Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Rails 2.0: It’s done!, pretty good evolutionary changes.
De Bruijn Notation as a Nested Datatype, by Richard Bird and Ross Paterson. “One might suppose that in any datatype for representing de Bruijn terms, the distance restriction on numbers would have to maintained as an explicit datatype invariant. However, by using a nested (or non-regular) datatype, we can define a representation in which all terms are well-formed, so that the invariant is enforced automatically by the type system.”
Ostrich and egret and peacock had very small dreams.
Picturing them just reminded them of calendar scenes.
Nobody’s laughing when everyone’s weeping, it seems.
— Rasputina, How We Quit The Forest
A Growable Language Manifesto, by Rob Jellinghaus.
How to Make a Holographic Plate, The Easy Way!
decafbad recaffeinated, a lightweight meme stream from a lazy serial enthusiast. By Les Orchard. The first Tinderbox-powered tumblelog I see (the inheritance makes it very easy to do, I bet).
A golden fish like a pint of wine Rolls the sea undergreen, Glassily balanced on the tide Only the skin between. — Laurie Lee, Fish And Water
The Programmers’ Stone, “We know that stress impairs some cognitive functions. The loss of those functions can precisely explain why programming is hard, and show us many other opportunities to improve the ways we organize things. The consequences roll out to touch language, logic and cultural norms.” I found this pretty insightful. (And read the rest of the site as well if you find the time, it’s worth it. Especially thinking about thinking.)
Cectic on Pascal’s Wager, see for yourself. (Great webcomic, btw.)