Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
We Got Giftbombed, _why unwrapped the Ruby gifts of this year.
The Umasphere, a new ruby-flavoured blog by Uma Geller.
On the palm of your hand, from the tip of your tongue
To the curve of your back I want to
Press my lips on your skin, that’s what I wanna do
Keep dreaming about places to kiss you
— Boris, Places To Kiss You
Scrooge and intellectual property rights, “A medical prize fund could improve the financing of drug innovations”, Joseph E. Stiglitz says.
Suutei Tsai, is tea with milk and salt. Umm… eech?
Mom offers $250 and a blowjob for a Wii, WJW. NSFW.
Black rose, be my light in the darkest of days
Be my heart in the darkest of nights
Be my heart
— Converge, Grim Heart/Black Rose
Why I Never Pay For “AAA” Batteries, ever seen a 9V-block from the inside?