Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
GitNub, a Git frontend using RubyCocoa. Looks pretty good.
The Lady’s Brunch Burger, by Paula Deen. WJW.
Debian Sid on the OLPC XO, saved for reference.
He did ten years in Attica, reading Nietzsche and Wilhelm Reich
They threw him in the hole one time for tryin’ to stop a strike.
His closest friends were black men ‘cause they seemed to understand
What it’s like to be in society with a shackle on your hand.
— Bob Dylan, Joey
A Brief Introduction to Rvalue References, by Howard E. Hinnant, Bjarne Stroustrup, and Bronek Kozicki. Whyowhy.
Warm fuzzy things for random simulations, by Mauricio Fernandez. I saw the m**** at first glimpse!
Wondermark #389: In which Things get Worse, oh I know.
We’ll sing this song all night long,
Sing it to my baby from midnight on.
She’ll sing it to you when I’m dead and gone,
Ain’t a-gonna grieve no more.
— Bob Dylan, Ain’t A-Gonna Grieve
Physics, Topology, Logic and Computation: a Rosetta Stone, the paper is “done”, and John Baez concludes: “Actually, I’ve come to feel that in academia no project is ever really done. At least, not until you lose interest or die – which, come to think of it, is just an extreme case of losing interest.”