Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
XSLT as Pretty Printer, by Hew Wolff. “I decided to try writing that style sheet, using a test-driven approach.”
Transcript of Richard Stallman at the 5th international GPLv3 conference, 21st November 2006.
Family Tree of Schema Languages (v6), by Rick Jelliffe.
People of Perl: Josh McAdams, interview by Bit-Man with the guy behind PerlCasts.
Rendering Grass Terrains in Real-Time with Dynamic Lighting, “Our implementation allows the rendering of a football field, covered by approximately 627 million virtual grass blades, with dynamic lighting, shadows and anti-aliasing in real-time.”
A hundred thousand years ago before legends were ever told
Homo Sapien stood erect, mind empty and mind fresh.
Created Love and Hate. Created God and Anti-God.
— The Minutemen, History Lesson
web.py 0.2 has been released. Let’s see what’s worth copying… ;-)
Free Your Mind, by Al Riske. “Like all good engineering efforts, ZFS, the revolutionary new file system in Solaris 10, began in a moment of anger.”
A newbie in Haskell land or another monad tutorial, by alpheccar: “The first thing to note is that monads are EASY!!” Alright.
Using source control tools on huge projects, by Joel Spolsky.
SBCL 1.0 is released. Big kudos to anyone involved.
Drilling Square Holes, by Scott Smith. WJW.
What different parts of the world eats in one week, a stunning comparision.
Automotive Ossuary, very nice tunnel hack.
Multicasting in Ruby, Jim Weirich figured out how to do UDP packet multicasting in Ruby.
I’m waiting and diversing
I’m collecting…diversing information…
Bob Dylan wrote propaganda songs!
Bob Dylan wrote propaganda songs!
— The Minutemen, Bob Dylan Wrote Propaganda Songs
Oh Yeah: Irb Applet, applets suck, but if they run Ruby…
und bei google…, auf Platz 1 zum Stichwort “Suchmaschine”. Sehr geil.
Samidat 0.6.0 is released, probably one of the oldest Ruby projects alive.
The Making of a LEGO Brick, wow.
Staatlicher Jugendschützer bricht Lanze für deutsches Jugendschutzsystem, danke.
PostgreSQL performance through the eyes of DTrace, damn nifty, I admit.
Threadless Concurrency on the JVM – aka Scala Actors, with a small example.
It’s hard to believe
It’s goin’ down so fast
When Einstein died
He thought you built it to last
— Dan Bern, Past Belief
As seen on Google Maps, Escher over England is awesome.
Give the Gift of Security and Privacy on a USB Drive, Ming Chow says.
Theoretical Computer Science Cheat Sheet, neat.
Frequency of Occurrence of Letters in French, I tried to find words with K.
hugin is an easy to use cross-platform GUI for Panorama Tools.
Snowdonia, stitches from Mars.
Glancing alternative song structures with Graphviz, WJW.
in these times, “one learns to become positively vendor-averse.” Yay!
del.icio.us will eat itself, or.ob.us?
How many ways to get what you want
I use the best I use the rest
I use the enemy I use anarchy cos I
I wanna be anarchy!
The only way to be!
— Sex Pistols, Anarchy In The UK
The Transfold Pattern, “Process the elements of one or more aggregate objects without exposing their representation and without writing explicit loops”.
Rerouting Rails, Part II, Paul Battley is rewriting the Rails routing code in a far simpler and shorter way. Looking forward to see it.
Immer weniger Studienanfänger in Informatik, in Deutschland kehrt die Vernunft ein??
The Functional Guts of the Kleisli Query System, by Limsoon Wong. “The primary query language provided by Kleisli is called CPL, which is a functional query language whose surface syntax is based on the comprehension syntax.”
Fun in the Afternoon, slides are online.
It takes courage to enjoy it
The hard-core and the gentle
Big time sensuality
— Björk, Big Time Sensuality
Understanding XML in 15 Seconds (or Less!), by M. David Peterson. Hehe.
Choose RELAX Now, I never got why people wasted their time with XSD anyway. I just wonder why it took so long.
Discussions: Flat or Threaded?, Fugi’s threading looked nice, but failed as well.
Man vs machine shocker: Kramnik allows mate in one, pwned!
Come on girl
Let’s sneak out of this party
It’s getting boring
There’s more to life than this
— Björk, There’s More To Life Than This
The Porn Myth, “The onslaught of porn is responsible for deadening male libido in relation to real women, and leading men to see fewer and fewer women as “porn-worthy.”
CouchDb 0.6.0, I really gotta figure out how they replicate.
The mine hijackers, “Glaciers are the future of architectural design.”
The Sano framework contains pure-Lua implementations of several common (and a few not-so-common) data structures and related algorithms. It runs under both Lua 5.0 and 5.1, and is MIT licensed.
Confucianism and Technical Standards, WJW.
How It All Started… AKA the Birth of the CLR , they used Lisp!
Why Haskell?, by Mark C. Chu-Carroll. “[T]he most important one is that it changes the way that you think about programming.”
13 things that do not make sense, collected by Michael Brooks. Good list.
Oh God, before I leave this life
Now an eightball isn’t love
A hooker’s never gonna come
Just give it back to me
Blow out all of the lights tonight.. Ow… Oh yeah
— Courtney Love, Mono
Early sketch of Stonehenge found, Maev Kennedy says.
OOPSLA 2007 happens October 21–25, 2007 Palais des congrès de Montréal, Canada.
The Future of LtU, “This is a cry for help.”
Well any man with a microphone
can tell you what he loves the most
and you know why you love at all
if you’re thinking of the holy ghost
if you’re thinking of the holy ghost
— The White Stripes, Dead Leaves And The Dirty Ground
(let* ((yin ((lambda (foo) (newline) foo)
(call/cc (lambda (bar) bar))))
(yang ((lambda (foo) (write-char #*) foo)
(call/cc (lambda (bar) bar)))))
(yin yang))
(source)Body mod: Turn your pee blue!, I thought Methylene Blue would harm the cells…
tt is an implementation of the constructive and predicative theory of dependent types (also known as Martin-Löf type theory) in the programing language C. Wow.
Vim Tutorial, featuring Socrates and Glaucon. Cute.
netiognomy, “can you tell me one tool that lets me build websites that’s more pleasant than having an airbag deploy in your face?”…
ArrowLISP is an interpreter for a purely symbolic, side effect-free, lexically scoped dialect of LISP. It may be considered an implementation of pure LISP plus global definitions.
The inevitable destruction of the WS-Deathstar, DHH predicts. “The battle is far from over, but you, the viewer, are no longer in doubt which way its going to turn out.”
CEAN is the Comprehensive Erlang Archive Network.
I can’t fake it my love,
I need filling come on,
I need it louder than bombs
— Auf Der Maur, Taste You
More Haste, Less Speed, “The Complexity of Lazy Evaluation”, by Richard Bird, Geraint Jones and Oege de Moor. “We have shown, we believe for the first time, that lazy evaluation of functional programming languages is strictly more powerful than eager evaluation, as measured by the asymptotic complexity of evaluating certain programs.”
Avoid the loony Zune, “Yes, Microsoft’s new Zune digital music player is just plain dreadful.”
Tree of Life, featuring ~3,000 species, based on rRNA sequences.
How to structure large CSS files, helpful tips.
Indexing faster than Ferret with some algorithmic help (an order of magnitude faster than Lucene? can’t be), mfp: “I’ve realized that my initial performance comparisons were flawed because the index included neither the text nor the term vectors.”
Line me up in single file
with all your grievances
stare but I can taste
you’re still alive below the waste
ripples come and ripples go
and ripple back to me
— Tori Amos, Pandora’s Aquarium
How Telescopes Really Work and What You Can See Through Them, “One of the frustrating things about astronomy is that what you can see with an amateur telescope from your back yard in a well lit city is quite different from what you can see from the wilderness with a telescope the size of a truck.”
Review: 17” MacBook Pro vs Cambridge Z88, big fun.
Open Java changes Everything, Paul Browne says. “Java will become more like .Net with multiple languages running in the standard JVM.”
The Joy of Local Mailing Lists, by Geoffrey Grosenbach. I’ve been noticing the same about Ruby IRC channels…
Your god is dead and no one cares
drowning in his own hypocrisy
and if there is a hell I will see you there
burning with your god in humility
— Nine Inch Nails, Heresy
do you speak german?, und wie man auf dem Bazar von Kairo in Ruhe gelassen wird.
Be a pointer, when C programmers start writing poetry.
Beyond wikis are… planets, and challenges for wikis in an enterprise.
The Windows Shutdown crapfest, from an ex-Microsoft developer.
Sheila rides on crashing nightingale
Intake eyes leave passing vapor trails
With blushing brilliance alive
Because it’s time to arrive
— The Smashing Pumpkins, To Sheila
Are You a Whiteboard Warrior?, “A “whiteboard warrior” is someone who uses inclusive tools, such as whiteboards or paper, to do software modeling.”
A Rare Material and a Surprising Weapon, I had the idea of using Polonium as a poison way earlier… ;)
Just an Anti-Semitic Laugh? Hardly., a review of Borat by Charles Krauthammer.
PS3 sold for $0.99, made my day.
Penny Alcohol Backpacking Stove, by Mark Jurey. Very useful.
Perl/Linux is a Linux distribution where ALL programs are written in perl.
Really really getting the testing religion, by Edd Dumbill. “I found myself desperately uncomfortable with the idea of releasing anything that didn’t have decent test coverage. And so a virtuous habit is formed.”
Heil’ge Gluten, reiner Schnee,
Golden Freiheitkissen,
Abendglanzumstrahlter See,
Schluchten, wild zerrissen —
Daß im Schweizerlandrevier
Sich kein Nacken bücke!
Kaiser ist der Bürger hier;
Vive la republique!
— Georg Herwegh, Vive la République!
Programming language theory texts online, a treasure box by Frank Atanassow.
From Löb’s Theorem to Spreadsheet Evaluation, “sometimes you can write useful Haskell code merely by writing something that type checks successfully”.
Befreites Dokument: Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse zur Gesundheitskarte , yum: “Dokumentation eines Technologie-Desasters: Der CCC-Abteilung Dokumentenbefreiung ist eine interne Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse zur elektronischen Gesundheitskarte zugespielt worden.” Man beachte auch die URL.
sunny side up, Lydia über das Wetter.
Naïve suffix array search engine vs. Ferret vs. Lucene, fast indexing but slow search…
Der ist allein ein freier Mann,
Und seiner sei gedacht,
Der sie sich selbst verdienen kann,
Die Freiheit in der Schlacht
— Georg Herwegh, Wer ist frei?
Yow. More Wii Fun, Patrick Logan: “Sorry Microsoft. Sorry Sony. The Nintendo Wii is the best thing in gaming in the last 20 years, and you have a ton of work to do to catch up.”
gaia, an attempt to reverse engineer famous Google Earth and implement it’s functionality in open, portable, customizable and extendable way. Whoo.
Writer2LaTeX, Writer2BibTeX, Writer2xhtml and Calc2xhtml, OpenOffice.org converters.
Music and Metadata, by Chris Mitchell. “The article builds up to the ideas of a Semantic Web music browser and discusses how multimedia description formats, such as MPEG-7, could be used to augment its functionality.”
So if I make it through, if I come to you
Let’s not waste our time on anything but love
My trousers and my shirt and the jacket on my back
Have let me step outside myself, maybe just enough
— Dan Bern, Another Man’s Clothes
7 reasons for del.icio.us’ success, by Manuel Simoni.
The Invent-a-Micronation Contest…, “BLDGBLOG readers, now is your chance to shine: using 100 words or less, tell us what kind of micronation you would found – and where.”
Sexbuntu, it surely would find users.
Vlerq from Ruby, this is gonna kick ass soon.
SSS is a command line spreadsheet. Basically, “cut” with math. For quick and dirty calculations when grepping logs and analyzing CSV’s.
The Python Papers, This journal, small though it is, represents the careful efforts of a small group of Python enthusiasts who are keen to form a better community in which developers may work.
Movie Cliches that Need to Die a Horrible Death, full ack.
Hear my name, take a good look
This could be the day
Hold my hand, walk beside me
I just need to say…
— Pearl Jam, Porch
Rope burning logic problem, I think I heard of this somewhere, but I can’t remember the answer right now.
Door To Door Atheists Bother Mormons, can we please have a new term to identify ourselves as “non-fucking-stupid atheists”. Thank you.
Leuchtschnabelbeutelschabe, auf Wikipedia.
Screwed by Bush (YouTube), the best thing on YouTube I’ve seen for some time. NSFW.
Performance Application Programming Interface, “PAPI aims to provide the tool designer and application engineer with a consistent interface and methodology for use of the performance counter hardware found in most major microprocessors. PAPI enables software engineers to see, in near real time, the relation between software performance and processor events.” Great for developing JITs etc.
So thanks to all who travel down this long and deadly road,
And thanks to all who take the risks and carry mankind’s load.
The way is never easy and there are no promised lands,
For those who make the sacrifice of Madame Curie’s hands.
For those who choose the sacrifice of Madame Curie’s hands.
— Duane Elms, Madame Curie’s Hands
Casino Royale (2006), by Psycho Dave. For some reason, I’m totally not excited about the last James Bond…
Security: Using the Internet – Anonymously, by Kristy Westphal. Soudns useful: “Anonym.OS, a LiveCD built on OpenBSD that allows you to utilize the Tor network, along with Privoxy, to surf the Internet anonymously.”
CouchDb Demo Site, they’ve got replication.
Architecture is the art of how to waste space. — Philip Johnson
architectural-theory.pdf, “The fellows at Archfarm have added to their series of architectural PDFs – unfortunately referred to as “fascicles” – with Peter Yeadon’s recent thoughts on nanotechnology.” Highly recommended.
errare hu-mann-um est, Lydia über “Was Männer sagen und was Frauen daraus hören”.
Tennis, beer, and Tudor houses, “The energy-efficient building of the future was constructed 500 years ago.”
Functional Pearls: A Poor Man’s Concurrency Monad, by Koen Claessen. Very good one.
World’s Largest Superconducting Magnet Up and Running, neato.
Add graphics to your blog, book, or presentation, Kathy Sierra tells how to.
A Timeline of Timelines, worth alone for the metaness.
The sun scrapes away the first layers of the day
Nothing is meant; this is a beautiful accident
This could be the sunrise, or I could be wrong
‘cause sometimes what looks like the sunrise
Turns out to be an atom bomb
— The Flaming Lips, One Million Billionth Of A Millisecond On A Sunday Morning
Why do people live in cities?, “Someone I was talking to – no I can’t tell you who – claims that the answer is to enjoy casual or anonymous sex.”
Icon Facts, the icon format of the BeOS clone Haiku could be useful for other purposes, too.
Pinprick, the Gruber Theory of Software Pricing, in a nutshell: “Don’t underprice your software in an attempt to appeal to cheapskates.”
Beneath the Metadata, Some Philosophical Problems with Folksonomy. by Elaine Peterson.
Wahlausschuss in Cottbus ignoriert die Tatsachen, “Der Wahlprüfungsausschuss von Cottbus hat in seiner heutigen Sitzung der Stadtverordnetenversammlung von Cottbus einstimmig empfohlen, den Einspruch gegen die Oberbürgermeisterwahl vom 22. Oktober 2006 abzulehnen.” Amerikanische Verhältnisse…
Thunderbolts and nightsticks
Coming out of the sky
Flames overhead
Rain until you cry
— Dead Moon, Dead Moon Night
Montezuma Benchmarking, yay is Ferret fast.
WM-Sponge Fußball-Bob, und was man damit noch machen kann.
Adventures in architectural development, “The Angolan government is paying a consortium of Chinese companies $1.9 billion to completely reconstruct the tracks, the bridges, the stations, the equipment, all shattered by a quarter-century of warfare and neglect.”
Open Classes, Open Companies, Nathaniel Talbott’s RubyConf 2006 talk.
Accessing the non-perishable information on eigenclass.org, let me crash Mauricio Fernandez’ eternal self-critisism by saying that eigenclass.org is still the best technical Ruby blog around. (Even if it’s only from a blog with “link[s] to news story plus worthless comment”.)
Rich languages vs. minimal languages, Karsten Wagner says minimalism needs to be scrutinized in language design. My position (at the moment) is the core-language way of design, to which everything can be desugared.
I’m not blind
I can see it coming
Looks like lightning
In my child’s eye
— Pearl Jam, Army Reserve
Grouse Grep is a program that searches for a target string or regular expression pattern in one or more files. It features stunning performance for many common search cases, often outstripping GNU Grep or any other grep for speed. WJW.
The Space Cube is the world’s smallest personal computer. The unbelievably minuscule cube (2 x 2 x 2.2 inch case) packs 300 MHz CPU and 64 MB of SDRAM. Want one.
Doing your Propositional Logic homework with Lisp, a whirlwind tour of Lisp.
The Relics of Mu, “It seems that most every culture has a legend of a great society, ripe with wealth and wisdom, which is lost to the sea.” Never heard of “Yonaguni Monuments”.
In the beginning: scientists get ready to hunt for God particle, a.k.a. the Higgs boson.
Functional Reactive Programming, Continued, by Henrik Nilsson, Antony Courtney, and John Peterson. “AFRP is a powerful synchronous dataflow programming language with hybrid modeling capabilities, combining advanced synchronous dataflow features with the higher-order lazy functional abstractions of Haskell.”
nxhtml-mode is a major mode for editing XHTML files, based on nxml-mode.
Some suggestions for XProc, by Rick Jelliffe. Wouldn’t an Arrow-based XML transformation system be nice?
But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
That runs down my drain
— Bob Dylan, Masters Of War
Mounting a Remote Filesystem with sshfs, Jeremy Jones explains how to.
International Lisp Conference 2007, registration is open.

One-day Rails intro workshop in Toronto, December 15, by David A. Black.
How to build yourself a One Atmosphere Plasmoid, using your microwave!
To Catch a Thief, I kind of like the idea of an all-girl gang of teenage apartment burglars.
How did your dog food taste?, Bob Hutchison liked his.
The Venice Project, a project that combines the best things about television with the social power of the internet — a project that gives viewers, advertisers and content owners more choice, control and creativity than ever before.
Manually CPS-ing Python, yum!
Life comes from within your heart and desire
Life comes from within my heart and desire
Life comes from within your heart and desire
— Pearl Jam, Inside Job
KEA is an algorithm for extracting keyphrases from text documents. It can be either used for free indexing or for indexing with a controlled vocabulary.
Modular Type Classes, by Derek Dreyer, Robert Harper, and Manuel M. T. Chakravarty. Just what I’ve been looking for.
When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true:
“Death has been swallowed up in victory.
Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?”
— 1 Corinthians 15
Dogs Of Snow, by dakini. Cuuuute.
Step By Step: Why XML Pipelines Make Sense, by Kurt Cagle. I’ve been happy when I got rid of mine…
Bedbug registry, “Use the address boxes below to check for bedbug reports at any hotel or street address in the U.S. or Canada.” Soon featuring maps!
Eye Candy, Dave hat Beryl zum laufen gebracht. Kudos.
Get Rid of ActiveRecord Situps, chromatic didn’t know of DrySQL yet…
Perl’s taint mode to the rescue, Andy Lester says. Anyone use that in Ruby?
An orbiting array of reflective balloons focuses sunlight onto the surface of Mars, providing extra heat and solar power for human colonists.
Shut the light, shut the shade,
You don’t have to be afraid.
I’ll be your baby tonight.
— Bob Dylan, I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight
Support for additional programming languages, Google Code Search now supports Haskell and OCaml (among others), too.
Ruby for Symbian OS, Symbian is releasing Ruby for Symbian OS to the Open Source software developer community.
Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld have slime-mold Beetles named for them , deservedly.
What went wrong?
Walking tightrope high
Over moral ground.
Seeing visions of
Falling up somehow.
— Pearl Jam, Marker In The Sand
Casual Conversation, R.I.P., Bruce Schneier: “And we need to remember, whenever we type and send, we’re being watched.”
The 13 Most Embarrassing Web Moments, entertaining list.
Brio Networkers (Flash) are wooden(!) network tools for children. WJW.
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, by Ludwig Wittgenstein. Etext by Project Gutenberg.
Die technische Atmosphäre ist eine seit dem 1. Januar 1978 nicht mehr zulässige Einheit des Drucks. Die abgeleiteten Einheiten können nur von Deutschen gemacht sein.
MySpace.com uses iBATIS.NET for persistence, I’d now say that it doesn’t only look ugly… :-P
The S stands for Simple, made my day.
Most people who criticize Lisp don’t understand it, Slava Pestov says.
Wanted: man to land on killer asteroid and gently nudge it from path to Earth, Armageddon 2.0.
Wonderful logos & the logic behind them, I never noticed the thing with FedEx.
And these days, they linger on, yeah, yeah
And in the night, I’ve been waiting for
A real possibility that I may meet you in my dreams
I go to sleep
— Pearl Jam, Come Back
The XML decade, “Thoughts on IBM Systems Journal’s retrospective of XML at ten years (or so)”, is it over finally?
Utopian Typography, a “digital typeface that portrays the mixture between the modernist architecture of Oscar Niemeyer and informal occupation of the urban space that shapes major Brazilian cities.”
Caching Dynamic Content with Apache httpd, by Rich Bowen. “Twenty Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do with Your Apache Web Server Caching”.
ISO Standards for Schematron, RELAX NG, NVDL now available free , Rick Jelliffe says. “Other free standards available include for C, C# and CLI, FORTRAN, Z, JPEG200, CGM, and many concerned with telephony and removable media. ASN.1 is on the way, too.” Whoo!
Converting Content Models to Schematron, by Rick Jelliffe. Specification by assertion is really worth a look.
There’s a new day at dawn and I’ve finally arrived.
If I’m there in the morning, baby, you’ll know I’ve survived.
I can’t believe it, I can’t believe I’m alive,
But without you it just doesn’t seem right.
Oh, where are you tonight?
— Bob Dylan, Where Are You Tonight?
CAPOW implements continuous-valued cellular automata. Neat stuff.
A Manifesto for Networked Objects — Cohabiting with Pigeons, Arphids and Aibos in the Internet of Things (PDF), or: “Why Things Matter”, by Julian Bleecker. “‘Things’ in the pervasive Internet, will become first-class citizens with which we will interact and communicate.”
TreeMaker is software to construct origami.
lotus rose i’m so goth list, “I’m so goth, in preschool, the only crayon I used was black.” (Actually, that’s true for me.)
Objective Label is the label-selective extension of Objective Caml, following the guidelines in A label-selective lambda-calculus with optional arguments and its compilation method. It has also polymorphic variants, as described in Programming with polymorphic variants, and polymorphic methods, as formalized in Extending ML with semi-explicit higher order polymorphism.
A simple full-text search engine in 200 lines of Ruby, Mauricio Fernandez freaking rocks.
Das Land ist still
Die Menschen noch immer wie tot
Still. Das Land ist still. Noch.
— Wolf Biermann, Noch
Flat Screen (Irish Style), mwahahahaha. WJW.
We’ll always have Emacs, Bill Clementson on operating systems.
Earth’s Surface, nice shots.
WiiLi is a live Linux CD that makes the Nintendo Wii boot into a full Linux Desktop without the need of a mod chip or hardware modification. Wow. And a cute logo.
Der Stacheldraht wächst langsam ein
Tief in die Haut, in Brust und Bein
ins Hirn, in graue Zelln
Umgürtet mit dem Drahtverband
Ist unser Land ein Inselland
umbrandet von bleiernen Welln
— Wolf Biermann, Ballade vom Preußischen Ikarus
Wolf Biermann hatte gestern Geburtstag, und ich habs verplant. Alles Gute nachträglich!
Demise of 6.001, the best introduction to structure and implementation of computer programs claimed to be dead. I’m really sad. more. Let’s hope they get sane again. :)
Trilobis 65 is a semi-submerged dwelling environment. Reaching 20 metres in length designed by Giancarlo Zema for habitation by six people at sea. It is ideal for living in bays, atolls and maritime parks. The main aim of the project is to allow anyone to live in a unique environment through a self sufficient, non-polluting dwelling cell in unison with their ocean surroundings.
Copyrights and Content Creation in Second Life, “CopyBot allows the user to create a replication of an object, including textures, that is fully permissive.” Pwned! Why don’t we have that in First Life?
ATER is a dark plastic theme. The theme family is inspired by Led displays. There are skins for XMMS and MPlayer match with this metacity theme. Look awesome.
Intel 4004 35th Anniversary, the schematics are available!

GnuPG 2.0 released, “GnuPG-2 has a different architecture than GnuPG-1 (e.g. 1.4.5) in that it splits up functionality into several modules.”
Many To Many Challenge, essentially the “object-collectional” mismatch in one page.
Tolling for the rebel, tolling for the rake
Tolling for the luckless, the abandoned an’ forsaked
Tolling for the outcast, burnin’ constantly at stake
An’ we gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing.
— Bob Dylan, Chimes of Freedom
My Half-Year of Hell With Christian Fundamentalists, “When Polish student Michael Gromek, 19, went to America on a student exchange, he found himself trapped in a host family of Christian fundamentalists. What followed was a six-month hell of dawn church visits and sex education talks as his new family tried to banish the devil from his soul. Here’s his story.”
Practical Foundations of Mathematics, by Paul Taylor. Full text online.
List of constructed languages, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Design and Implementation of Object-Oriented Virtual Machines “This course focuses on how to design and implement virtual machines for object oriented languages. […] To widen the perspective, virtual machines for functional languages will be contrasted to object-oriented virtual machines.”
LARQ is a combination of ARQ and Lucene. It gives ARQ the ability to perform free text searches. Lucene indexes are additional information for accessing the RDF graph, not storage for the graph itself.
ägypten, teil 1, Lydia hat Bilder mitgebracht. Wie immer sehenswert.
FreakyFreaky Now Resumes Its Usual Sandly Self, sandbox now easily supports external references.
Higher Gauge Theory, slides by John Baez.
If you ever get close to a human
And human behaviour
Be ready to get confused
There’s definitely no logic
— Björk Human, Behaviour
The Architecture and Ambition of Craigslist, really worth the look.
The business card and the garden smuggler, plain lovely.
1 million downloads for One-Click Ruby Installer, by Curt Hibbs. Awesome!
A Functional View of Join, by Martin Odersky, Christoph Zenger, Matthias Zenger and Gang Chen. “Join calculus, usually presented as a process calculus, is suitable as a foundation of both sequential and concurrent programming. We give a new operational semantics of join calculus, expressed as a reduction system with a single reduction rule similar to beta reduction in lambda calculus.” I wish I saw that earlier…
Junebug: A Nice Little Wiki, What Can I Say, this time in Camping.
Sun is considering GPL for OpenSolaris, that’s great because of: ZFS, DTrace, and watching Schily bite into his ass.
Google Sponsors the LinuxBIOS project, by Stefan Reinauer. Cool.
Web 2.0: Werkzeuge für die Wissenschaft?, Folien von Jörg Kantel.
The days are just packed, hi to you as well.
Sketch Furniture, lovely!
You know
That I adore you
You know
That I love you
So don’t make me say it
It would burst the bubble
— Björk, Come To Me
Maybe in Java, sorry, but monads like that are horrible. :-P
10 Things I Wish I Had Never Believed, good points.
Google Earth in 4D, “Google skipped right past the third dimension and landed directly in the fourth (time) by offering historical maps on Google Earth.”
Funnel is a programming language based on Functional Nets. Functional Nets combine key ideas of functional programming and Petri nets to yield a simple and general programming notation. They have their theoretical foundation in Join calculus. Sounds like a really cool language.
YCR2JS, a Converter of Yhc Core to Javascript, very neat.
Impact of GPL’d Java on XML, by Kurt Cagle. “[I]ts unlikely that you’ll see any such Java tools distributed much before mid-next year at the earliest, and that it may take some time thereafter before Java begins to seriously regain ground its lost to lighterweight frameworks, especially in the web arena.”
In Defense of Difficult Clients, by Rob Swan at A List Apart. “Only by being made to question our own beliefs can we prevent them from becoming dogma—and difficult clients certainly ask plenty of questions.”
Super-Easy Blendy Backgrounds, by Matthew O’Neill at A List Apart. “Create a PNG that’s blended from transparent to white, use it as a background image, and rely on the background-color style to provide the other half of the blend.”
‘Beta’ Is Not an Excuse, John Gruber says. “Released software that is labeled “beta” is still released software, and is fair game for the same level of criticism as any released software.”
Installing the Zune… sucked, what Microsoftish utter crap…
One day
It will happen
One day, one day
It will all make sense
One day, one day
You will blossom
— Björk, One Day
Russell’s teapot was an analogy first coined by the philosopher Bertrand Russell, to refute the idea that the onus lies somehow upon the sceptic to disprove the unfalsifiable claims of religion.
darcs-server extends the Darcs revision control system to push and pull changes to and from remote repositories. The Darcs server has minimal dependencies on the host system and can work on any account that can run CGI scripts, or has SSH access.
Sun Opens Java, WJW. All I can say that I really never expected that to happen, especially not GPL.
Java Is Free, analysis by Tim Bray.
Yonder stands your orphan with his gun,
Crying like a fire in the sun.
Look out the saints are comin’ through
And it’s all over now, Baby Blue.
— Bob Dylan, It’s All Over Now Baby Blue
RMS, recently, on if SUN free Java, “SUN should have made Java free software before, but better late than never.”
GPL V2 wins, and James Gosling is sick. Also, “All of it will follow, eventually. But there’s a lot of work to do, like migrating millions of lines of code from TeamWare to Mercurial.”
und was ich noch…, Lydia ascht doch tatsächlich ihre Kippen in den Leere-Zuckertütchen-Auffangbehälter!
PTB bestätigt Nichteignung – Wahlcomputer grundsätzlich unsicher , “Der Chaos Computer Club (CCC) begrüsst die bei der Physikalisch- Technischen Bundesanstalt (PTB) aufgekommenen grundsätzlichen Zweifel an der Verwendbarkeit von Wahlcomputern. Die Grundlage der Bauartzulassung für den Einsatz der Computer bei Wahlen ist damit als hinfällig zu betrachten.” Wenigstens einmal sind die Physiker nützlich. ;-)
An RX for Ruby Performance, by Tim Bray. “This is an insanely long and gnarly essay about implementing, then optimizing, the low-level bits of a pure-Ruby XML parser.” He actually ported Lark, wow.
Reverse Engineering Machines with the Yoneda Lemma, “I’ve decided that the Yoneda lemma is the hardest trivial thing in mathematics.” I think I agree.
Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity. — Ecclesiastes 12, 8
Earth Instrument, “Artist Florian Dombois’s Auditory Seismology project plays you the sound of earthquakes.”
Lambda calculus cooked in four ways (PDF), by Lennart Augustson. Tasty!
What is the lethal dose of marijuana?, an utter bullshit question.
Training and Voyage of Laika, the first dog in space. Very in-detail.
Light Logic and Polynomial Time Computation (PDF), PhD theis by Kazushige Terui. If proofs correspond to programs by Curry-Howard, what corresponds to polytime programs?
I stood unwound beneath the skies
And clouds unbound by laws.
The cryin’ rain like a trumpet sang
And asked for no applause.
— Bob Dylan, Lay Down Your Weary Tune
I’d Buy That for a Dollar, John Gruber on why Microsoft pays royalties for music players.
Guts, an awesome short story by Chuck Palahniuk. NSFW. Not for epileptics or easily disturbed people. Seriously.
Mind the Gap, essay by Paul Graham. “Technology had made it possible to create wealth faster than you could steal it.”
GODI provides an advanced programming environment for the Objective Caml (O’Caml) language. “It is a framework that automatically builds the O’Caml core system, and additionally installs a growing number of pre-packaged libraries.”
He asks you how it feels
And he says, “Here is your throat back
Thanks for the loan”
— Bob Dylan, Ballad Of A Thin Man
Should Social Bookmarking be Anonymous?, by Muhammad Saleem. Mentions 2ch.
Glasswing Butterfly (Greta Oto) is a brush-footed butterfly where its wings are transparent. The tissue between the veins of its wings looks like glass. Neat.
Iran – The Next Nuclear Power?, by MotorMachineMercenary. “In this article I argue that economic sanctions even if imposed will not be effective in stopping Iran’s nuclear program, and that military intervention is unlikely. Therefore Iran will join the nuclear club and it is only a matter of time.”
Tales of the Dodecahedron, “From Pythagoras to Plato to Poincaré”. A talk by John C. Baez.
Payphone Warriors, Domination in real life, whooo!!
talk20 goes to Boston…, I wish they posted the slides.
The Boost Test Library provides a matched set of components for writing test programs, organizing tests in to simple test cases and test suites, and controlling their runtime execution.
Clusters and Grids: Cleversafe distributes data; Virtual Iron distributes OSes, by Andy Oram. World-wide backups are a fantastic thing.
Manchmal träume ich schwer und dann denk ich, es wär
Zeit zu bleiben und nun was ganz andres zu tun.
So vergeht Jahr um Jahr und es ist mir längst klar,
dass nichts bleibt, dass nichts bleibt, wie es war.
— Heute hier, morgen dort
Testing Telecoms Software with Quviq QuickCheck, by John Hughes, Thomas Arts, Joakim Johansson, Ulf Wiger.
NailGun is a client, protocol, and server for running Java programs from the command line without incurring the JVM startup overhead. Programs run in the server (which is implemented in Java), and are triggered by the client (written in C), which handles all I/O.
Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
— Bob Dylan, The Times They Are a-Changin’
Convert an analog wall clock into a binary clock, lovely hack.
Ohloh says: PHP Eats Rails for Breakfast, by Curt Hibbs. I’d really like to see COBOL in those diagrams, too. ;-)
A lesson in abysses, the surface of the earth peeled away to reveal rock and fissures.
Waiting for Godot, neat hack!
FastRI 0.1.1: not only faster, also smarter than ri, yum.
Elderly harmonica player arrested for performing copyrighted songs at bar, WJW. :-(
CDR 3: Revisiting CONCATENATE-SEQUENCE, by Christophe Rhodes. “While doing work to support user-extensible sequences, it was discovered that the ANSI CL standard forbids integration of certain functions with not only user-extensible sequences but also implementation extensions of sequence. Irrespective of the future of user-extensible sequences, we argue that the restriction on implementations imposed by the wording adopted is too stringent, and propose an alternative.”
Crimson flames tied through my years
Rollin high and mighty trapped
Countless violent flaming roads
Using ideas as my map
— Bob Dylan, My Back Pages
LuaJIT, a Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua.
Logowiki, a Wiki capable of running Logo.
Bill Gates lobt China, “Sie sind noch nicht am Ziel, aber sie wissen, dass ihr Patentsystem und die Durchsetzung des Copyrights ihnen einen Netto-Vorteil verschafft, weil China eine innovative Volkswirtschaft ist.” Ich möchte kotzen.
Patching Ruby (PDF), Euruko slides of Kornelius Kalnbach.
Diffusion-based method for producing density-equalizing maps, by Michael T. Gastner, and M. E. J. Newman. Nifty algo for making maps.
How not to Pitch To Y Combinator, by Damien Katz. “Anyway I was just contemplating how damn funny it was me trying to explain this thing to Paul Graham and company.”
Ruby-lang.org is becoming truly international, Curt Hibbs says: “As of this morning, the Spanish version just went live! We already had English, Japanese, and Korean version online.”
JRuby’s killer feature, according to Curt Hibbs: “JRuby’s killer feature is its brilliant integration with Java code. Ruby code can call Java code (and vice versa) and Ruby classes can inherit from Java classes.”
I will keep falling as long as I live,
Ah, without ending,
And I will remember the place that is now,
That has ended before the beginning …
— The Byrds, Fifth Dimension
Getting Started with WSGI, by Jason R. Briggs. “[I]f you’re a low-level person who prefers to bolt on utilities and modules to keep your development effort as free of constraint as possible, WSGI will hold considerable attraction.”
Is a Democratically Controlled Congress Good for Tech America? , Jeremy Jones wonders.
Chronologie des Holocaust, “die hier auf Hunderten Seiten präsentierte Tag-für-Tag-Chronologie des Holocaust ist die erste deutschsprachige Veröffentlichung dieser Art überhaupt.”
Do you want to see the world?
Do you want to see the world?
Do you want to see the world?
In a different way
— The Kooks, See the World
DrySQL is a Ruby plug-in that extends ActiveRecord and applies the DRY principle to Object-Relational Mapping. “The idea behind DrySQL is that you define columns, keys, constraints, and relationships on your database, and you shouldn’t need to re-define any of these things in your application code.” Took a long time, but finally it’s there…
CC Swag Photo Contest, use your photographic skills to show your support for Creative Commons!
Practical OCaml, a review by it’s technical reviewer(!) that say’s it sucks.
X.org Gets DTrace Probes!, chromatic says. Very neat.
BlueScreen Screen Saver v3.2, available at Microsoft TechNet(!).
Duro is a relational open-source database library written in C. It is based on the principles laid down in the book Foundation for Future Database Systems: The Third Manifesto by C. J. Date and Hugh Darwen.
An Open Letter to the Democratic Party, by Psycho Dave. My last post about the elections, I promise.
A relational algebra for SPARQL (PDF), by Richard Cyganiak. “This report describes a transformation from SPARQL into the relational algebra, an abstract intermediate language for the expression and analysis of queries.”
Graphviz-based mindmap with Tomboy, neat idea.
Woo oh oh oh
And life comes in ones and twos and threes and fours
Woo oh oh oh
And I hear you knocking at my door
— The Kooks, Time Awaits
Try Ruby for Opera, 5.6 million lines of Ruby is a sixth of MS Office for Mac! ;-P
Mathematics Under the Microscope, a book by Alexandre Borovik. Chapter-wise publishing seems to get popular.
Discourse Architecture, ye olde times of Apple’s peak?
Metasoup, by Bill de hÓra. Ah yes, semantics and the web.
Architecture is killing us all, run!
Using git bisect to locate bugs in sbcl, by Andreas Fuchs. A step-by-step tutorial.
Scratch! is a new programmable toolkit that enables kids to create their own games, animated stories, and interactive art – and share their creations with one another over the Net.
Cracks in the Foundation, Micah Dubinko takes aim at the legion of annoyances caused by XML namespaces.
Pisa ist wissenschaftlich unseriös, sogar zu blöd zum testen. :-P.
Technische Probleme behindern Petition gegen Wahlcomputer: Chaos Computer Club fordert überfällige Störungsbeseitigung, “Die Server der Betreiber der Öffentlichen Petitionen des Bundestages haben mit technischen Problemen zu kämpfen; bei etwas über 25.000 Unterstützern war offenbar die Datenbank überfordert.” Ersatzpetition.
wolfbagging, yikes! NSFW.
Functional Array Fusion, by Manuel M. T. Chakravarty and Gabriele Keller. “This paper introduces a new approach to optimising array algorithms in functional languages. We are specifically aiming at an efficient implementation of irregular array algorithms that are hard to implement in conventional array languages such as Fortran.”
Plouffe’s Inverter, “Enter a number and the program will find what the number is made of.”
Sun Set To Move On GPL License For Open-Source Java, saw that pig flying over there?
Programming Theorems, by Des Traynor. Excellent aphorisms!
hal: Haskell in Leipzig, “Ein informales Treffen für Anwender und Interessenten der funktionalen Programmierung, insbesondere Haskell.”
The Lamest Justification for J2EE Complexity, Ever, by chromatic. Indeed! “Software engineering needs to have a certain barrier to entry to keep BOZOs out.”
State of the Blogosphere, October, 2006, by David Sifry. Do I see a decline there?

PickPocket, a Marshal Ransack Hack, tricky, tricky, _why.
Replication insight, by Damien Katz. “What I realized tonight is that by converting the revision lists to a tree, then conflicts are simple tree merges (conflicts in the revisions lists becomes branches in the revision tree) and then by using a simple algorithm for deterministically selecting the winning leaf node, it makes distributed and deterministic conflict resolution and merging possible while still providing single document semantics.” Sounds like an, um, DVCS?
And I ain’t no communist, and I ain’t no capitalist
And I ain’t no socialist
and I sure ain’t no imperialist
And I ain’t no democrat
And I ain’t no republican either
And I only know one party
and its name is freedom
I am a patriot
— Steven Van Zandt, I Am A Patriot
Plans within plans within plans, “the definition and redefinition of abstraction boundaries permeates the market process.”
A new home for Pugs!, their SVN moved too.
The Politics of Enthusiasm, finally BLDG BLOG gets interviewed!
GM-C: A Graph Categorical Multi-Combinator Machine, by Martin A. Musicante and Rafael D. Lins. “Semantic elegance, referential transparency, and expressive power are some of the important features which make lazy functional languages an interesting alternative to solve the problems of programming known as the software crisis.”
Haskell music, by Alex McLean. Live music hacking rocks.
Vectorizing with vDSP and vecLib, sounds like a great tool.
Musterklage, das wird ein Spass: “Internet-Zugangsprovider müssen dynamisch zugewiesene IP-Adressen nach Verbindungsende unverzüglich löschen. […] Damit ist T-Online (jetzt: Deutsche Telekom AG) rechtskräftig verurteilt, die Speicherung von IP-Adressen zu unterlassen. [..] T-Online befolgt das Urteil nicht freiwillig auch für andere Kunden. Andere Kunden müssen daher klagen, um ihr Recht durchzusetzen. [..] Die Pflicht zur Löschung von IP-Adressen gilt nicht nur in flat-Tarifen, sondern in allen Tarifen. Sie gilt ebenfalls für andere Zugangsprovider als T-Online. Alle Betroffenen können also klagen.”
Fly to a dream
Far across the sea
All the burdens gone
Open the chest once more
Dark chest of wonders
— Nightwish, Dark Chest Of Wonders
Introduction to Quartz, “Quartz is at the center of all graphics in Cocoa. It provides basic graphics data structures and drawing routines, as well Mac OS X’s window server.”
This beginner-level tutorial introduces basic Cocoa graphics concepts: rectangles, points, colors, and coordinate systems.
An AJAX Erlang Jukebox, from the LShift guys.
Subsequent Thoughts on Concurrency, mentions Orc.
LuaCore, a simple Cocoa wrapper for Lua 5.1.
A waste of time
If you don’t believe
Can’t decide to
Hit the ground
— Deftones, Combat
HTTP Header Linking, draft RFC for encoding metadata in HTTP headers.
Franz Japan Lisp Seminar, and it’s free!
Generating docs for Vlerq. Interesting ideas.
Beyond Search is REAP, a model I like: Retrieve, Extract, Arrange, Present.
Even though it is highly against DuckTyping, people tend to use case on classes, and Symbol < String often cause serious problems. I found several of these even in the standard distribution libraries. That encouraged me to remove String from Symbol’s superclass. — Matz, ruby-core:9452
Voting Booths and Polling Places, “Tomorrow is midterm election day in the U.S., and William Drenttel, of Design Observer and the Winterhouse Institute, wants you to capture those events on film.”
gNewSense is a completely GNU-free Linux distribution based on Ubuntu.
Euruko 2006: Day One, Day Two, my summary of the European Ruby Conference.
Sloppy deliberately slows the transfer of data between client and server. Using Sloppy is one way to get the “dial-up experience” of your work without the hassle of having to install a modem.
NetBSD 3.1 contains many bugfixes, security updates, new drivers and new features like support for Xen3 DomU.
Zotero is a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources.
OpenStreetMap is a project aimed squarely at creating and providing free geographic data such as street maps to anyone who wants them.
I can’t do the talk so like the talk on the TV
And I can’t do a love song like the way it’s meant to be
I can’t do everything, but I’ll do anything for you
I can’t do anything except be in love with you
— Dire Straits, Romeo And Juliet
REST Web Services, a future book by Leonard Richardson and Sam Ruby. Very needed, in my opinion.
Gazzag.com is my new enemy, by Jennifer Golbeck. If you are telling cool new services your Orukut account information, you are pretty… dumb, no?
IRB+RI: still room for improvement – better completion, method definition site discovery, Mauricio Fernandez does not stop.
“Proof-Directed Debugging” Revisited, looks neat.
YARV is Merging, let’s hope something gets going.
Sun-cancellation cloud, “Will “a swarm of umbrellas” protect the Earth from global warming?”
How to wake up by 6:30 every morning – for the serious procrastinator, by markovich. I actually do… not every morning, though. But I don’t need the brute-force approach.
Word on MCL for Intel Macs, found by John Wiseman. “We don’t have an accurate idea of when the port will be ready, but it is a priority.”
What Happens When “OpenDocument” Won’t Open?, by M. David Peterson. “Step One: Check to make sure that the .odt isn’t just an .sxw in disguise.” Duh!
Followup to “The Difference Between IE7 and a Virus”, by Kurt Cagle. “I’m frankly a little disappointed in the feedback on the article, however.”
Variable substitution gives a… monad!
OOPSLA/DLS and the upcoming POPL 2007, by Audrey Tang. With lots of good links.
String Theory and the Crackpot Index, by glor. “So, for fun, I scored it.”
Hash Crash Course, by Simon Cozens. Arguably Perl’s best data structure.
Orc, a simple and expressive process calculi, “It’s combination of simplicity and expressiveness is amazing.”
Vlerq development roadmap, the Vlerq 4 repository now is public! “Vlerq 4 is the current development version. It was rewritten from scratch starting mid 2006. The code is in C, of which some 70% is language binding independent and the remaining 30% interfaces to Tcl.”
It’s all in the numbers…, “How many lines of code are there in Mac Office?” WJW.
15 minutes, Damien Katz wonders how to present CouchDb in front of the Y Combinator guys. The result.
Paradise Now, Arcadia is a project “assembled from images that share the tag ‘arcadia’ in an online photo-sharing website.”
He’s travelling from town to town
He’s preaching what he can
No evil spell can bring him down
Cause he’s a holy man
— Funny Van Dannen, Holy Man
Faith, Evolution, and Programming Languages: from Haskell to Java to Links, Phil Wadler’s OOPSLA keynote.
A Categorical Manifesto, by Joseph Goguen. “This paper tries to explain why and how category theory is useful in computing science, by giving guidelines for applying seven basic categorical concepts: category, functor, natural transformation, limit, adjoint, colimit and comma category.”
The Shunting yard algorithm is a method for parsing mathematical equations specified in infix notation. It can be used to produce output in Reverse Polish notation (RPN) or as an abstract syntax tree (AST).
Bongo plays your music without any fuss, and it’s damn flexible too – it is based on Emacs, after all. It’s also designed with usability specifically in mind. Sounds nice, but not a iTunes drop in…
SOA facts, e.g. “Guns don’t kill people, the SOA WS-* stack kills people.”
Agave is a very simple application for the GNOME desktop that allows you to generate a variety of colorschemes from a single starting color.
Convict posts himself to freedom, try this with e-mail!
The new, by Jason Kottke. Featuring: “Cobain is the new Elvis”.
Elephants and Evolution: How the Landscape is Changing for Google, Microsoft, Mozilla and Adobe, by John Milan. “The days of purely desktop-based applications are clearly numbered, but so are the days of exclusively web-based apps…”
See that little jersey girl in the see-through top,
with the peddle pushers sucking on a soda pop,
well I bet she’s still a virgin
but it’s only twenty-five ‘til nine,
you can see a million of ‘em
on heartattack and vine.
— Tom Waits, Heartattack and Vine
Trusted Computing for Mac OS X, by Amit Singh. “This page shows you how to “take ownership” of the TPM and begin using it.”
Migrating to XForms, by Paul Sobocinski. By now, XForms looks like a dead-born to me.
The Difference Between IE7 and a Virus, Kurt Cagle is being mean: “What do you call a program that gets loaded in surreptitiously and without your approval, has the potential to lock down your computer so you can’t get access to it, takes up significant system resources and promptly crashes upon running. Normally, I’d call it a virus, except for the last part… viruses are usually stable (and well written) once they start.”
Why Eiffel Might Be Worth a Second Look, by Coryoth. “Eiffel is a surprisingly pragmatic language, and as a result it does have a solid niche market in industry. Over the last few years, however, there have been some changes that make Eiffel a more interesting proposition – it might be worth a second look.”
I know I’m irresponsible and I don’t behave,
and I ruin everything that I do,
and I’ll probably get arrested when I’m in my grave,
but I’ll be savin’ all my love for you.
— Tom Waits, Saving All My Love For You
War City, a series of black-and-white photos of a city under seige [sic] – menacing helicopters buzzing abandoned buildings, furtive figures scrambling down deserted streets, smoke-filled skylines, blood-stained walls and sidewalks, too-young children armed with machine guns…
The Subterraneans, it’s about cave diving, not Kerouac.
rparsec is a recursive descent parser combinator framework for Ruby. Intuitive and declarative API is provided instead of code generation or proprietary BNF-like syntax.
Unsmashing pumpkins, neato.
National Novel Writing Month 2006, grab your pens and get started!
Breaking News: Condé Nast/Wired Acquires Reddit, let’s hope that won’t fuck it up. Aftermath by Aaron Swartz (must read!).

Seaside to Calm the Continuations, _why reasons: “I guess sometimes when you drink from the Holy Grail too much, it begs to be put back up on display in the china closet.” Makes my day.
Protest ist, wenn ich sage das oder das paßt mir nicht. Widerstand ist, wenn ich dafür sorge, daß das, was mir nicht paßt, nicht länger geschieht. — Ulrike Meinhof
FastRI: faster RI docs for Ruby, across machines – one Ring to find them (via DRb + Rinda), I think RI was fast back when it ran on some kind of DBM.
JITing slides, personally, I’m really trying to avoid the “omg-I-have-no-slides-must-JIT mode” for Euruko…
A stackless runtime environment for a Pi-calculus, by Frédéric Peschanski and Samuel Hym. Now that sounds useful!
A Concurrent Calculus with Atomic Transactions, by Acciai, Boreale and Dal Zilio, provides an extension of CCS, which they call ATCCS (“Atomic Transactions CCS”), with support for the primary operations of STM.
Error-full systems emerge from single-strategy maintenance regimes, by Rick Jelliffe. Too bad it’s true.
There’s a monster in my Haskell!, by Andrew Pimlott “Inspired by Felleisen, and in the spirit of Halloween, I offer a new alternative: Meet “monsters”, your computational companions in the land of lazy functional programming.” Cute.
The Django Book, a free book about Django. “The book is due to be published in 2007 by Apress, but in the meantime you can read the “beta” book online.” The Rails people should do it like that too. ;-)
Oh the seas will split
And the ship will hit
And the sands on the shoreline will be shaking.
Then the tide will sound
And the wind will pound
And the morning will be breaking.
— Bob Dylan, When The Ship Comes In
It’s the content, not the icons, at Signal vs. Noise. Hmm, I’ve been saying that last week.