Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Aria tumbles at Livejournal. And hungarian popcorn seasoning is totally horrible., finally an IP even I can remember! (When heise.de is down. ;-))
Noncommutative geometry, a free book by Alain Connes.
Oh, how we danced and we swallowed the night
For it was all ripe for dreaming
Oh, how we danced away all of the lights
We’ve always been out of our minds
— Tom Waits, Rain Dogs
AdultSheepFinder helps you meet sexy sheep in your area at the touch of a button!
CommitBit is an administrative interface for software projects.
UNIX Load Average Part 1: How It Works, good to know.
Door of Snow, neato.
I Don’t Know What This New Internet Will Look Like, MichaelCrawford says, “… but I am as confident as I am that the Sun will rise tomorrow that it will be safe from terrorists. After all, we have the children to think about.” Uh.
First Nontrivial Arc Application, a Reddit clone.
Using Category Theory to Design Implicit Conversions and Generic Operators, by John C. Reynolds. “A generalization of many-sorted algebras, called category-sorted algebras, is defined and applied to the language design problem of avoiding anomalies in the interaction of implicit conversions and generic operators.”
CCC warnt vor biometrischer Vollerfassung, “Es hat nur wenige Monate gedauert, bis die vom Bundesministerium des Innern (BMI) versprochene Zweckbindung der für die Reisepässe erhobenen biometrischen Daten der Bürger abgeschafft wird.”
Hey little bird, fly away home
Your house is on fire, children are alone
Hey little bird, fly away home
Your house is on fire, your children are alone
— Tom Waits, Jockey Full Of Bourbon
SpiderTest is an automated integration-testing script that iterates over every page in your application. Checks for validity and broken links.
Transparent Soil and the Gardens of Tomorrow, a small island in a river running through a large European city.
Algebraic Topology, course by John Baez, Mike Stay, Christopher Walker. Here are some notes for an introductory course on algebraic topology.