Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Internet user admits ‘web-rage’, amazing: “He travelled 70 miles to Mr Jones’ home in Clacton, Essex, and beat him up with a pickaxe handle in December 2005.”
Classical vs Quantum Computation (Week 2), notes on “Monoidal categories versus cartesian categories. Closed monoidal categories.” Nice handwriting, too.
OpenSolaris Project: Solaris PowerPC Port, cool.
Austrian nails testicle to roof, ouch!
He lost control, her voice like a fire alarm
Realize he could’ve hurt his love without knowing it at all
It seems he transforms when she screams her song
Possesed by a broken window and her crying for love
— Mother Love Bone, Mindshaker Meltdown
Exploding animals and other exploding organisms on Wikipedia. WJW.
Inside Sun’s Project Blackbox, let’s hope there is some space in your backyard.
The View From the Top on the dangers of WoW.
Gaza doctors say patients suffering mystery injuries after Israeli attacks, ah great, make weapons more painful instead of more deadly…
$5.4 billion, essentially standing just around.
Gadget is an XML inspector. Uses sparklines.
Buckybase, a document database with bidirectional hyperlinks and reverse chronological access, he is reading my mind!
A statistical puzzle, trick your friends.
See Spot Code. Code, Spot, Code, chromatic got a very good point: “Perhaps software development may finally begin to improve if we can kill the idea that ignorant and inexperienced novices ought to be able to maintain code that matters.”
You were caught in the cross fire of childhood and stardom.
Blown on the steel breeze.
Come on you target for faraway laughter.
Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!
— Pink Floyd, Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Let’s Tag RubyQuiz!, by Gregory Brown.
Stomp Server is a pure-ruby STOMP message-queue implementation.
RubyConf 2006 Facebook, don’t be shocked. :-P
Microformats in the heart of Rails, a DSL for specifying microformats.