Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Plotting the spirograph equations with ‘gnuplot’, by Víctor Luaña. Cool.
Anti-Oscar blamiert freche Produktpiraten, eigentlich nur Wirtschaftsdarwinismus.
I’m here with all of my people
Locked up with all of my people
So let me hear you scream if you’re with me
— The Presets, My People
The Immutable Laws of Web Design and Development, good list of laws.
Easy, Do-It-Yourself Ghost, fun.
Incremental Map/Reduce, Damien Katz: “Ok, here is a quick rundown of how the full Map/Reduce functionality in CouchDB will work.”
Gung ho, Mr. Murder,
could be a while but you look no further,
snip, snip, scissor quickstep,
cut the line, you are out of your depth.
— The Damage Manual, Scissor Quickstep
Perl is now Y2038 safe, time to roll it out everywhere.
We will migrate into the sky, whee: “What if subways flood, streets close, and whole neighborhoods are submerged by up to 23 feet of ocean water and battered by 130 mile-per-hour winds? What if New Yorkers need a place to live during years of reconstruction?”
Fixing Pastie for Emacs, a bit updated version of my functions.
ArcLite implements Arc in JavaScript in 1200 LoC.