Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
The Lightable is an amazing thing.
The Optimal Google Search is the Result, Jonathan Wellons makes a good point.
The L in DSL: langue ou langage?, David A. Black on whether DSLs are languages and if that’s good.
People try to put us d-down
Just because we g-g-get around
Things they do look awful c-c-cold
Yeah, I hope I die before I get old
— The Who, My Generation
Boycott, Patrick Logan rocks: “You’ve completely built your data center to be dependent on Microsoft? Ha, ha, ha!!! You’re *kidding*, right?”
Merge tracking in Subversion 1.5, finally.
US conservatives block cancer vaccine for girls, “Plans to vaccinate young girls against the sexually-transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer have been blocked in several US states by conservative groups, who say that doing so would encourage promiscuity.” Idiots.
MissingBDD is a pretty early BDD framework for Erlang and Common Lisp.
A Beginner’s Guide to Forth, by J.V. Noble.

Woody Guthrie was my last idol
he was the last idol
because he was the first idol
I’d ever met
face t’ face
that men are men
shatterin’ even himself
as an idol
— Bob Dylan, Eleven Outlined Epitaphs
Making COLAs with Pepsi and Coke, a white-paper advocating widespread, unreasonable behaviour by Ian Piumarta.
Kickin’ It Old School, uncov goes IRC.
High Power Job, WJW. :)