage?, David A. Black on whether DSLs are languages and if that’s good.
People try to put us d-down
Just because we g-g-get around
Things they do look awful c-c-cold
Yeah, I hope I die before I get old
— The Who, My Generation
Boycott, Patrick Logan rocks: “You’ve completely built your data center to be dependent on Microsoft? Ha, ha, ha!!! You’re *kidding*, right?”
Merge tracking in Subversion 1.5, finally.
US conservatives block cancer vaccine for girls, “Plans to vaccinate young girls against the sexually-transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer have been blocked in several US states by conservative groups, who say that doing so would encourage promiscuity.” Idiots.
MissingBDD is a pretty early BDD framework for Erlang and Common Lisp.
A Beginner’s Guide to Forth, by J.V. Noble.

Woody Guthrie was my last idol
he was the last idol
because he was the first idol
I’d ever met
face t’ face
that men are men
shatterin’ even himself
as an idol
— Bob Dylan, Eleven Outlined Epitaphs
Making COLAs with Pepsi and Coke, a white-paper advocating widespread, unreasonable behaviour by Ian Piumarta.
Kickin’ It Old School, uncov goes IRC.
High Power Job, WJW. :)
FSI Releases Spiekermann’s FF Mt, I’m really too late for this April Fool’s, but you shouldn’t miss it.
The shortest and “mysterious” Towers of Hanoi algorithm, neato!
Tremor, MichaelCrawford on schizophrenia and medicines’ side-effects.
Daily 9x9 Nurikabe, nice way to waste time.
RESTful Web Services, by Leonard Richardson and Sam Ruby hits the stores.
Your grass it is turning black
There’s no water in your well
Your grass is turning black
There’s no water in your well
You spent your last lone dollar
On seven shotgun shells
— Bob Dylan, Ballad Of Hollis Brown
Sheldon on Helvetica, fun.
Swiftiply is a backend agnostic clustering proxy for web applications that is specifically designed to support HTTP traffic from web frameworks.
Message Based Programming, by Gilad Bracha. “Alan Kay was recently quoted as saying that Smalltalk should have been message oriented rather than object oriented.”
The Apotheosis of Washington depicts George Washington ascending to the heavens and becoming a god. WJW.
Now the medicine man comes and he shuffles inside
He walks with a swagger and he says to the bride
“Stop all this weeping, swallow your pride
You will not die, it’s not poison”
— Bob Dylan, Tombstone Blues
Hip Hop Isn’t Dying, It Just Sucks, news at 11.
Helmets Attract Cars to Cyclists, may be safer, still.
People Who May or May Not Actually Exist, “There are a lot of important people we know little about. Some might not even exist!” Everything you know is wrong.
Puzzle #12, by John Baez. “What is the size of New Jersey, shaped like a dog bone, and named after a famous woman?”
Zoomable Unicode Chart, nifty.
I Think You Know What the Problem Is Just as Well as I Do, what a house.
A helicopter parent is a term for a person who pays extremely close attention to his or her child or children, particularly at educational institutions. They rush to prevent any harm from befalling them or letting them learn from their own mistakes, sometimes even contrary to the children’s wishes.
Why does it hurt me
To feel so much tenderness?
You little wonder, you
— Aimee Mann, The Forgotten Arm
IPv6 Ping Pong, and recent routing flaws.
First Steps to Scala, “In this article, you’ll follow 12 steps that are designed to help you understand and gain some basic skills in the Scala programming language.”
The Lines Number: 40 337 956, fascinating.
Constant change, how Dabble DB continuously adds new features—no version numbers required.
Harpy is a library for run-time code generation in Haskell programs. x86 only. (And a hooray to using Haskell for “DSLs”.)
One woman can’t have a baby in nine months, Peter Seibel says. At least not reliably.
Ruby: Academically Viable?, Gregory Brown wonders. I’m sceptic.
You c’n step on my name, you c’n try ‘n’ get me beat,
When I leave New York, I’ll be standin’ on my feet.
And it’s hard times in the city,
Livin’ down in New York town.
— Bob Dylan, Hard Times In New York Town
A Painless Guide To Crc Error Detection Algorithms, “Everything you wanted to know about CRC algorithms, but were afraid to ask for fear that errors in your understanding might be detected.”
An Island for Destroyed Cities, “crimes against architecture.”
How’d We Get Into This Mess?, uncov on how to make a Web 2.0 site: “Dumb programmers with easy to use frameworks” etcpp.
The Art of Words, Kurt Cagle on the future of writing and publishing.
Ramaze 0.1 has been released. Kudos to manveru.
mymuesli.com, “Stell’ Dir Dein Müsli selbst zusammen. Wir liefern es Dir nach Hause.” Genial!
“Der große Selbstbetrug” von Kai Diekmann.
And they don’t give the answers
At the end of the test
So you can’t simply stand there and hope for the best
So wake me up at the border
When we reach Mexico
I’ll tell you a secret I don’t even know
— Aimee Mann, King of The Jailhouse
Helvetica at 50, BBC News. For some reason, I only like it in print, but not on screen. Can’t figure why.
Tsujigiri (辻斬) is a Japanese term for someone who, after receiving a new katana or developing a new fighting style or weapon, tests its effectiveness by attacking a human opponent.
Theories for Algorithm Calculation (PDF), thesis of Johan Theodoor Jeuring. Very interesting because it uses a lot of Squiggol.
Knuth-Morris-Pratt in Haskell, the classic string search algorithm.
Understanding ActiveRecord: A Gentle Introduction to the Heart of Rails, second part, by Gregory Brown.
quality of Google searches?, danah boyd thinks it went down. I agree.
Tokyo Revelation, “Japanese photographer Hisaharu Motada [sic] envisions the radioactive and decomposing cityscapes of post-apocalyptic Tokyo in his Neo-Ruins series of photographs.”
Science Fiction and the City: Film Fest Recap at BLDG BLOG.
Rethinking the Linux Distribution, by George Belotsky. “This article ties together a number of exciting ideas in the Free/Open Source (FOSS) community, to suggest a new direction for the Linux distribution.”
Web 2.0: So easy a 14 year old can do it, if that’s real: WJW.
Pickler Combinators, by Andrew Kennedy. “The tedium of writing pickling and unpickling functions by hand is relieved using a combinator library similar in spirit to the well-known parser combinators.”
Everyday Perl 6, by Jonathan Scott Duff. “Perl 6 will soon be here.”
XML Parser Benchmarks: Part 1, by Matthias Farwick and Michael Hafner. Java-heavy. (And no expat?)
Here’s to Cisco an’ Sonny an’ Leadbelly too,
An’ to all the good people that traveled with you.
Here’s to the hearts and the hands of the men
That come with the dust and are gone with the wind.
— Bob Dylan, Song To Woody
Transforming JSON, with FXSL. Please!
The Paxos algorithm for consensus in a message-passing system was first described by Lamport in 1990 in a tech report that was widely considered to be a joke. A followable description.
Paxos Made Simple (PDF), by Leslie Lamport. As if.
Dunbar’s number, which is 150, represents a theoretical maximum number of individuals with whom a set of people can maintain a social relationship, the kind of relationship that goes with knowing who each person is and how each person relates socially to every other person.
The Mind of a Web Developer: An Illustrated Diagram, very true.
DTrace for Ruby is available, now if I had Solaris… great news.
Lollipop sequence numbering is a numbering scheme used in routing protocols. In this numbering scheme, sequence numbers start at a negative value, increase until they reach zero, then cycles through a finite set of positive numbers indefinitely. When a system is rebooted, the sequence is restarted from a negative number again. This allows recently rebooted systems to be distinguished from systems which have simply looped around their numbering space.
Handshake is an informal design-by-contract system written in pure Ruby. It‘s intended to allow Ruby developers to apply simple, clear constraints to their methods and classes.
Erlang For The Practical Man, a whirlwind tour by Jarosław “sztywny” Rzeszótko.
So I tell them that
I can fly, I will scream, I will break my arm
I will do me harm
Here I stand, foot in hand, talking to my wall
I’m not quite right at all…am I?
— David Bowie, All The Madmen
A No-Frills Kitchen Still Cooks, minimalist cookin’.
The Encyclopedia of Life is an ecosystem of websites that makes all key information about life on Earth accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Our goal is to create a constantly evolving encyclopedia that lives on the Internet, with contributions from scientists and amateurs alike. To transform the science of biology, and inspire a new generation of scientists, by aggregating all known data about every living species. And ultimately, to increase our collective understanding of life on Earth, and safeguard the richest possible spectrum of biodiversity.
Francis Bacon Studio, WJW.
Kommunikation mit Zettelkästen (PDF, letzte zwei Seiten) von Niklas Luhmann.
Künstliche Intelligenz aus Holz, “Weltweit bemüht man sich, künstliche Intelligenz zu modellieren. Der Soziologe Niklas Luhmann brauchte dafür nur Holz und Papier. Sein legendärer Zettelkasten wusste mehr als er selbst …”
The Kurt Vonnegut Library, fifteen etexts.
10 Attributes of Really Lazy People, mwahahaha.
The Top 15 Han Solo Quotes You Need to Use in Regular Conversation, essential knowledge.
Unit testing for RLisp, I like the API.
The Perl Job Market Blues, by Curtis Poe. “As a former COBOL programmer, I can assure that there are no modern programming languages which I would consider technically inferior to COBOL.”
PLT Scheme now has a project blog.
Just then a bolt of lightning
Struck the courthouse out of shape,
And while ev’rybody knelt to pray
The drifter did escape.
— Bob Dylan, Drifter’s Escape
e7 is a new, pragmatic Lisp.
dystruktshun of inglesh as we no, danah boyd on spelling.
Shit Just Got Real, John Wiseman on “the biggest fire in Griffith Park since the 60s”. Featuring pictures.
Reset Reloaded, an improved CSS reset by Eric Meyer.
OpenJDK ought to contain the full SE as of today.
Moleskine Popups, big fun.
Comet with Rails + Mongrel, I should port that to Rack.
I’m an apatheist. The question is no longer interesting, and the answer no longer matters. — petro
Overview of the C Object System (PDF), “Using C as an high-level object-oriented language”, by Laurent Deniau. Featuring multimethods and closures.
An Alternative Theory of Unions, by Paul Graham. “Basically, unions were just Razorfish.”
DocBook in the Wild: A Look at Newer Content, by Keith Fahlgren. The study goes on: “I’m interested in whether our markup for books produced in DocBook differs greatly from books produced in FrameMaker or InDesign and converted into DocBook.”
Stand and Deliver, by David Sleight at A List Apart. “Good design is iterative, the result of removing the unnecessary until only real value remains. A good presentation, even on the business end of a firing squad, is no different.”
Educate Your Stakeholders!, by Shane Diffily at A List Apart. “If you spend the time to educate your clients or managers at the beginning of the project, it will be repaid many times over by better decisions later on.”

Alligator Eggs, a game teaching the lambda calculus(!). Most excellent, must see.
Blackjack Ruby and Nimrod Cain
The moon’s the color of a coffee stain
jesse Frank and Birdy Joe Hoaks
But who is the king of all these folks?
— Tom Waits, Bottom Of The World
Pugs Tic Tac, nice little Tic-Tac-Toe script in Perl 6.
The Coldest Place in North America, featuring icy beards.
BarbieGirls BETA, beware!!
Calling Erlang from Ruby (Teaser), uses JSON, but nevertheless hot.
listing problems instead of solutions, Kevin Rutherford recommends for todo entries (and commit messages). Reasonable, actually… should do that too.
And then he’s drunk and never even told her that her cared
So they took the registration, and the car-keys and her shoes
And left her with an invitation to the blues
— Tom Waits, Invitation To The Blues
A Chat with Aaron Swartz, including why he has been left Reddit, women in IT and Google.
Software Development With Trac, slides by Matt Good.
Bowling in Haskell: A response to Ron Jeffries, by Eric Kidd. Very clear code.
The Lesbian Bride’s Handbook, by Ariel Levy. “Is white appropriate? What’s the right term for a groom who’s a woman? And what to say to her mother?”
when asked t’ give your real name… never give it. — Bob Dylan, Advice for Geraldine on her Miscellaneous Birthday
ngrease is a template-based metalanguage and language set.
And love is a stranger who’ll beckon you on,
Don’t think of the danger or the stranger is gone.
— Nancy Sinatra, You Only Live Twice
Human evolution has stalled, by gndn. “Artificially prolonging the lifespan of genetically inferior instances of the species runs counter to the purpose of evolution. It makes us all weaker.” Been thinking of that for years.
What Goes Around, Patrick Logan has four good questions on the actor model.
Pleasant Experience with Apple’s Security Contact, by Nitesh Dhanjani. Just two days to fix a XSS.
DePo Clean WordPress Theme, by Derek Powazek. Really good one, and a nice one to start hacking, too. (I really, really, loved his older more-graphic sites, too.)
The Awesome Power of Spare Cycles, Chris Anderson says: “Web 2.0 is such a phenomena because we’re underused elsewhere. Bored at work, bored at home.”
Ach komm
Oh komm
Komm mit
Ins Wasser
Weil du
Und Sex
Und Wasser
Das schönste was es gibt
Wenn du mich im Wasser liebst
Das schönste was es gibt
Wenn du mich im Wasser liebst
— DAF, Sex unter Wasser
TwitBin is an extension for Firefox that brings the power of twitter right in your browser. Yum.
Microsoft and Yahoo, Sitting in a Tree, John Gruber says: “But at a technical level, it would be quite a thing, because Yahoo’s software isn’t written using Microsoft technology.”
And now she’s dead
Forever dead
Forever dead and lovely now
And now she’s dead
Forever dead
And she’s so dead and lovely now
— Tom Waits, Dead And Lovely
The ocean sunfish, pez luna, moon fish, or common mola, Mola mola, is the heaviest bony fish in the world.
… die größte deutsche Frau seit Rosa Luxemburg. — Erich Fried
DRM: The recorded music industry’s big lie, by D Jade. “It is important that people understand the facts. There is no doom courtesy of piracy. There is no destruction around the corner. BIG MUSIC (TM) has become lazy and use these, and any other excuses, to avoid actually having to work.”
How to Tie the 10 Most Useful Knots, essential knowledge.
The Story of the PING Program, written by Mike Muuss, the original author.
Strange Traffic Sign – What does it mean?, “Do not boink air-planes of course!”
Keeping track of multiple objects: How and when is it learned?, with a link to try yourself. I can do 2 or 3 objects.
“i want to send you some uml” “some what?” “can you read uml?” “no” “i thought you were a developer?” “yeah, i thought you were, too” — Tweet by defunkt
Stripe Generator 2.0 beta, must-have.
Twitter Mobile, I actually like that interface more than the web version. :-)
Semantic World Record at DERI Galway!, “The Semantic Web Search Engine developed at DERI is able to answer queries with more than 7 billion RDF statements in fractions of a second – the largest number reported so far anywhere in the world.”
Ceph is a distributed network file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability, and scalability. Supports Petabyte-scale storage.
Functional pearls, a comprehensive list.
When you sleep where do your fingers go?
what do your fingers know
what do your fingers show
where do your fingers go
— Cake, When You Sleep
NATO: RC Toys are a Threat, John Wiseman says. WJW.
Compost bin of Joi Ito. A bit crooked?
An Introduction to XML Data Binding in C++, by Boris Kolpackov. I expected template magic.
Opengazer is an open-source gaze tracker for ordinary webcams. Yum.
pjsua is an open source command line SIP user agent that is used as the reference implementation for PJSIP and PJMEDIA.
RedHanded closes the doors. So it goes.
On the train you get smaller, as you get farther away
The roar covers everything you wanted to say
Was that a raindrop or a tear in your eye?
Were you drying your nails or waving goodbye?
— Tom Waits, 2:19
Alice 1.4 has been released!, Alice is a functional programming language based on Standard ML, extended with rich support for concurrent, distributed, and constraint programming.
RPS25, if Rock Paper Scissors is 22 to less for you. Very cool.
Mourning man lies in own grave, and waits to die, let’s put it on the “things you do when you’re 103”-list.
Be Dee Dee and Me, a Rails and BDD intro featuring test/spec.
Internet-wide feature request: “Snooze”, by Merlin Mann. Oh yeah!
JSONstore is a simple MicroApp that gives you a RESTful store for JSON objects. It uses the shove module for storage, supporting multiple storage backends, and is deployed as a WSGI application using Python Paste.
Phone companies levy new fee for not making calls, WJW.
I’ve spoken to God on the mountain
And I’ve swam in the Irish sea
I ate fire and drank from the Ganges
And I’ll beg there for mercy for me
— Tom Waits, Lucinda
LambdaVM is a JVM backend for GHC. Could be useful some day.
Your existence gives me hope: part 2, Damien Katz explains. I like it.
Yahoo To Shut Down Yahoo Photos In Favor Of Flickr, Michael Arrington says. Impressive.
TDD Is Not An Algorithm Generator!, Vlad Levin says and I couldn’t agree more.
Sex Toy or Baby Toy?, a not easy quiz.
String Tripod, useful!
stuckUnstuck is a result of an industry cry for help, primarily focused on moving from a 1.0 to 2.0 web world. This site is a collaborative work-in-progress with the goal of collecting and sharing your scenarios of being stuck and unstuck.
Getting POSH, Anarchaia is POSH, are you too?
Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen ungehindert zu unterrichten. Die Pressefreiheit und die Freiheit der Berichterstattung durch Rundfunk und Film werden gewährleistet. Eine Zensur findet nicht statt. — Grundgesetz Art. 5, Abs. 1
The Savannas of Sebastopol, by James Turner and R. Silverman. O’Reilly got a comic strip.
Ardour 2.0 released for OS X and Linux.
Well he went down down down
and the jumped on his head
he went down down down
stayin’ in a broken down shed
— Tom Waits, Down Down Down
Ext3cow is an open-source, versioning file system based on ext3. It provides a time-shifting interface that allows a real-time and continuous view of the past. This allows users to access their file system as it appeared at any point in time.
Datenspuren 2007: Privatsphäre war gestern, Der Chaos Computer Club Dresden lädt zum vierten Mal zum Symposium Datenspuren, am 5. und 6. Mai 2007 in Dresden.
Great streets, campuses, and pedestrian nostalgia, highly insightful conclusions at BLDG BLOG.
DocBook Elements in the Wild, Keith Fahlgren is doing nice stuff with DocBook and Atom at O’Reilly.
Well its got to be a chocolate jesus
Good enough for me
Got to be a chocolate jesus
Good enough for me
— Tom Waits, Chocolate Jesus
Is our foreign aid going to waste?, United Fools wonders.
hgsvn is a set of scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial.
Silly season, Mark Pilgrim on Apollo and Silverspo^H^H^Hlight. So true…
sary is a suffix array library and tools. It provides fast full-text search facilities for text files on the order of 10 to 100 MB using a data structure called a suffix array. It can also search specific fields in a text file by assigning index points to those fields.
The Copeland-Erdős constant is the concatenation of “0.” with the base 10 representations of the prime numbers in order. Its value is approximately 0.235711131719232931374143…
Group Asks Congress to Adopt Five-Day Weekend, I support this!
Ruport in 10 minutes, an introductory comic!
Wolfram Reinvents Mathematica, quite impressive new things in Mathematica 6.
As they take eye for an eye until no one can see, we must stumble blindly forward, repeating history. — Bright Eyes, Let’s Not Shit Ourselves (To Love And Be Loved)
REST, as in Take It Easy, a tutorial by Tim Bray.
Method Cache Hacking in SBCL. “This cache is basically an open hash-table specialized to be keyed by lists of classes.”

Paradoxes of the Continuum, Part II, “For the secretive Pythagorean Brotherhood, who believed that reality was simply numbers, mathematics was worth killing over.”
BREAD IS DANGEROUS !!!, “More than 98 percent of convicted felons are bread users.” Yum.
Slingshot is there. “We will be releasing the source code for Slingshot next month (June, 2007) under the GPL.”
The Monad.Reader Issue 7 has been published.
Geh’n wir mal rüber, geh’n wir mal rüber,
geh’n wir mal rüber zu Schmidt seiner Frau.
Geh’n wir mal rüber, geh’n wir mal rüber.
geh’n wir mal rüber zum Schmidt.
— Schmidt seine Frau
The architecture of solar alignments, the Chankillo ruins, near the Peruvian coast, made the news a few months back when they were discovered to be an ancient solar observatory.
Drug promotion and bribes, by sudogeek. “A study published today in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that 94% of doctors take some sort of bribe from pharmaceutical companies. Many doctors argue that these considerations are harmless and that the voluntary controls currently in place suffice.” What should they say else?
The Open Sourcing of FLEX, Kurt Cagle comments. “The Open-sourcing of Flex represents a fairly dramatic shift in this particular struggle, one which will likely have ramifications lasting for years.”
Nordic Perl Workshop 2007, talks and slides are online. Worth a look.
Excessive precision, fun with units and Mark Dominus.
Math (Eww?), _why on teaching programming without arithmetics.
Three questions, by Richard Hamming. Very good.
Digging Deep: Evil packaging tricks with Ara, Gregory Brown interviews Ara T. Howard.
Komm zum Tannenzapfenzupfen in den Wald mit mir
Maria Luise!
Denn zum Tannenzapfenzupfen geh’ ich nur mit dir
Maria Luise!
— Die Jungen Zillertaler, Tannenzapfenzupfen
The Trivial Monad, a nice explanation of the basics.
Code As Data: Reflection in PHP, by Zachary Kessin. This is by far not as bad as I expected it.
The Heart of Try Ruby, epileptics beware!
Pallet is a Rakefile-based tool to easily build different package types (such as .deb, .gem) from the same source. Currently builds Debian packages and Ruby Gems, but is trivially extensible to provide support for other packaging formats (.tar.gz, .rpm, etc.).
Man frage nicht, was all die Zeit ich machte.
Ich bleibe stumm
Und sage nicht, warum
Und Stille gab es, da die Erde krachte.
Kein Wort, das traf,
man spricht nur aus dem Schlaf
Und träumt von einer Sonne, welche lachte.
Es geht vorbei,
Nachher war’s einerlei.
Das Wort entschlief, als jene Welt erwachte.
— Karl Kraus, Fackel #888
Pages in The Wiki containing “teach” in the title, a very good read.
Fluents: a Uniform Extension of Kernel Prolog for Reflection and Interoperation with External Objects, by Paul Tarau. “On top of a simple kernel (Horn Clause Interpreters with LD-resolution) we introduce Fluents, high level stateful objects which empower and simplify logic programming languages through reflection of the underlying interpeter, while providing uniform interoperation patterns with object oriented and procedural languages.”
Pig is Hadoop powered parallel processing system akin to sawzall, but made by Yahoo, based on relational algebra and BSD-licensed.