Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Gemstone OODB to support JRuby, Rubinius, sounds very exciting.
Jackson Pollock, National Gallery of Art feature.
Sie nimmt mein Herz und legt es auf den Tisch als wärs ein Buch
Serpentina zu Besuch
— Ernst Molden, Serpentina
Data Visualization: Modern Approaches, “Let’s take a look at the most interesting modern approaches to data visualization as well as related articles, resources and tools.”
Beautiful Code, Jonathan Edwards breaks my heart inspite of being right: “I disagree that beauty is a guiding principle of programming. Here is how I responded.”
The “Gömböc”, “A shape whose impossibility might have been an elegant theorem, but whose existence may be much more elegant.” Want have!
Diploma: Posters and Indesign Scripting, very nice stuff. “All posters are technically done with the Indesign Scripting Interface and a with little help of Processing (recursive area tiling, see end of post).”
Dann bin ich dein Labyrinth
bin dein armer Hund der spinnt
schenk dir einen Edelstein
will für immer bei dir sein
— Ernst Molden, Labyrinth
Introducing Dabble Do, the dabblers announce their second product: Dabble Do, a social to-do list.
Different arrangements for standard dice, “But it reminded me of a really nice puzzle, which is to find a nontrivial relabeling of a pair of standard dice that gives the same probability of throwing any sum from 2 to 12. It’s a happy (and hardly inevitable) fact that there is a solution.” Cool exercise.