Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
The Ruport Book: Your guide to mastering Ruby Reports, by Gregory Brown and Mike Milner has been released.
ACM Classic Books Series, “This list of classic books is the result of a poll ACM conducted where members named their favorite computer science books.We plan to make the full text available online to members as we obtain permissions from authors to display each book. We hope you enjoy the books in this Classic Books series!” Awesome: featuring Codd, Hoare, Kerninghan, Bentley, Dijkstra, Papert, Aho, Ullman, Minsky, Iverson, von Neumann and many others.
The Emptied Prairie, by Charles Bowden. “North Dakota ghost towns speak of an irreversible decline.”
The world is getting flatter,
The sky is falling all around.
And nothing is the matter
For I never cry in town.
— Tom Waits, Strange Weather
Urban Terror could best be described as a Hollywood tactical shooter; it is realism based to a certain extent (environments/weapons/player models), but also goes by the motto “fun over realism” (fast gameplay and lots of action). This combination of reality and action results in a very unique, enjoyable and addictive game. Ships binaries for all common platforms.
I Can Has Rezearch Papar?, by Cyle Gage. An analysis of teh Lulz. Also, cocks.
Skinhacking: A DIY Guide to Facials, Laxatives, and Moisturizers, by Trollaxor. “The recipe below is simple and forms the basis of most DIY skin moisturizers; it functions by shielding the skin from dehydrating agents and both attracting and trapping moisture within the skin. I created it after a few tries from some recipes I found online and in a local anarchist hippie zine called Motha Earrrth.”
Ebb Web Server announced, by Ry Dahl. “It’s written in C, makes use of the Mongrel HTTP parser, and uses libev its event loop. The goal is to be small, fast, and language independent server that can host web frameworks.” And it does Rack, with WSGI to follow. Hot!
MountainWest RubyConf 2008 Registration Open, with pretty interesting talks.
We pounded out the joyous light.
Our saviors buried now for years.
A legend now of time gone by,
A martyr of forgotten tears.
— Abney Park, Stigmata Martyr
Regensburg demonstriert am 2.2.08 gegen die Vorratsdatenspeicherung, mitmachen!
Back from POPL, forward to AGDA, with a bunchload of links to POPL talks.
Rubinius’ Foreign Function Interface, an introduction by Eric Hodel. Pretty neat indeed.