Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Dulce de Leche, almost made me puke, YMMV.
garfield minus garfield, WJW.
And if a double-decker bus
Crashes into us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten-ton truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well, the pleasure – the privilege is mine
— The Smiths, There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
Bravit, The Multi-flame Candle, neat idea.
cgit, a fast webinterface for git. Nice alternative to gitweb, written in C.
Effective Procrastination with HiveMinder, slides.
FastBit: An Efficient Compressed Bitmap Index Technology, LGPLed and C++.
What is Topology?, an intro by sigfpe. “So I’m going to describe Topology in a way that is completely different from what you’ll find in any Topology textbook I know, but which does draw on published ideas in Computer Science. Nonetheless, I am describing standard off-the-shelf point set topology, just dressing it with different intuitions.”
Typical me, typical me
Typical me
I started something
…And now I’m not too sure
— The Smiths, I Started Something
Simulated Environments for Animals, what a zoo: “These artificial earthforms will contain simulated environments within which animals will live. The whole complex will encompass 15 hectares and six “biozones,” and it will run partly on solar power.”
Addressing fragments in REST, by Simon St. Laurent. “REST offers a great way to build simple applications that Create, Read, Update, and Delete resources. But what if you want to get at part of a resource?”
Wondermark #380: In which Jake does his Best, happy Valentine’s.
Saying Goodbye to an Institution, “Well, it’s a sad day for ruby-talk. This morning James Edward Gray II posted his last ruby quiz summary, finalizing his retirement.” Makes me really sad, in spite of having left ruby-talk recently as well, I fondly remember the quizzes. Heck, I’m in the book!
fo.py, mighty Forth Lisp SmallTalk mix in Python, an interesting piece by Ivan Tikhonov.
I do not like
anyone walking behind me
And I do not want to get stopped
by the cops for anything
— Dan Bern, Disarmament
Grit is a Ruby library for extracting information from a git repository in and object oriented manner. Very useful.
Philosophische Untersuchungen, Volltext Ludwig Wittgensteins spätes Hauptwerk. Absolut lesenswert.
Talking pomo: An analysis of the postmodern movement, by Steve Mizrach. Pretty well written, as are most of his other stuff at that site.
Lost work, this list of Wikipedia makes me sad.
Jin Ping Mei is a Chinese naturalistic novel composed in the vernacular during the late Ming Dynasty. “The story contains a surprising number of descriptions of sexual toys and coital techniques that would be considered fetish today, as well as a large amount of bawdy jokes and oblique but still titillating sexual euphemisms.”
Valentine’s Day
I don’t think,
It’s so bad to say
That I think we needed
Valentine’s Day
— Dan Bern, Valentine’s Day
Using autofs for GPG keys on a USB stick, a complicated but safe solution.
random($foo) is active again.
Bookendless, “Books on art, photography, design, mode, architecture/urbanism… From my bookshelf to the information and knowledge on the web.”