Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
minimalexperimental is a platform for online and offline design exhibitions. We want to encourage designers to be more daring, to experiment more, not to choose the most available solution to any project.
What Emacs is to editors, Stumpwm is to window managers, Bill Clementson says. What ever happened to Sawfish, anyway?
‘Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I’d still miss you, babe
And I don’t wanna miss a thing
— Aerosmith, I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing
The Rubyists are Wrong, a Ruby is not a Diamond!
From OBJ to ML to Coq (PDF), by Jacek Chrzaszcz and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. “Our interest focuses on three implemented specification/programming languages, OBJ, ML and Coq, which have played an important historical role in the process of coming up with better languages.”
All Streets, by Ben Fry. “All of the streets in the lower 48 United States: an image of 26 million individual road segments.”
When architects get prizes, the people suffer. — John McCarthy
RecentChangesCamp, a BarCamp-style wiki conference.
If it makes you feel it
we want it intense
we want our violence.
— Concrete Blonde, Violent
Twistori, what do Twitter users love/hate/think/believe/feel/wish? Neat.