Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Bacon 0.9 released, a small RSpec clone by me.
GNU Smalltalk 3.0 released, with lots of new syntax and stuff.
XLaTeX, a DTD/Schema Which is Very Close to LaTeX.
As I lay like a lizard to bake in that sun,
A young Indian girl from her corn field she run;
She rolled and she cried till I thought she might die,
So I pulled out my shirt tall and dried both her eyes.
— Woody Guthrie, Circle Of Truth
Kalman filtering in Q.
rootz is a new no install system that works differently. It mounts complete live systems over the web, and make them available locally. With rootz you can attach your local linux system to various mirrors that serve livecds and simply run applications without any installation or prior download of the software.
ikea hacker, a blog about hacking Ikea stuff. The hack I use at the moment: get a kitchen working plate and four table-legs to get a cheap, stable and minimalist desk.
YAP6 Operator: Junction Operators, by Adriano Ferreira. Now the real fun starts.
Crystals That Nature Might Miss Creating (PDF), by Toshikazu Sunada.
FAQ about CouchDB and it’s new IBM overlords, yay for GPL to Apache License.
Blogging Theory 201: Size Does Matter, by Steve Yegge.
What does topology have to do with computability?, on the problems of representing reals in computing.
Tame the BeaST: The B to X of BibTeX, by Nicolas Markey. Did you know it uses a stack-based language for item processing?
The snow it blowed and the wind it blew;
My little seed grew and it grew and it grew.
It grew up a cradle all soft inside;
And a baby was sleeping there covered over with vines.
— Woody Guthrie, Little Seed
Alienware curved display rocks Crysis at 2880 x 900, WJW.
Lguest is a lightweight x86 virtual machine monitor for Linux developed and documented by Rusty Russell. And it’s a literate program!
The secret of two hidden messages in Google 2008 Logo, way cool.
Incision Skin, “Architects Wojciech Kakowski, Natalia Paszkowska, and Marcin Mostafa will be designing the Polish Pavilion for Shanghai’s World Expo in 2010.” A paper cut-out is available.
Chaos Computer Club geht juristisch gegen Wahlcomputer in Hessen vor, “Der Chaos Computer Club (CCC) hat mit Hilfe einer hessischen Wählerin beim Staatsgerichtshof des Landes Hessen einen Antrag auf Erlass einer einstweiligen Verfügung gegen den Einsatz von Wahlcomputern bei der dortigen Landtagswahl gestellt.”
Devel::DTrace for Perl, possibly useful.