Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Daria Takes Aim At Jane Magazine, oh I loved that show.
All You Ever Wanted to Know About Banburismus but were Afraid to Ask, by Steven Hosgood. “60 years before this page was originally written, the cryptographers of Hut 8 (Naval Enigma) at Bletchley Park (BP) perfected “Banburismus”, a unique statistical attack that would work against German Navy Enigma messages even if they had no cribs available (i.e no guesses as to the exact plaintext).”

Flasche leer Feuerwehr
3 Tage Wach
Laufen geht jetzt auch nicht mehr
3 Tage Wach
Auf gehts Ab gehts
3 Tage Wach
Nächste Party Kommt Bestimmt
3 Tage Wach
— Lützenkirchen, 3 Tage Wach
Desktopography 2008, some very nice wallpapers.
REST: The short version, good overview by Mike Amundsen.
Amanda trinkt das Glas auf ex und sagt: Eure Gärten interessieren mich einen Dreck.
Und der Zimmerspringbrunnen plätschert, Kurt holt die Wäsche rein.
Ist das die Blaue Stunde, fragt er, kann das sein?
— Funny Van Dannen, Blaue Stunde
AmIOnMySpace.com?, by Ed Sanders. “This plugin will alert you if you accidently stumble onto MySpace.com, and take you back to the site you came from.” Awesome.
Incremental Development Environments, Gilad Bracha criticizes the file-based development model.