Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Goodbye, cruel Word: A personal history of electronic writing, by Steven Poole. “For the first time, I no longer have a copy of Microsoft Word installed on either of my computers. That’s some change.”
We know a place no space ships go
We know a place where no subs go
No cars go
No cars go
— The Arcade Fire, No Cars Go
Aufruf zur Demonstration am 15. März in Köln: “Für ein Morgen in Freiheit”, “Diesem unsinnigen, bürgerrechtsfeindlichen und teuer bezahlten Überwachungsdrang der Bundesregierung wollen Parteien und Organisationen aus Köln und dem ganzen Bundesgebiet nicht länger tatenlos zusehen. Daher haben sie sich in Köln zu einem Bündnis gegen den Überwachungswahn der Bundesregierung und für die Stärkung der Bürgerrechte zusammengeschlossen.”
Can GPL iPhone apps exist?, Mark Pilgrim wonders.
See Mike Draw, a web comic I immediately subscribed to.
witt, reload.
Do not create anything. It will be misinterpreted. It will not change. it will follow you the rest of your life. — Bob Dylan, Advice for Geraldine on her Miscellaneous Birthday
The last product Polaroid should make, really.
Zobrist keys: A means of enabling position comparison, “When writing a chess program, it is necessary to be able to compare two positions in order to see if they are the same. If you had to compare the position of each piece, it wouldn’t take long to do, but in practice you will have to do this thousands of times per second, so if you did it this way it could become a performance bottleneck.” Pretty neat trick, a bit like Bloom filters..