Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
The XCDE Library is a native system written in C to compress, index and query XML files. The library includes an API that allows users to store, index, compress and query XML documents and some commands (written using the API) for implementing higher-level queries and/or for document (de)compression operations.
Implementation Patterns, Mark Bernstein raises an important point when we look at old software: “languages did improve, to be sure, but the key change is that people mastered a new style of programming. It’s not just object-oriented programming; it’s small methods on small objects.”
It’s Honeyky Hanukah, makes me feel glad,
This box for mother and this box for dad,
For sister and brother, nice ribbons I’ll tie,
It’s Honeyka Hanukah time.
— Woody Guthrie, Honeyka Hanukah
How big is Tinderbox?, Mark Bernstein counts 74kloc. Not very much IMO, is it?
CSS Grid Positioning Module Level 3, I like.
Continuation passing as a reflection, that diagram makes it pretty clear how a CPS-transformation does manifest evaluation order as well.
Unix makes Computer Science easy, a tour of common utilities and which algorithms they implement.
risd’s next president is John Maeda.
Professor Moriarty probably didn’t get his start this way, what an accident.
That old dust storm’s killed my baby,
But it can’t kill me, Lord
And it can’t kill me.
— Woody Guthrie, Dust Can’t Kill Me
How Media Studies Can Massage Your Message, by Molly E. Holzschlag at 24ways.
24C3: Chaos Computer Club lädt mit Volldampf zum Congress in Berlin, “Das Motto des 24. Chaos Communication Congress (24C3) “Volldampf voraus!” atmet den Geist der digitalen Revolution. Es formt sich der neue Entdeckergeist des 21. Jahrhunderts. Nanotechnologie, Netzwerke und der Abschied von der Kohlenwasserstoffenergiewirtschaft schaffen vollkommen neue potentielle Zukünfte. Aus Dampfkesseln werden Datenschleudern, der Geist des Möglichen greift wieder um sich: die Aussicht auf eine Zukunft, die nicht düster und deprimierend sein muss. Innovation und Forscherdrang kehren zurück. Die Geschwindigkeit des Technologiefortschritts ist wieder zur bestimmenden Triebfeder der Gesellschaft geworden, die vor 150 Jahren vollzogene Abkehr von Wasser-, Wind- und Sonnenkraft wird neu überdacht.”