Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
The K language definition framework, I think this looks pretty promising and deserves some time unraveling: Start with K: A Rewriting-Based Framework for Computations (PDF), have a look at K-Scheme and Rewriting Logic Semantics of Beta. And also take notice of Circ.
Hidden Logic (PDF), PhD thesis by Grigore Rosu.
A good notation sets the mind free to think about really important things. — Alfred North Whitehead
James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher.
recycled banner golden mean messenger bags, very nice.
Ars Moriendi, how to die in a proper way. Fun.
House in my head has left me for dead
This house in my head, and I’m going home
House in my head has left me for dead
House in my head, and I’m going home
— Sons And Daughters, House In My Head
Best. Paper. Ever. “You Bastard: A Narrative Exploration of the Experience of Indignation within Organizations”.
Louder and louder, nice and practical typography.
Serpents, Serpents Everywhere!, by givemegmail111. “And yet, if there are no such things as sea serpents, how could every man in the crew have witnessed the same sight?”
20x20x20 Rubik’s Cube Solve (YouTube), not a human.
Designing a Data Structure, by Chris Okasaki. “Students are rarely given an opportunity to design an algorithmically non-trivial data structure.”
Here she built a chapel with
Her image on the wall
A place where she could rest and
A place where she could wash
— P.J. Harvey, The Wind
Linear Logical Algorithms, by Robert J. Simmons and Frank Pfenning. “In this paper, we identify a bottom-up logic programming language based on linear logic that is amenable to efficient execution and describe a novel cost semantics that can be used for complexity analysis of algorithms expressed in linear logic.”
Why Did You Hire Me?, by Keith LaFerriere at A List Apart. “Money has a way of becoming an immediate barrier to your success. You need to address this and, to use gaudy corporate language, mitigate the risk. For freelancers, agency team members, and other hired guns, here are five tips.”
The Cure for Content-Delay Syndrome, by Pepi Ronalds at A List Apart. “We’ll spend hours, weeks, even months, doing user scenarios, site maps, wireframes, designs, schemas, and specifications—but content?”