Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Solaris Telnet 0-day exploit, WJW. “What’s even more scary is that no exploit code is required to execute, only a telnet client.”
A New Visualization for Web Server Logs, by Raju Varghese. “This article presents the same data in those logfiles in a very different way: as a 3D plot.”
Ruby, SEX and STDs: infectious practices, by Mauricio Fernandez. What to do against warnful code.
Make a pile of trunk tires
and burn ‘em all down
bring a dollar with you baby
in the cold cold ground
Cold cold ground
— Tom Waits, Cold Cold Ground
Rubedo is a source client for Icecast, written in Ruby, that provides a web frontend (running on Camping).
How Not to Talk to Your Kids: The Inverse Power of Praise, by Po Bronson. Hmm, I know that effect.
In science, we reserve our highest honors for those who prove we were wrong. But in computer science… — Rob Pike, Systems Software Research is Irrelevant
Making a monad: Martin Erwig’s Dist, “I’d like to eventually turn this into Control.Stochastic; it’s not a Data.* library, as it allows for transititions, functions whose outcome depends on stochastic variables.”
I can’t wait
To see you all
And I’m counting the days dear
— Tom Waits, Day After Tomorrow
LDAP vs relational database, it may sound nice at first, but in the end, LDAP is an even bigger PITA, IMO.
Almost everything happened in the Golden Age, right?, “The decade 1964–1974 seems to have been a “Golden Age”: most of the good ideas of programming languages appeared then.” Very true.
sie haben das recht, Lydia linkt nochmal auf Udo Vetters 23C3-Vortrag zum Thema Hausdurchsuchung. Must see.