Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Chmox, read your CHM documents on your Mac. Very nice for eBooks (I wish it had bookmarks…).
Pound is a reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end for Web server(s). Highly useful.
Reverse-Proxying mod_proxy_core with Lighttpd, very neat!
What I’ve Really Been Working on at Google, a guy behind Google Code tells. Hmm, they run SVN on BigTable…
Google’s BigTable, why did I never hear about that? Video.
Without a reply,
I left by the moon,
Turn, turn, turn again.
And was in his chambers
By the next afternoon,
Turn, turn to the rain
And the wind.
— Bob Dylan, Percy’s Song
Beedogs.com is the premier online repository for pictures of dogs in bee costumes. I love the web.
How To Criticize Computer Scientists, or: Avoiding Ineffective Deprecation And Making Insults More Pointed. “It explains how to insult CS research, shows where to find the Achilles’ heel in any project, and illustrates how one can attack a researcher.”
Pink Noise, masks background noise to help you concentrate. Now with source code and white noise, for those less colorful.
WriteRoom is a full screen, distraction free, writing environment. Unlike standard word processors that focus on features, WriteRoom is just about you and your text. I’ll keep my Emacs, though.
A world of difference between writing and word processing, I always wondered how people can write whole books in MS Word.
Mayfair? Put It On The Card, “Monopoly board game players can now pay for properties with debit cards.” WJW.
Friends and Family 2.0, a poem, Poetry 2.0 by Jason Kottke.
A Sketch for London, “Architects have been invited to take an outsider’s view, and as such submit a sketch for an imaginative project in the city of London.”
And them Caribbean winds still blow from Nassau to Mexico
Fanning the flames in the furnace of desire
And them distant ships of liberty on them iron waves so bold and free,
Bringing everything that’s near to me nearer to the fire.
— Bob Dylan, Caribbean Wind
Ten Thousand Statistically Grammar-Average Fake Band Names, doesn’t include Hashclash, but Playwrights Anus.
Ruby-DockApp is a ruby extention library for making DockApps.
Panographies: Panoramas on Steroids, “Taking dozens of photos of a scene, she assembles a patchwork of images that more accurately represents what your eyes see when you’re not looking through a viewfinder.” Awesome!
MDGRAPE-3, a Petaflops special-purpose computer for molecular dynamics simulations. Whoohoo.
Fedora Women aims to provide a central forum and point of support for the often under-represented side of Fedora’s Community. Neat logo.
Beyond blogging: Atom format and protocol, slides from Tri-XML 2006 by Dave Johnson.
Jane, what took so long
Oh Jane, what took so long
What seemed so right
Turned out so wrong
— Dead Moon, Jane
Getting Rich with PHP 5, OSCON 2006 slides by Rasmus Lerdorf. Contains hints in scaling.
Ruby for Java Programmers, OSCON 2006 slides by Ugo Cei. Focuses on integration of both worlds.
The oddest numbers, for people that enjoy number sequences.
Predicate Classes, by Craig Chambers. Very interesting concept I know from Maude.
The Progress and the Promise of Microformats, interview with Tantek Çelik and Rohit Khare.
In the time of my confession, in the hour of my deepest need
When the pool of tears beneath my feet flood every newborn seed
There’s a dyin’ voice within me reaching out somewhere,
Toiling in the danger and in the morals of despair.
— Bob Dylan, Every Grain Of Sand
Bring some Ruby Power and Light to your local Ruby/Rails users group, pay David A. Black to come to your city and he’ll give a speech and a Ruby workshop.
The Development of the C Language, classic paper by Dennis M. Ritchie and a must-read.
Does Rails Scale Down?, “Rails is not great for small projects. There I said it.”
XPlanner is a project planning and tracking tool for eXtreme Programming (XP) teams. Seems to be worth a try.
And perfect blue, what are you gonna do
Until it rains, don’t watch for storms
Don’t count your casualties until there’s a war
— Dead Moon, Until It Rains
Regional Ruby Conference grants from Ruby Central, David A. Black proclaims. “Ruby users groups can get grants of up to $1500 for expenses connected with putting on a regional conference.”
The architecture of spam, “The images from the Spam Architecture series are generated by a computer program that accepts as input, junk email. Various patterns, keywords and rhythms found in the text are translated into three-dimensional modeling gestures.”
Seal Silo, The Marine Mammal Center (MMC) in Sausalito, California, treats elephant seals injured by “shark bites, gunshot wounds, and untenable toxins in their liquid habitat.”, cute.
There’s a red light on the hill
And a bridge out going down
There’s a city limits marker
Of an unfamiliar town
With my head slightly bent
I can see it in the light
Unknown passage
Cuttin’ like a knife through the night
— Dead Moon, Unknown Passage
Survey says Prototype is the most used Ajax toolkit/framework, by Hari K. Gottipati. Deservedly, I’d say.
SOA in a Nutshell, slides by Russ Miles. Non-bullshit slides for technical people. Beware of UML, though.
System Administrator Appreciation Day is today! Fortunately, I’m not one. ;-)
Ich habe gelesen…, Jörg Kantel: “Dan Browns Sakrileg (Da Vinci Code) ist ein Ärgernis.” ACK.
What Is OpenDocument, by Sam Hiser. The OpenDocument Format (ODF) is an emerging file format standard for electronic office documents.
Got email? I’d rather have a BLIP…, these buzzwords need further investigation.
The laptop stratum: thoughts from (half of) OSCON, by David A. Black. “One thing I find particularly intriguing is the undercurrent of laptop use, especially during the presentations themselves.”
You say your cause is the wreckage of the judged
Do it right or cut it out
You use excuses like you’re working with a crutch
Don’t play dumb, so what’s one
— Dead Moon, Back to Back
LtU turns six! Gratulations and keep up the good work!
Generics as a Library, by Oliveira, Hinze and Löh. “Using our new technique, writing a customizable generic programming library in Haskell 98 is possible.”
Everyone is Here in the Future 2, flash fun by _why.
An Exercise in Meta-Programming with Rails, slides by Lucas Carlson.
Google Code now provides project hosting. SourceForge 2.0?
Upside-Down-Ternet, fun hacks to do when you notice people “steal” your WLAN. WJW.
Treemap on Rails, by Rob Orsini. Treemaps rock.
National sovereignty and the detention market, “Between statelessness and Westphalian sovereignty you apparently get inflatable architecture, instant cities on the carceral edge between two systems of power.” Live in a ballon.
I gazed down in the river’s mirror
And watched its winding strum.
The water smooth ran like a hymn
And like a harp did hum.
Lay down your weary tune, lay down,
Lay down the song you strum,
And rest yourself ‘neath the strength of strings
No voice can hope to hum.
— Bob Dylan, Lay Down Your Weary Tune
Get Famous By Not Programming, by Steve Yegge. “It is nice to hear that some people like what you write, though, since anyone who does anything noteworthy in the world will have critics, and criticism can really sting, even if you have a thick skin, or even a cephalothorax like some bloggers out there.”
Second Discussion Draft of GPLv3 Released, links and discussion at GrokLaw.
Magic 8-Ball Answers Your Questions Regarding Microsoft’s ‘Zune’, by John Gruber.
Handing Out IRB Like It’s Sardines, REPLs for the needy!
What Is RDF, third edition by Joshua Tauberer.
Kiss Your Sorry Ass Goodbye, by MichaelCrawford. “Global nuclear war is imminent.”
The Thin, Distant Line, by xC0000005. “Airport screening is a horrible job. The qualifications for it are minimal.”
And now I’m your apple eating heathen
The original sin
Well you aint got my faith
So best keep your belief
I had waited for ever to love someone
I swear I heard you thank your God the time
for having me come along
— Beth Orton, Worms
stu.dicio.us, the Web 2.0 information manager for students. Work in progress.
Names and addresses, by Norman Walsh. And I prefer Tag-URIs though.
They are doing the right thing, I could slap myself for not quoting that before him.
Gentlemen, he said,
I don’t need your organization, I’ve shined your shoes,
I’ve moved your mountains and marked your cards
But Eden is burning, either get ready for elimination
Or else your hearts must have the courage for the changing of the guards.
— Bob Dylan, Changing Of The Guards
Airscreen, now that’s nifty.
The Shirt I Am NOT Ashamed To Wear, “There is no gore, no torn limbs, no bloody ambulance. Just a bird and a child, during wartime. It is a disturbing photograph.”
RHOX slides available!, very interesting, Audrey. I’d totally use it, but why Perl? ;-)
ICANN’s “Add Grace Period” being abused, by BJHacker. Domain Name Kiting sucks.
DaylightMap.com, see the world at night.
OpenDarwin Shutting Down, sad: “The original notions of developing the Mac OS X and Darwin sources has not panned out. […] Administering a system to host other people’s projects is not what the remaining OpenDarwin contributors had signed up for and have been doing this thankless task far longer than they expected. It is time for OpenDarwin to go dark.”
git: a stupid content tracker, slides by Junio C Hamano. (Annotated slides are at the end, you probably want to read them first.)
The night before the “Jifty RHOX” talk, Audrey is making slides like crazy.
Komm hol das Lasso raus, wir spielen Cowboy und Indianer!
Wir reiten um die Wette, ohne Rast und ohne Ziel;
hast Du mich umzingelt, werd’ ich mich ergeben,
stell’ mich an den Marterpfahl,
komm hol das Lasso raus, so wie beim ersten Mal.
— Olaf Henning, Cowboy & Indianer
A few Lebanese views, by Delirium. “One of the major things to keep in mind is that Lebanon is strongly sectarian, and fought a long civil war; views are still often divided along sectarian lines.”
FOCAL, (abbreviation of FOrmula CALculator), is an interpreted programming language resembling JOSS. FOCAL ran on very low-end PDP-8 systems, even systems lacking mass storage. Multiuser FOCAL systems, running on quite small systems, could drive up to four teletypes and serve four users simultaneously.
Google makes a thousand programs that are all completely different but have the same worthless interface. 37signals makes a thousand programs that are all the same but have a completely different interface. — Daniel Lyons, Balance (not the dork)
Franz Gertsch: Medici, awesome painting.
Comparing XML office document formats #2: what counts, by Rick Jelliffe. Now, if the wordprocessors just stored their content in HTML already…
I feel the need, the need for speed!, Joel Reymont goes OCaml. Sigh. ;-)
Well you got your diamonds
And you got your pretty clothes
A chauffeur drives your car
You let everybody know
Don’t play with me
You’re playin’ with fire
— Dead Moon, Play With Fire
The ICFP Programming Contest 2006: a VM that challenges YARV as far as the fun factor goes, I didn’t have enough time to really dig into it, but Mauricio gave it a try. Really awesome.
Niob ist ein grau glänzendes, duktiles Schwermetall.
OLS 2006 Keynote: Myths, Lies and Truths about the Linux kernel, by Greg Kroah-Hartmann. Good read.
multilog reads a sequence of lines from stdin and appends selected lines to any number of logs.
relayfs is just a bunch of per-cpu kernel buffers that can be efficiently written into from kernel code. These buffers are represented as files which can be mmap’ed and directly read from in user space. The purpose of this setup is to provide the simplest possible mechanism allowing potentially large amounts of data to be logged in the kernel and ‘relayed’ to user space.
Der erste “Computerclub-zwei” ist produziert, die Herren Back und Rudolph haben sich zusammengesetzt und einen Podcast gemacht. Hoffentlich bleibt uns das erhalten.
Some of my friends are gone forever
Paled into the light
Things I wish I could have said
As they passed into the night
I miss you
Don’t speak ill of the dead
— Dead Moon, Ill Of The Dead
A Technical History of Apple’s Operating Systems, comprehensive chapter by Amit Singh.
Time for Contextual Tagging?, Dan Zambonini wants a tagging onthology. Forget it.
Building Your Own Sweat Lodge, by mybostinks. “A sweat lodge originally was a sacred place. It was built by a Native American medicine man for healing purposes. It was used to cure all types of illnesses from physical illnesses to mental illnesses.”
I Wonder What This Button Does, by Mike West at A List Apart. On using a version control system.
Designing Through the Storm, by Walter Stevenson at A List Apart. “It’s hard to be critical of your own work when you have your nose to the grindstone.”
On Ruby, Tim Bray summarizes his experiences. Overall pretty positive.
Socialtext Releases First Commercial Open Source Wiki, licensed under the Mozilla Public License 1.1. This is great news. More from a developer.
I could hear rebellion rising
I could feel the stars aligning
I could see the wave rising
But I never did seem to find my way back home
— Beth Orton, Absinthe
Continuous partial attention describes how many of us use our attention today. It is different from multi-tasking. Linda Stone started a Wiki about it.
fundable.org implements a great idea: pooling money until a certain limit is reached, and then the money is shared among the receivers.
N-ectomy, twist your brain with this wordgame.
Nikolai’s UTF-8 Lib is All Ready, gotta check this out.
Energy plants, funny.
Chuang Tse’s Fish, a koan.
Yhc Core (v2), translating Haskell to less Haskell but still Haskell is an awesome idea.
A Laboratory For Teaching Object-Oriented Thinking, by Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham. OOPSLA 1989 paper on CRC cards.
Refactoring to REST, a bit Rails centric, but useful in general.
Streamlined is scaffolding on steroids.
RubyConf 2006 speakers, “The following talks will be presented at RubyConf 2006, October 20-22. They’re listed here in alphabetical order; a full schedule will be published during the summer.”
Proceedings of the GCC Developers’ Summit 2006 (PDF).
Hände weg!, Nóirín Plunkett on being touched (post in English).
Solr is an open source enterprise search server based on the Lucene Java search library, with XML/HTTP APIs, caching, replication, and a web administration interface.
Sometimes, sometimes I see much more than is good for me
The first thing that’s on my mind the last place I’d look each time
Sometimes, I slip inside the imagery and
The last thing that’s on my mind’s
The first thing I’ll do each time
— Beth Orton, Paris Train
Internet ‘96, “I decided to peruse the Wayback Machine’s earliest archives to see what the internet looked like in 1996…” Nostalgic.
Gamma formalism and other things related to the chemical reaction metaphor. Highly interesting.
RLisp: Lisp naturally embedded in Ruby, that’s pretty cool. Source is available too. But dynamic scope? Yeech!

Concoqtion: Mixing Indexed Types and Hindley-Milner Type Inference, “This paper addresses the question of how to extend OCaml’s Hindley-Milner type system with types indexed by logical propositions and proofs of the Coq theorem prover, thereby providing an expressive and extensible mechanism for ensuring fine-grained program invariants.” Totally whoa.
It’s a concrete jungle, stones and tears
Quickly becoming what everybody fears
It ain’t just color the message keeps cuttin’ clear
There’s a fire in the western world
— Dead Moon, Fire In The Western World
My Julieclipse, quoting her last writing. That has to be the most beautiful vision of future I ever read… makes me cry.
Ruby Cookbook, by Lucas Carlson, Leonard Richardson. “From data structures and algorithms, to integration with cutting-edge technologies, the Ruby Cookbook has something for every programmer. When you need to solve a problem, don’t reinvent the wheel: look it up in the Cookbook.” Now shipping.
Rails and the Legacy World, by PragDave. “[T]here are a whole group of people out there who could be using Rails now but aren’t, simply because they don’t know that it is up to their challenges.
compositekeys: ActiveRecord Composite Primary Keys, and there was much rejoicing.
A Dictionary of Useful Research Phrases, very useful.
Engaging Technology, slides by Matt Webb presented at We Love Technology.
Stiff asks, great programmers answer, “With the help of public accessible e-mail adresses I asked 10 questions to a bunch of programmers that I consider very interesting people and I respect them for variuos things they created.” A very good experiment, and of course very interesting answers.
Yeah, you’ve got that somethin’ I think you’ll understand
When I feel that somethin’ I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
— The Beatles, Want To Hold Your Hand
Anna Konda, the robotic firefighter, a robot snake sounds pretty cool.
ScatterChat is a HACKTIVIST WEAPON designed to allow non-technical human rights activists and political dissidents to communicate securely and anonymously while operating in hostile territory. It is also useful in corporate settings, or in other situations where privacy is desired. IMO, it should be steganographic and fully peer to peer…
Do bubbles in Guinness go down?, WJW.
Printable Airplanes and the Future of Fiction, “[T]he U.S. military has been working toward printable airplanes – unmanned drones made by ‘rapid prototyping.’”
2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, on Wikipedia.
Manamania, blogging live from Lebanon.
And agression keeps lurking inside
In your everpresent longing
For status through means of money
You war-mongering fool
It aint’t what you have, it’s what you are
Go back to school
— Armand, War Raging Inside
XML2RB: Executing XML by transforming it into Ruby. An interesting hack by Erik Veenstra.
Tour de France Update: Floyd Landis Goes Postal on Peloton, by nostalgiphile. “France invented the race 103 years ago, the most difficult and excruciating of its kind (and perhaps of any kind) in the world; but the Americans appeared to have mastered it after Armstrong’s stunning string of 7 consecutive victories which began in 1999.”
Lillybridge III: Final Page of an Early 20th Century Photo Essay, see Part I and II first if you haven’t already.
Han Solo in Carbonite, made of Lego!
XML::Literal 0.01, neat Perl.
Israel is certainly in a difficult position – knowing that even if they stop, Hezbollah won’t – but you can’t fight fire with a flamethrower. — MacDara Conroy
Gavyn Davies does the maths, how a statistical formula won the war. Pretty cool: “The statisticians believed that the Germans, being Germans, had logically numbered their tanks in the order in which they were produced. And this deduction turned out to be right. It was enough to enable them to make an estimate of the total number of tanks that had been produced up to any given moment.”
The DOM Song, by Tim Bray. WJW.
Combinatorics and the art of Dungeons and Dragons, “Throw 4 dice, sum the numbers they generated and substract the lowest value from the sum. What is the average number of such throws?”
I woke up this mornin’, feelin’ round for my shoes
Know ‘bout ‘at I got these, old walkin’ blues
Woke up this mornin’, feelin’ round for my shoes
But you know ‘bout ‘at I, got these old walkin’ blues
— Robert Johnson, Walkin’ Blues
Voyage to Utopia and the City Obscure, comics at BLDG BLOG.
Sun CTO: Incremental open-sourcing of Java is the way, open-sourcing without making it really free is a waste of time and energy.
Linux sucks, Apple sucks, and Popularity Isn’t Everything, by Dan Zambonini. “Nearly 40,000 views and an inbox overflowing with hate-mail later, I’d learnt a valuable lesson.”
The death penalty in Japan, Amnesty International reports. “Therefore we can’t notify anyone before the hanging, including the prisoner.”
An Algorithm for Compressing Space and Time, by Tomas G. Rokicki. Featuring Bill Gosper.
No more “more” pages?, more of those sites, please!
Ninth annual ICFP Programming Contest, the task description this year.
Got a nuclear bomb
And I’m gonna set it off
I got a nuclear bomb
And I’m gonna set it off
— Dan Bern, Nuclear Bomb
Codegolf allows you to show off your code-fu and try and solve coding problems using the least number of keystrokes. Nice competition website.
From Java To Ruby: Things Every Manager Should Know, a new book by Bruce Tate, published by the Pragmatic Programmers.
What Jeff Killed, a look-at-what-my-cat-kills blog. Goreful and bloody.
Introductory physics: The new scholasticism, by Sanjoy Mahajan and David W. Hogg. “Most introductory physics textbooks neglect air resistance in situations where an astute student can observe that it dominates the dynamics.” … “Shouldn’t a physics textbook teach correct physics?”
1 kleiner songtext, linke Kinderlieder, wie süß. :-)
Interview with Curtis ‘Ovid’ Poe, at The Perl Review. He also talks about Class::CGI (which sounds fantastic, really).
Certification: Test Your Knowledge of A+ Essentials Topics, I got “only” 62% correct. (It’s time they use forms and a javascript to evaluate it…)
My spiked collar shall be for frontlets between mine eyes
And they shall be for rocket launchers on my doorposts and upon my gates:
That ye may remember & not go meekly to the slaughter
I am wearing the yellow star
— Dan Bern, Yellow Star
A type-correct, stack-safe, provably correct, expression compiler in Epigram, sounds very cool.
Free and Open Source Software at the United Nations, by David Boswell. “The United Nations is aware of the importance of including technology development as part of a larger effort to bridge this global digital divide.”
FrkyFrkyBox’n ][, _why tells more about sandboxing and Ruby interna.
The Dune Sea, some of “the largest sand waves in the world” are… in the San Francisco Bay!

What is a Saros?, “So, if a solar eclipse has just taken place, then to a good approximation, we can expect another eclipse exactly one saros later.”
I can tell, the wind is risin’,
the leaves tremblin’ on the tree,
tremblin’ on the tree
— Robert Johnson, Hell Hound On My Trail
Cheaper alternative to Binding.of_caller, Mauricio shows the neat trick with passing parameters to textual eval by use of lambda.
Why Can’t Database Tables Index Themselves?, a very good question.
50 albums that changed music , eighth place is Bob Dylan’s Bringing it All Back Home.
Implementing the Atom Publishing Protocol, by Joe Gregorio. Looks pretty easy, actually.
A Fistful of Languages, a new blog about DSLs and Ruby.
Revealing the X/O impedance mismatch, by Ralf Lämmel and Erik Meijer. “When engaging in X/O mapping, i.e., when viewing XML data as objects or vice versa, one faces various conceptual and technical challenges — they may be collectively referred to as the `X/O impedance mismatch’.”
Well I’ve been where you’re hanging,
I think I can see how you’re pinned:
When you’re not feeling holy,
your loneliness says that you’ve sinned.
— Leonard Cohen, Sisters of Mercy
dwm is a dynamic window manager for X11. “As founder and main developer of wmii I came to the conclusion that wmii is too clunky for my needs.” Sounds like the Forth way of life.
A Comparison of Ada and Real-Time Java for Safety-Critical Applications, does safety have to be painful? :-/
The Thrilling Freaky-Freaky Sandbox Hack!!, _why moves to C to secure Ruby.
Dumpster Gardens, neat.
Derivatives of Regular Expressions, by Janusz A. Brzozowski. This is from 1964!

A Functional Perspective on SSA Optimisation Algorithms, by Manuel M. T. Chakravarty, Gabriele Keller, and Patryk Zadarnowski. “In this paper, we discuss a new formalisation of the mapping from SSA programs to a restricted form of lambda terms, called administrative normal form (ANF).”
To everything, turn, turn, turn
There is a season, turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose under heaven
A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time to love, a time to hate
A time for peace, I swear it’s not too late
— Pete Seeger, Turn, Turn, Turn
Mocha is a library for mocking and stubbing within tests using a syntax like that of JMock and SchMock.
Mongoose is a pure-Ruby database management system that is modeled after Rudyard Kipling’s Rikki-Tikki-Tavi: small, quick, and friendly. It has an ActiveRecord-like interface, uses SkipLists for its indexing, and uses Marshal to store its data.
The Worst Logo Ever!, totally true. WJW.
Leaving W3C QA Dev., a comprehensive critique of the W3C by Bjoern Hoehrmann.
I Love My Sandwich But too many sprouts! Oh well.
How to Make a Complete Map of Every Thought you Think, an awesome task.
Die Tironischen Noten sind ein römisches Kurzschriftsystem, das im ersten vorchristlichen Jahrhundert von Marcus Tullius Tiro, dem Privatsekretär Ciceros, zum Mitschreiben von Reden und Gerichtsverhandlungen entwickelt wurde und rund 4.000 Zeichen umfasste.
You fasten all the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you set back and watch
While the death count gets higher
Then you hide in your mansion
While the young people’s blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud
— Bob Dylan, Masters Of War
The GSD system is about getting shit done. Very practical and fully analog.
Migrations Outside Rails are easily possible, as PragDave shows. That’s good, of course.
A Ridiculously Large Software Quality Problem, by chromatic: testing CPAN.
Building Planets, davorg recommends Plagger.
Scheisse, the President has a potty mouth because he used a foul four-letter word!
The sea was red and the sky was grey,
I wondered how tomorrow could ever follow today.
The mountains and the canyons started to tremble and shake
as the children of the sun began to awake.
— Led Zeppelin, Going to California
waferbaby, a Ruby On Rails CMS/web community.
The Attraction of the Center, by Aaron Swartz. Ahh, I’m sometimes a centrist, too.
Monkey-Patch on wikipedia!
MicroID – Small Decentralized Verifiable Identity, a new Identity layer to the web and Microformats that allows anyone to simply claim verifiable ownership over their own pages and content hosted anywhere.
don’t drink and… write, das wird sicher lustig, Lydia.
Es sind nicht immer die Lauten stark,
nur weil sie lautstark sind.
Es gibt so viele, denen das Leben
ganz leise viel echter gelingt.
— Konstantin Wecker, Es sind nicht immer die Lauten stark
Fine Typography for the Web, presented by Dave Shea, June 15th, 2006 at @media.
No Database!?, Tim Bray elaborates and is totally right.
Top 10 Dumbest Online Business Ideas That Made It Big Time and none was mine… so far!
HTML to MIDI – What does a site sound like?, WJW for the idea.
Mucking With Unicode for 1.8, _why hacked a bit, too.
Interviewing the JRuby Developers, Pat Eyler interviewed Charles Nutter and Thomas Enebo. “I believe that JRuby could soon become a highly optimized Ruby platform, and that a Ruby-to-bytecode compiler could conceivably make JRuby faster than “C Ruby” for many applications.”
And so today, my world it smiles, your hand in mine, we walk the miles,
Thanks to you it will be done, for you to me are the only one.
Happiness, no more to be said, happiness….I’m glad.
— Led Zeppelin, Thank You
Tales of the Hive – Lions at the Gate, by xC0000005. “On the landing board of the hive I saw a wrestling mass of honeybees dragging something, fighting, and stinging.”
Psychoacoustic UK, lovely graphics at BLDG BLOG.
Philosophinnen waren und sind in der Philosophie unterrepräsentiert. Einige sind bei Wikipedia verzeichnet.
GlimR 0.1, a Ruby OpenGL Widget Kit by Ilmari Heikkinen. Funded as one of Ruby Central Inc.’s Google Summer of Code 2006 projects.
GrailTeX is a small TeX distribution based on LaTeX and designed to build web-based applications upon it or to use different TeX versions for every project. Very cool.
I don’t care if the sun don’t shine
And I don’t care if nothing is mine
And I don’t care if I’m nervous with you
I’ll do my loving in the winter.
— Pink Floyd, Jugband Blues
A small-world network is a class of random graphs where most nodes are also neighbors of one another, but every node can be reached from every other by a small number of hops or steps.
Searching in a Small World, thesis by Oskar Sandberg.
Gliffy, another Web 2.0 Office app: Draw & share diagrams on the web.
My love for you I could never hide.
When I feel you near me little girl,
I know you are my one desire, yeah.
— Led Zeppelin, I Can’t Quit You Baby
Using the Ruby Bindings for Subversion to create a Wiki, by Ugo Cei. Nice use of version control, I’ve been toying with the idea of making a Wiki or CMS based on Git.
Microsummaries are regularly-updated succinct summaries of web pages. They are compact enough to fit in the space available to a bookmark label, provide more useful information about pages than static page titles, and are regularly updated as new information becomes available. Sounds useful.
SMS (Text-Messaging) Shorthand for Geeks Using Server Response Codes, truly awesome idea.
Grūpthink is a living source of collective wisdom. Anyone can ask a question or post a topic at Grūpthink, and everyone can respond.
3d sculptures of Kamasutra positions, PNSFW. 360°! Can we have that in Lego? ;-)
Standing in Line With Mr. Jimmy, John Gruber on Apple and open-sourcing their utilities.
23rd Chaos Communication Congress 2006: Call for Participation, motto this year: “23C3: Who can you trust?”
Shooting Flintlock, by GhostOfTiber. “If you’re interested in an extended hunting season or just a historical arm, flintlock might be for you.” Boom.
Tangerine, Tangerine,
Living reflections from a dream;
I was her love, she was my queen,
And now a thousand years between.
— Led Zeppelin, Tangerine
Chauvinista, by LilDebbie. “It’s her chest, she knows. Good nutrition and Swedish genes blessed her with an ample bosom.”
Reworked semi-automagic test generator and code annotator, very neat.
Tupperware City, WJW.
All I need from you is all your love,
All you got to give to me is all your love,
All I need from you is all your love,
All you got to give to me is all your love.
Oooh yeah, ooh yeah, ooh yeah, oh yeah.
— Led Zeppelin, Out On The Tiles
Airhook is a reliable data delivery protocol, like TCP. Unlike TCP, Airhook gracefully handles intermittent, unreliable, or delayed networks. Other features include session recovery, queue control, and delivery status notification.
Khashmir is a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) based on Kademila and written in Python. By Aaron Swartz.
GNUnet is a framework for secure peer-to-peer networking that does not use any centralized or otherwise trusted services.
Mnemosyne: Peer-to-Peer Steganographic Storage, by Steven Hand and Timothy Roscoe.
Mojitos: A Distributed Steganographic File System, by Charles Giefer and Julie Letchner.
KadC, a C library for publishing and retrieving records in Kademlia-based Distributed Hash Tables.
Oh war is the common cry,
Pick up your swords and fight.
The sky is filled with good and bad that mortals never know.
— Led Zeppelin, The Battle of Evermore
Using Heat Gun to Cause ECC Memory Errors, WJW.
First they came for the big ISPs and I did not speak out…
Replace Conditional With Polymorphism, the essence of OO?
Who is Gregor Samsa?, a lovely what-the-fuck.
Howto: Jack Shit And Sinsemilla, by mybostinks. “It was a monument to the first year anyone in North America successfully grew sinsemilla outdoors.”
I gotta roll, can’t stand still,
Got a flamin’ heart, can’t get my fill,
Eyes that shine burning red,
Dreams of you all through my head.
— Led Zeppelin, Black Dog
History of Haskell by Simon Peyton Jones, Phil Wadler, Paul Hudak, and John Hughes. Interesting and comprehensive paper.
MonteCarlo is a bitmap font suitable for code editors. Unfortunately no TTF.
Do Particles Exist?, nuts nuts nuts.
GemTap, Joel Reymont switches again, now back to Ruby. This gets boring, by bets for the next rewrites are: Python, Forth (or Factor?) and Prolog.
n.nfshost.com, how far can you go?
Skype Protocol Has Been Cracked, it’s been time. This is great news. Now open source it.
DesktopBSD combines the stability of FreeBSD, the usability and functionality of KDE and the simplicity of specially developed software to provide a system that’s easy to use and install.
A Core Calculus for Scala Type Checking, a new paper by the Scala team. They are publishing like hell.
Your head is humming and it won’t go, in case you don’t know
The piper’s calling you to join him
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind
— Led Zeppelin, Stairway To Heaven
History of LISP, at the Software Collection Comittee. Huge, comprehensive list of Lisp stuff.
No One Cares What You Had For Lunch: 100 Ideas for Your Blog, by Margaret Mason.
Still More Perl Lightning Articles, O’Reilly should publish Ruby Lightning Articles too. ;-)
So if you wake up with the sunrise, and all your dreams are still as new,
And happiness is what you need so bad, girl, the answer lies with you.
— Led Zeppelin, What Is And What Should Never Be
Montezuma 0.1.1 is out, the Lucene/Ferret port for Common Lisp. Where are the benchmarks?
Decimal Support in Rails, PragDave says: “In the Rails trunk, numeric and decimal database columns with a scale factor are now converted into Ruby BigDecimal objects.”
Memorial For Julieclipse, a member of the NBTSC community since 1997, died suddenly in a car accident the evening of July 11, 2006, while on the way to her parents house in Misouri. I’m shocked, this is so damn sad. No more Daywood Academy…
The Power of Free, by Kurt Cagle. “Where is the value proposition in open source for the programmer?” Longish essay.
sauce, Lydia philosophiert: “Bloggen ist fast wie eine Saucenflasche – entweder es flutscht gar nichts oder es flutscht alles auf einmal raus.”
Looking back at Hotwired, by Jeffrey Veen. Do you remember the times when the default background color was grey?
EnterpriseRails, at Martin Fowlers bliki. “I confess I like this opinionated attitude.”
Writers’ Workshops & The Work of Making Things (PDF), a book by Richard P. Gabriel I haven’t yet read.
Encoding Information Flow in Haskell, by Peng Li and Steve Zdancewic. “This paper presents an embedded security sublanguage for enforcing information-flow policies in the standard Haskell programming language.”
Event-Based Programming without Inversion of Control, by Philipp Haller and Martin Odersky. “[W]e were able to define all essential operations of Erlang’s actor-based process model in the Scala library.”
Little drops of rain whisper of the pain,
tears of loves lost in the days gone by.
My love is strong, with you there is no wrong,
together we shall go until we die. My, my, my.
An inspiration is what you are to me, inspiration, look… see.
— Led Zeppelin, Thank You
CSpace provides a platform for secure, decentralized, user-to-user communication over the internet. Sounds neat, but I’d prefer IPv6 and SSL…
The camel has two humps, or why teaching programming can be impossible, by Saeed Dehnadi and Richard Bornat. Must, must read.
Unexpected Complexity of Simple Games, John Wiseman about SOCOM 3: “When I was playing the game a lot and was at the height of my abilities, it seemed to be more like rock-paper-scissors or chess than a twitchy shooter.”
Iannis Xenakis and Formalized Music, “Xenakis created a number of musical events and stochastically assigned these to cells in the grid.”
Architectural Tetris, yay. “They almost look like proteins — enzymes of European domesticity.”
Practices of an Agile Developer, PerlCast with /\ndy Hunt.
10/10 review of Ruby for Rails on Slashdot, gratulation, dblack.
Tell you, pretty baby, you love to mess me ‘round.
I’m gonna give you lovin’, baby, gonna move you out o’ town.
Bring it on home…
— Led Zeppelin, Bring It On Home
The Camping Server, a small Ruby appplication server.
Family Tree of Schema Languages for Markup Languages (2006), by Rick Jelliffe. If there’s still a bit of space on your wall…
Finally, an O’Reilly XQuery book, Simon St. Laurent proclaims. Now we’d just need a free, non-java XQuery implementation…
And death shall have no dominion, words and voice by Dylan Thomas.
Separate data and formatting with microformats, by Jack D. Herrington. Uses PHP, but of course the concepts apply everywhere.
Galileo-Code gecrackt, mit guter Rechtfertigung.
IT Screen Goddess Calendar, hot.
70,000 Psilocybin mushroom/chocolate and other “sweet” candy.
A Studio just for Ruby, by Caleb Tennis. So the Rails people can learn Ruby, too. ;-)
Course of action, Joel Reymont will use Haskell for his trade application. “I like Erlang and Lisp but would hate to impose their syntax on my users.”
Cause I’m a poet
Don’t ya know it
And the wind, you can blow it
Cause I’m Mr. Dylan, the king
And I’m free as a bird on the wing
— Syd Barrett, Bob Dylan Blues
Living batteries and the wire garden, reminds me of interbacterial synapses?
Fire Maps of Africa showing the southward migration of agricultural fires across Africa over the course of 2005.
NubyGems: Inject is Functional!, by Gregory Brown. Some introductionary examples of folds.
Methods That Self-Destruct, neat one. (And the death to every static compiler.)
What am I going to do about life
Put it off some 30 years now
Waiting for someone or something
To tell me yes it’s starting now
But here I am with you in Venice
Watchin’ the storm come in
Watchin’ the storm come in
Watchin’ the storm come in
— Dan Bern, Watchin’ The Storm Come In
Ruby releases beyond 2007, and some news about 1.9/2.0 too, I eagerly await 2025/12/25. :-)
nie zu spät, Lydia machte Bilder vom Zentralfriedhof von Zagreb.
Elisa is a project to create an open source cross platform media center solution. Wants to target OS X too.
PyPy video documentation, lots of talks available as torrents.
Rudi Carrell ist tot. Schade. Aber er sagte ja selbst: “Ich werde noch lange als Wiederholung weiterleben.”
Industry demands Python, not Ruby or Rails, hey, Industry, go fuck yourself! *scnr*
Research on the Bongard Problems, stuff I love.
Screaming through the starlit sky
Travelling by telephone.
Hey ho, here we go
Ever so high.
— Pink Floyd, Flaming
Syd Barrett, Founder of Pink Floyd, Dies, sad.
Job? Fuck It!, graphics by Packard Jennings. Very good.
A Released Perl With Trie-based Regexps!, a neat optimization.
Anarchy, defined by Russ Nelson.
Introducing the Dapper-Commercial Repository, great, so I’m back at recommending Debian to people. (And no, it’s not about choice, but about actively providing something that hurts free software.)
The HACTRN, by Guy L. Steele Jr. “Once before a console dreary, while I programmed, weak and weary, / Over many a curious program which did TECO’s buffer fill, …”
Socially Responsive, Environmentally Friendly Logic, by Samson Abramsky. “What kind of logic has a natural semantics in multi-player (rather than 2-player) games?”
Deploying Rails with Pound in Front of Mongrel, Lighttpd, and Apache, by Rob Orsini. Who can use more HTTP servers at once?
Bye, Bye <embed>, by Elizabeth Castro on A List Apart. “The use of embed has gone on too long.”
I stepped on board of a railroad car beneath the morning sun
I rode the road ‘til evening and I laid me down again
All strangers there, no friends to me, ‘til a dark girl towards me came
And I fell in love with a Creole girl by the lakes of Pontchartrain
— Déanta, The Lakes Of Pontchartrain
The lakes of Pontchartrain, beautiful.
Automatic Magazine Layout, by Harvey Kane on A List Apart. “This article covers a PHP-based technique for automatically resizing—and more importantly, positioning—between two and eight images in what I call a magazine-style layout.”
ich rauche, also spinn’ ich, ein Nikotinpflaster für Lydia.
Take 42.5, further improvements to Vlerq.
FUnit, a Fortran Unit Testing Framework that uses Ruby for code generation. Used at NASA.
GnuCash 2.0.0 milestone released to public, for the people that have money.
Archigram: The Restaurant, who wouldn’t want to dinner in the sky?
Woodflame grill, highly recommended, says Jason Fried.
MODx is an open source PHP Application Framework that helps you take control of your online content. One of the very few CMS projects that feature a valid frontpage, unfortunately requires MySQL.
CD Baby is hiring Rails Rock Stars for very high-profile, well-paying music projects, by Derek Sivers. Best part: “Don’t apply without attaching code.”
FisheyeWithThumbs is a very cool Emacs hack when you often use several windows.
PollGround lets users like you share advice through polls. Good idea.
I don’t care if my liver is hanging by a thread
Don’t care if my doctor says I ought to be dead
When my ugly big car won’t climb this hill
I’ll write a suicide note on a hundred dollar bill
— Dire Straits, Heavy Fuel
Improved cryptanalysis of Py, by Paul Crowley. The way these people are using math is awesome.
These days miracles
don’t come falling from the sky
raise your glasses to the doctor
to a stand up guy
— Mark Knopfler, Stand Up Guy
The dangers of #undef_method, #instance_exec recalled for memleaking!, by Mauricio Fernandez. As usual, a good dig into the internals.
Mud Mosques of Mali, “With 515 mosques photographed, this collection shows a representative image of the adobe mosques of the Niger Inner Delta.”
Das Griechische Feuer war eine Geheimwaffe des byzantinischen Reiches. Man kann durchaus von einem Vorläufer des Napalms sprechen.
All you wanted to know about the HiPE compiler (but might have been afraid to ask), by K. Sagonas, M. Pettersson, R. Carlsson, P. Gustafsson, and T. Lindahl. HiPE is the High Performance Erlang compiler.
Abstracting Allocation: The New new Thing, by Nick Benton. “We introduce a Floyd-Hoare-style framework for specification and verification of machine code programs, based on relational parametricity (rather than unary predicates) and using both step-indexing and a novel form of separation structure.”
The Least Surprised in “UnboundMyth’d”, Episode 3 of this cartoon set, which was shown at RailsConf 2006. Must see.
800 person Chicago IT firm ThoughtWorks going to shut its doors… if that’s true, ouch.
Bent Linux is a small simple distro, statically linked against uClibc.
bsdtalk is a podcast about the BSD family of free operating systems.
Testing your Rails views with Hpricot, useful.
Ruby is love.
Python is bondage.
I choose love. — Kirk Haines
Artificial Aesthetic Sense, “if a user draws an approximately straight line, his intention is to draw a truly straight line; if he draws an approximately parallel set of approximately straight and approximately equally long lines, he wants a set of truly straight, truly parallel and truly equally long lines.”
p^P is Pastie Straight from Vim, now we just need an Emacs version.
He do the song about the sweet lovin’ woman
He do the song about the knife
He do the walk, he do the walk of life
— Dire Straits, Walk Of Life
Stories about Mike and grep, awesome. ;-)
A minimalistic yet much more powerful bookmark manager, kicking del.icio.us’ and Firefox/you-name-it’s ass, Mauricio Fernandez tweaks on. Very neat.
The Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife (NSFW), the first occurence of tentacle porn?
Japan SAQ (Seldom Asked Questions), everyone can learn something new here.
7 July 2005 London bombings, one year ago.
Fireworks on the 4th, oops: “What we thought at the time was a really loud firecracker from the neighbors turned out to be a close lightening strike, probably hitting the phone line.”
Have you seen the old girl
Who walks the streets of London
Dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags
She’s no time for talking
She just keeps right on walking
Carrying her home in two carrier bags
— Ralph McTell, Streets of London
Lake Loss, no swimming at the moment, “a permanent plug must be installed in the throat of the sinkhole to stop the water drain.”
Buildix, the Agile development platform on a disk.
Wiffity, Fugi done right?
Cholesterol is a lamp made with reused clear plastic egg cartons.
Carpet Invaders by Janek Simon. WJW.
Do query-replace-regexp
on all files listed in tags table.
Instant identifier renaming!Reasons I Enjoy Flying, neat list by Dan Cederholm.
activeCollab is an easy to use, web based, open source collaboration and project management tool. Redoing BaseCamp in PHP5. Oh wow.
Heady nibblage, best rabbits ever.
Some of us are still swimming
Not everybody evolves the same, some of us are still stuck
Scraping for survival, looking back back back back back
Not everybody evolves
Not everybody evolves
Not everybody evolves
— Dan Bern, Not Everyone Evolves
The Reagan Doctrine, by Isaac Asimov. “Ronald Reagan pointed out that one couldn’t trust the Soviet government because the Soviets didn’t believe in God.”
Lessons From Hpricot, the use of / for Array lookup already existed in a toy language I designed back in 2002.
How to Sneak Testing Into Your Devlopment Team, basically, do it on your own and bug the others until they help you. ;-)
Googlepedia is a Firefox plugin that shows you a relevant Wikipedia article along with your search results.
Omens, *g*.
RFuzz is the start of a Ruby based HTTP thrasher, destroyer, fuzzer, and client based on the Mongrel project’s HTTP parser and the statistical analysis of being very mean to a web server.
The iroha (伊呂波/いろは) is a famous Japanese poem because it is a perfect pangram, containing each character of the Japanese syllabary exactly once. Because of this, it is also used as an ordering for the syllabary.
Google hires Plone Founder, buying the important Python guys one piece at a time.
Some are pourin’ cement
Some are sawing’ wood
Some are filin’ papers
Some are sellin’ blood
— Dan Bern, Monuments
RailsConf 2006 Keynote Series, watch the talks online. Unfortunately, the slides aren’t shown.

Diagram for Perl 6’s CPAN stack, let’s see if they manage a continuous integration.
Mail Plugin for Ruby-Wmii by _why, and I used to joke when Wmii finally can read mail!
Rethinking Community Documentation, by Andy Oram. “Community documentation has swept up so many talented people and accomplished so much that I’ve decided to join in and help it flourish.” Nice for lazy programmers, too. }:-)
Das liegt wahrscheinlich an den Scheißverlierern, die sich immer auf die anderen verlassen,
die ihr Leben nicht geregelt kriegen und mir ein schlechtes Gewissen verpassen.
Das liegt an dieser christlichen Erziehung, an dieser komischen Schwäche für die Schwachen.
Als ob das die besseren Menschen wären, da kann ich ja nur lachen.
— Funny Van Dannen, Kapitalismus
Test Your Knowledge of Ubuntu Topics, I had, without any training or special interest in Ubuntu 36 of 50 correct.
20 Things You Should Know About Pearl Jam, or not, but who cares. ;-)
trapexit.org is wiki where you can find endless of information about Erlang/OTP.
An open letter to the political blogosphere, by Jimbo Wales. “This can be the start of the era of net-driven participatory politics.”
Do your graphics say the wrong thing?, nice example.
Release Late, Release Rarely, by Aaron Swartz: “[W]hen others look at it, all they see is a piece of junk.”
Making Reliable Distributed Systems in the Presence of Software Errors, Damien Katz found Joe Armstrong’s thesis.
Stock Cloud is a tag cloud like display of stock ticker symbols. The larger the ticker symbol the more frequent that company distributes press releases.
It s hard enough tryin to overthrow the bosses
And carry out Karl Marx’s wishes
Let alone tryin’ to get some capitalist running dog
To do the dishes
— Dan Bern, The Last Communist On Earth
Timeline is a DHTML-based AJAXy widget for visualizing time-based events. It is like Google Maps for time-based information. Cool!
Programming Languages and Lambda Calculi looks like a comprehensive treatement of the semantics of typed and untyped call-by-value programming languages.
Okay, Give Hpricot 0.2 a Go, I tried it, it can munge the worst HTML code.
BlogHer, where woman bloggers are.
Convert Ruby to JavaScript, by Paul Battley. “It seems somehow wrong, like grafting a pretty girl’s head onto a donkey, but I’ve done it anyway!”
Ich mein die Menschenjäger und die Schreibtischtäter,
die uns Millionen mal ermordet haben,
die spüren schon die Schlinge um ihren weißen Kragen.
— Ton Steine Scherben, Menschenjäger
Some crazy guy announced a Python implementation in Common Lisp!, Stefan Scholl says. Neat.
0 tests, 0 assertions, *but* 0 failures, 0 errors, Patrick Logan about Steve Loughran noticing there are more tests for Ant than for SOAP, WS-A and the other stuff that I don’t know why people still talk about.
Lady Liberty Trades In Some Trappings, horrible, horrible, horrible.
Flirting With Disgusting, WJW.
Copy What You Like, essay by Paul Graham. He makes a nice point.
I believe we were truly made in the image of god
I believe Jesus was a maniac on jet skis
one day I’ll learn how to use jet skis too
in the meantime watch me swim
in the meantime I m swimming as hard as I can
— Dan Bern, I Believe
Google SketchUp is a simple but powerful tool for quickly and easily creating, viewing and modifying your 3D ideas.
HOWTO: Hoary ClearType-like fonts, may be useful.
How to safely connect from anywhere to your closed Linux firewall with help of port knocking, IMO an underrated technology.
Let Bogons Be Bogons: A Nightmare from ISP Hell, by lamppter. Hehe.
Trading systems language, Joel Reymont is back at Haskell. Spin the black circle?
Getting “really” started with Rails: Free Mini-Workshop at the Vancouver Ruby Association, by Nathaniel Brown.
Ich hab geträumt, der Krieg wär vorbei,
du warst hier, und wir war’n frei
und die Morgensonne schien.
Alle Türen war’n offen, die Gefängnisse leer.
Es gab keine Waffen und keine Kriege mehr.
Das war das Paradies!
— Ton Steine Scherben, Der Traum ist aus

My average speed, Joi Ito found out he moves at an average of 78.33km/h. Whoa.
Canaries in the Mac OS X and Red Hat Coal Mines?, another post on Mark and Cory switching, this time by Tim O’Reilly. Very good comments, too: “And Cory Doctorow and Mark Pilgrim have gone off in search of the chain-smoking goth click.”
David Thomas is a popular name among popular people.
2006 ICFP Contest registration opens, will Haskell win again?
ruby-wmii 0.3.0: extensibility via plugins, easier upgrades, new applets (MPD, battery monitor)…, when will it read my mail?
Hpricot is a nice, loose HTML parser for Ruby, written in C. Wheee! We sooo need this.
That until the basic human rights
Are equally guaranteed to all,
Without regard to race—
Dis a war.
— Bob Marley, War
MacTrades, Joel Reymont says: “Uptick was a good name but I decided to focus on modeling and research and stay out of the real-time trading rat race.”
It’s just a plant is a book about marijuana for kids. WJW.
Hilda, a High-Level Language for Data-Driven Web Applications.
Sometimes I think that everyone
Really speaks a foreign tongue
Like I say X and you hear Y
But I push these thoughts from my mind
And close my eyes and live
I close my eyes and live another day
— Dan Bern, Live Another Day
Comatose, a Micro CMS Plugin for Rails. “Something that was tiny, simple, and lightweight. Something I could drop into existing applications.”
verblasst für einen monat, Lydia meint: “Ab dem 10. Juli wird man sie vermutlich wieder einrollen, die meisten Deutschlandfahnen.” Wird auch Zeit.
Pugs 6.2.12 and v6.pm released! Enjoy.
RailFrog is a user-friendly, open-source web site deployment and content management system built with Rails; producing well structured and standards-compliant pages with Web 2.0 goodness.
Robert Gernhardt, Texte im Internet. Lesen!
Cairo release 1.2.0 now available, adding PDF, PostScript, and SVG backends to the previous xlib, win32 and image backends.
So if you are the big tree
We are the small axe
Ready to cut you down (well sharp)
To cut you down
— Bob Marley, Small Axe
Visor provides a systemwide terminal window accessible via a hotkey, much like the consoles found in games such as Quake. Unfortunately for Tiger only.
Abundance is a Forth-based, data-entry, data-base and screen-handling language. It automatically handles the routine housekeeping that normally accounts for 90% of interactive application code.
The Yhc Bytecode API is a library for reading, writing and manipulating the Yhc bytecode file format. It is is capable of reading and writing the entire bytecode set. Partly documented.
Turn off Sessions, Rails really could be more clever about this.
All men equal
Al men brothers
Praise Father, Son, Holy Ghost
And 52 others
— Dan Bern, Freedom Of Choice
Fitness for Porpoises, by Rick Jelliffe. Includes an analogy about XML validation languages and legal terms.
Preincrement plays, not about arithmetics actually, Mauricio satisfies the C weenies.
Red Rectangle is a comic about the glorious resturants of the immaculate communist states of the world. It shall enlighten workers over the globe and spark a great meat-based revolution in which the proletarians will rise up and crush the elitist fancy eateries where reservations are needed.
ERLang RunTime environment is an Erlang distribution system for both applications and Erlang/OTP framework. Needs 3–20 megabytes.
Moving Forth, by Brad Rodriguez. Do it yourself; must-read for everyone interested in Forth.
Mark Pilgrim’s list of Ubuntu essentials for ex-Mac users made Cory Doctorow switch too! Mass exodus a’coming?
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look?
Yes, some say it’s just a part of it:
We’ve got to fullfil the book.
— Bob Marley, Redemption Song
common-lisp.biz provides the services you need to get the most out of the “Programmable Programming Language”.
How to do a pixel head, I admire people that can do this stuff.
Scheme48 Reference Manual, by Taylor Campbell.
Pluvo is a nascent experimental scripting language with an easy to use syntax, built in test facilities, and modern datatypes. Has some nifty ideas.
ApacheCon Europe 2006, slides and presentations.
Higher-Dimensional Algebra III: n-Categories and the Algebra of Opetopes, by John C. Baez and James Dolan. Whoa.
Why I am conservative about changes to Ruby, by David A. Black. Good points I mostly agree with.
Jim Baen, October 22, 1943 – June 28, 2006. “His e-texts were clear and in a variety of common formats.”
Blackpowder Rockets, by GhostOfTiber. Enjoy. ;-)
A Taste of Erlang, a Dynamic, Asynchronous Message-Passing Language, by David Chisnall. “‘Scalable’ Is the New ‘Fast’”.
And then I took this striped old piece of cloth
And tried my best to wash the garbage off.
But I found it had been used to wrapping lies.
It smelled and stank and attracted all the flies.
— Pete Seeger, The Torn Flag
Burning Flags, by Scott Adams. “I’d hate to chip away at my flag’s freedom feature.” (I actually thought it already was forbidden to destroy the flag, but nice to see it isn’t yet.)
Minix Tips, Tips for running the Minix Operating System Version 3. (It even has a Git mirror, cool.)
Wizard School, by Steve Yegge. Scary.
The agony and the ectasy, of RubyConf proposals, that is. David Black is happy about 73 talk proposals.
The REALLY EASY WAY To Understand Continuations, Memoization, Generics…. and Social Networking, by M. David Peterson.
Balloon, _why’s lastest peace of nifty software.
Come on and stir it up; …, little darlin’!
Stir it up; come on, baby!
Come on and stir it up, yeah!
Little darlin’, stir it up! O-oh!
— Bob Marley, Stir It Up
if your models aren’t namespaced, why should your controllers be?, somehow I need a timeline for Ruby on Rails—the BCP change so fast.
BLDGBLOG Goes to Paris…, “And if my plane goes down—and I’m convinced it will—I’ll try to resurrect myself and come back to describe the arches of paradise.” Good luck.
Heather Powazek Champ’s 10 Seconds is a great vlog. Very cool.
Are you really rideing?
the sun is a risin’
the sign is a risin’
Moon is rising
— Bob Marley, Rainbow Country
Fold an Origami Star, neat.
Envelope Paradox, Elliot Temple coded the paradox mentioned last week in Ruby.