Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
StudiVZ: Hacken verboten, WJW.
cmsbox, ein Seaside/Squeak-basiertes Content Management System. Frontseite validiert XHTML 1.0 Strict, nett. Leider aber weder Open-Source, und es hat grottige URLs.
A Relational View of the Semantic Web, by Andrew Newman. So, where are the suitably fast SPARQL engines for our web apps?
One day
It will happen
One day, one day
It will all make sense
— Björk, One Day
An Efficient Implementation of Self, a Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Language Based on Prototypes, by Craig Chambers, David Ungar, and Elgin Lee. Finally I found that great paper again.
Red Pill… or how to detect VMM using (almost) one CPU instruction, Joanna Rutkowska explains how to figure out if you are virtualized.
You have won second prize in a beauty contest; collect $10, how to play Monopoly quicker. But that’s the whole fun of it!
WOW! Best Rube Goldberg Ever!, “This is from the guys that brought you the Dorm Room Rube Goldberg. They continue to amaze us with their intricate set ups and execution.” Really good one!
I remember how we used to sing
Writing poems in your bed sit
Finding time to be the passenger
But there you are you never saw me leave
— The Kooks, See the World
Web Typography Sucks, SXSW 2007 slides by Richard Rutter and Mark Boulton. Includes a great way to grid design.
HTMLEntities is a simple library to facilitate encoding and decoding of named (ý and so on) or numerical ({ or Ī) entities in HTML and XHTML documents. Good stuff by Paul Battley.