Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Get that job at Google, by Steve Yegge.
The pkgsrc portability guide, “pkgsrc is a package management system that has been ported to various POSIX-like operating systems. These systems differ in a lot of small details that are all nice to know when writing code that will later run on as many of these platforms as possible. This article collects some of the limitations, bugs and other characteristics of the pkgsrc platforms.” Very useful.
Allow Me Not to Explain Myself, Khoi Vinh on blogging desperation.
Delia, oh Delia, how can it be?
You loved all them rounders, never did love me.
All the friends I ever had are gone.
— Bob Dylan, Delia
vanilla.rb, bliki-classic Vanilla gets a reimplementation in Ruby by lazyatom! Yay! (I’m really excited about how it will turn out, as I’ve been throwing around these ideas in my head a lot as well.)
What makes Mathematics hard to learn?, an essay from Marvin Minsky. Recommended reading.
Fez, the best game I have never played, I don’t care about video games usually, but look at that movie and be freaking impressed. I love it!
Night after night some new plan to blow up the world.
Night after night another old man kissing some young girl.
You look for salvation, you find none.
Just another broken heart, another barrel of a gun,
Just another stick of dynamite night after night.
— Bob Dylan, Night After Night
Timeline of the Debian project, nice application of SIMILE.
Maris-McGwire-Sosa pairs are two consecutive natural numbers such that adding each number’s digits (in base 10) to the digits of its prime factorization gives the same sum.
Playing with a Testing Library, PragDave proposes a promising new testing library.
cvsclone is a utility to clone CVS repositories over the cvspserver interface. It works for anonymous access.
The Trenches of Approach, “A three-metre deep trench is being dug around Chad’s capital, N’Djamena, to force vehicles through one of a few fortified gateways into the dusty city.”