Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Agilo for Scrum is a simple, web-based and straightforward tool to support the Scrum process. Agilo is based on Trac a very successful and widespread Ticket Tracking System, and developed using the Python programming language.
Introducing Prologue, personal twitter by the Wordpress guys.
Neulich im Radio, ROTFL. Made my day.
Achtung Achtung
tanz dich barfuß durch die Welt
Achtung Achtung
tanz dich barfuß durch die We-he-he-helt
denn Zeit ist Bares alles andre ist egal
jeder Augenblick ist Hartgeld und du hast die Wahl
Kopf oder Zahl
— Jennifer Rostock, Kopf Oder Zahl
offbeat reddit, wheee.
7 Abandoned Wonders of the Former Soviet Union: Deserted Cities, Buildings, Bases and More, crazy stuff.
Euruko 2008, taking place in Prague March 29th and 30th.
CGOL: an Algebraic Notation For MACLISP users, by V. R. Pratt.
Type inference for The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus, implemented in Prolog. Now try to do an evaluator without getting crazy. (Cool blog by the way.)
SRFI 72: Hygienic macros, by André van Tonder. Defmacro-style!
Scheme-Style Macros: Patterns and Lexical Scope (PDF), by Matthew Flatt. Good tutorial slides.
First experiment with Arc, a small Rspec clone. Nice.
Wer diktiert hier die Gesetze?
Wer definiert hier die Moral?
Wir schenken euch die Fragen,
wenn ihr uns die Antwort spart.
— Die Toten Hosen, Kopf Oder Zahl
Rev is a high performance event library for Ruby 1.9. It uses the libev C library to handle support for underlying system calls. This includes the epoll system call for Linux, the kqueue system call for BSDs and OS X, and the completion ports interface for Solaris. Rev also binds asynchronous wrappers to Ruby‘s core socket classes so you can use them in conjunction with Rev to build asynchronous event-driven applications.
Ivan Mato, yay for Helvetica.
Duty of Cake photolog, really really cool shots.
eavier’s guide to enjoying straight pr0n in the company of other heterosexual males, “While sitting in the company of three male friends last weekend watching Hustler’s “Campus Confessions” (excellent btw), it came to me that enjoying porn with and in the company of other men is a delicate business. One wrong move can ruin, what was up until that point, a spotless heterosexual record.” PNSFW.
CouchDB Catchup, by Damien Katz.