Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Quantum Mechanics: A graduate level course, by Richard Fitzpatrick.
HPC Considered Harmful (PDF), slides by Greg Wilson. “The real grand challenge in scientific computing is doing it right, not doing it fast.”
An Interview with Vladimir Arnol′d, by S. H. Lui. Includes discussion of how mathematics is thought and which cultural differences exist.
What is defunctionalization?, a walkthrough.
She cries out ‘Not again Dear Lord!
I can not go on like this
No one can understand
No one could live like this’
— Kill Switch Klick, Her Trembling Hands
Trashing (from) the Command Line, I must be the only OS X user that never has emptied the trash in over three years of using OS X. (rm(1) ftw.)
A design problem is not an optimization problem. — Christopher Alexander, [via]
Reflow is the process by which the geometry of the layout engine’s formatting objects are computed. Last week, I was searching around and stumbled on these really cool visuals of what a reflow looks like. Has some nice videos of Mozilla and Google sites.
Cell Phones Are Evil, this one in a microwave is just too great.
Esau holds a blessing;
Brother Esau bears a curse.
I would say that the blame is mine
But I suspect it’s something worse.
— Grateful Dead, My Brother Esau
The Development of Categorical Logic, by John L. Bell. “I have elected to begin with a historical survey in which I hope to have touched on most of the major developments (as well as a number of interesting minor ones) in categorical logic, following which I offer a more detailed presentation of a number of aspects of the subject.”
Basic Concepts in Modal Logic (PDF), by Edward N. Zalta. “My goal was to write a text for dedicated undergraduates with no previous experience in modal logic.”