Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Brown Dyed Hotel, a wellmade and doable “get to the next page” game.
ContextFree.js & Algorithm Ink: Making Art with Javascript, cool stuff by Aza Raskin.

Honk if you’re lonely tonight
If you need a friend to get through the night
A toot on your horn, a flash of your brights
Honk if you’re lonely tonight
— Silver Jews, Honk If You’re Lonely
V6 Thompson Shell Port, “Osh(1) is an enhanced, backward-compatible port of the Sixth Edition (V6) Unix shell (circa 1975), aka the Thompson shell. The original Thompson shell was principally written by Ken Thompson of Bell Labs. Sh6(1) (a port of the original shell) and glob6(1) (a port of the global command) are also included in this package.” (I didn’t know there was a goto(1)).
Fractal Pizza, WJW. And olives, yum.
Fibonacci Numbers Spelled Out, an exercise in generatingfunctionology by Ivan Galkin.
Der Traum ist ein Traum, zu dieser Zeit,
doch nicht mehr lange, mach dich bereit
für den Kampf um’s Paradies!
Wir haben nichts zu verlieren außer unserer Angst,
es ist unsere Zukunft, unser Land.
Gib mir deine Liebe, gib mir deine Hand.
— Ton Steine Scherben, Der Traum Ist Aus
Death’s Acre: Tour the Body Farm (graphic!), “A body farm is a research facility where human decomposition after death can be scientifically studied in a variety of settings. The aim is to gain a better understanding of the decomposition process, permitting the development of techniques for extracting information (such as the timing and circumstances of death) from human remains.”
Hardware Design and Functional Programming: a Perfect Match, by Mary Sheeran. “This is a slightly odd paper that explains why I am still as fascinated by the combination of functional programming and hardware design as I have ever been. It includes some looking back over my own research and that of others, and contains 60 references.”