Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Crosscompiling NetBSD with build.sh, freaking easy and really awesome. Now I wish pkgsrc could be cross-compiled as well…
Indeterminacy of translation, “Consider Quine’s example of the word “gavagai” uttered by a native upon seeing a rabbit. The linguist could do what seems natural and translate this as “Lo, a rabbit.” But other translations would be compatible with all the evidence he has: “Lo, food”; “Let’s go hunting”; “There will be a storm tonight” (these natives may be superstitious); “Lo, a momentary rabbit-stage”; “Lo, an undetached rabbit-part.””

We will survive as thieve we will survive as freaks.
Turn around, turn around turn around
And take a look at the crowd…
— Le Tigre, TGIF
Taylor Series: A matter of life or death, crazy story.
Shakespearean Insulter, for thou spongy beef-witted skainsmates!
Patagonia, talk at Interesting08 by Matt Webb.
SeisMac is a Mac OS X application that turns your MacBook or MacBook Pro into a seismograph. It access your laptop’s Sudden Motion Sensor in order to display real-time, three-axis acceleration graphs. Version 2.0’s enhancements make SeisMac an even more valuable tool for classroom demonstrations of seismic concepts and techniques. Cool!

The thrill of flirtation
On endless vacations
Keen as a thing that is keen
— Whale, Losing Ctrl
Sneaking Buckybase data into Google Spreadsheets for Fun and Gadgets, applied and useful Web 2.0.
For whom the bell tolls, “As if, down there in the bedrock, or perhaps a few miles out at sea inside a submarine, every few seconds you hear the tolling of a massive church bell – but it’s not a bell, it’s the 728-ton spherical damper inside Taipei 101 knocking loose against its structure.”