Experimental, impressionistic sub-paragraph tumblin' (think obstsalat)
Delimited Control for PLT Scheme, hooray for partial continuations.
Run Pugs: a Web terminal for Pugs, comparable to “Try Ruby”. Very nice.
SVN Summit, taking place 16–18 October 2006, Google campus, Mountain View, California, U.S.A. The interesting points: “Should svn 2.0 be a decentralized system?”, “Should SVN 2.0 use a language other than C?”, and on using Mercurial’s revlog format.
Ye shall be changed, ye shall be changed
In a twinkling of an eye, when the last trumpet blows
The dead will arise and burst out of your cloths
And ye shall be changed
— Bob Dylan, Ye Shall Be Changed
2006 Obfuscated Erlang Competition, shouldn’t be too hard… ;-P
schon GEZahlt?, anstatt sich den ganzen Stress zu machen, könnte man auch einfach die Rundfunkgebühren aus der Rentenkasse decken…
How to write a refactoring tool for a dynamic language, by Phil Dawes. Someone please do that for Ruby.
This Man can Move Anything (YouTube), “Wally Wallington has demonstrated that he can lift a Stonehenge-sized pillar weighing 22,000 lbs and moved a barn over 300 ft. What makes this so special is that he does it using only himself, gravity, and his incredible ingenuity.” WJW.
Netflix Prize, I really like imagining Juho Snellman beating their ass with a few lines of Lisp. ;-)
The easiest way to get rich is by saving money. Duh.
Yay, Matz is on the Cusp of Unveiling Ruby’s Unicode Support! There is some code! There is some code!
The spherical horse in simple harmonic motion is a canonical reference to a basic lack of real world practicality commonly encountered in physics, particularly as taught in the classroom.
Schulen ans Netz wird 10, ob das lo-net in 10 Jahren immernoch so ein Scheiss ist?
KickbanXahLeeFromEmacsChannel, mmmmh.
Die Farbenlehre des Open Access, die Green Road (oder das Self-Archiving) und die Golden Road (oder das Self-Publishing).
Maybe it’s time for creators to keep control of their content, Andy Oram says. “There should be a place on the Internet for both host-controlled sites and distributed, creator-controlled sites.”
Tears of rage, tears of grief,
Why must I always be the thief?
Come to me now, you know
We’re so alone
And life is brief.
— Bob Dylan, Tears Of Rage
Ruby appscript is a high-level, user-friendly Apple event bridge that allows you to control scriptable Mac OS X applications using ordinary Ruby scripts. No more AppleScript!
ivy is a very colorful tumblelog.
Affine arithmetic (AA) is a model for self-validated numerical analysis. In AA, the quantities of interest are represented as affine combinations (affine forms) of certain primitive variables, which stand for sources of uncertainty in the data or approximations made during the computation.
JavaScript Image Cropper UI, using Prototype & script.aculo.us. Very neat!
Yhc.Core documentation, I really gotta play with this.
Dynamic messages: a tour of Pepsi, “Ian Piumarta is already known for the efforts on the Unix port of Squeak. The last Ian work is Pepsi, a dynamic-compiled language which is promising very well.”